Less alcohol- February 2018- one day at a time



  • donimfp
    donimfp Posts: 795 Member
    @Norminv, That’s a sport I believe you can do while drinking! I remember watching old guys in Scotland curling. Kinda like Bocce. Not the best spectator sports for sure.
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    donimfp wrote: »
    @Norminv, That’s a sport I believe you can do while drinking! I remember watching old guys in Scotland curling. Kinda like Bocce. Not the best spectator sports for sure.

    I actually watched it today and enjoyed it a bit after revisiting the rules.....
  • Alzzi76
    Alzzi76 Posts: 504 Member
    I just have to say I LOVE reading this thread. I feel like I get so much information and inspiration from all of you. From the die hards who are totally AF to the ones like me who are teetering between AF and moderation or figuring out WTH really works. Please keep sharing your experiences so we all can relate and feel honest to express our feelings with no judgment. Happy beautiful Sunday!

    :D sorry i hope im not being rude but this makes me laugh...
  • Alzzi76
    Alzzi76 Posts: 504 Member
    jkm0791 wrote: »
    Just joined my fitness pal and saw this - Gained 10 pounds and flab just by drinking my calories and not exercising after fracturing my foot three years ago. Used that as an excuse. I'm 'back in it' and this discussion will help tremendously. Three weeks of zero drinks. Goal is 9 more weeks at least. Thank you for all of the discussion and info!
    fabKara wrote: »
    First-ever post on MFP, seems like a good place to start. I know evening snacking/vino is sabotaging me but can't seem to rein it in.

    For next week: only time for a drink is Valentine's dinner outing <3

    Welcome, welcome to the family of overcomers..
  • kittybenn
    kittybenn Posts: 444 Member
    @erikNJ - What an inspiration you are - I want to come to your house for Mardi Gras. And please tell us what drinks you're going to serve!

  • kittybenn
    kittybenn Posts: 444 Member
    jkm0791 wrote: »
    Just joined my fitness pal and saw this - Gained 10 pounds and flab just by drinking my calories and not exercising after fracturing my foot three years ago. Used that as an excuse. I'm 'back in it' and this discussion will help tremendously. Three weeks of zero drinks. Goal is 9 more weeks at least. Thank you for all of the discussion and info!
    @jkm0791 - Welcome and congrats on your success! Those liquid calories are really easy to overdo. We've all been there. For me, getting control of eating and drinking are like flip sides of the same coin. I'm not finding it too awfully difficult to moderate the drinking, and I'm thinking it may be because I've been moderating the calories for quite awhile now and have a lot of practice!

    Had my one glass of wine last night because I'm giving myself Fri-Sun to drink. It was, again, meh. Went back to tea while we watched TV and was fine. Still seeking sweets a bunch and it's a struggle limiting them. It was so great to hear about others having the same problem. I would've never known that if it hadn't been for this group. It's so good to have support on this journey.

  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    kittybenn wrote: »
    @erikNJ - What an inspiration you are - I want to come to your house for Mardi Gras. And please tell us what drinks you're going to serve!

    That had me curious, so i searched for non-alcoholic hurricane recipes. Looked like some delicious sounding recipes. Though they were anywhere from 60-140 calories, so might have to keep to just one or two
  • ehseeker
    ehseeker Posts: 515 Member
    I'm joining in because I've realized recently that at a certain time - early evening, when fixing dinner - I start feeling bored and restless. I have my sons and one 3 yr old grandson living with me so there is additional stress from the one and his child moving in. I've decided I want to abstain most days. So here I am. One of the things I'm going to do to combat the bored/housefrau feeling is to use my bluetooth and listen to podcasts as I cook. I think it will help divert me. I came on here a couple weeks ago and saw 'Drinking: A Love Story' recommended. Have been reading it and it's very enlightening re the relationship we form with alcohol.