JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 31



  • Kshanee1
    Kshanee1 Posts: 50 Member
    @str82nichelle Have you eliminated grain and sugar from your diet? Both cause inflammation. I didn’t believe it until I started Keto and my knees quit hurting after 50 years - yes, fifty!

    @DebCountsAll Why never more than 12 cups of water? Half your weight in ounces would be almost 18 cups. I routinely drink at least a gallon.

    @archersport Good to see you back! I was concerned when you disappeared.

    @kshanee1 I’m also glad you are okay. So many idiots on the road these days, it doesn’t matter how careful we are, someone else can cause a mess which involves others!

    @amandacmariej I also enjoy reading everyone’s updates. In 10 weeks I’ll be flying to Florida for my 50 year HS reunion. May I ask what diet you are following? I only ask because I’m doing Keto (low carb, moderate protein, higher fat) and if you are doing the Standard weight loss method of reduced fat and lower calories, you can’t do both together as it will cause weight gain. Higher carbs from one plus higher fat from the other is a recipe for failure. Hope this helps. We’re here for you!

    Just my personal note regard fluctuations. Even at my advanced age (not sure I have hormones anymore ; ) ) I have fluctuations. 6n9ygf0uybsl.png

    Thank you! Yes, these drivers drive me insane!!