Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom - Group 2 - CLOSED THREAD



  • mindyrenee81
    mindyrenee81 Posts: 67 Member
    Hello! Im weighing in a 218 today! Yay, finally a lose for me! I also did 30 minutes of wii playing tennis and another 30 of doing wii hula hoop. Yep my abs are so sore but I like doing hula hoop!
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    @mindy - That hula hoop is a killer! Who would have thought it was such a workout, but it is!!

    @ bubblesburst - love your picture!!
  • shelleilei
    shelleilei Posts: 122 Member
    Aww Bubbles, you're adorable. You should make that your user pic! I need to post my pics already but I'm dreading it. :blushing:
  • AmberCHM
    AmberCHM Posts: 430 Member
    A friend is here from out of town and came over with her babies today...so I didn't get my exercise in. I'll make up for it by doing an hour tomorrow :)
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,152 Member
    thanks nlsalvatore and shelleilei can't wait to get a better pic to put up here

    amber who can say no to babies, worth the break in exercise
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Here is this week's chart with the weigh-ins we have. SailingSal and Summer_of_69, if you post yours or PM me, I will add them. Thanks! Great job this week!!

  • AmberCHM
    AmberCHM Posts: 430 Member
    Worked out for an hour today to make up for missing yesterday's workout.

    Bubbles- yes, it was definitely worth the break :) We met each other's babies for the first time yesterday :) Her youngest and my twins are only 5 days apart.
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327


    Way to go, Groups 3 & 4!! You've had two weeks of all members checking in, and your numbers are showing the difference!

    One member suggested listing "% of weight loss" per group. When I ran the numbers, I didn't feel they were a good reflection of the weight lost, as some members only have to lose a very small percentage of their current weight to get to their goal weights while others have to lose a much larger percentage. Let's just keep on tracking "% to GW." Hopefully, some groups will make it to the GW's before the challenge ends!

    Please take a minute to review the following goal weights and percentages for your team listed below. I received these numbers from either the original "Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom" posting or from your group posting. This "Goal Weight" is the weight you would like to be on December 31, 2011 -- the official end of this challenge. If your goal weights are not accurate, then the "% to GW" column will not reflect your progress. For example, members with "% to GW" of 8.69% or higher as of today are on track to reach their group goal weights by December 31.


    If you are below 8.69%, don't sweat it! You still have 21 weeks to get to your GW! If you would like to make a change, just send me a message.

    Posted on the following groups:
    --“Who want to be a hot mom?!” Group 1 (closed group)
    -- Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom – Group 2 – CLOSED THREAD
    -- Future Hot Mamas – Group 3
    -- Who wants to be a HOT MAMA group 4 (closed group)
    -- Who wants to be a HOT MOM group 5
    -- Hot Moms Group 6 (closed group)
    -- “Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom” Group 7
    -- Who wants to be a hot mom?!: GROUP 8 CLOSED THREAD.
    -- Who wants to be a hot mom-Group 9 (closed group)
    -- Hot Mom (Closed group)-Mommies in Control
  • sailingsal
    sailingsal Posts: 285 Member
    sorry for the late post i was 212 on monday. Managing to walk on my knee again but spectacularly bruised from knee to ankle! Not managing much exercise as it still hurts. Hope your all doing ok.
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member

    This is our updated chart with everyone's weighins for the week! Great job girls!! Hope everyone is meeting the challenge and getting in 30 minutes of exercise each day!
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    sorry for the late post i was 212 on monday. Managing to walk on my knee again but spectacularly bruised from knee to ankle! Not managing much exercise as it still hurts. Hope your all doing ok.

    Hey Sal - How is your knee doing? Hope you are on the mend!
  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    Hi girls! I have been so busy studying but I will be in touch more often.

  • shelleilei
    shelleilei Posts: 122 Member
    What should next weeks mini goal be? Any suggestions?
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Hi Shelly! Maybe something food related - stay under calories, or make the water intake, or stay under sodium.
  • sailingsal
    sailingsal Posts: 285 Member
    HI, can i change my goals.
    Intermediate goal of 200 lbs and a final goal of 150 lbs. Aiming for 200 lbs or less by end of september!

    Knee is much better and back to walking and wii fit.

  • sailingsal
    sailingsal Posts: 285 Member
    My weight today is 209 lbs. So down 3 on last week!
    Hope everyone else doing ok.
  • AmberCHM
    AmberCHM Posts: 430 Member
    Weighing in at 231 today
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,152 Member
    i'm down 1lb this week at 219
  • shelleilei
    shelleilei Posts: 122 Member
    Mine is 205.2
  • Sharionp
    I want to be a hotmom...