Unexpected results of weight loss



  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member
    I hope you don't mind that I'm bumping this! I'm BRAND new to the MFP community. First post! :smile:

    I'm finally focused on getting healthier again. Back in 2008ish I had lost about 60 lbs (but ended up gaining it back over the years). Never before had I been a thin person, and I remember my knees actually bruising from sleeping on my side! I also caught my reflection in a window while wearing a sleeveless shirt and I didn't believe it was me because YOU COULD SEE MY MUSCLES! I remember distinctly, it was almost overnight during that weightloss that guys started to notice me and hit on me. I was always very friendly and had to learn to tone it down!

    My theater professor was talking about typecasting and pointed in my direction as an example for cinderella. I turned around looking for her example and was confused for a minute, then realized she was talking about ME! Another time I was out on a first date (I still had low expectations) and I asked the guy (I know, I know) if he had always been into bigger women. He looked at me super confused and said "Uhh... I'm not into bigger women." :flushed:


    I love this particular post too! It makes me think of a caterpillar that realizes it's actually a beautiful butterfly :)
  • PAFC84
    PAFC84 Posts: 1,871 Member
    dsboohead wrote: »
    I hope you don't mind that I'm bumping this! I'm BRAND new to the MFP community. First post! :smile:

    I'm finally focused on getting healthier again. Back in 2008ish I had lost about 60 lbs (but ended up gaining it back over the years). Never before had I been a thin person, and I remember my knees actually bruising from sleeping on my side! I also caught my reflection in a window while wearing a sleeveless shirt and I didn't believe it was me because YOU COULD SEE MY MUSCLES! I remember distinctly, it was almost overnight during that weightloss that guys started to notice me and hit on me. I was always very friendly and had to learn to tone it down!

    My theater professor was talking about typecasting and pointed in my direction as an example for cinderella. I turned around looking for her example and was confused for a minute, then realized she was talking about ME! Another time I was out on a first date (I still had low expectations) and I asked the guy (I know, I know) if he had always been into bigger women. He looked at me super confused and said "Uhh... I'm not into bigger women." :flushed:


    I love this particular post too! It makes me think of a caterpillar that realizes it's actually a beautiful butterfly :)

    That's a beautiful way of describing it.
  • Valeria2020
    Valeria2020 Posts: 23 Member
    I was putting on deodorant this morning (rock salt crystal thing), and accidentally slammed it into my ribcage under the arm 'pit'. Who knew there was actually a cavity there, that had ribs under the skin?!

    Also, I am A LOT more protective of my mental happy space. I am okay with saying no to events that I know will cause me anxiety and stress (which might lead to binge eating). I've got to protect me, even if others don't understand, or aren't happy with my choice.

    you are a wise person
  • MrsPinterest34
    MrsPinterest34 Posts: 342 Member
    My hip bones are really sticking out. I feel them when I'm lying down and honestly, it can be annoying. I didn't expect for my hip bones to be sticking out this much especially since I still have so much thigh and butt fat to lose.
  • dinadyna21
    dinadyna21 Posts: 403 Member
    My bras are suddenly too big!

    Mine are starting to get there, I noticed the other day how they felt a lot roomier than they usually are.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,942 Member
    HDBKLM wrote: »
    Is it possible that the skin tags on my neck are actually disappearing? Is that a thing? I'm not sure because I had one kind of big one that I actively removed, and maybe ever since the distractingly large one has been gone I just haven't noticed the other smaller ones. But maybe they're also shrinking?????

    Regular skin tags, I haven't heard that. Xanthelasmas/xanthomas, maybe so.

  • GingerDawn03
    GingerDawn03 Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2018
    I had lost 65 pounds, unfortunately I've gained 20 and am working on getting that back off. Thats one thing that has been a surprise for me, how much I hold myself accountable. When I was heavy I didnt mind gaining, didnt even notice it. Now I immediately see it. I love that because I'm self aware. I wish I had that no rubbing thighs problem, but Ive always had thick thighs so even at 100 lbs I would chafe
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
  • richardgavel
    richardgavel Posts: 1,001 Member
    ekd23 wrote: »
    Now that I'm significantly smaller, getting comfortable in bed is so HARD! I toss and turn all night.

    I don't toss and turn, but I've given up being a stomach sleeper because I don't have a but stomach anymore (back hurts being bent back for a long period of time)
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