Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 35



  • ElizabethAN2017
    ElizabethAN2017 Posts: 565 Member
    edited March 2018
    Round 35 - My Third Round :)
    Stats - 5'1", 50
    SW - 181
    R33SW - 149.8
    R34SW - 145.2
    R35SW - 140.2
    R35GW - 138
    GW - 115-100

    R35SW - 140.2
    03/19 - 139.4
    03/20 - 138.8
    03/21 - 139.2
    03/22 - 138.6
    03/23 - 138.8
    03/24 - 139.2
    03/25 - 139.8
    03/26 - 138.8
    03/27 - 138.6
    03/28 - 139.2 - I didn't reach my 10 day goal, although in the past 3 challenges I have lost 10.6 lbs, for an average of 3.53 lbs a challenge (2.65 lbs/week), so I definitely won't complain :)
  • marcvb35
    marcvb35 Posts: 291 Member
    1988 high school graduation 185-190lbs
    weight on 1/29/18 = 234.5
    new goal - drop below 190 feed and watered
    round 33 - start=215lbs end 202lbs
    round 34 - start = 202 end 192.8lbs
    round 35 - start = 192 end 196lbs

    3/19 -- 197lbs clothed. final weigh in for work challenge. today will be healthy lunch and a victory 1/2 pound burger with ham, bacon, cheese and all the fixings for dinner at my local watering hole. then back to maintenance grind. goal is set to not be over 20% body fat or over 200#.

    3/20 -- 197lbs +5lbs? - victory dinner -half pound cheeseburger with bacon, ham, and all the fixings along with fried mushrooms. I paid the price for that dinner. logged 2900 calories for the day witch is the highest in 7 weeks. I actually had hick-ups most of the night. back to maintenance. packed a great 200 calorie lunch and have lots of awesome healthy leftovers ready for dinner.

    3/21 - 197 - not bad. I really thought I would be up all week. eat good yesterday morning and had large dinner. but the snacks at class later that night put me slightly over my goal. goal is 1750 calories daily and maintenance is 2700 so I still feel good at 1900

    3/22 196lbs - did not plan on a loss considering brats with bun for dinner but I was still around goal calories after having a few cocktails. regularly carbs are high, fats are low, protein is high, sugar is very low

    3/23 - 195lbs - really surprised at this. has to be water loss from having a few mix drinks! ( "A few" LOL. that was funny)

    3/24 - 194lbs - I am going to stick with 1750 calories and see if this is just a fluke.

    3/25 - 194lbs - party tonight with friends. I am sure the drinking and eating will be out of control so I have eaten super light for the past 24 hours. tomorrow my wife wants to eat exactly what I do. I have everything for each of us all portioned out so there is no temptation to cheat.

    3/26 - 197lbs -- weekend of home cooking, dinner parties, bloody mary sunday, -- hummm a hangover weighs exactly 3 pounds.

    3/27 - 198lbs = feeling extra large today. I extended my weekend binging into Monday, still good on calories but I seem to stall or gain when drinking,. bottle is gone now so maybe I loose a few before the weekend. wife liked the meal planning I did and couldn't finish the 1067 calories I portioned for her, she did spice things up a little but finished day just under 1300. first time I ever heard her say she was under her 1600 goal

    3/28 - 196lbs and a little surprised by the drop. overall pleased with the 10 days. I came in the lightest I have been in 23 years and stayed under 200.

    I think I figured out why I gained weight over the years. i don't look at myself very often. i didn't see the gain and i still cant see the 35lbs i lost in the last 8 weeks. for this reason i am going to try and loose the love handles and slight beer gut. maybe then i will notice if it comes back. see ya all in the next round.
  • CynthiaByrne
    CynthiaByrne Posts: 344 Member
    Ending weight (round 34) - 185.2

    3/19 - 186.4....Up a bit over the weekend, but still on track
    3/20 - 186.0
    3/21 - 187.8....It's the damn evening snacking that's killing me!
    3/22 - 187.2
    3/23 - 185.4....Actually feels good, to be back in the zone! Not giving up the evening snacks completely, just in
    3/24 - 185.2
    3/25 - 186.0
    3/26 - 186.4
    3/27 - 186.0....Really finding it difficult to commit.
    3/28 - 186.4....Well...that round was uneventful!

    It won't be easy, but it will be worth it!
    My ultimate goal is 170lbs, so any loss is a good loss.

  • hammycakes
    hammycakes Posts: 388 Member
    Round 26 average weight 175.9
    Round 32 average weight 179.3
    Round 33 average weight 178.2
    Round 34 average weight 179.6

    Original starting weight: 198
    Start this round: TBD
    Goal this round: 174
    UGW: +/- 145

    3/19 184.6 no comment, just tears. tomorrow will be a better day.

    3/20 182.2 a bit better, but still stupidly high. Decided to do IF (5/2) for two days a week and see if that helps get me back on track with my habits. Our Spring break is in 10 days and I can't afford to buy new pants, lol.

    3/21 178.8 I did my low cal day yesterday so I was expecting a good drop. That's almost 6 lbs of water weight in 2 days. Pretty crazy. I really think some of this is hormonal fluctuations and not drinking enough water. But today I am writing my plan and sticking to it. 9 days til our trip!

    3/22 177.8 so not bad, feeling a bit more like myself. That was probably the end of the water weight so maybe a real loss in the next few days. Low cal day again today, have my meals planned out and sticking to the plan. Lots of water today. We are having a cold snap, so I'm drinking it hot with lemon.

    3/23 177.0 my low cal day yesterday went well, food tastes amazing when you are truly hungry, lol. today, just watching my portions and planning on a glass of wine tonight.

    3/24 179.2 grrr apparently the scale is very bouncy when you do a 5/2 way of eating. I guess it makes sense because your stomach is more empty volume wise on fasting days? my 5 day average is the same as last round, so I guess the high weight isn't sticking around at least. I hope to see a drop for the next few days!

    3/25 180.2 haha this round is really ridiculous. I just don't even know what to think anymore and neither does my scale. I guess I could blame this on TOM rapidly approaching? only a few more days till my trip!

    3/26 180.8 had a wine and Proyo movie date with my husband last night which bumped me over my calories a bit. Back on track today. On the + side my trend tracker is showing a downward trend again so that makes me feel I'm headed in the right direction, despite this stupid # on the scale.

    3/27 177.6 for today's wild and wacky weigh in! not bad, keep going!

    3/28 178.8 up down up down. Stayed within my cals yesterday, idk. I'll see y'all in round 37, my family and I are traveling for spring break next round . Good luck to everyone who will be here! Keep up the good work and I'll be back for post vacay damage control.

    Round 35 average: 179.7
  • tlblanksfit
    tlblanksfit Posts: 1,573 Member
    Working to get to 145 pounds hoping to do it in no more than 6 rounds. This is round 2 of the 6.


    3/19 156.1
    3/20 156.5
    3/21 154.1 Whoosh
    3/22 153.7
    3/23 153.6
    3/24 155.3 Overindulged at a Turkey & Oyster Feast Yesterday--Will be back on track today
    3/25 155.1
    3/26 157.1
    3/27 156.4
    3/28 155.2
  • 31flavors
    31flavors Posts: 154 Member
    I'm in for another round!

    R34 SW 124.2
    R34 EW 123.7
    GW 117

    3/19 - 123.4 Off to a good start, hope I can keep it up.
    3/20 - 123.8 No explanation for this, just the whims of life in general I guess
    3/21 - 123.1
    3/22 - 122.9 I like a downward trend
    3/23 - 123.0 Basically no change for last three days, but it's not up, so I'm ok with that.
    3/24 - 124.0 What the heck
    3/25 - 124.3 It is beyond maddening when you do all the right things and still this happens
    3/26 - 124.0
    3/27 - 125.1 I just don't get this. So frustrating!
    3/28 - 123.0 Had an unintentional low calorie day yesterday, so I'm sure this won't stick, but whatever.....I'll try again next round.
  • mombiejohnston
    mombiejohnston Posts: 121 Member
    OSW: 150.8 (10/2/17)
    Round 30 SW: 133.0
    Round 31 SW: 130.8
    Round 32 SW: 128.6
    Round 33 SW: 127.4
    Round 34 SW: 127.2
    1st GW: 115 (4’10 Female)

    Round 35
    3/19 128.4 - 4 weeks until I leave for Cancun!
    3/20 128.2 - going back in the right direction, trying to stay positive
    3/21 128.2 - surprised with no loss after my diet, water, and increased activity level yesterday (my legs are actually sore) but I know I need to keep being good to my body and show patience...
    3/22 127.8 - :smile: almost back to my start from last round!
    3/23 126.8 - I think my body is thanking me
    3/24 126.8 - Stalling at the lowest I’ve ever been in 5 years (I hit this exact weight once during round 33) I think it might be my body’s new set point? I am just under 10lbs away from entering the bracket of “ideal weight” for my height. I NEED to end this weekend with no gain!
    3/25 126.8 - ...what?
    3/26 128.4 - Yesterday turned into a cheat day :neutral: portions were fine but I stopped tracking calories and snacked all day, water was lower than normal. Hoping strongly for a quick bounce back.
    3/27 127 - Tummy is still not happy with me about Sunday, could hardly eat yesterday I’m thinking today might be similar...
    3/28 127 - I’ll take it, ready for the next round :smile:
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    round 27 SW 227.8 EW 219.4
    round 28 SW 219.4 EW 215.0
    Round 30 SW 215.4 EW 212.0
    round 31 SW 211.8 EW 208.8
    round 32 SW 208.8 EW 206.8
    round 33 SW 206.8 EW 201.8
    round 34 SW201.8 EW 200.8

    3 pound loss is my goal.


    3/19 202.... won my competition and splurged this weekend. So glad I have this group to help me reset and get back into the right mindset! Let's do this!
    3/20 201 I'll take it!
    3/21 199.8 back in ONEderland... barely, but I am here = )
    3/22 199.6 still and creeping down
    3/23 200.6 not surprised, out to dinner last night, enjoyed every minute of it ... until this morning... I feel icky
    3/24 How did I miss a day?.... the above post was definitely for sat morning....
    3/25 198.8
    3/26 200.6... Yesterday, I didn't just fall off the wagon... it was an ice cream truck and it backed over me too! = ) Mentally, I am good, I am back on track today and really happy about it. Physically, I felt just awful! I woke up with a nasty headache, could not sleep well, and my belly just felt unsettled. This only reinforces how much better I feel when I eat well! Happy Monday all!
    3/27 200.2
    3/28 197.7 Lowest I have been this time out! Although, I do not think it will stick right away... totally under ate yesterday, not on purpose, just not a lot of options in my busy day. Still it makes my goal for next round, becoming a permanent member of ONEderland seem like it may actually happen!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,419 Member
    I'm in!

    03/17 - 144.8 at 6:00 a.m. ...no idea what is going on.
    03/18 - 145.0 at 6:00 a.m. EGADS!!!!!


    03/19 - 145.0 at 5:00 a.m. :/
    03/20 - 144.4 at 5:00 a.m.
    03/21 - 144.8 at 5:00 a.m.
    03/22 - 144.8 at 5:00 a.m.
    03/23 - 144.4 at 5:00 a.m.
    03/24 - 144.0 at 6:00 a.m.
    03/25 - 144.0 at 7:00 a.m.
    03/26 - 144.6 at 5:00 a.m.
    03/27 - 144.2 at 4:00 a.m.
    03/28 - 144.6 at 5:00 a.m.

  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,944 Member
    Female 5’1” Age 68y
    Started Keto WOE 7/17/17 (mid-Rnd 10)
    *Travel no scale part of the time
    Weight on 1/17/17 174.5
    SW Rnd 7 167 AW 165.8
    SW Rnd 8 168* AW 166.1
    SW Rnd 9 164.5* AW 165.5 SW
    Rnd 10 167 AW 165.3 Started Keto
    SW Rnd 11 163 AW 163.5
    SW Rnd 12 162.5 AW 160.2
    SW Rnd 13 159.5 AW 159.1
    SW Rnd 14 158.5 AW 158.9
    SW Rnd 15 158 AW 157.25
    SW Rnd 16 156 AW 155.9
    SW Rnd 17 155.5 AW 156.5
    SW Rnd 18 157.5 AW 156.15
    SW Rnd 19 155.5 AW 155.6
    SW Rnd 20 155.5* AW 155.3
    SW Rnd 21 154.5 AW 152.15
    SW Rnd 22 152.5 AW 152.2
    SW Rnd 23 151 AW 150.2
    SW Rnd 24 150 AW 148.8
    SW Rnd 25 147.5 AW 147.3
    SW Rnd 26 148.5 AW 145.4
    SW Rnd 27 146* AW 144.72
    SW Rnd 28 145* AW 145.5
    SW Rnd 29 146.5 AW 145.8
    SW Rnd 30 146 AW 145.65
    SW Rnd 31 146.5 AW 144.45
    SW Rnd 32 144.5 AW 143.3
    SW Rnd 33 141.5 AW 140.6
    SW Rnd 34 140.0 AW 140.75
    SW Rnd 35 139.5. AW 139.25

    This is NOT A DIET. It’s a LIFESTYLE.

    So far this has been ALL KETO - NO EXERCISE! I’m within a few pounds of my goal!

    3/19 139.5 I’m in shock! 2 days below 140. Now to continue the trend! I leave for my 50 year high school reunion one month from today!
    3/20 139.5 This is REAL!!! I am thrilled! 2.5# to my WW goal from 10 years ago.
    3/21 140.0 Ate lots of salt! This is my crazy day of the month. Art Quilt group and community bingo dinner. No time to read everything but will try later. Love you all!
    3/22 139.5 Bingo dinner last night was pizza and potato chips! No salad. WTH?? I ate the pepperoni and cheese from two slices and when I got home had broccoli and shrimp cocktail. After my dentist appointment I stopped and got Jimmy John’s Unwich for lunch. It was pretty good until I realized I was trying to eat my still numb lip!
    3/23 139.5 My lip is not as bad as I thought it would be so color me happy! No food plans for today. Grandson is in Robotics competition at UNLV so will be over there this afternoon and probably tomorrow.
    3/24 139.5 Didn’t make it to robotics yesterday but did today. Quite interesting!
    3/25 139.0
    3/26 139.0 Changed my macros and lowered my calories starting today. Yesterday while eating at El Pollo Loco, my husband said he was thinking about making more changes in his eating habits. Maybe watching me “suffer” (NOT) through Keto has swayed him! Perhaps it is the brain health benefits I have mentioned.
    3/27 138.5
    3/28 138.5 My average is down 1.5 pounds this round! Whoo hoo! I’m off to work at three quilt show today. Will be back to read later!
  • ultimateyou
    ultimateyou Posts: 108 Member
    Round 12: 314.4
    Round 13: 314.0
    Round 14: 315.4
    Round 15: 312.2
    Round 16: 311.0
    Round 17: 311.2
    Round 18: 309.6
    Round 19: 308.6
    Round 20: 310.4
    Round 21: 308.8
    Round 22: 308.8
    Round 23: 309.8
    Round 28: 307.8
    Round 29: 307.8
    Round 30: 305.8
    Round 31: 306.8
    Round 32: 306.0
    Round 33: 304.0
    Round 34: 303.6
    Round 35:

    Starting weight: 320
    Goal weight: 250
    Current weight: 303.6
    Goal this round: 302

    Day: Weight: Comments
    3/19: 304.4
    3/20: 304.4
    3/21: 304.4
    3/22: 305.4 -:(
    3/23: 304.0
    3/24: 305.8
    3/25: 305.8
    3/26: 304.2
    3/27: 305.8
    3/28: 305.4

    Gained weight but new week next week.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    Male - 5' 10" - 52 years old

    Original Start Weight 182 lbs in May 2016
    Goal Weight 165 lbs

    Late Start - February 2nd - 168 lbs
    End of Round - February 7th - 168.8 lbs

    Round 31
    Start Round - 02/07 - 168.8
    End of Round - 02/16 - 167

    Round 32 - My 3rd Round
    Start Round - 02/17 - 167.4
    End of Round - 02/26 - 167.2

    Round 33 - My 4th Round
    Start Round - 2/27 - 168
    End of Round - 3/8 - 167

    Round 34 - My 5th Round
    3/9 - 168 - Same 1 lb off and 1 lb on as usual
    3/10 - 168.8
    3/11 - 167.8 Mowed lawn and walked 20 minutes yesterday
    3/12 - 167.8
    3/13 - 168.2 Not enough sleep the night before
    3/14 - 166.8
    3/15 - 166 Worked through lunch two days
    3/16 - 166.8
    3/17 - 166.2 Yesterday was a low calorie day!!
    3/18 - 166.6

    Round 35 - My 6th Round
    3/19 - 168.4 - Ate a good meal at friends yesterday
    3/20 - 168.2
    3/21 - 167.2
    3/22 - 166.6
    3/23 - 165.6 - Had a long walk last night
    3/24 - 165.4 - (Not sure if scale is faulty!! Showed 164.4, then went to 165.4 when I got back on to recheck)
    3/25 - 165.4 - Large calorie deficit yesterday
    3/26 - 167 - Disappointing result after eating delicious food at friend's house
    3/27 - 167.2
    3/28 - 166
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,336 Member
    edited March 2018
    Round 14 SW: 147.9
    Round 15 SW: 147.9
    Round 16 SW: 147.4
    Round 17 SW: 145.9
    Round 18 SW: 146.6
    Round 19 SW: x
    Round 20 SW: 149.8
    Round 21 SW: 145.4
    Round 22 SW: 147.5
    Round 23 SW: 147.5
    Round 24 SW: 144.3
    Round 25 SW 143.2
    Round 26 SW: 141.8
    Round 27 SW: 143.4
    Round 28 SW: ?
    Round 29: x
    Round 30: 139.1
    Round 31: 140.8 (Staying at my daughters for last couple days)
    Round 32 140.3
    Round 33 141.8
    Round 34 142.4
    Round 35 143.3

    SW: 143.3
    GW: 139

    3/19 143.3 ~ (Steps 10,779)

    3/20 142.9 ~ (Steps 19,907)

    3/21 142.6 ~ (Steps 20,319)

    3/22 141.9 ~ (Steps 19,590)

    3/23 141.6 ~ (Steps 20,880)

    3/24 142.6 ~ (Steps 11,53) :(:( Okay, I’m officially throwing my scale out the window, lol Yesterday, I thought went well with my goal..On to another day, hopefully tomorrow the scale will be nicer..

    3/25 141.9 ~ (Steps 18,380)

    3/26 141.1 ~ (Steps 9,356)

    3/27 141.9 ~ (Steps 12,621)


  • mrsjhardin
    mrsjhardin Posts: 692 Member
    Height: 5'5"
    Age: 30
    SW: 196.8
    GW: 193

    3/19 195.4 Got a Fitbit. Ready to rock my steps!
    3/20 194.4 Got in my goal and exceeded it!
    3/21 194.2 Planning morning walk
    3/22 on road
    3/23 on road
    3/24 on road
    3/25 on road
    3/26 194.2
    3/27 193.2
    3/28 193.6 too much sodium yesterday

    Total lost this round: 1.8lbs
  • mrmcgrath
    mrmcgrath Posts: 956 Member
    Round 35

    GW:150-160 area

    3/27 216.2 I was wanting to start this back on the 19th but had surgery scheduled that week. I have had my surgery and am unable to exercise for a few weeks so....I need to be paying extra attention to my food intake. Hopefully daily weigh-ins will help.
    3/28 215 Wish I could be more excited about the 1.2 loss but I really do believe it was from the anesthesia leaving my body.
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    Age: 39
    Height: 5'9"
    Historical SW: 251.6 lbs 9/14/2015
    Restart W: 230.8 12/26/2017

    JGM SW: 222.7 (2/7/2018)
    R31 EW: 218.6 ✔️ Goal
    R32 EW: 215.8 ✔️Goal
    R33 EW: 213 ✔️Goal
    R34 EW: 211.3 ✖️

    Goal: Release 2 lbs per round to reach onederland by Memorial Day weekend.
    Ultimate Goal: 175 lbs, reevaluate at that point

    19: 214.2... I will not beat myself up about this. Instead, I'm looking at this as feedback about what currently isn't working. Hormones play a part in this journey in multiple ways, and cravings are a LOT more difficult to reign in the day or 2 leading up to TOM. So, I've been considering what I can do to adjust my regular eating style to allow for my regularly scheduled hormonal fluctuations during this time of month (and ovulation time). Eating at maintenance and cutting out IF for a couple of days is my new game plan. My goal is to prevent the munchie monster from going overboard, which is what happened last night. If I allow myself a bit of leeway, then I feel like I'll be less tempted to overdo it. Once TOM starts, I feel better going back to IF and calorie deficits.
    20: 214.2...I prelogged most of my food today, so I'll know where I have wiggle room for PMS cravings.
    21: 214.1
    22: 211.3... Yesterday was the first day I ate below maintenance. I was still significantly over my goal calories though. Even though I recognize how my weight is affected by my cycle, it still blows my mind to drop about 3 pounds overnight when my food and exercise would not suggest that shift. Back to IF today.
    23: 209.8!
    24: ???
    25: 212.1
    26: 210.1... Had a few unusual days with food over the weekend. I like this number a lot better than yesterday's!
    27: 209.2... Had a great day yesterday. Still working on getting out for my 4 mile walks again.
    28: 208.1... Finishing strong this round!

    There's no such thing as failure; only feedback.
  • SheilaBoneham
    SheilaBoneham Posts: 3,075 Member
    I'm a little frustrated, so yesterday (3/23) I calculated my average calories over the past 3 weeks. The result - 1548 - aligns precisely with my TDEE per the sailrabbit.com calculator, so I believe I am eating at my current TDEE and I am making 1548 my new daily goal. When I try to eat less than that, I wind up really hungry and go over the lower goal, so I am rethinking.

    Then I read a slew of articles on BMR, TDEE, calories, healthy weight, and so on. As a result, I've concluded that, although I would like to lose a bit more, I am currently at a healthy weight and I feel good about myself, and I have revised my goals. When warmer weather arrives, I’ll be exercising more, and will no doubt lose a bit if my caloric intake remains steady. Most important is to live a healthy, active, conscious life, and that is my primary goal. No diet, no extremes, just healthful foods. I hope you don't mind my hanging in here as I maintain/lose a little.

    Weight ~~ maintain or lose slowly.
    Food ~~ 1548 calories max (estimated TDEE); P 20-25%, C 35-45%, F 30-45%

    Weight 2/2015 - 218
    Lost 68#, regained 12 (to 156) on metabolism reset 11/16-6/17.
    R15 end weight 151.2
    R16 end weight 151.4 (+.2)
    R17 end weight 151 (-.4)
    R18 end weight 150.4 (-.6)
    R19 end weight 149.6 (-.8)
    R20 end weight 149.3 (-.3)
    R21 end weight 149 (-.3)
    R22 end weight 148 (-1)
    R23 end weight 148.4 (+.4)
    R24 end weight 149 (+.6)
    R25 end weight 148.4 (-.6)
    R26 end weight 149.2 (+.8)
    R27 end weight 149 (-.2)
    R28 end weight 146.8 (-2.2)
    R29 end weight 146.8 (+/-0)
    R30 end weight 146.8 (+/-0)
    R31 end weight 146.8 (+/-0) = goal for round
    R32 end weight unknown - traveling, no scale
    R33 end weight 149.1 (after traveling/eating out for 3 weeks!)
    R34 end weight 149
    R35 end weight 149.4


    3/19 - 149
    Back on track - calories & macros good and I squeezed in a short but fast walk yesterday. I feel better already.

    3/20 - 149
    Lovely day yesterday, even though I splurged on a donut with my painting group. Today I'm off to train with this girl (she has a number of advanced obedience & other titles, 12 yrs old and still loves to train!). I can't think of a more fun way to get some exercise!

    3/21 - 149
    I went a little over calories yesterday - not much - but I was hungry and it was Siggi's yogurt. All good. Had lots of fun training with my Labby girl, Lily, and got a lot of other things done as well.

    3/22 - 149
    I remember hanging out at 149 a while ago. My body clearly thinks it's home. Not yet, baby! I'm going out for lunch with a friend, but I have my order planned, so all should be well.

    3/23 - 150.4
    Really? This has to be water - I had the best ever reuben for lunch yesterday (well, half - the other half is waiting for me in the fridge), but stayed within bounds (actually low) on total calories for the day. I didn't get enough water - running around all afternoon & evening - so hopefully this too shall pass. Sigh.

    3/24 - 150.2
    See revised intro - new goals, new attitude. :smiley:

    3/25 - 148.8
    Of course! (See intro above.)

    3/26 - 149.2
    It's supposed to warm up a bit today so I'm hoping for a nice walk. Yesterday's wind was wicked.

    3/27 - 148.8
    Go figure - I'm eating more the past few days. All good!

    3/28 - 149.4
    That's PIWR (Pizza Induced Water Retention)! :smiley: It was worth it.

  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    "Our greatest glory is, not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Oliver Goldsmith
    Start this FINAL weight loss journey 10/18/2017 = 147.9
    Start Just Give Me 10 Days ... 11/9/2017
    R22 * Start = 143.4 * Ave = 141.9 * Min = 140.2 * End = 141.2
    R23 * Start = 142.0 * Ave = 140.1 * Min = 139.4 * End = 139.6
    R24 * Start = 140.0 * Ave = 138.6 * Min = 137.0 * End = 137.0
    R25 * Start = 136.6 * Ave = 137.0 * Min = 135.8 * End = 135.8
    R26 * Start = 136.6 * Ave = 135.6 * Min = 134.8 * End = 136.0
    R27 * Start = 135.4 * Ave = 135.0 * Min = 133.4 * End = 134.0
    R28 * Start = 135.2 * Ave = 133.5 * Min = 132.2 * End = 133.0
    R29 * Start = 132.6 * Ave = 131.8 * Min = 130.6 * End = 131.8
    R30 * Start = 132.4 * Ave = 131.4 * Min = 130.6 * End = 130.6
    R31 * Start = 130.6 * Ave = 130.9 * Min = 130.0 * End = 130.8
    R32 * Start = 130.0 * Ave = 130.0 * Min = 129.0 * End = 131.0
    R33 * Start = 130.0 * Ave = 129.3 * Min = 128.4 * End = 129.2
    R34 * Start = 129.0 * Ave = 128.7 * Min = 128.0 * End = 129.8

    Round 35

    Goal for next few rounds: MAINTAIN weight

    3/19 - 128.6 - yesterday around maintenance calories, a few K extra low-impact steps, still not feeling great.
    3/20 - 130.2 - yesterday over calories. Short walk at lunch. I have been over eating my goal for days now, emo over long term and seemingly unresolvable issues, and having a hard time pushing myself to work out. Have a social thing this evening, so struggling to balance it all when I just am not feeling it.
    3/21 - 129.4 - yesterday just at calories for .5lb/wk loss, 20 minutes on the rower.
    3/22 - 129.0 - yesterday under calories, lots of steps and a 2.5 mile run, first in a couple of weeks.
    3/23 - 128.4 - yesterday under calories, 10K steps and some floors. Slowly easing back down from my over the weekend bump, in time for ... another weekend ...
    3/24 - 129.2 - yesterday over calories, 10K steps and 20 floors though.
    3/25 - 128.6 - yesterday under calories, accidentally skipped a meal.
    3/26 - 128.8 - yesterday at maintenance calories, very active around household getting ready for company, no workout.
    3/27 - 127.6 - yesterday ate at maintenance, lots of steps in walking and housework that I did not eat back the calories for, just got busy with company. Magically here is my second goal, 127 (plus .6 of jammies, lol) which also constitutes 20 pounds of weight lost. So, very happy with the journey.

    3/28 - 127.6 - yesterday ate at maintenance, a modest walk with my beloved oldest niece who was visiting.

    R35 * Start = 128.6 * Ave = 128.7 (MAINTENANCE!) * Min = 127.6 * End = 127.6
  • brittanyiman
    brittanyiman Posts: 6 Member
    Stats: 33yo 5'4

    Round 35
    My Round #1
    SW: 188.6
    CW: 188.6
    GW: 145

    Short term goal weight is 160 by August in time for my wedding in October.

    3/26 starting today at 188.6. Having a tough time losing the initial weight to jumpstart journey. Ate very sensibly today but Easter candy got me. Will try harder to resist tomorrow.

    3/27 no scale. ate a Greek salad with shrimp for lunch but indulged in a piece of fried fish and a biscuit for dinner

    3/28 187.4 - down one pound. Plan to eat very light today. Will incoporpate exercise beginning in round 36.