Team No Mo Junk in da Trunk, august challenge (closed)



  • Jpickeri
    Jpickeri Posts: 35
    August 7th

    Calories: over =( i'm so sorry! it was my cousin's bridal shower. I shouldn't be making up excuses so for next week I'm going to volunteer 10 miles.

    Water: 64+ oz
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    8/7 (my first day - pls add me!)

    Water - done
    Under calorie goal
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Date: Sunday, August 7, 2011
    Calorie Goal:1200
    Calories consumed: 1120
    Remaining calories: 80
    Exercise Calories: 617
    Water: 116 oz
    Daily exercise challenge:YES.....25 lunges, the Butt Bible, 5 mile walk and 50 crunches, 15 minutes with weights plus a day of rest

    I can't really see myself doing more than 8 more miles!
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    It's so nice to see almost everyone so motivated. Sadly, it's not the case for everyone. We didn't get our bonus 5 points because not everyone on the team did all the challenges. I am the capitain but not a dictator so I need to have your imput on what to do. Keep them around even if it means no chances of winning the competition or drop anyone that does not do the challenge one day. If you want you can answer on this tread or send me a message.

    Thank you
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    squat kicks done. did 100 with 5lb weights.

    general question as a newbie here:
    how do i take on additional challenges? does the team earn extra points if i do?

    also, is there a main thread for all teams in this challenge so i can read up and understand the challenge completely?


    have an amazing calorie-burning day!!!
  • Effervescent17
    Effervescent17 Posts: 61 Member
    If someone is consistanly missing days then hopefully they can drop the challange but if someone has been doing them and just happens to miss one day, I mean life happens and if this challange motivates them then in the long run I think thats more important then winning.

    As for other things. I walked an extra 2 miles for the 100 mile thing

    did my 50 squat kicks (those were actually kind of fun)
  • elisabel
    elisabel Posts: 242 Member
    If someone is consistanly missing days then hopefully they can drop the challange but if someone has been doing them and just happens to miss one day, I mean life happens and if this challange motivates them then in the long run I think thats more important then winning.

    As for other things. I walked an extra 2 miles for the 100 mile thing

    did my 50 squat kicks (those were actually kind of fun)

    I agree.

    As for me I can commit to 10 extra miles this week. The extra miles are not the problem the daily challenges are going to kill me (thanks Gary, you don't play around)
  • knt32
    knt32 Posts: 61
    week one weigh in...

    sw 139.4
    cw 138.4

    1 lb...could have been better...could have been worse. :ohwell:

    my goal for next week is to lose 2 lbs & I'm hoping with all this extra cardio & crazy challenges...I WILL!

    time to get my butt on the treadmill then knock out these kick squats
  • kkwilban
    kkwilban Posts: 14
    1. So I'm really confused as to how the weigh ins work..... ? are they on sundays, or mondays? Is it one week from your first weigh in?

    Here's how it goes for me:
    start at 175
    Sunday 173.2
    Monday 173.6
    Probably better tomorrow...!

    2. What if we don't have access to stairs, how are we supposed to climb them on Friday -- can you ask Gary for an alternative? (Sorry, not climbing stairs in dress pants and dress shoes, I'm sure my patients would NOT appreciate a smelly person examining them)

    I sent in all my completions from yesterday. As for those not doing challenges -- if they are not doing them multiple times a week, maybe they need motivation? or maybe they are too busy for the challenge. I say take it case-by-case. It's not like winning this challenge is worth big bucks ;)

    Thanks and I'll re-post later tonight when I'm sure I've stayed under my cals and completed my exercise! I NEEEDD to get out of this hospital now :)
  • kkwilban
    kkwilban Posts: 14
    oh, and do we submit recipes on this group forum? or the total challenge forum?
  • jeannette120
    jeannette120 Posts: 65 Member

    Roasted Garbanzo Beans (Chickpeas)
    Makes about 4 half cup servings
    Cal-126 Protein-6 Carbs-13 Fat-6 Sodium-193 Fiber-3

    1 can S&W low sodium garbanzo beans
    1 tablespoon olive oil
    1 teaspoon Mrs. Dash or other no salt seasoning

    Pre-heat oven to 400 F.
    Rinse garbanzo beans in cold water. Pat the beans dry using several paper towels.
    In a bowl, mix beans and oil. Make sure the beans are coated with oil.
    Spread beans out on a baking sheet. Sprinkle the beans with seasoning.
    Bake in oven for 30 minutes.

    Let cool before munching! They should be crispy on outside and kind of still mushy on the inside. They are great as a quick snack or add to a salad instead of croutons.

  • knt32
    knt32 Posts: 61
    monday 8/8

    under calories, even though it feels like I ate A LOT today
    80 oz water & still drinking
    completed the 50 squat kicks
    did 1 extra mile for 100 mile team challenge
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    Squat kicks: done

    Water: 128oz

    Calories: under

    Also, still need major clarification on this challenge.
    Just joined and all I know are the daily challenges that I see on this forum.
    What is the name of the main challenge? And is there a forum for that? A link to the forum anyone?

    Also, I tend to work out a lot. I see ppl mentioning "extra" mileage.
    What is that? Will that get the team extra points?

    Tell me all I need to know PLEASE I'm all for a good competition!
  • slybaby
    slybaby Posts: 125
    August 8th, 2011

    Calories: under
    Water: yes
    Exercise: yes
    50 squats: yes
    100 mile challenge: 4.3 miles today
    Weight as of Monday morning: 150.5lbs

    Go Junkies go:)
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Squat kicks: done

    Water: 128oz

    Calories: under

    Also, still need major clarification on this challenge.
    Just joined and all I know are the daily challenges that I see on this forum.
    What is the name of the main challenge? And is there a forum for that? A link to the forum anyone?

    Also, I tend to work out a lot. I see ppl mentioning "extra" mileage.
    What is that? Will that get the team extra points?

    Tell me all I need to know PLEASE I'm all for a good competition!

    The monthly challenge is the August challenge. There is 26 teams!!!! We each have our own tread. The big cheese head is Gary. He is the one doing all the daily challenges. Everyday we have points for logging our calories and drinking at least 64oz of water.

    The 100 miles challenge is an additional challenge issued this week. It means that in addition of your everyday workout, as a team we try to walk, run, rollerblade or limp 100 miles more!!! For additional points.

  • maroon98
    maroon98 Posts: 121
    August 8, 2011
    Calorie Goal, including exercise: 1300
    Cals in, including exerise calories: 1224
    64 oz water: YES!!
    Daily Challenge: 50 Squat kicks--Done!

    PLUS 2.14 miles towards the 100 mile challenge.

    Go junkies!!
  • elisabel
    elisabel Posts: 242 Member
    August 8th

    Water: done
    Workout: done
    Calories: under
    Squat kicks: done
    Extra miles signed up for 10: done 1.5
  • kkwilban
    kkwilban Posts: 14
    Day 8
    Calories: Under (I was so good today, made it AT my target haha)
    Exercise: you betcha! 20 minutes step aerobics, 10 minutes power walking (with the dog), shoulder press and triceps ext, and 25 reps of the cow bell. don't forget the challenge! 25 squat kicks ( I like these!)
    Water: 64 oz +++++

    Yay :) Time to study! Night yall!

    I'll work on the extra miles as I get a little more time!
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Date: Monday, August 8, 2011
    Calorie Goal:1200
    Calories consumed: 836
    Remaining calories: 434:(
    Exercise Calories: 708
    Water: 108 oz
    Daily exercise challenge:YES.....50 squat kicks, 6 mile jog and 35 minutes weights
  • jeannette120
    jeannette120 Posts: 65 Member
    Date: Monday, August 8, 2011
    Calories under - Yes!
    Water: Yes!
    Daily exercise challenge:YES! They weren't very pretty, but I did em!