
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,559 Member
    Rye - I love seeing your gorgeous kitties! How are your outside visiting kitties doing? And how are YOU feeling? Better, I hope!

    Allie - if your dad indeed did have a will - did you know for sure? (sorry, you probably said and I skipped right over that post), is there any chance he would have told a friend or coffee pal about it? Are there any bills/correspondence from attorneys in his files-which might be a clue as to who would have done it for him? You have probably racked your brain for all possibilities. Good luck.

    - sending good thoughts to you and your DH tonight. <3 and ((((HUGS))))!!

    - hope you are finding things to keep your visitors busy. Maybe the weather will clear up and you can spend time outside!

    Pip - Lenny was so lucky to have you in his life. <3 And now you and Kirby have each other. <3 Such a love story! <3

    Lenora and Joyce -- sending hugs your way for quick healing!! So glad you are able to post here!

    Chilly SW WA State
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,964 Member
    Took a hour and a half nap,made myself a nice dinner and watched the movie Sing.. very cute... working up in Hartford tommorow... Don't like it much but do what my boss asks...
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Hugs everyone! ERCP planned for tomorrow afternoon. Probably staying overnight tomorrow. At the hospital here now. I have a roll away bed for me! He is doing well. Wanted me to help him wash his nawty bawdy bits! Haha! His eyeballs are still so yellow!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,119 Member
    :)grnwoodtree, Welcome. We are glad you are here. You definitely have a big pile of challenges. I hope you'll keep coming back. This is a friendly and supportive group and you may find suggestions here that will work for you. You will at least find other women to talk to and create a warm community for yourself. You aren't the only one who wishes for a way to get off this endless hamster wheel. Hang in there.

    <3Becca, Best wishes to you and your husband on his surgery. Glad you are there with him. It sounds like he hasn't lost his sense of humor.

    :) Didn't accomplish much today except walking the dogs, folding laundry, taking a nap, and riding the bike while watching figure skating on TV.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful, cold, sunny NW Washington
  • sdjm62
    sdjm62 Posts: 72 Member
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Kelly - those kids and Moms are so lucky to have you. I hope you did get a chance to elevate your leg.

    Lisa - My granddaughter has the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder also. It is a difficult thing. Courtney asked me for money. I am sending her a gift card for groceries and suggested that she supplement with the food bank.

    Rita - Yes, it has become more difficult with the Spanish. I haven't used the Tinycards app. I just go back and do the weakest words on each and then do the strengthening last. My daughter and I try to text each other a few sentences in Spanish daily.

    Becca - I'll have to snap some photos of my living room. I think you would like the colours. Can't take credit though. I have a bit of an idea and Jheri runs with it. I do have to restrict her with the budget but she is very good at upcycling things.
    Sending you lots of hugs. Your poor hubby has sure been through it. He has a strong spirit. Praying they move up the operation and that it gives him relief.

    Joyce - Beautiful photo of the girls. Love that red dress.

    Terry - You need to post a photo with the helmet on. Let me know how it works. I would do almost anything to help my poor balding head .(caused mostly by my body's reaction to anaesthetic so they say)

    Allie - Wishing you luck in locating a will.
    I loved the movie Sing. My granddaughters can't resist dancing through it.

    Kim- Sorry you are having roommate trouble but at least you know it is short term.

    Yesterday I didn't leave the house. I didn't even poke my nose outside, just stayed inside, puttered around, cooked, watched Olympics and did my duo lingo. So nice to be warm for the whole day. Larry returned home around 1:30 and then went to the auto swap meet. Usually his brothers come for this but not this year. He spent 3 hrs. there catching up with his car buddies.

    Today was spent in more cleaning, laundry. Keira wanted me to watch her while her Mom worked because her big brother is "too boring and too bossy". We had planned on getting groceries so picked her up and took her to Costco. We got busted for her riding with me on the scooter. "Can you read? It says that isn't allowed right there." Keira wondered if we would get a ticket or be arrested. She wanted a dress that I refused to buy because she has lots. She had her own money and said she would pay for it. We went way over my budget so I had a look of shock when I heard the total. Larry decided to pay it. He did just sell one of our many trucks so he had cash. We were over because he was shopping. He bought meat we didn't need. He has decided he wants to grind his own coffee beans so that was an extra $20 when we have 2 full cans of coffee at home. In the end Grandpa decided to buy the dress. It does look great on her.

    Back to work tomorrow and it is going to be a cold one. Reading about Mary in Arizona I was reminded of our vacation years ago in the Apache Junction/Mesa area. We were the crazy Canadians in shorts while everyone else was wearing jackets. I got one heck of a sunburn.

    Had a great visit with a friend via phone. It was amusing listening to her story of adopting a feral kitten. Brought it in on a very cold day. Toby isn't pretty but definitely has her heart.

    Have enjoyed watching snippets of the Olympics. I always enjoy watching the figure skaters.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge where it is still white and COLD
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • DancesWithDogz
    DancesWithDogz Posts: 107 Member
    If you can get CBC (canadian broadcasting) search for "Someone Knows Something" - great podcast
    ryenday wrote: »
    We've decided to go to our nearby town and have a pub lunch. They do a delicious fennel and spinach salad. Yum!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    My two favourite veg! Wish I could have some too.

    Podcasts: Any recommendations? I get impatient and frustrated with audio books, but enjoy listening to conversational style podcasts. Looking for some good ones to load in my phone so I have company on my walks to work.

    It looks like we will take a mini trip to visit friends in San Antonio this month. I do love San Antonio, so I’m going to have to make some plans. Obviously an afternoon or evening on the River Walk, but I might have to excuse myself while they all have a drink or something because I’m the only one who will want to WALK. Lol. There are way too many good food options in S.A. So that will be easy. And if the weather is good, maybe I can convince them to go to the Botanic Gardens. I’m excited.

    Husband is feeling better now that he’s seen the otolaryngologist, so life is returning to more normal. Thank heavens. I don’t much like grumpy sicky DH and have limited patience with him.

    Mr Mustachios has not been around to visit Sweetheart lately, but a new kitty has - I call him Applesauce. All three are feral, but somewhat acclimated to people. They don’t run away, but don’t actually let us get too close either.

    A picture of Applesauce:



  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Monday! Sore, sore SORE!!! Did a fair amount of shoveling this weekend (about three hours worth). I am just a bit on the stiff and sore side this morning. Went to bed last night and just built a cocoon of blankets and pillows around me and longed to just seal myself in for a couple of days. lol I made it out of bed this morning, though. Hopped on the scale to zero pounds lost. Maybe I am building muscle mass with all of the shoveling?! Oh well, tomorrow is another week.
    Becca- Sending good vibes, prayers for strength and peace to you and your DH!
    Wendy- Hang in there, for the remainder of their visit; but I think you need to step up to the plate and let this couple know that you will not host them again. Maybe the reason they keep coming back is that you and your DH are the only couple that they know, who hasn't banned them from visiting! Not fair the way they are treating you and your family. Shameful!
    Lisa- I don't envy you, your position, right now. My DH thinks I am crazy, because I have said quite a few times, that I don't think I could handle it if my daughter and family lived with us. Personally, I think something happens when parents and kids are in the same home together. I think, more often than not, we take on the parent/child roles again. Even though Kelsey is a grown woman and mama; I think she subconsciously is leaning on daddy to take care of things. I imagine, it is a relief for her for this short time, to have some one else carry the load. Anyway, sending you lots of love and support! Glad your son is doing better!
    Heather- Speaking of sons, happy your son is able to keep his position and sending all kinds of love and support to the both of you, as well!
    New girls- Welcome! Don't forget to bookmark our site so you can come back each day. Most of us read and chat for that mental boost/kick in the butt that we all need. We also glean a lot of good advice from this wonderful group. My name is KJ or Kelly, I am 51 and post menopausal, and I have been with these ladies for two years, now. I found this group as I was realizing that my younger workout partners had no idea of the struggles that I was dealing with.

    More of you that I wanted to respond to; but my brain is a fog this morning. Definitely Monday Brain. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)