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  • knjiuv
    knjiuv Posts: 61 Member
    Well with this 4 pills a day, I am just drunk.

    So I kind of browsed through 4 pages and am not sure what was said.

    I remember after I retired, I would say numerous times Joyce Kimmel unit 2600 so whoever felt embarrassed, just don't.

    Meg, stay with us. We will wrap our arms around you and help you.

    Have you all seen the wanted posters for the groundhog that siId said we would have spring? So funny but we sure haven't seen any signs of springs yet. It's 42 degrees now.

    I guess I need to decrease my dose of Lyrica tom3 times a day. Maybe I should talk to my doctor first.

    Goodnight, I love you all and I think I missed Lemoras birthday. Loopy Joyce, Indiana
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Lenora- Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful year!
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    edited March 2018
    SHARON my heart bleeds for you lots of hugs

    LENORA happy birthday

    BECCA love your posts, you make me think and you make me smile

    Kate UK <3
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited March 2018
    Sharon - I can't imagine the pain you're going through. (((Hugs)))

    Belated happy birthday Lenora :flowerforyou: Glad you're recovering from whatever you ate. Last time I had food poisoning was in Japan. We'd been invited to dinner at the home of the head of the department my husband was visiting, and his wife had prepared a huge buffet-style spread. I suspect the toxin was in some of the mussels, because only two of us got sick. But we got really sick. It was terrible for the professor's wife, too. She'd lost face, poor woman, and I felt so sorry for her. :'(

    Our hotel room had a weird toilet with a spout that arched up over a little basin built into the back. When you flushed, cold water poured out the spout, into the basin and down a hole to refill the tank. I became very well acquainted the toilet that night. :s The rest of the hotel was equally bizarre. It's the only hotel I've ever stayed at where the elevator had a little bedside table with pots of scraggly wild violets. The proprietress had half a dozen long-haired cats, two of which were lounging on the reception desk when we checked in. Or maybe I hallucinated the whole thing.

    I've just been a very good girl o:) and turned down a translation job. It was a big long book, aimed mainly at sports trainers, about how to "create" talent in people. It might have been fun, but it definitely would have occupied all my waking hours from now to the end of May, and paid at about a quarter of my standard rate for translation. So NO GO! :-1:

    The past couple months have wreaked havoc on my health project. Too little time and too many excuses! Must head out for a long walk today - or a run.
    /Penny at the t07190.gif
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Good morning Ladies -

    Sharon - I am so sorry you are going through this. I can't even imagine what you are feeling to be going through so much physically and emotionally too. Big hugs!!

    Becca - so funny! Whoever listens to that message is going to have a great day!

    Caroline - if you are depending on the food diary to tell you your potassium, it may be off. Not all foods have the potassium listed as the food labels are not required to list it. Some do, but many don't. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, spinach, bananas, lentils, prunes, milk (and many others) give you a good dose of potassium.

    I've had a good week. Work is challenging, which is great. I think I have my head wrapped around 1/2 of a solution for a problem, now to figure out the other half. I like puzzles and enjoy finding errors and figuring out how to fix them. I need to get out in the shop and label boxes today. My super sticky labels came in that I am hoping stay on in the TX summer heat.

    Weight was down 3.2 lbs today, which means I have hit 80 lbs now!! FINALLY moving again. I know part of that was a loss masked from the "unusual" for me food that I ate over the weekend that made me retain water. I looked back at my log and hadn't lost much for 4 weeks, just traded a couple of pounds so to be moving again is great. I love it when I stick with it and finally get a whoosh! I'm still dealing with the burn on the roof of my mouth (from mashed cauliflower of all things). I am eating soft foods, rinsing my mouth with salt water and trying to not eat anything hot. If I make a hot dish, I let it cool before I eat it. It gives me time to clean up the pans in the kitchen before I eat, so not a total loss. I clean as I go along anyway, but this way, the pans are done too. My hub isn't real sure about eating without me, but I tell him not to let his get cool and he has gone ahead the last couple of days. Last night we had tuna salad so we ate together :smile: . He may get a little frustrated this weekend because eating out for lunch could be challenging, soft food is easy, I could go with soup, but it's hot, so I need to skip that. If the weather is nice, we can go for a drive with the top down and then come home to eat. He'll be happy if he gets the car out for a long drive. Poor guy, he's such a good sport. He eats anything I put in front of him without complaint. When my TMJ flared and I couldn't eat much, he rolled with it. When I want to eat a salad at home instead of going out because we are going to a neighbors for dinner where I don't know what we'll be having (so I want plenty of cals left) he rolls with it.

    Have a great Friday ladies! Thanks for listening to me vent!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Penny - Good for you turning down the work! Doesn't it feel great to say no?

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Felicia in Oregon- OMG!!!! I have been thinking lately that my life is MESSY! Our renter of 12 years moved out. New carpet, new flooring, paint, wall repair, toilet replacement, washer hook up replacement, new lights. All I have to do is arrange contractors as I have NO time to work on it. The last 2 nights haven't gotten home until almost 10 pm. Last night I didn't even get dinner or steppage or water. Just feel stretched a little thin so this morning I managed to get checks deposited in account from 2 weeks ago, update some record keeping, straightened up my work bag, and the best one is cleaned out my purse! I am amazed that just cleaning out and organizing my suitcase oops I mean purse ;) can give me a brief moment of sanity!

    Ladies- I am catching up but am really only on page 73. You keep posting things that make me stop and comment right away ;)

    Rye- I am so glad Kidd is feeling better. You have great spirit and attitude. You know where to come for support and suggestions. You are AMAZING!

    Necessity is the master of great inventions! Karen- love the tarp idea!

    Terry, You look beautiful!

    My fur baby Sara woke me up at 4 this morning. I was wide awake after that, hence to organizing trend. Probably should (I really dislike that word) have been walking or stretching, but needed some organization at the moment. So best decision at the time.

    Got my new phone yesterday. Forgot it is charging at work, so now have to transfer everything today to get old one back in mail. Still no case, so old case will have to go on until new one available. Just frustrating as I can't use fingerprint log on with old case, but phones are expensive, so will just have to remove case if need into financial stuffs. Thankful for insurance.

    Positivity is my word for March so to make all this positive:
    We get to make the rental beautiful again and will get a renter that actually pays on time and more rent (hadn't raised previous rent in 12 years.)
    Replacement phone is actually brand new! Usually a refurbished one ;)
    I am able to breathe a little easier with a little organization today!

    The weather is funky again today. Suppose to be upper 40's, yet looking at another 3-6" of snow tomorrow. If it happens we will have had more snow since Spring started than we had all winter! Going to enjoy the sunshine through my windows at work today.

    I am still kicking and smiling in Ohio,
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Janetr- I love the wreathe. So fresh and clean!
    You ladies are a talented bunch :)
    Joyce- try to remember that the pain is healing. I have had 4 hand surgeries and have experienced some of the worst pain ever as the nerves were waking up. I can't imagine months of it! Hugs to you! Yet am hopeful you have a full recovery!

    Time to get ready for work. Am up to page 74.

    Hugs to all!
    Kylia in Ohio
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited March 2018
    Kelly You handled that situation with your daughter like a pro. I doubt that she would have stepped over the line with you if she didn't feel completely (maybe a little too) safe in her relationship with you. You obviously have a wonderful, close, maddening relationship with her, and she has a little boundary problem. Is her clone (her dad) talking to her a lot & pushing her buttons? Or is this just her? ((Hugs))

    Sharon Dear girl, sending all the strength and love I can. You deserve a prince. Larry is no prince. ((Hugs))

    Becca Snort!!! you are a funny lady.

    Karen in Virginia
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Penny - Stay strong!! Put yourself first without guilt. You matter.

    KJ - Hugs! I think you handled your DD beautifully. 300 lbs of sand, in your house?? I’m getting stressed just thinking about that and it’s your house it will be in! I’m sure the kids will love it!

    Lisa - Onederland is soooo close! Good luck during your travels!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :)Sharon, I grew up believing that marriage was forever. As the result of that, I stayed in a marriage that was a disaster for much longer than I should have. Add me to the list of friends who support your path of getting a good lawyer and getting out of your marriage. Your future self will thank you for it.

    <3 Barbie