Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
    Kathryn - at least your family is showing up to help, the details are always messy.

    Glasses take awhile, if you do not notice a change after week/10 days call the eye doctor and ask.

    Lunch on the horizon, yippee!!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
    Good evening,

    Baked potato and butter for dinner - too lazy to make anything else.

    Dvd and knitting on tap.

    Found out one of my contacts for NICU hats is a man!! I could not tell by the name - met a lady who knows him (same job title in company). Will start knitting 5-7 pound baby hats again (larger needles and larger yarn little easier on the eyes).

    Got a perfect audit this month - have not seen one in awhile, so that was a nice way to start my weekend.

    Fried rice question - my attempts to google are not working well - add fresh ginger?? Yes or no?

    Wave to all who follow. Hope everyone has a good night.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member

    Good morning, up with dog who is taken care of -- zzz time with any luck.

    To do list is short but will divide up and do a little each day.

    Quiche and fried rice this weekend will set me up - get salad makings for lunch salads and I am good.

    QOTD: Those with a 3 day weekend - any special plans?

    AOTD: dejunking, cleaning and rotate tires. Not things I do all the time and are needed to do. Okay not "special plans" but not everyday plans either.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,874 Member

    Good morning everyone~~
    Gray day here - waiting for big blob of rain to come.

    Sara You asked "Fried rice question - add fresh ginger?? Yes or no?"

    I like fresh ginger and pickled ginger (as often seen with sushi), used sparingly, a little on the side. I think that it should not be cooked (I'm no chef), but what do I know?
    Also I would not add it into the rice because I feel that it can take over a dish and then make every mouthful seem monotonous after a while.
    If your likes are different, and you would enjoy having it in your fried rice, I would add it after the heating.

    Kathryn - the changeable weather is having a bad affect on the plants and bushes in my yard. They start to get leaf buds or flowers, and then the cold weather comes, and bam--everything dies.

    Something happened to the back of my right knee late yesterday, and it is in quite a bit of pain. That surely puts the kibosh on walking today for exercise.
    The pool is only at 56 degrees, so it'll be a long time until water exercise is an option. It seems as if it is April or May, but it is only mid-February. Yesterday it got up to 81 degrees while I was out on errands. I was dripping. Today the high will be 47 degrees. Jeez.


    245.2 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,874 Member

    Kathryn - Did your eye doctor bring up the idea of having "computer glasses"? A number of years ago, I got a second pair of glasses that were a middle-distance prescription for use only when using the computer, but they were a neck-saver.

    I only got them the one time, and eventually as my eyes changed and I needed a stronger reading glasses correction, the computer glasses didn't work well any longer. My doctor has given me a fresh prescription for my computer glasses, but I have been cheap and lazy about having it filled.

    To be clear, the computer glasses prescription is a simple distance correction; the entire lens is the same correction. They are not a transitional lens.

    Also, at the risk of sounding quite negative, eyeglasses lenses are a dime a dozen item for the manufacturer: I saw a whole TV show on "How It's Made" about the eyeglasses industry. Companies turn out these prescription lenses all done by machine, and the quality is not very high.

    I've had "Varilux" lenses, and some other brand name, but I've never had super-high quality. My sister (the software engineer) once opted for Zeiss brand transitional lenses, and she said they were the best pair of transitional lenses she ever had - that there was no comparison, their quality was so high. The next time around though, her financial situation had changed, and she didn't want to pay for another pair or Zeiss-lensed glasses.

    Bottom line is, if you are uncomfortable or unhappy with your lenses, definitely speak up to your doctor/opticians.
    It could be that there's too much or not enough lens-real estate spent on one of the corrections and not enough in the others.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
    Went to get tires rotated biannual and guy said I might want to have oil changed - went to dealership all is good used $10 off coupon and found that as I do not drive as much a 6 - 12 month oil change depending on mileage is okay (it had been 18 months). I will have to do more driving and wanted to make sure my car was in good shape.

    Trying to make oatmeal today crazy making first one the milk was off and I just scalded the milk - simple things are just so hard sometimes.

    Will have more to say later- multi tasking at the moment......
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Snowing this afternoon in the nation’s capital this afternoon. Glad to be inside, watching the Olympics. Did make it to the gym for a good cardio workout (elliptical) and a light strength training. It’s been 3 weeks since I’ve done weights, thanks to this virus that doesn’t seem to want to go away.

    Waves to all. Will check back later.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
    Good evening,

    Got lazy had frozen lasagna - glad I have Monday off.

    Lana your top # is coming down - good work. Be good to your knee - do you have "urgent care" in your state? Might want to consider if knee does not get better.

    Tomorrow is groceries / roast vegetables/ make fried rice. Quiche can be made Monday.

    Curling up with dog early.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Hi all! Sorry haven't been here, much. I've been reading posts but not posting myself. I've been spending too much time on FB promoting Scentsy, not enough time studying. Just been having a hard time getting motivated.. also, having hard time with new girls at work...I like them both... one just talks, and talks and doesn't sit still...I'm finding it difficult to even talk to anyone, cuz I feel like I am always trying to overtalk...the other, I want to talk to about her trying harder, doing more...I'm just not sure how or if it's even my place.. she's a good worker, but tends to sit or talk a little too much...I know, the Dr's are watching her...

    I finally stepped on the scale, today... wasn't surprised, but not happy... since moving, I don't have much say on food choices. Yes, I can eat less... and, I do try... thinking of getting some better choices to at least have for lunch while at work... Will just have to leave there, as home food is now complete free for all and I will end up not getting any of food I buy... yes, this has already happened... incredibly frustrating... another reason I haven't made great choices...I have to eat what is available..good or otherwise..
    Weather has not been much in my favor, either..72° one day, snow 2 days later... and, freezing rain and snow this week... yup, that's Mo for ya... blah

    Waves to all... everyone have a good night...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member

    Good morning - dog up and fed. Tempted to sleep in but knew I would be chasing my tail.

    Groceries and cooking main items on list - did get a nap yesterday and hoping for one today. Dejunking/cleaning on list as well.

    Dawn - when things are out of your hands, focus on other aspects of being healthier - walking breaks/ drinking water/ handling stress without eating if possible. Coworkers - well you said it yourself the Dr's are watching and the Dr's bottom line $$ could be the determination - stay under the radar as much as possible.

    Weather had made allergies come early for me as well - got car washed when my oil was changed and all the yellow/green pollen I couldnt see was off my car. Yuck.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,874 Member

    Good morning All~~

    Sara - I just read your post about making the oatmeal and the milk. Some days are just like that. I hope that things have been better since and that you have a good Sunday prepping your food, getting in some walking with Miss Tillie, and then have some relaxing for yourself.

    Dawn - Sara is right! Focus on other healthy factors while you are in this food/home situation. Who knows, maybe you will stumble upon a fruit or vegetable that only you like, and it won't get eaten! LOL. As for the exercise and the weather, maybe you could get in some floor exercises--abdominals, etc. (Talking to myself here, big time.) Hope the work-staff thing gets sorted out eventually. Keep us posted.

    Tess - big applause for you--getting to the gym! Atta girl. Glad you are feeling better.

    Waves to Kathryn and Annie and Missy and Saltine and anyone else who stops by to say Hi!


    244.2 today (down 1.2 from last Sunday's weigh in!)
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
    edited February 2018
    Good evening,

    Phew - got the fried rice made and will wait until it cools down to put into freezer.

    Got nice nap in with dog - will go back to dvd and knit with dog.

    Took down one of my junk "monsters". I have another one to do tomorrow.

    oops editing time - Lana - great weigh in !! Keep up the good work :)

    Wishing all a good night.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member

    Good morning - dog up and fed. Tempted to sleep in but knew I would be chasing my tail.

    Groceries and cooking main items on list - did get a nap yesterday and hoping for one today. Dejunking/cleaning on list as well.

    Dawn - when things are out of your hands, focus on other aspects of being healthier - walking breaks/ drinking water/ handling stress without eating if possible. Coworkers - well you said it yourself the Dr's are watching and the Dr's bottom line $$ could be the determination - stay under the radar as much as possible.

    Weather had made allergies come early for me as well - got car washed when my oil was changed and all the yellow/green pollen I couldnt see was off my car. Yuck.


    Thanks Sara...I have been drinking water at work... stress eating is somewhat at a minimum... walking, I'm hoping to do more of, once weather decides what it's going to do...I have definitely been trying my best to stay under radar at work... I've gotten good at walking away and finding something to do...I still am so much happier at this job, than I have been in a very long time...
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Good morning All~~

    Sara - I just read your post about making the oatmeal and the milk. Some days are just like that. I hope that things have been better since and that you have a good Sunday prepping your food, getting in some walking with Miss Tillie, and then have some relaxing for yourself.

    Dawn - Sara is right! Focus on other healthy factors while you are in this food/home situation. Who knows, maybe you will stumble upon a fruit or vegetable that only you like, and it won't get eaten! LOL. As for the exercise and the weather, maybe you could get in some floor exercises--abdominals, etc. (Talking to myself here, big time.) Hope the work-staff thing gets sorted out eventually. Keep us posted.

    Tess - big applause for you--getting to the gym! Atta girl. Glad you are feeling better.

    Waves to Kathryn and Annie and Missy and Saltine and anyone else who stops by to say Hi!


    244.2 today (down 1.2 from last Sunday's weigh in!)
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal

    I keep seeing fun, yummy things on TV, as far as snacks and such...Avocado Toast, cottage cheese with fruit...I think I will grab a little on lunch and keep at work... at least I can have a fairly good lunch... need to work on breakfast and snacks...I was going to start the 7 workout App, I already gave up...I'm so insecure, I can't complete a workout, if anyone is awake... it's past doing it to me and, I can't get past it...I'm planning (hoping) to start walking in the park, once weather clears...

    Huge WOO on your WI!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
    edited February 2018

    Good morning, typed Sunday - had to stop and weigh in - up 1.2 stink but just is. Playing in same 3-5 pounds. It could be worse, it could just go up.....

    Lady at work went on a cleansing diet and lost a lot of weight very quickly and coworker tells me she is not well. Slow and steady wins the race. Will focus on getting up and walking more.

    ZZZ time with any luck. BBL.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,874 Member

    Sara - Boy, do I understand the "playing with the same 3-5 pounds" thing.

    Drat! What can we do to get ourselves down a step lower on this Weight-Tree? I'd like to play around with a lower/different "3 to 5 pounds" for a while! LOL!


    245.4 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
    This weeks goal? -- get closer to the lower 240s to play there for a while!

  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Woke 2am this morning, as my DB used to say, to a "complete system flush." I hope that this time it is just something I ate. I do NOT want another go-round with the flu.

    I did come into work, albeit late. We have much to do and have to travel tomorrow. (am so NOT looking forward to that.)

    Wearing old glasses today. The new ones are giving me headaches and making me queasy. (that is the last thing I need today since i already feel like crap) Never had glasses do that before. I have a call into my doctor to see about any adjustments that might be done. Will also ask about computer glasses thanks to Lana!

    Dawn - any way to prep meals and mark containers so that they wont be eaten at home? Maybe be tricky in labeling like mark it "dog food" or something silly that no one would touch! LOL Otherwise, looks like getting stuff to keep in work fridge is your best bet. Good luck on coping with co-workers.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    hickchic67 wrote: »
    Woke 2am this morning, as my DB used to say, to a "complete system flush." I hope that this time it is just something I ate. I do NOT want another go-round with the flu.

    I did come into work, albeit late. We have much to do and have to travel tomorrow. (am so NOT looking forward to that.)

    Wearing old glasses today. The new ones are giving me headaches and making me queasy. (that is the last thing I need today since i already feel like crap) Never had glasses do that before. I have a call into my doctor to see about any adjustments that might be done. Will also ask about computer glasses thanks to Lana!

    Dawn - any way to prep meals and mark containers so that they wont be eaten at home? Maybe be tricky in labeling like mark it "dog food" or something silly that no one would touch! LOL Otherwise, looks like getting stuff to keep in work fridge is your best bet. Good luck on coping with co-workers.

    Hope you are feeling better.. one bout of flu is enough...

    I wish I had the mindset for meal prep.... and, cottage cheese is not an option at home... cousin eats it almost every day...I just have to decide on something and just do it... hopefully, sooner rather than later...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,342 Member
    Dawn does your workplace have a fridge?? You might be able to store some things there.

    Took walk and then took dog on walk. Last thing on "to do list" is make quiche.

    Kathryn - wow - sorry to hear you are having an unwanted "cleanse" - herb tea - your new glasses are not your friend - when you are able contact your eye dr and see what they recommend. Wishing you comfort.

    Nap may be on the horizon as I have to ration my knitting.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,874 Member

    Oh Kathryn - so sorry to hear of digestive tract distress!! Where do you have to travel?

    Dawn - just some humor.....label some containers "Live culture"? "Sea Urchin" and other gross things?

    Sara - You did well getting the walking in!

    See you all tomorrow. Please send me some sunshine! And tell my leg to stop hurting! (It's from the meds, so I'm hoping it's just a thing for a few days and it will move to another body part.)
