The middle agers group. (Upper 30s,40s & 50ish folks)



  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    Haha! Yeah. I get really annoyed with people like that. The fact that I used to be like that just makes it even more annoying!! Then life happened. Ah well, we're going to die of something
  • Secretnotes
    Secretnotes Posts: 46 Member
    Morning lovely middle agers, yes it's finally Friday!!!! :):) I hope each and everyone of you have a fabulous day, now get out there and change the world!!!!!

    Good morning Sunshine!
  • gilahalleli
    gilahalleli Posts: 30 Member
    Hi! I'm 47 and 34 days into the 17 day diet. I'm trying to get into shape (finally). I wish I could say I had noble goals, but honestly, I want to date more and buy a Naama Betzalel dress (local designer--I'm in Israel). Happy to make some more friends to keep me on the straight and narrow.
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hi! I'm 47 and 34 days into the 17 day diet. I'm trying to get into shape (finally). I wish I could say I had noble goals, but honestly, I want to date more and buy a Naama Betzalel dress (local designer--I'm in Israel). Happy to make some more friends to keep me on the straight and narrow.

    It's as good a goal as any!!! I have some pants I bought made out of very flimsy material. It split on every seam the first time I wore it and I had to sew it smaller. So now I am waiting/working on myself until I can fit into that with the risk of tearing any more material!!!!
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    Very interesting this past week:

    A 28 year old supervisor was in my office talking to her manager who's in his 30s, discussing a new 21 year old employee. Apparently now that she's so "old" she finds it difficult to understand these young people.

    Then I left to visit one of my customers, and in conversation I discovered he's 42 and glad for all the wisdom he's gained in his "long life" so far.

    What should I say at 52, when all these people think they're so old already?!?!
  • berky06
    berky06 Posts: 209 Member
    Hi! I'm 47 and 34 days into the 17 day diet. I'm trying to get into shape (finally). I wish I could say I had noble goals, but honestly, I want to date more and buy a Naama Betzalel dress (local designer--I'm in Israel). Happy to make some more friends to keep me on the straight and narrow.

    I'm going to Vegas in June. Every summer I love the dresses that everyone wears. For many years I've always said, "I would love to lose some weight and be able to wear some of these cute summer dresses." Now, that isn't my only goal, but a short term one. I've already bought the dress that I plan on taking on my trip.

    I think your goal is a great one! Good luck on your goal and I'm sure you will have great success getting there! :)
  • Fisah17
    Fisah17 Posts: 202 Member
    RandJ6280 wrote: »
    If you could move to any country.... what country would you move to and why would you move there?

    I would go back to Guam. The family atmosphere and the way the ocean air smelled first thing in the morning...ocean water so clear you could see your feet walking out into the ocean :)
  • kellyannebrownmfp
    kellyannebrownmfp Posts: 2 Member
    Just about to turn 36, and restarting again. Feel free to add me, I would love some company on this journey.
  • Fisah17
    Fisah17 Posts: 202 Member
    edited March 2018
    Just about to turn 36, and restarting again. Feel free to add me, I would love some company on this journey.

    I'll be 36 this Spring and trying to get to my happy weight (feels like 10 lbs away) muscle tone. I'll add you!
  • 39andfat
    39andfat Posts: 144 Member
    what age are you considered middle aged? (asking for a friend)
  • michellemundi
    michellemundi Posts: 1,223 Member
    As it says on the Title..30s upwards lol
  • michellemundi
    michellemundi Posts: 1,223 Member
    Hi im 35yrs old... am looking for friendly, positive friends and support. And good support to give to others.. feel free to add me.
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    39andfat wrote: »
    what age are you considered middle aged? (asking for a friend)

    Title says Upper 30's. 35 is halfway to 70, and my one gran died before she reached 70. Not many people live to 100 so I would think 50 is the upper limit. So I guess 35 to 50 is the most logical range
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    39andfat wrote: »
    what age are you considered middle aged? (asking for a friend)

    Title says Upper 30's. 35 is halfway to 70, and my one gran died before she reached 70. Not many people live to 100 so I would think 50 is the upper limit. So I guess 35 to 50 is the most logical range

    Upper limit says 50ish, but I'm not sure how far "ish" goes.
  • Bettybooslim
    Bettybooslim Posts: 19 Member
    hiya just back to MFP and looking for new friends! please add me anyone :))
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    hiya just back to MFP and looking for new friends! please add me anyone :))

    Sure. Will do.
  • drjoe68
    drjoe68 Posts: 13 Member
    Two weeks away from my 50th b-day. Managed to lose 10 lbs since mid January, hoping to lose another 30 this year to get me back to my 29 year old body. Feel free to add me.
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,854 Member
    Good work. 47 here working out for 4 yrs now and feel better now then at 27 lol .Good Job !!!
  • MarcA1218
    MarcA1218 Posts: 570 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • gilahalleli
    gilahalleli Posts: 30 Member
    RandJ6280 wrote: »
    If you could move to any country.... what country would you move to and why would you move there?

    My niece asks me that all the time. I always respond that I already did that when I moved to Israel. Annoys the crap out of her. :p