Less alcohol- January 2018- one day at a time



  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,196 Member
    @MaryBethHempel I hear you! I was really bored yesterday, and nearly opened the liquor cabinet and took a swig:) LOL
    For me, it's been so gloomy this winter, cold and dreary. I live in Ohio. Today, it rained nearly all day. I think the weather doesn't help. Xoxo
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,196 Member
    kittybenn wrote: »
    An inspiring read: The Ultimate Free Life Hack? I Quit Drinking for Three Months
    From the article: "For me, it’s a life hack that requires no purchases, improves my health, and saves me money."

    Great article. Motivating and inspiring. Thanks for sharing! I like how she talks about decision fatigue. Very true!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    ZDeb16 wrote: »
    I think I need this group. I think it has stalled me and I would like to stop and just for health issues. I've never had significant issues personally related to alcohol but have blacked out several times in my lifetime. I have a problem with sugars I know. My son is an alcoholic. My dad was for part of my life until he quit cold turkey. My problem is my hubby enjoys social drinking and I think it might be a problem. How does anyone handle if their significant other continues to drink?

    I just let him drink. At first he used to bully me and say I need to get the stick out of my A. But then I had to get really stern with him supporting me in what I am trying to accomplish and he backed off. I have decided to have ONE day where I will have 2 glasses of wine when we go out to dinner. That seems to be working well for me so far. I know I will not stop drinking I am really practicing moderation.
  • MaryBethHempel
    MaryBethHempel Posts: 513 Member
    ZDeb16 wrote: »
    I think I need this group. I think it has stalled me and I would like to stop and just for health issues. I've never had significant issues personally related to alcohol but have blacked out several times in my lifetime. I have a problem with sugars I know. My son is an alcoholic. My dad was for part of my life until he quit cold turkey. My problem is my hubby enjoys social drinking and I think it might be a problem. How does anyone handle if their significant other continues to drink?

    I have a partner who drinks steadily all evening. For example, he'll have a beer when he gets home, wine with dinner, and two-three scotches late in the evening. Now that I've quit , I am seeing that he drinks a lot! He is never drunk, but must always be buzzed. Who knows.

    It's really bugging me at times, because I feel like I'm being punished by not drinking. I get jealous.
    I've been chugging tea like crazy. I also drinking lots of sparkling water with flavors. I love social drinking, too. But for me and my body, alcohol is not good. So, I'm just putting up with others around me drinking, and doing a lot of positive self talk. Reminding myself that it is a poison and hard on my organs. It's just a habit; I can change any habit. Look how great I am feeling every morning with no headache or hangover or lethargy when I wake up.

    I think you'll have to decide for yourself if you want to continue drinking despite everyone around you. Listen to your intuition and heart. It isn't easy when everyone around me is drinking, but I am on a streak now 22 days without, and I don't want to break it:)
    Keep reading the thread. Try some nights without alcohol and after awhile, you'll know if it's time to quit or not.

    My hubby drinks every day beer, but mostly wine. He will have occasional whiskey or something. He starts about 2 and drank until bed, which is what I did also. He recently stopped before bed because it makes him snore so loud that I have to go to our guest room to sleep. We make our own wine and have over 100 bottles in our basement, with more to be bottles tomorrow.
    I had my first social Saturday....both he and another offered me wine, but I drank my sugar-free orange drink from Sam's Club, and then tea.
    There is a lot of insights in "This Naked Mind" and The Alcohol Experiment that this Annie Grace has put together, besides this site on MyFitnessPal. These all have helped me tremendously. I am on day 20, today is a down day which I would have drank, for sure, in the past. I feel stronger, healthier, happier, and find that I feel things....I genuinely feel things...joy, interest, love, ---much more being alcohol free. I also get much more accomplished.

    It is a process....start small and take is slow....Be KIND to yourself...super important!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,196 Member
    Too late to join this group? I just found this today. I have been reading some of the post. I actually downloaded a free trial for Audiable, and have "The Naked Mind" ready to play while on the treadmill. I don't need to loose much weight, but I sure need to quit drinking everynight, and start working out!

    Join us! We are all in it together. I think you'll enjoy This Naked Mind. Best wishes. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
  • kiomami
    kiomami Posts: 23 Member
    I’m late to the party! Also trying to cut back. I drink 2 nights (at least) a week pretty religiously for years. I’m hoping I can make it one, and then hopefully none! It makes me less energetic at work, affects my relationships and ruins my weekends (hangovers).
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    I love a good craft beer, sadly most IPA's and stouts are heavy on alcohol = high in calories, so what I am doing now is choose beers with alc. % of around 4-5.5 tops and saving the big ones for very special occasions. I'm not gonna stop drinking but I have greatly reduced the quantity, last year I'd drink a lot with my friends, mostly cos I got bored (that's another whole different subject) but now that's solved, so once a week or every 2 weeks works for me, fitting it within my macros and calories of course.

    Sounds exactly like me. I have cut down to one day a week. I start with one good stout or ipa. Then i drink lower abv the rest of the night. I have actually been finding a way to enjoy light beer, which is something i thought was impossible for me
  • Alzzi76
    Alzzi76 Posts: 504 Member
    Too late to join this group? I just found this today. I have been reading some of the post. I actually downloaded a free trial for Audiable, and have "The Naked Mind" ready to play while on the treadmill. I don't need to loose much weight, but I sure need to quit drinking everynight, and start working out!

    Not too late.. i think we are going to have a February dry season.. ;)
  • Alzzi76
    Alzzi76 Posts: 504 Member
    Hello, i like this challenge here very much! :) Reading all your posts is very helpfull in understanding what is going wrong! Any chance fro me to join and participate here? I would be very helpfull for me. Greetins from Germany

  • Polo265
    Polo265 Posts: 287 Member
    Day 13 for me. As I said earlier, I cannot moderate. Everyone is doing so well. Let's keep on keeping on. :)