Less alcohol- January 2018- one day at a time



  • Alzzi76
    Alzzi76 Posts: 504 Member
    dbanks80 wrote: »
    So last night we went to dinner I had two Cabernets. I was tempted to get a third because my husband had a third drink and I was ready to go after the bill was settled. So he goes have another drink while he was still drinking his. I told him "No I'm done. One more drink then I will want more and then some smokes." He goes "Awwwww have a splurge day and get your wine and smokes!!!" Really way to be supportive honey!!!! I see I am on my own on this journey!!!! :|:|:|:|

    Thank God for you all!!!!

    That would be sooo hard. Good for you for staying strong! My hubby is drinking too but he’s definitely not drinking as much. And luckily he likes beer which doesn’t tempt me as much.

  • Alzzi76
    Alzzi76 Posts: 504 Member
    I basically was trying to quit for about a half century. "One drink is too many and 10 is not enough." A few here and there was like smoking: you either ARE or you AREN'T.

    August 17th the day after my birthday 2016 ....... 521 days ago....... I decided after all the health issues, and the usual other issues.......to stop alcohol. done, bam boom. finished.

    BEST thing I have ever done. (went Whole Food Plant Based as well - that has been awesome)

    Training for the next 1/2 century!!!!

    I agree. I went on it for a 28 day detox. ( Kris Carr) it was a good experience.
  • Alzzi76
    Alzzi76 Posts: 504 Member
    Good night all! 20 days sober. All is well. Went out with friends. They each had four drinks over four hours of time. I had club soda and drove. I felt no inclination to drink at all. On the way home, my friend said "I think I"m getting a headache. Must have been cheap wine." And I thought to myself how happy I will be tomorrow to just wake up, clear headed, and energetic.

    Good on u Julie, your awesome!!. Top leader!! <3o:)
  • MaryBethHempel
    MaryBethHempel Posts: 513 Member
    dbanks80 wrote: »
    My list of things I've noticed since I've stopped binge drinking/smoking. I am typing this out so I can reflect back on it when the temptation to binge drink occurs.

    No hot flashes or night sweats
    No mood swings
    I'm more patient
    No depression
    Sleep better and deeper
    Wake up refreshed
    My workouts are more efficient
    My digestive system is better
    No bloated belly
    Weight loss
    No conviction and beating myself up because of a binge
    More conscious of my eating and making healthier choices
    Not wasting the day away by sleeping because of a hangover

    Yes to all of this!

    I made it to day 100!!! I've lost 35 pounds in those 100 days. I sleep soooo much better. I have energy from no hangovers. No more mood swings. I don't binge eat without the binge drinking, so my food intake is under control. My anxiety is manageable. I get out of the house more! I'm active now! And craziest of all is just how upbeat and positive I feel all the time. I feel like myself again. This is the best thing I've ever done for myself.

    This thread is so helpful to me. I love the list of positive effects of no alcohol. And I"m inspired also by @crazykatlady820 . You give me such motivation to continue.

    Wow! You have summed it up and so so positive. I am so happy for you. I have also found so so many positives from being freed from the addiction to alcohol. What are your thoughts or plans for future days? Are you going to have a drink occasionally, or are you going to not have any more?
  • MaryBethHempel
    MaryBethHempel Posts: 513 Member
    Alzzi76 wrote: »
    A chellenge question,....

    What do people drink in stead of alcohol.. ?

    I have so far been able to help my self with the drinking social group i live with by buying drinks with the alcohol taken out of it. They think and i feel im having it at the time. Im just better off.. that all im finding out. ☺

    I have to avoid sugar, so I mix diet gingerale and bottled water with ice in my large drink bottle. I think it is 28oz. I add juice from a lime sometimes. I also will mix Sprite Zero with water. If I go out to a restaurant, I will probably drink diet coke with a lime, ice tea, hot tea, diet gingerale with a lime, and extra glass of water.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,190 Member
    dbanks80 wrote: »
    My list of things I've noticed since I've stopped binge drinking/smoking. I am typing this out so I can reflect back on it when the temptation to binge drink occurs.

    No hot flashes or night sweats
    No mood swings
    I'm more patient
    No depression
    Sleep better and deeper
    Wake up refreshed
    My workouts are more efficient
    My digestive system is better
    No bloated belly
    Weight loss
    No conviction and beating myself up because of a binge
    More conscious of my eating and making healthier choices
    Not wasting the day away by sleeping because of a hangover

    Yes to all of this!

    I made it to day 100!!! I've lost 35 pounds in those 100 days. I sleep soooo much better. I have energy from no hangovers. No more mood swings. I don't binge eat without the binge drinking, so my food intake is under control. My anxiety is manageable. I get out of the house more! I'm active now! And craziest of all is just how upbeat and positive I feel all the time. I feel like myself again. This is the best thing I've ever done for myself.

    This thread is so helpful to me. I love the list of positive effects of no alcohol. And I"m inspired also by @crazykatlady820 . You give me such motivation to continue.

    Wow! You have summed it up and so so positive. I am so happy for you. I have also found so so many positives from being freed from the addiction to alcohol. What are your thoughts or plans for future days? Are you going to have a drink occasionally, or are you going to not have any more?

    I've been thinking about that: whether I will have occassional drinks. For me, I think I will abstain totally. I cannot moderate. I have worked so hard to quit, and I dont want to put in all this work again. I feel liberated and so free, like you. It is freedom. I do not plan on having any. Maybe on St. Patrick's Day, I might have a few glasses of wine, because my friends and I go out.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,190 Member
    edited January 2018
    islandbeez wrote: »
    Today is the day! It was going to be tomorrow, but I feel great because I have cut back so much so why drink more wine? I have one baby bottle of Pinot Grigio left and I can use that for a dinner I commonly make. I just joined the Alcohol Experiment site and it's very encouraging. @JulieAL1969 THANK YOU SO MUCH for starting this and to everyone else who has been so helpful!

    I would like to join the Alcohol Experiment. I looked it up and saw it's Annie Grace's program. I'm so happy you feel great. I love being on this deeply personal journey with you and the others. I don't think I would have done so well all on my own. I also love the people who come on and tell us how it feels months later without alcohol, or years later. Like John Mayer said, "Alcohol is a great con man."
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,190 Member
    I had planned on shooting for a full Dry January, but that lasted through the 2nd. It really didn't get any better from there. I even downloaded the "Dry January and Beyond" app. I've been faithfully using it, but it wasn't the motivation I thought it would be. Then I remembered this group (I've been trying and failing to cut back with you all since August...a few good runs...8 days I think was my best...but it was a while ago now), so I've been trolling for a few weeks. I think I may have turned a corner though. Yesterday it hit me that I had two black tea cups in a row (the mark you get on your calendar for Dry days), and if I stayed alcohol free all of yesterday, I would have three cups in a row. That would be a so-far-record for my month. It was more of a struggle than I care to admit, but I did it! I had to really fight when my 13yo daughter got off the bus dripping with teenage angst over her crush moving away. And fought it again when dinner was ready, but my husband chose that time to stay out in the workshop talking to a neighbor who dropped by. Then fought it once more just because it was Friday, and that's my normal thing. But I got through it all, and actually felt really great this morning. A full nights sleep, some yoga this morning for a challenge group I'm in, and now I'm getting ready to start on some housework. I'm hoping it will get easier, but I guess every small victory is a stepping stone.


    Looks Like Tuesdays are challenging for you. Maybe commit to your yoga or an exercise class Tuesday evening. It just dawned on me when you said "black tea cups"; I didn't realize their were cups. I have this app, too. I do like seeing those black marks in a row. Did you get four in a row this week?
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,190 Member
    @thomasjohnlynch Well said! It was becoming the same with me, there was never enough drinks to make me feel better. And then, I would be the crying drunk at the end of a stressful evening. Not a good thing at all.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,190 Member
    Kelkat405 wrote: »
    I survived the party last night and I was the only person there not drinking. I drank water all not long. A few people tried to play the you can have just one card, but I never gave in. We can do this!!

    Wow! That is awesome. With each challenge , you get stronger and more determined. So proud of you!
  • Kelkat405
    Kelkat405 Posts: 166 Member
    Thank you Julie :)
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,190 Member
    kittybenn wrote: »
    And I thought to myself how happy I will be tomorrow to just wake up, clear headed, and energetic.

    @JulieAL1969 You are such an inspiration! I woke up clear headed and energetic this a.m. and went for a gorgeous walk along the water, something I wouldn't do if I were hung over. Because I haven't been hungover in weeks, I'm getting more exercise. Also eating better because I have more calories to spend. Day 21 is here. Best of luck to everyone!

    Thanks so much. We inspire each other. I think no hangover is the absolute best feeling in the world! That is my primary motivation. So happy you are doing well! I think the rest of the month will be pretty easy for us. Xo
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Kelkat405 wrote: »
    I survived the party last night and I was the only person there not drinking. I drank water all not long. A few people tried to play the you can have just one card, but I never gave in. We can do this!!

    You go!!! That is so great!