TEAM PURPLE! *Lose 10lbs in August*



  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Lost 2.8 today at weigh in!!! So happy!!! On my way to 10 lbs this month!!!
  • YamRector
    YamRector Posts: 74 Member
    So good to see changes in so many people! There is a place where the new weight of the group was posted? I cant find it...
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    Burned 1083 calories today doing running/walking intervals for 98 minutes which bring my count to ...... 3627 calories burned this week so far!

    That's AWESOME!

    Thanks! Gotta get in my outdoor cardio before I move to a place that's a lot less temperate and I can't go outside to exercise until October!
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    Only burned 279 today. Too sore from the rest of the week. Will do better over the weekend.
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,095 Member
    Good morning Reigners!

    ~TheresaRichards~ Aww, thank you. Please, call me Tish. I think it's wonderful that what I do motivates you. That's what it's all about, helping each other to reach our goals.

    ~toofat2toofit~ Woohoo, I have Turbo Jam in hand now. I'll give it a test drive this weekend.

    ~Viruetwife2012~ I'm certain the 2 lbs is water weight. Your body will get used to increased exercise. In the meantime, make sure you stretch and have some protein after a strenuos workout. Every morning you coould add up to 2 TBS of lemon juice to a glass of water to help excrete excess fluid.

    ~scsedey143~ WOOT! Congrats!

    Have a fantastic Saturday Purple!

  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    I'm down 1lb this week. Honestly I am kind of disappointed I know I shouldn't be it's 1lb but I just feel like I worked out really hard and stayed within my calories perfectly. I would have liked a bigger loss!:grumble: Maybe next week.

    Mon: 853 (Turbo Jam, Squats, Ab Jam & Treadmill)
    Tues: 835(Turbo Jam, Squats, Turbo Sculpt & Treadmill)
    Wed: 873 (Turbo Jam, Squats, Treadmill)
    Thur: 848 (Turbo Jam, Squats & Turbo Sculpt)
    Fri: 867 (Turbo Jam, Squats, Ab Jam & Treadmill)
    Sat: 878 (Dancing Cardio Blast, Turbo Jam, Squats, Turbo Sculpt & Treadmill)
    Sun: Rest Day

    Total: 5154
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
  • runningathena
    runningathena Posts: 218 Member
    I ran my 18th half marathon this morning and I am working really hard to not go crazy eating since I burned 2.040 calories! Water, water, water! (I did allow myself one beer, though. It was the last one in the fridge - not buying any more!)

    Hope everyone's having a great weekend!!!!
  • Fighting4Healthy
    Fighting4Healthy Posts: 336 Member
    I burned 756 calories today, Hopefully I will lose weight this week, or inches, I am happy with losing some of either one or both.
  • T/284 - 30 min -Elliptical
    W/173 - 32 min - walking
    F/541 - 70 min - Elliptical, rowing, walking jogging .25 mile, stretching
    S/350 - 41 min - Elliptical, walking .25 mile, stretching

    1,348 Total for the week

    Proud of myself for getting to the Y 3 days this week. Thanks to you, PURPLE REIGNS, for the motivation!
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    Burned 602 cals today. Weekly total 4230 cals burned this week!
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,095 Member
    August 10LB Challenge
    Week 1 ~ 8/1 thru 8/8
    500 calories burned each day / GOAL 3500 cals burned

    M/ 840 ~ 65 min ~ circuit training
    Tu/ 767 ~ 60 min ~ elliptical intervals (50)/stretch (10)
    W/ 815 ~ 70 min ~ circuit training (60) / stretch (10)
    Th/ 382 ~ 30 min ~ Wii Bowling Aerobics = Wii bowling
    (140-30mins) plus Low Impact Aerobics (242-30mins) simultaneous workout
    F/ 704 ~ situps / (10 min) 126, elliptical intervals / (33 min) 476, stretch / (10 min) 40, Wii Exerbeat (boxing-12 min) 62
    Sa/ 501 ~ 90 min ~ strength training (30) / boxing, sparring (10) stretch (10) / wii fit (20) / wii bowling (20)

    **Total Burned to Date~ 4009

  • stylelush646
    stylelush646 Posts: 44 Member
    hey guys. ive been MIA for a while. i havent really done much this week. i got some really notsogood news about my mom and ive been sort of sad and sleeping in most of hte days when i get home from work. however im pushing myself to get back in the groove and getting off the bus stop a bus early to walk more. this week im just going to give it my best shot, i have to lose 10lbs this month!
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    burned over 700 calories today. that helps to make up for the less than 300 yesterday.
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    Just added another 200. Now I really am going to bed.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Thanks TIsh!
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,095 Member
    Good Morning Reigners!

    ~scsedey143~ You're welcome, YOU did it! BIG POTB (pat on the back) for yourself.

    ~zukekitty~ Now I know that you are competitive. haha I stayed up late too to get that 500 burned. WTG!

    ~stylelush646~ So sorry about your mom. I have been there and more. You still have to consider yourself though. Take care, do give it your best shot.

    ~spaingirl2011~ Fantastic week total!

    ~TheresaRichards~ You know what I like seeing the most from your Friday and Saturday exercise? S T R E T C H I NG ! I feel like that is truly giving your body love & respect for what it is allowing you to do.

    ~Viruetwife2012~ It'll happen. If you have increased your exercise substantially this past week from what you normally do, your body is adjusting.

    ~runningathena~ WOOHOO! on completing your 18th! half marathon. I think you definately earned a beer.

    ~usmcwifeb15~ You burned a LOT of calories, WTG! I see that all of your workouts exercised your thigh muscles a lot. Those are big muscles and they love to hold fluid after hard workouts. After your rest day, you may have to take one extra day of light activity. Walking (not too strenuous) and stretching those quads and hammies should help release the fluid. It helps me.

    Ugh, I'm tired this morning. What to do today for exercise? My body is whining, "I'm tired" my brain is saying "GO HARD!" Mmmm, compromise?

    Purple Reign was AWESOME on the calorie burn challenge! Push your body to the limit (it can take it) but not over the brink!


  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,095 Member
    Good Morning Reigners!

    ~scsedey143~ You're welcome, YOU did it! BIG POTB (pat on the back) for yourself.

    ~zukekitty~ Now I know that you are competitive. :wink: haha I stayed up late too to get that 500 burned. WTG!

    ~stylelush646~ So sorry about your mom. :heart: I have been there and more. You still have to consider yourself though. Take care, do give it your best shot.

    ~spaingirl2011~ Fantastic week total!

    ~TheresaRichards~ You know what I like seeing the most from your Friday and Saturday exercise?
    S T R E T C H I NG ! I feel like that is truly giving your body love & respect for what it is allowing you to do.

    ~Viruetwife2012~ It'll happen. If you have increased your exercise substantially this past week from what you normally do, your body is adjusting.

    ~runningathena~ WOOHOO! on completing your 18th! half marathon. I think you definately earned a beer.

    ~usmcwifeb15~ You burned a LOT of calories, WTG! I see that all of your workouts exercised your thigh muscles a lot. Those are big muscles and they love to hold fluid after hard workouts. After your rest day, you may have to take one extra day of light activity. Walking (not too strenuous) and stretching those quads and hammies should help release the fluid. It helps me.

    Ugh, I'm tired this morning. What to do today for exercise? My body is whining, "I'm tired" my brain is saying "GO HARD!" Mmmm, compromise?

    Purple Reign was AWESOME on the calorie burn challenge! Push your body to the limit (it can take it) but not over the brink!


  • Shells77
    Shells77 Posts: 22
    Sorry that I missed the mini challenge due to being ill for 5 of the 7 days.

    But, I'm ready to start it up again and will come back full force on the next mini challenge.