Ketogenic diet



  • imaginemary
    imaginemary Posts: 39 Member
    Isn't Keto basically Adkins?
    Pros: I did Adkins induction plan way back in ... 1997 or so ... lost 20 plus lbs quickly & easily.
    Cons: I didn't like eating so much high-fat food. I felt sick to my stomach all the time (OMG this was before I figured out that I have and always have had a dairy sensitivity! - no wonder Adkins made me feel sick). I gained all those 20 lbs back and more - 20 more.
  • Eelkov
    Eelkov Posts: 88 Member
    Based on my second hand knowledge...
    I watched a documentary about what Fat and Sugar are used for and how... The person who was on the low carb diet ended up losing 2kg of muscle mass but also lost 2kg of fat. Keto diets are very dangerous for people with diabetes apparently.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    It's been recommended to me more than once, and once by a coach I trust. I tend not to look very well when I eat high carb. I think it's possible I might feel better on high fat but I'm nervous to give up my volume eating. At the same time, I'm tired of having a big belly at the end of the day because of all the volume.
  • mordant57
    mordant57 Posts: 58 Member
    Yes, because I have other health concerns where a keto diet is helpful. For general weight loss...sure, if you like it, but it's not the only/best way to do it.
  • Tweaking_Time
    Tweaking_Time Posts: 733 Member
    I started Keto last Saturday cuz I hit the magic-trigger-weight of 5 pounds over goal...6 days later back at goal with a little wiggle room.

    Granted that part of that weight loss was probably a little water retention from salty foods...and when I do Keto for real, I never snack. Let's say this accounts for 4 of the 5.4 pounds lost. But I did lose more than those two things account for. Exercise was the same before and during Keto.

    Keto works for me. Doing Keto for a week is fine, for me. I would never make it a month because - pasta.
  • gippy_chick_77
    gippy_chick_77 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes for me... it means i dont crave, binge, over eat, my thyroid is easier to keep even (first time in 25 years), i sleep better and dont have a 3 oclock slump in energy. I follow a low carb medium protein high fat. I usually eat 2x day. Mid morning (salad, oil vinegar seasoning dressing, meat, whole egg full fat mayo, avocado or olives) and mid afternoon (meat/egg/mushrooms, vege, dairy, added fat) works best for me!
    I'm not worried about weight control but it helps keep body shape in check. :D