JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,116 Member
    @MLHC1 how are things going with you!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,116 Member
    missheidi wrote: »
    JFT 3/8
    oh, i'm sore. I yoga-ed hard tuesday and i'm going to do it again tonight.
    log everything
    stay green
    drink 80
    yoga class
    fix the nose on the darn corgi.

    Do you go to yoga at the gym or at home?
    I’ve always fancied a go but don’t have a gym membership and won’t be having one any time soon!!

    Also.. I want to see this corgi!!
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Saragirl2 wrote: »

    Pulled out 4 dresses last night. All sized 10-16. I wore the 10s in 2010! Tried on the 16 (can't zip it!) & it was a real eye opener as to how much work I need to do. I was avoiding the reality of my situation by wearing stretchy materials & layers. I remember vividly wearing each dress except the 16 b/c it still has tags. Last week I took out a tape measure to measure my waist and I know I've got to get the number down.
    I know if I can make progress, I will feel better physically & emotionally.

    Have a great week everyone!

    I can SO relate! This was one of the reasons I wanted to lose weight - I have so many pretty dresses, and hubby always loves it when I wear dresses. Some, like yours, still have the tags on them. But all I wear, even when we go out, is jeans, and a baggy shirt or sweater.
    So after reading your post - for the first time - I also took my measurements!
    We are going to get there! Just keep thinking of all those beautiful dresses you want to wear!

    Yes! We will get there. Can't wait to fit them all!
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    missheidi wrote: »
    JFT 3/8
    oh, i'm sore. I yoga-ed hard tuesday and i'm going to do it again tonight.
    log everything
    stay green
    drink 80
    yoga class
    fix the nose on the darn corgi.

    Do you go to yoga at the gym or at home?
    I’ve always fancied a go but don’t have a gym membership and won’t be having one any time soon!!

    Also.. I want to see this corgi!!

    @Bex953172 Right now this corgi is a damn mess. stay tuned.
    I usually go to the y for yoga, but there are free youtube videos all over the place. Amazon prime also has a bunch.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,116 Member

    missheidi wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    missheidi wrote: »
    JFT 3/8
    oh, i'm sore. I yoga-ed hard tuesday and i'm going to do it again tonight.
    log everything
    stay green
    drink 80
    yoga class
    fix the nose on the darn corgi.

    Do you go to yoga at the gym or at home?
    I’ve always fancied a go but don’t have a gym membership and won’t be having one any time soon!!

    Also.. I want to see this corgi!!

    @Bex953172 Right now this corgi is a damn mess. stay tuned.
    I usually go to the y for yoga, but there are free youtube videos all over the place. Amazon prime also has a bunch.

    Ah I have amazon prime!
    Looks like I’ll have to sneak the box off my OH and set it up in the lounge hahah
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,525 Member
    edited March 2018
    Recap W 3/7
    1) Treadmill before work / 3 mi 49:19 / stretched :smiley: Even washed hubby's work clothes while walking (he keeps "forgetting") :D
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 13,150 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) & 31 floors. Pretty good considering haircut after work & evening Lenten service. :smiley:
    3) Leftovers for lunch / choose wisely at soup supper (limit breads & desserts) / net calories w/i 100 green = At supper had 1/2 slice bread and 1 oatmeal raisin cookie + 2 soups / best-guess logged & net calories -229, sodium & sugar red, fiber & protein good, 12c water :/
    4) Evening: haircut :smiley: / soup supper :smiley: / Lenten service :smiley: / 1 to-do = put away laundry :smiley:
    5) Unplug 9:00 :/ 9:30 / floss :/ tired & just didn't do it / retainers :smiley: / bed & TV 10:15 (treadmill Th a.m.) :smiley:

    JFT R 3/8 - Too many snooze alarms / listened to my body & taking a rest day
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    2) Leftovers for lunch / not sure of supper (trying to locate recipe) / net calories w/i 100 green / monitor usual
    3) Evening: choir / wash dishes / at least 1 to-do
    4) Unplug 9:00 (seriously!) / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15 (treadmill F a.m.)

    @OConnell5483 My "floors" are recorded on my Fitbit Charge HR. It only records going up, not down, and is based on changes in elevation, not number of steps...if I remember correctly from my reading when I first got it. That's why I get "floors" counted when I walk dog. Hubby gifted Fitbit to me for Christmas 2015. I don't wear it to bed, but put it on first thing in the morning, usually.

    @Bex953172 Loved your comments about our snowblowers, and driving. I guess I'm just used to it where we live. Glad you got Casey home safe and sound!

    @joan6630 and @toaljasa You and your daughters are in my prayers. (((hugs)))

    I'm behind reading posts since some time yesterday, will catch up with everyone later. Have a blessed day!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,525 Member
    Leave for callback at 8:45. Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 15 minutes after return from callback.

    Good luck on the callback!