Opinions on the keto diet??



  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    personally i am against the keto diet because our bodies main/preferred source of energy is carbohydrates. also the keto diet does not allow alot of fruits/vegetables which are key for good health. I see alot of keto recipes with bacon and other processed meats which cause inflammation in the body and can lead to cancer/other illness.

    I’ve never eaten as many servings of fruits and vegetables on a consistent basis as I am now on keto, and if you choose to eat a bunch of bacon on any diet of course you should go for the nitrate-free kind. You don’t have to try anything you don’t want, but these are ridiculous reasons for opposing keto.

    What's with nitrate/nitrite-free everything all of a sudden? Is this more chemphobia?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I eat a lower carb diet (I wouldn't call it "keto"), but I'm not here to discuss the pro's and con's of keto - any way you find to moderate your eating that works for you is the important thing. I'm here to discuss the "lot of work" bit.

    No, not really. If you meal plan for any kind of diet then there is work involved, no more for keto than any other. But once you get used to planning what you can have then it's not really "harder" than anything else.

    Whatever way you choose just make sure you understand how to do it properly. There are a lot of people doing diets badly because they only half understand them.

    I agree with this. I didn't find eating keto much work at all, no more so than any other way of eating (beyond just eating whatever based on what seems good right now).

    I think the difficulty, for those who find it such, is that for them it's not a satiating way to eat or else they miss the foods that are (mostly) off limits. Those are valid reactions, of course.
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    Keto worked well for me but after 6 months to a year I got sick and wanted to eat my chicken noodle soup etc. Then I wanted more and more carbs.. I wanted to be able to eat fruit, potatoes, bread and other things not allowed on Keto. I gained most of the weight back. My own fault.

    For me I realized I needed something different, I was bored of the same old things every day and was reaching for what was around and what was easy, which means junk. Find something that you can handle that doesn't bore you and that YOU can stick to personally. I took what I learned from keto and focused on CICO.. added more carbs but chose healthier options with what knowledge I gained from Keto, choosing low sugar options, using the sweetners I found rather than sugar or honey and chose lower carb or whole food options.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    marm1962 wrote: »
    I do not understand why people mark someone's personal experiences as "woo".

    Woo is good

    I think most of us see the woo button as "that's nonsense". I rarely ever use the woo button unless I think someone is pushing an unhealthy/dangerous plan on someone else or the community at large. Some use it as woo hoo but I don't really think that was the intention by the programmers.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    marm1962 wrote: »
    I do not understand why people mark someone's personal experiences as "woo".

    Woo is good

    I think most of us see the woo button as "that's nonsense". I rarely ever use the woo button unless I think someone is pushing an unhealthy/dangerous plan on someone else or the community at large. Some use it as woo hoo but I don't really think that was the intention by the programmers.

    Oh but it was.
    It was both at one time. Both "nonsense" and "yay". Speaking of "nonsense". :smirk:
    Now it's just supposed to meant "that's nonsense." But Pandora's box has been opened. Many people don't understand and have always thought it means "yahoo."

  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Sarahb29 wrote: »
    marm1962 wrote: »
    I do not understand why people mark someone's personal experiences as "woo".

    Woo is good

    I think most of us see the woo button as "that's nonsense". I rarely ever use the woo button unless I think someone is pushing an unhealthy/dangerous plan on someone else or the community at large. Some use it as woo hoo but I don't really think that was the intention by the programmers.

    Never heard anyone say "woo" as "that's nonsense". Woo is meant to be woo-hoo.

    That's not what the site staff have said: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10570889/new-community-reaction-woo#latest
  • russelljam08
    russelljam08 Posts: 167 Member
    More people triggered by 'woo'. SMDH