The official nightshift thread....



  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Expected snowfalls tonight of up to 200cm in the Coastal mountain passes- yes you read that correctly - two hundred. The Weather Network is calling it 'the Most Snow on Earth.' I'm glad we live further inland but our weather has been so treacherous these past couple days, snow, rain, freezing overnights, then 8C today and heading back down to freeze -3C overnight. I am NOT looking forward to my patrol tonight; I should be wearing caulk boots like loggers. :s
    Oh, I almost forgot, our coast has the biggest waves in the world this morning:

    Sigh, climate change is here!
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,227 Member
    Sounds like you guys are getting pounded this week. Hope you get some sunny weather soon. We've been getting rain all day. The ice is slicker than snot on a doorknob. Turned my truck sideways on my road this morning. Fortunately experience counts on ice. Got it turned back straight by the time I reached my driveway and didn't hit anything. :smile:
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    edited January 2018
    Half day of sun this midday, frozen tonight and yep, I'm wearing the rubber strappy studded thingies on my boots tonight. Hmm... Sounds a bit kinky.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,227 Member
    ROFL! Does your hubby know about your fetish for studded rubber straps? :wink:
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Geeez! Can't spell rubber - too excited lol. Yep, he knows, that's why I chose him, :D
    At least it's quiet tonight, although there were altercations at the local Tim Hortons last night followed by some verbal & physical abuse against college staff today (same guy released from the drunk tank this am.)
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,227 Member
    Now let's put this in perspective. He's Canadian. You guys think not holding the door for someone is physical abuse. :smile:

    Well that was an interesting surgery. Dog collapsed and was fading. Went to surgery and found some thong panties and pieces of stick that were stuck in the intestines. Once they were out the intestines did pretty good. :smile: I'm not sure if it's a bad thing but I don't even cringe when I call owners to tell them I found their panties. Although the one time took me by surprise. The wife looked at them, looked at her husband and said, "Those are not mine!" I excused myself to go take care of the dog. Yes, I'm a chicken. :smile:
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Woo! Scary showdown in the surgery, lol.
    Actually, the abuse was grabbing her and yarding on her ponytail while threatening to burn the building down, not to speak of other lewd verbal threats to random students in the college library. :# a couple hours of escalating tense confrontations before the 'limit' was reached and RCMP were called again. He's been hanging around for 4 days ostensibly wanting to sign up for classes (he's in his 60's and has alcohol and possible other mental health issues that make successfully attending college unlikely).
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    On a side note, my BIL & SIL's pug used to root through my suitcase when we came to visit them, and then tear around the house with my bra in his mouth. Weird animal - his name was Calvin, as in Calvin & Hobbes.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,227 Member
    @Jineh - I love Calvin and Hobbs! They really make me smile.

    I think your psycho guy must actually be a US citizen hiding from the vietnam draft. I can't imagine a genuine Canadian doing that. :smile:
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,227 Member
    I can't wait for the new vet to start working. A lot of work to get her trained up at first but at least I won't be the one writing the records until 4 AM in the morning.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,227 Member
    I think I picked up the Norovirus. I've been exposed before so it shouldn't last long but it's a bit inconvenient while it lasts. That's the price you pay for shaking peoples hands once you treat their pets.
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    Im not a night shifter anymore but after 23 years of nursing I am awake by nature now.
  • dervari
    dervari Posts: 805 Member
    Waiting for AT&T to get a conference call together. We've had a backbone circuit at our data center down going on 8 hours. The COO wants all the players on a call to get this sorted out.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,227 Member
    @tripitena - Welcome to the night shift. 23 years of nursing? If it's anything like teching at a vet clinic, you are probably seeking psychological help these days. :smile:

    @dervari - There is nothing more frustrating than everyone saying the problem is somewhere else. It has to be somewhere! Hope you get that sorted out.

    I wish it would either stay cold or stay warm. This snow in the morning and rain in the afternoon business is making commuting impossible. Well, I guess it's possible, but I've already been hit by a car once a couple years ago. I'd like not to repeat the incident. :wink:
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Same crapweather here, sufferlandrian. Makes for a horrid foot patrol and sometimes a pretty scary drive. I had a bit of fun getting to the office tonight because our roads aren't the first ones cleared.
    As long as you don't have Parvovirus, you'll be good ;)
    Welcome tripitena, sounds kinda like a Louisiana sort of name, lol.
    Welcome dervari, 8 hours down for a vital link sounds like a real pain in the butt! Hope you are up and running soon.
    Hallooo Bethanie & Jess - taking an e-vacation?
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,227 Member
    Managed to get on the trainer tonight. It lets you pick where you want to ride. As long as Google Maps has it, you can ride it. I've found the inclines are off, but it's still nice to not ride the same course over and over. I picked Moab Utah this morning. Seemed like a warm sunny place in the winter. :smile:
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    Bought a house 2 yrs ago. Something got miswired in the reassemble of the dreadmill (NordicTrak Si9). tried it for the first time a cpl days ago and went from 1.5mph ok (serious health issues) and decided to up to 1.8. Monster jumped straight to 5mph!!! Gotta rip it open now so thats an excuse I dont need to put walking off. Used to put in 5+ miles a night, would be happy with a half at this point.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,227 Member
    Wow! That’s quite the jump. Hope your kill switch was working.

    I’m getting really tired of 34 degrees and raining.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    @tripitena instant C25K lol. What possessed it - evil trainer genie? >:)
    Indoor Moab is probably warmer than outdoor Utah right now.. at least the snow is beautiful in Bryce Canyon in the winter.... not sure about the rest of the state though.
    Tonight the city is a lovely outdoor rink all over town as we have had rain/sleet yesterday, sun today, and now it's -1C.... Heard the ambulances head out a couple times tonight. :/
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,227 Member
    Just started snowing here. They were saying rain all day but it stopped long enough for the roads to freeze before the snow started. I like it better when the snow can blow off the road rather than turn to slush. Tried to go grab a bite to eat but a dog in renal failure came in. Guess I'll get a late dinner tonight. That's what I get for being lazy and not bringing my food.