Why did you come to the conclusion to lose weight?



  • szkasha
    szkasha Posts: 26 Member
    I fell in love with Aerial Dance, but to be good, it requires you to be strong. So I started getting stronger and losing body fat (which is more important to me than weight) and I've never felt better. Lowest weight since I hit puberty and the happiest I've ever been with my body. (FYI, I'm only 120 lbs and 4'11" so it's not a crazy low weight, lol.)
  • lakeena01
    lakeena01 Posts: 13 Member
    The mirror, my ankles, my knees, having to stop tying my shoes to breathe, my kids, being single, having no energy, being an insomniac... MY HEALTH (mental and physical)
  • amandastardust89
    amandastardust89 Posts: 26 Member
    I have been overweight for most of my life, so there are many things that have happened to me that made me realize I need to lose weight. Still, I had kind of just accepted that I was a fat person and would probably always be that way.

    Now that I'm older and have a daughter looking up to me, though...my outlook has changed.

    I want to be able to fit in the seats on carnival rides.
    I'm tired of struggling when I have to tie my shoes.
    I resent that I don't enjoy sex as much as I should.
    My husband deserves to have a hot wife.
  • harpeg
    harpeg Posts: 1 Member
    After regaining the majority of the 50 pounds I lost 4 years ago, I realized I needed help to do this. I feel that I have found the doctor to help me do this and finally keep it off before I destroy my knees and to reduce my risk of adult onset diabetes which runs in my family.
  • Ashrenalls
    Ashrenalls Posts: 88 Member
    harpeg wrote: »
    After regaining the majority of the 50 pounds I lost 4 years ago, I realized I needed help to do this. I feel that I have found the doctor to help me do this and finally keep it off before I destroy my knees and to reduce my risk of adult onset diabetes which runs in my family.

    My knees are an issue too. And Type 2. Good luck with your journey!
  • issa0105
    issa0105 Posts: 7 Member
    I've been trying to lose weight for years and the thing that is helping me stick to the diet is the Europe trip I'll be taking in 2019 <3:)
  • genchiyu
    genchiyu Posts: 244 Member
    I let myself go for the past three years and gained thirty pounds within that timeframe. Once I've hit that number on the weighing scale, I figured it was time to change my lifestyle.
  • SabAteNine
    SabAteNine Posts: 1,866 Member
    The first time, it was a lot of things. I had been skinny for a long time and still saw myself like that after gaining about 12-13 kgs. I was heavier than my (too) thin boyfriend with just as much. Looking at pictures from parties and going "wait that's not MEEEE?!". Hearing "you're pretty, too bad for that big *kitten*!" on the street from a taxi driver. Picking pants 2 sizes too small for the cabin while shopping and embarrassingly changing them for the bigger ones. My dad's comments. Looking at older pictures. Eventually, all this clicked together in a big "Do it! Start now!".
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    The Metformin couldn’t keep my blood sugars in check, my blood pressure kept rising and I was losing my mobility.
  • gempeadon
    gempeadon Posts: 2 Member
    I've got nerve damage from the L4 disc downwards. It's seriously affecting my bladder and occasionally my being able to walk any kind of distance. I know losing weight will help improve my situation as I have about 3.5st to lose!