JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Rather than start out on a bad note, I'm just going to ignore my goals for yesterday and say I had a 75% failure rate.

    Today, however, is a brand new beautiful day! The sky is an incredible blue, it's sunny and it's the weekend. I'll take it!

    Just for Saturday
    1. Eat mindfully. Journal each bite.
    2. Increase water intake
    3. Start a new donate box and place 5 items in it today
    4. Depending on temp, either take a walk outside or do the Body Groove program in basement
    5. Bake cookies for husband (he asked for them and normally doesn't)
    6. Meal plan and grocery list
    7. Update bullet journal @Bex953172 I love this method. It's been keeping me on track for my to-do's! Great place for keeping lists all in one place too. The more I do it, the more I add to it. Plus, I find it relaxing just to mindlessly doodle or color in it. :mrgreen:
    8. Read today's Simple Abundance, and 52 Small Changes: One Year to a Happier Healthier You...Week 7
    9. Listen to Optimal Health Daily and Optimal Living Daily podcasts
    10. Focus on gratitude and journal 5 things I'm grateful for today before bed.

    Have a fantastic Saturday my JFT friends!

    Perhaps I can't control what happens in life, but I certainly can control how I react to it.

    Amen and amen!!! Great quote.

    Yea for blue skies! We have them here to, today. I read each of your JFT's for Saturday. Sounds like you are really making a go of purging, organizing, journaling, and making small but meaningful modifications which will = a whole healthy you.

    Have a fabulously sun-filled weekend!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,095 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Has everyone died lol?!

    It’s midday here and no comments !!

    There’s usually a whole page worth by now!!

    This made me laugh out loud and choke on my coffee! Thanks for causing me to have coffee up my nostrils this morning Bex!!! BWAHAHAHA!

    Haha snorting coffee!! Makes me wonder if it got in your system quicker hahah
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    So I haven't done much of anything...well that's not really true. I have laundry going at Mom and Dad's house. I'm on my second load. All I have left is towels. It's a small laundry day for me today. I did some earlier in the week at the laundromat because Mom is convinced that doing laundry during the day during the week cost more energy wise. I dont know if I believe that. Lol. But it makes her feel better so I try to keep it all until Saturday and Sunday when I do it there. Lol. We had lunch and I made the DH food to take to work. Oh! And I put the chicken in the crock pot. Lol. I think that is really all I've done so far. It's an easy day for me today. Once I get the last load of laundry in at Mom's house I am going to hit the gym since it closes at 7 pm tonight.

    Also, I live within 15 miles of 3 military bases and they seem to be doing some kind of bombing drills because all I've been hearing all day are distant booms that make me think of thunder. Lol. For a while, I thought that we were in for a really bad storm until the DH realized what it was. Lol. My dog used to have a really bad time with all the bombing but it's kind of a blessing that she's gone deaf in one ear and partially deaf in the other. The only booming she really ever hears now is someone knocking on the door and that's only if she's laying in the kitchen and her "good" ear is facing the door. Lol. Mom and Dad have to yell at the top of their lungs in a high pitched voice for her to hear. But I think they prefer it that way because if no one was home when they were bombing or during a storm she would freak out and destroy things. A couple of times she managed to get windows open and would bust through the screens and take off. My parents have lost her a few times. She ended up getting picked up by the cops. So as my dad likes to joke, she now has a record. Lol.

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @joan6630 I love the hats! They are gorgeous and you were right about the knot/bows! They are awesome! I had no idea that you had so many different kinds of fabric! Something in that group should be up everyone's alley! I'm sorry you aren't doing well! I agree with @Bex953172 Do a video at home. Something simple like stretching or an easy yoga video if you are still feeling yucky from being sick before. And anything that gets you up and moving will be good for you. Especially if it's been a while. You remember me though, right? I was stuck in a rut for almost 5 months! I was living a totally unhealthy lifestyle and things were just bad. I had an AH HA moment and now everything changed for me! All you need is that AH HA moment! And I think, either it's already happened or it's just around the corner!

    @Bex953172 I laughed too when I read your "quiet board" comment. Lol. And you give the best advice and encouragement!

    @bcTRAI Thank you so much! I'm actually really really excited for the interview! I bought a new interview outfit since all the stuff I used to wear is either too big or too small and half of it, I have no idea where it is. Lol. So we'll see. Keep your fingers crossed and if you are the praying kind, send up a quick one for me! Lol

    @MLHC1 Hope you are having a great weekend! I can't wait to hear how it went! I hope that hubby is still being awesome to you!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Sorry to hear you’re in a bit of a rut atm!
    Remember I got in one last year around Feb/March? But I picked back up again.

    Sometimes your head just isn’t in it! It sounds like you got enough on your plate atm! So do give yourself a break! It will turn itself around.

    I can imagine after your husbands procedure the last thing he wants is flu! And a gym is probably a higher risk of catching it. With all the shared equipment etc. But I’m sure with hand sanitising and such you should be okay!

    However if he is pretty adamant (and you want to ease back into the gym) then do a home work out!
    You know you can because I can workout and I don’t have a gym membership! All of mine is based at home!
    So if you can give me one good excuse as to why you can’t exercise at home then I will let you off :tongue: if not, then get an app or YouTube video, anything.
    It may be a bit different from your gym routine but it’s exercise nevertheless!

    Remember starting is the hardest part!
    I used to find it so hard just to get up and do it!
    But remember I found that just putting the work out video on whilst slobbing out on the sofa made me get up, rather than me actively getting up to put the video on?

    You lost your momentum at the end of last year, but this is a new year! Leave all that behind and kick butt this year!
    You got so much closer to your goal! So don’t start going backwards now! Keep powering through! You’ve hit a wall. Knock that fecking wall down!!!

    I KNEW you would come through with the KICK that I need! You are so right .... I can't use that as an excuse (even though I am using that as my excuse to eat and be lazy:)). Thanks Bex ....
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,095 Member
    So I haven't done much of anything...well that's not really true. I have laundry going at Mom and Dad's house. I'm on my second load. All I have left is towels. It's a small laundry day for me today. I did some earlier in the week at the laundromat because Mom is convinced that doing laundry during the day during the week cost more energy wise. I dont know if I believe that. Lol. But it makes her feel better so I try to keep it all until Saturday and Sunday when I do it there. Lol. We had lunch and I made the DH food to take to work. Oh! And I put the chicken in the crock pot. Lol. I think that is really all I've done so far. It's an easy day for me today. Once I get the last load of laundry in at Mom's house I am going to hit the gym since it closes at 7 pm tonight.

    Also, I live within 15 miles of 3 military bases and they seem to be doing some kind of bombing drills because all I've been hearing all day are distant booms that make me think of thunder. Lol. For a while, I thought that we were in for a really bad storm until the DH realized what it was. Lol. My dog used to have a really bad time with all the bombing but it's kind of a blessing that she's gone deaf in one ear and partially deaf in the other. The only booming she really ever hears now is someone knocking on the door and that's only if she's laying in the kitchen and her "good" ear is facing the door. Lol. Mom and Dad have to yell at the top of their lungs in a high pitched voice for her to hear. But I think they prefer it that way because if no one was home when they were bombing or during a storm she would freak out and destroy things. A couple of times she managed to get windows open and would bust through the screens and take off. My parents have lost her a few times. She ended up getting picked up by the cops. So as my dad likes to joke, she now has a record. Lol.

    Haha dogs. Funny things aren’t they! Proper rebellious dog hahah :lol: even I’ve never been picked up by the cops :lol:
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Sorry to hear you’re in a bit of a rut atm!
    Remember I got in one last year around Feb/March? But I picked back up again.

    Sometimes your head just isn’t in it! It sounds like you got enough on your plate atm! So do give yourself a break! It will turn itself around.

    I can imagine after your husbands procedure the last thing he wants is flu! And a gym is probably a higher risk of catching it. With all the shared equipment etc. But I’m sure with hand sanitising and such you should be okay!

    However if he is pretty adamant (and you want to ease back into the gym) then do a home work out!
    You know you can because I can workout and I don’t have a gym membership! All of mine is based at home!
    So if you can give me one good excuse as to why you can’t exercise at home then I will let you off :tongue: if not, then get an app or YouTube video, anything.
    It may be a bit different from your gym routine but it’s exercise nevertheless!

    Remember starting is the hardest part!
    I used to find it so hard just to get up and do it!
    But remember I found that just putting the work out video on whilst slobbing out on the sofa made me get up, rather than me actively getting up to put the video on?

    You lost your momentum at the end of last year, but this is a new year! Leave all that behind and kick butt this year!
    You got so much closer to your goal! So don’t start going backwards now! Keep powering through! You’ve hit a wall. Knock that fecking wall down!!!

    I KNEW you would come through with the KICK that I need! You are so right .... I can't use that as an excuse (even though I am using that as my excuse to eat and be lazy:)). Thanks Bex ....

    I’m just sorry I didn’t say it sooner!!
    Just not been well myself (as everyone knows lol)

    I have a new goal for you.
    Stop looking at the year as a whole.
    So far, you’re 10 days into Feb. That gives you 18 days left.
    18 days to get back to normal! Back to your routine which clearly kicks butt with the weight you lost last year! 18 days to get yourself back on track and your head in the game!!

    March can be your new start!
    But for now, lay the ground work to make it a success! Figure out what you want to achieve, and more importantly HOW you’re going to achieve it. And then start slowly and by March first you’ll be ready!
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    A good day today. To be fair my goals were minimal but have hit them all plus tackled a mountain of laundry and made two cakes for my mum’s birthday lunch tomorrow. And eaten sensibly. Yay!

    Recap today:
    - exercise before kids get up - no excuse as steps will be lower without work ✅
    - 10k step aim ✅ took some extra pacing around the house but just made it!
    - Lots of water to counteract Friday night! ✅
    - rest ✅ went out for a nice dinner with family and got a chance to sit still for a couple of hours


    - exercise early
    - 10k step aim
    - Water
    - Stay in calorie goal (will be the toughest one)
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    So I probably just did a dumb thing but I dont think it will be too bad. Lol. I just spent an hour at the gym working really hard. On my way to my car, I got this terrible hankering for chocolate. I thought, 'Hey dont I go get a Hershey bar and only eat half!' And then I thought, 'Why not get ice cream? It's a crappy day out and the DH isn't home so he won't know. Hey, Wawa has Halo Top! Sure it's incredibly expensive and will use a lot of my blow money but why not. I'll only eat half!" So I went and got it because it was KINDA on my way home. And I just ate the ENTIRE THING! I'm not usually one to eat an entire pint of ice cream in one sitting. Even before I started watching my weight. Well, that kind of went out the window. It's only 320 calories for the whole pint but I gave into a severe craving after a terrible night food-wise last night. And I burned enough calories at the gym that I have more calories then I started with even with the halo top. So I dont know why I feel guilty, but I do!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    JFT 2/10/18

    1. Laundry :)And it's folded and put away!
    2. Cook chicken :)Done. It's all shredded and put in the fridge. Soaking the Crock as we speak!
    3. Log all that I eat :)Even the two pieces of cinnamon sugar toast I ate on a whim. Lol
    4. Gym/shower :)Gym is done! About to take the shower!
    5. Lunch for me and DH :)Done. He ate one of the wraps I had made for him earlier in the week and stored in the fridge and I finished my egg salad. Lol
    6. Make DH food to take to work :)Did this as well. Although I forgot to put any kind of fruit in it because I was in a rush.
    7. Clean up kitchenette :)Pretty much. I had dishes drying in the rack but I keep a towel under it so that it doesn't leak and I will change that out tomorrow when they are all dried and put away.
    8. Free write for 15 minutes :|I will keep this on my list until I actually succeed in doing it!
    9. Read :)I started a new book on writing essentials in the 21st century. It goes into grammar and punctuation and things. It's actually really informative. It's been a long time since I learned punctuation and grammar in elementary school. A refresher is very nice!
    10. Try on clothes for the interview on Monday :)They seem to fit okay. I just hope I dont look too stuffy because it really isn't my style! Maybe I'll post a picture of me in them tomorrow

    Today was really nice and laid back. My body is a bit sore but I'm kind of enjoying it. I cant sit too far forward because my abs hurt so badly. Lol. But everything is pretty much done. I'm just waiting for the DH to get home, which should be in the next like half hour. I'm about to pass out sitting here typing this though, so I dont think I'll be much for very long after he gets home. Lol. So onto my list, which will probably be very short.

    JFT, 2/11/18

    1. Log all that I eat!
    2. Weigh-in
    3. Church(bring notebook and pen in case of inspiration!)
    4. Lunch/Hockey
    5. Youtube binge with DH
    6. Prep lunches for DH for the week
    7. Dinner with Mom and Dad
    8. Iron interview clothes
    9. Shower
    10. Read/Bed by 11
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    edited February 2018
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Saturday
    1. Water :)
    2. Baking for new neighbors :/ nope, and not too upset as they haven't been home except for late at night for many days and I have no plans to walk over there in country pitch black. It will happen.
    3. Laundry AGAIN. :)
    4. Miss C for a sleepover :)
    5. Brush and floss :)
    6. Bed by 10:30 :)
    JFT Sunday
    1. Water
    2. Deliver Miss C home
    3. Work
    4. Dinner out for <3 alentine's Day
    5. Brush and floss
    6. Bed by 10:30
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    Got my stuff done yesterday (including taxes- just had to bite the bullet and it wasn't as bad as I thought). Did day 3 of week 2 and I'm thinking I will need to repeat week 2 of c25k because I'm definitely not ready for 3 minutes of running during week 3. I probably went a bit over on calories yesterday eating popcorn.

    So JFT:
    1. Log everything and stay in the green (had a small piece of birthday cake this morning but I bought a miniature cake so hope it disappears from the house fast)
    2. Sunday is usually a rest day but I might go walk the school halls with husband
    3. I was going to church today but we are getting a bunch of freezing rain and accumulating ice so maybe I won't try to drive 30 minutes away
    4. Clean my house and finish laundry
    5. Maybe I'll do a painting later
    6. Stay away from high sodium foods as tomorrow is official weigh in day and sodium can mask weight loss

    Happy Sunday!
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    @joan6630 I love the hats! What a wonderful thing to do.

    JFY (Saturday, 2/10/18)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water :)
    2. Log all my food :)
    3. Be "in the green" with my calories for the day :)
    4. Shovel driveway AGAIN (Is it Spring yet?!?!) :)

    JFT (Sunday, 2/11/18)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Log all my food
    3. Be "in the green" with my calories for the day
    4. Shovel driveway again...yep AGAIN...ugh!!!!!! I love living in Vermont, but the snow can stop falling anytime now.
    5. Laundry
    6. Groceries
  • acrylicfox
    acrylicfox Posts: 295 Member
    edited February 2018
    Re: eatthismuch.com

    so, I looked around the website a bit and found that it is a paid service, it does have a free account option but with limited features which don't appeal to me enough to sign up for it.

    However, someone else might be interested :)

    From the site: https://www.eatthismuch.com/how-to/
    Eat This Much is a free service with additional features that you can unlock by subscribing.

    For free, you can use the single-day diet planner with no restrictions. You can follow any kind of diet you like, block stuff you don't like, create/save as many foods and recipes as you want, and customize the nutrition targets down to the gram. If you end up eating something that isn’t on the plan, you can simply remove the suggested foods and add what you did eat, and then regenerate the remaining meals.

    There is also a free trial version for the premium service but you need to supply your credit card details to sign up for it, I can't say that is something I'm ever in to :(

    Ah, well.