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JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat :)
    - Drink 3 large water bottles :/ Think I only had one, need to work on this one!
    - 30 minute lunch break - meditate or read Le Monde/ French vocab :/ Only took about 15 mins - was rather pushed for time
    - Stick to food plan :'( I had planned exactly what I was going to eat, but then the restaurant didn't have a table!! So we went to another restaurant - and without a plan, I ended up getting something way more fattening. Oh well, I will do better next time. Maybe I should have had a back up plan
    - Leave work by 5pm :neutral: I'm not sure why I wrote 5, I meant 5.30. But actually, it was a bit later (5.50)

    Today's commitments:
    - Log everything I eat
    - Drink 3 large water bottles
    - Stick to food plan
    - Go to gym at lunch OR later on if electrician hasn't been by then
    - Have a 1h lunch break, regardless
    - Plan to-do list
    - Stop work by 7pm
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @joan6630 I'm so sorry about the death in your family. But I'm glad that you got to spend some time in your hometown. I've only ever really lived in very close proximity to my home(except for a failed year at college and I was only an hour away and home every other weekend). With the exception of my parents, all the rest of my family is in Northern New York. At least 6 hours away and my brother is an hour and a half away in Philly. I never see him though. He doesnt have a car and I refuse to drive in that city(bad experience) so I kind of feel your pain.

    I actually slept through most of the night! That very rarely ever happens. Lol. Usually, the cat wakes me up around 330 or 4. Well, he waited until 5 this morning and he didnt even mean to. Lol. He was using his box and I woke up terrified because I didnt know what the sound was. Lol. It took a while to fall back to sleep. I only slept for another 20 minutes before I had to get up. Lol.

    I hope everyone is sleeping well! Work is 7:45 to 3:45 and then I'm going over the M&M's for dinner because the DH is closing tonight. I'll try and get on before tonight!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    And Daddy just called me and told me that there is a large tree down at the top of my part of the driveway. So he's going to have to drive me to work which is going to be a pain. There is a whole system for getting into the bank in the morning and it's going to be all screwed up. Thank goodness it's not just me and someone else opening. It would have been an even bigger pain. Although now the DH and I dont have to figure out the car situation. The tree should be moved and most of the snow melted by the time he has to leave at 1.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Checking in from Wednesday
    1. Log accurately. ❌ (Dinner - Plated 3) Pack & prelog lunch. ✔ Tea with cream. ✔ Morning meds. ✔
    2. Finish revising Friday's test. ✔ Print and proof. ✔ Write Week 5 reflection essay. ❌ Check with J&L about poetry scaffold; send to B? ❌ UPDATE CLASS WEBSITES. ✔ Print grammar practice. ✔ Daily Duolingo. ✔
    3. Continue inputting grades. ✔ Today's goal: All of freshman and half of sophomore CURRENT work graded and in the computer. ❌ Email lesson plan revision. ❌ Check lesson plans - revise for tomorrow as needed - reprint if needed. ✔
    4. Meditation? ❌ 1 set body exercises (10 lifted push-ups ALL THE WAY DOWN, 10 lunges each leg, 70 sec plank, 40 sec forward fold, 20 sec triangle each side, 40 sec down dog, 30 sec crane/tree/warrior 3 each leg, 15 side leg lifts) aim for 2. ✔ I NEED TO DO MY STRENGTH TRAINING. Steps at school to 5k; aim for 6. ✔
    5. Dinner with B? Find earrings that are ideally bronze or silver with blue or brown stones. ✔
    6. Input Plated meals. ❌ Library for Akata Warrior? (Open until 8.) ❌ Clothes to donation center? ❌ Gym for Day 3 strength. ❌ Steps to 10k; aim for 12. Try for 5 minutes at 6.5. ❌ Find the 9Round free week form. ❌ Update JFT. ❌ Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 9:45. ✔

    JFT Thursday
    1. Log accurately. Dinner: Everything salad. Pack & prelog lunch. Morning meds.
    2. Assessments entered. All listening grades. All presentations. Essays marked as collected or missing. Review lesson plans. Revise if needed; reprint and post.
    3. NO meditation or strength training today. Focus on preparing for evaluation.
    4. Continue reviewing terms with freshmen. More Kahoot! time.
    5. Clothes to car for donation. Chop celery for tomorrow. Pack bag - REMEMBER TIGHTS AND MAKEUP! Leave for garden by 4:30. Steps to 10k if possible. Update JFT upon return from garden. Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by half an hour after return from garden.

    Scale goals

    November: 183.6
    December: 176.6
    January: 174.6
    February: 173.6
    March 1: 172.4.
    March 31 goal: 170.4
    March 19 goal: 173.5 FAAAAIL. *sigh*
    March 28 goal: 175.5

    March 22: 175.8. Observation today. Guess we'll find out what stress does to my weight! ;D
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY (Wednesday)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water :)
    2. Log all the food I eat :)
    3. Stay in the green with my food intake :/
    4. Finish a couple orders from my shop :)
    5. Go to the gym :)

    JFT (Thursday)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Log all the food I eat
    3. Stay in the green with my food intake
    4. Finish a couple orders from my shop
    5. Go to the gym

    @HGSmith0920 Yea!!! I'm so glad your first day went well!! From what you wrote, it sounds like this bank is the perfect fit for you. Very happy for you!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    AND I got a phone call about 5 minutes before I was going to leave that work has a delayed start! :D

    Daddy moved the tree mostly out of the way and helped me dig out our cars. I was able to get them up the driveway, around the tree and into the parking lot(plowed!) next door. It's supposed to be in the 40's for the rest of the week and then the 50's the beginning of April(YAAAY!!!!) so it's going to be INCREDIBLY muddy here for a while. We got 7 inches that are going to melt VERY quickly. Lol. I think I am going to park up there for the next few days and wear a pair of ratty sneakers for the walk up. Maybe even a pair of ratty jeans as well. I dont want to slosh mud all over my work pants. Lol

    What a morning! Lol
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    edited March 2018

    My morning currently. Lol. That is Panda(the sometimes evil cat! Lol). If you look closely you can see that this webpage is open on my laptop! Lol
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    edited March 2018
    Does anyone one know to post a picture from an android phone? This whole emailing it to myself and then downloading then uploading is getting annoying. Lol
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    My backyard od78zygrjsmn.jpg

    Oooo lots of snow!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    JFT - Wednesday March 21
    2L of Water - :)
    Clean uniform room in office- :) Mostly done, I still have some uniforms to go through and some files to sort but spent 6 hours cleaning in there yesterday!
    Stay in the Green - :) Yes!!!!! Finally did it, even when my husband decided he wanted a Blizzard, I only had a small cone.
    Write in gratitude journal - :)
    Get cuddles from the grandchildren! It's Grandkid Wednesday! - :) Partially, my 6 year old grandson isn't as cuddly now that he's getting to be a big boy, but my 2 year old granddaughter is my girl and loves on me every time she visits! Yesterday I couldn't even put the shopping bags and purse down before I had her in my arms. I'll enjoy it while I can!

    JFT - Thursday March 22
    2L of Water
    Finish cleaning uniform room
    Stay in the Green
    Go to the gym for at least 30 minutes
    Write in Gratitude Journal
    Update MFP Profile pic, this one is very old and not an accurate picture of what I look like now. This was when I had lost weight previously :(
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    My backyard od78zygrjsmn.jpg

    What a beautiful backyard!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    @joan6630 Welcome back! You were missed around here. Funerals have that bittersweet taste to them. The unfortunate event also lends itself to reunions, homecomings, reminiscing, and reminders that life is precious. What a wonderful time you and you husband had walking down memory lane. Thank you for sharing your sweet, sweet memories. It was a lovely read.

    Now: Operation Red Cup! Get back on the journey. Perhaps a mini-goal for you: set a realistic goal as to where you want to be on your 67th birthday. Then write it down. Throw away any food bombs laying around to ensnare you and let's get focused and intense through July! What a fantastic birthday gift for yourself. We are all here to rah rah you along if you so choose to take up this challenge!

    Keep us posted on your daughter.

    Peace and joy
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,589 Member
    Recap Wed. 3/21 ~ in-house training 8:30 to 4:30 but quick lunch at home w/ hubby (short commute from Employee Services Building)
    1) Treadmill before work & stretch = late start / 2 mi 33:10 / stretched :smiley:
    2) Drink water ~ bring water bottle = 13c :smiley:
    3) Leftovers for lunch / choose wisely at soup supper (limit bread & desserts) / net calories green = Ate my own snacks at training, had 2 soups, 1/2 slice hearty bread & one cookie at soup supper and logged best I could. Net calories / sodium / sugar red, protein & fiber good. :neutral:
    4) Evening: soup supper (final week) :smiley: / Lenten service :smiley: / grocery shop : big trip, got most stuff needed for Easter dinner / 1-2 more to-do's? :/ no time... home at 9:20, groceries unloaded & put away 9:50 p.m.
    5) Unplug 9:00 :wink: no time / floss :( tired / retainers :smiley: / bed & TV off 10:15 :(

    JFT Th 3/22 ~ mammo 8:10 a.m. no time for treadmill before
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    2) Not sure of meals (no plans again) / net calories green / monitor usual
    3) Walk dog after work
    4) Evening at least 2 - 3 to-dos
    5) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    edited March 2018
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Wednesday
    1. Water :)
    2. Meditation :)
    3. Jewellers :) Turned my wedding bands in for repair and ordered a new family ring! Went to the junk jewelry store and bought a place holder ring so my rings fit when I get them back.
    4. Groceries :| Decided I didn't really need anything
    5. Paint Store :)
    6. Guild mtg. :)
    7. Studio time, if possible. I only have 3/8 of the border left so I want to get on it. :/ nope
    8. Brush and floss :)
    9. Bed by 10:30 :)
    FIT Wednesday
    1. Water
    2. Meditation
    3. Chiropractor
    4. Groceries
    5. Lunch with Beth
    6. Studio time and abundant minimalism podcast
    7. Brush and floss
    8. Bed by 10:30
  • KimmySmellsbee
    KimmySmellsbee Posts: 14 Member
    This thread got me back on track for my first days!! I'm on day 18 now. Yay! :)


    1. Go to easy yoga class at lunch.
    2. Go to soccer tonight.
    3. No alcoholic drinks tonight.
    4. Was home late last night, no time to pack proper lunch which I hate! Don't let this ruin my nutrition goals today. Eat healthy 'backup' foods I keep at work, or if I go get something make healthy choices with MFP diary in mind.
    5. Lights out by 11:00 pm.
  • biche896
    biche896 Posts: 261 Member
    I haven’t been here for a few days and I went off track !


    Apple cider vinegar
    2 litres of water
    Vitamin d
    Eat within macros
    10k steps
    IF 16/8
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    biche896 wrote: »
    I haven’t been here for a few days and I went off track !


    Apple cider vinegar
    2 litres of water
    Vitamin d
    Eat within macros
    10k steps
    IF 16/8

    I’m sure you’ve been asked this before..
    But Apple cider vinegar?
    What do you do with that and what does it do?