JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,505 Member
    Recap Sat. 2/17 - slept in, it was lazy day at home with hubby <3
    1) Walked dog 3.08 miles this morning in single digit wind chills, had my winter layers on so not so bad. Happy dog! :smiley: Icy stretches on roads, could see clear spots to step on so no slip and falls. Now it's snowing again, and all the clear spots look exactly like the icy spots. Back to treadmill next week. Sad dog & sad me. :/
    2) Usual breakfast / leftovers for lunch / not sure about supper / net calories green = Horrible counts b/c pizza for supper but oh well. Net calories red >800, sugar red & sodium red >2,000. :o:s Protein & fiber ok & 12c water. :|
    3) Wash sheets = done :smiley:
    4) Floss & retainers = done x2 :smiley::smiley:

    JFT Sunday 2/18
    1) Bible class & church :smiley::smiley:
    2) Drink extra water to flush sodium
    3) Net calories green
    4) Meal plan & grocery shop (bad weather coming, may have icy roads Mon. & Tues.)
    5) Floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:30
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Haven't been on for a few days and holy cow am I ever behind! Four pages to read, which I'll have to do later because I have limited time right now. I've been in kind of a funk lately. Winter blues, cabin fever... you name it, I've got it. I have to get back to a place of gratitude.

    We are heading out to an antique mall today just to get out of the house so that will be nice.

    I hope all is well with y'all! Even when I'm not on, I'm thinking about you. Hugs and love. :heart:

    Just for Sunday:
    1. Be mindful of what I eat
    2. Drink 64 oz of water
    3. Pick out outfits for the work week, make sure all is ironed and ready to go
    4. Prep tomorrow's lunch, breakfast and coffee maker
    5. Turn negatives into positives - find 5 things to be grateful for today and journal them tonight
    6. Work on Bex's quilt when I get home
    7. Update Bullet Journal for the week
    8. Make a to-do list for the week
    9. Get outside and walk
    10. Meditate
    11. Early to bed. Unplug. Read a book instead of Nook or Kindle
    12. Get up tomorrow without hitting Snooze


    I can't control what happens in life, but I can certainly control how I react to it.

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @OConnell5483 I'm so glad to "see" you! I was hoping you were okay. I know that the weather in Wisconsin has been rough this winter. It must be hard to get out into the sun during that time. It seems like all of our nice days here it rains. I hope that the antique mall is fun and that it helps to get you out of your funk!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @biche896 Welcome!!! This a great and VERY active thread. Lol. Every day we support and encourage each other. If you are feeling down or weak or discouraged, come on here and we will definitely lift you up! Good job on the weekdays! We have a lot of people who fall off the wagon on weekends but we are all working on it. We know that this is a problem and we are actively working to fix it. I hope you stay long and have a good time!

    @MLHC1 I'm glad you are having time with your family this weekend. I hate how sometimes it does feel like we have to be superwomen! I know it's all for a good cause though. You can always come here and vent and share your experiences with us. It is helping me to understand and prepare for motherhood when we start having babies. I know that life can be crazy, I just hope I am up to the task! Lol. I know that you will lose the weight quickly after the baby comes. You are such a hard worker and I know that you love your elliptical! I hope that you have a great day today!

    @Bex953172 I hope everything is okay! I dont think I've seen you post today. Keep us updated!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member

    @MLHC1 I'm glad you are having time with your family this weekend. I hate how sometimes it does feel like we have to be superwomen! I know it's all for a good cause though. You can always come here and vent and share your experiences with us. It is helping me to understand and prepare for motherhood when we start having babies. I know that life can be crazy, I just hope I am up to the task! Lol. I know that you will lose the weight quickly after the baby comes. You are such a hard worker and I know that you love your elliptical! I hope that you have a great day today!

    Thank you!! I'm just not sure you can ever fully prepare for having children, Lol!! I hope to lose the weight within a year bc hubby and I may want to have one more in a year. Then I'm closing up "shop." :joy:
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    2/16 Friday JFT:

    ✔▪Regular morning routine for kids
    ✔▪Breakfast w/ hubby
    ✔▪Self pampering
    ✔▪Prenatal Yoga
    ❌▪Research work from home - Analyze 15 glycopeptides
    ✔▪Regular afternoon routine for kids
    ✔▪Bake cookies for kiddos and sitter
    ✔▪Pick up Costco Pizza for kiddos and sitter
    ✔▪Date night w/ hubby :heart:
    ✔▪Bedtime ~ midnight

    2/17 Saturday JFT:

    ✔▪Breakfast w/ family
    ✔▪Watch movie with kiddos
    ✔▪Baseball Tryouts
    ✔▪Little bit of house cleaning
    ✔▪Dinner by 7 pm
    ✔▪Bedtime by 10 pm

    2//18 Sunday JFT:

    ✔▪Breakfast w/ family
    ✔▪Review budget
    ✔▪Grocery List
    ✅▪Research work from home - Need to finish excel ledger➡️not complete but in progress
    ✔▪Grocery Shopping
    ✅▪Prep paperwork for taxes➡️not complete but in progress
    ✔▪Prepare doc. for hubby
    ✔▪Review baseball manager tasks
    ✔▪Dinner by 7 pm ➡️8:30 pm
    ✔▪Bedtime by 10 pm ➡️ 11 pm