Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 35



  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,957 Member
    @DebCountsAll sending prayers!!
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,289 Member
    Height: 5'5"
    Age: 49
    HSW: 189.7lbs

    R34 SW: 145.2lbs EW: 143.6lbs

    3/19 - 144 - looking forward to this round!!!
    3/20 - 143.6 - Sleeping better...so that's a plus.
    3/21- 143.2 -
    3/22 - 143.4
    3/23 - 143.4
    3/24 - 143.6 - well...right back to the beginning :#
    3/25 - 143.4
    3/26 - 143.6 - oh whatever...
    3/27 - 143.4
    3/28 - 143.4...
  • Sparx_81
    Sparx_81 Posts: 403 Member
    I'm in! Taking a wild guess my figures for the 19th will not be pretty due to st Patrick's day... But I'm sure if I think about what I'm eating I'll survive...

    Height: 5'9"
    Age: 36
    SW: 99.2kg | GW: 70kg

    R33 SW 99.2 EW 97.2 (-2kg) B) (all waterweight But I'll take every victory I can!
    R34 SW 97.1 EW 98.1kg
    R35 SW 98.6 GW 96.6kg

    3/19 - 98.6kg - very full weekend, too much salty meats and snowed in so couldn't get out for a run… should be a nice whoosh over next few days as I was down to 96.6 on sat, so 98.6 this morning can't be true weight gain… can it?! husband is home for next 10 days though so he's on strict orders to make sure I stick to my plan! I have reset my calories to 1kg loss per week and I will NOT eat back calories from running…. I have a bar of yummy chocolate waiting for me for Easter!

    3/20 - 97.3kg Now there's a whoosh…. :-)

    3/21 - 97.2kg

    3/22 - 97.7kg finding it hard to log food as I'm deep into thesis work! I have an assignment due soon so my time is being devoted to getting that done. My calories haven't been too bad but I'm not going to get to run until Saturday… :-(

    3/23 97.1kg I dunno how. Bad food choices, even though I was under calories, I think. Possibly due to the fact I drink a lot more water while studying?!

    3/24 98.2 i just don't know… I walked, rowed and did spinning followed by a bit of landscape gardening…. How?!

    3/25 98.3 food is under… not too much sodium… worked hard in the garden… confused and disappointed…

    3/26 98.4 Same again. Working in the garden, not logging but not eating much more than normal… not enough water?

    3/27 98.5 this is just turning into a very bad joke! Even my husband is confused!

    3/28 98.2 so my husband being off really didn't help my cause at all… I thought I'd have time to get to the gym and eat properly but I ended up studying and redesigning the garden! Now when I'm talking about redesigning the garden I am not talking plant a few flowers! I'm talking taking pallets apart to build some raised beds for vegetables, digging to level the entire garden! But… husband is back at work from tomorrow so we'll see if I can get back on track!
  • Sparx_81
    Sparx_81 Posts: 403 Member
    @DebCountsAll so sorry to hear what you are going through. ❤️
  • Sparx_81
    Sparx_81 Posts: 403 Member
    tishawj wrote: »
    Back again! Hello everyone!! My motto this week is "write it before you bite it" as I haven't been super consistent logging my food lately.

    SW - 182.4 - March 2017
    Original GW - 145 - Smashed this in October 2017 and maintained around 143 until the winter blahs and my crazy freelance schedule got the better of me and I put a few back on.
    New GW - 140 - really want to work on getting another 5-7 off from where I am now and committing to fitness so I can participate in some adventures with my boys over the summer...no more watching from the sidelines!!

    3/18 - 147 - coming in from round 34

    3/19 - 147.4 - weekend aftermath...blaming it on the beer. We were super active so I can only hope some of this is also muscle recovery as well.

    3/20 - 146.4 - One year ago today....I started tracking my food and weight everyday with the intention of losing 20lbs before a big family vacation and then to keep going to lose a bit more before the summer. I've gone from barely squeezing into size 12 pants and covering my top with flowy XL shirts to not event hesitating to go to the size 8's and smalls and even bought a pair of size 6 jeans last week. I'm participating in sports and activities with my active kids instead of watching from the sidlines!! I'm very proud of myself...it's hasn't all been down...but I didn't let the upswings derail me. Weighing and checking in here everyday has made me very mindful of how my choices affect the scale and what those trends really mean in the long run. I still have some goals to achieve but if this chocolate/craft beer/wine loving mama can do it so can anyone!!

    3/21 - 145.6- working it off...
    3/22 - 144.6 - Wooot!! Under 145 again!!!
    3/23 - 144.0 - Still coming off!! Hoping to get back down to 143 before we leave on vacation next week...if I can only keep the wine in control this weekend.
    3/24 - 142.8 - :):):) Yep!!! That happened!!! :):):) I expect this will rebound a bit over the weekend. I think I will back off the deficit a bit and start eating more of my activity calories back.
    3/25 - 143.8 - Saturday night beer and pizza rebound :smiley:
    3/26 - 143.0 - best weekend I've had in a while!! Two more days until we leave on our trip...gotta keep it under control during the stress of packing on the sly...this vacation is a surprise for the boys and they have no idea teeheehee....
    3/27 - 143.0 - sticking around here
    3/28 - 141.4 - And THAT happened :smiley: I went at things pretty aggressively this round to get down to a really good place before our vacation....tonnes of exercise and activity and I really watched my calories and where they came from. I'll be rocking my bikini on the beach!!! We leave in a few hours and I doubt I'll see a scale until we get back so I likely won't check in next round. Have a good one folks!!!

    Think I'll rob your motto! Do I need to pay copywriter?
  • mousemom18
    mousemom18 Posts: 172 Member
    3/19 - 147.6
    3/20 - 147.0
    3/21 - 146.6
    3/22 - 146.6 Yeah I didn't work out yesterday. Gonna run today.
    3/23 - 146.2 Treadmill yesterday. Yoga today
    3/24 - 145.0 Had a horrible headache yesterday so I didn't eat much. Made it to yoga, tho
    3/25 - 145.6
    3/26 - 146.0
    3/27 - 146.6 - Treadmill today. I felt like flying! 4.5 miles at 6.1 mph
    3/28 - 145.6
    Final weight (this morning) 144.4. This is my starting place for round 36.
  • nanishora
    nanishora Posts: 224 Member
    Goals for this round: eat within calorie limits, no mindless/unhealthy snacking, stay AF through 6/7 days, 8000-10,000steps 6/7 days, 8-10 cups of H20


    3/26 - 126.8??? - had a bad start of week- work travel. ate within limits, mildly active, walked slow pace 60 minutes, 7 cups of H20 (drink more). plan and pack meals ahead of time to do better - I snack when I get home because I am hungry. Had dinner ready and so avoided mindless/impulsive snacking
    3/27 - 125.8 - almost in calorie limit, went tiny bit higher, but need to make sure I always remain in calorie limits. walked 8500 steps, 8 cups. increase steps to 10,000 otherwise join gym.
    3/28 - 125.8 - ate within calorie limits, no thoughtless snacking, ate early to and avoided the evening munchies that always go awry, made a good decision and stayed AF even though husband brought out the booze and offered a glass of wine after having to deal with a sick toddler through the week, walked 10,000 steps and drank 10 glasses of H20. All in all a perfect day, wish everyday would be like this

    Looking forward to round 36.
  • artnom
    artnom Posts: 39 Member
    SW: 70.9kg
    GW end of round: 69.8kg

    3/19 - 70.9kg
    3/20 - 70.5 kg
    3/21 - 70.8kg
    3/22 - 70.7kg
    3/23 - 70.7kg
    3/24 - 70.2 kg
    3/25 - 70.2 kg
    3/26 - 70.8 kg (unfortunately gave in to lots of junk food)
    3/27 - 70.8kg
    3/28 - 70.5kg

    Not the best, but I stuck to this even after the gain. Happy for the first round!
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,391 Member
    Round 14 SW: 147.9
    Round 15 SW: 147.9
    Round 16 SW: 147.4
    Round 17 SW: 145.9
    Round 18 SW: 146.6
    Round 19 SW: x
    Round 20 SW: 149.8
    Round 21 SW: 145.4
    Round 22 SW: 147.5
    Round 23 SW: 147.5
    Round 24 SW: 144.3
    Round 25 SW 143.2
    Round 26 SW: 141.8
    Round 27 SW: 143.4
    Round 28 SW: ?
    Round 29: x
    Round 30: 139.1
    Round 31: 140.8 (Staying at my daughters for last couple days)
    Round 32 140.3
    Round 33 141.8
    Round 34 142.4
    Round 35 143.3

    SW: 143.3
    GW: 139

    3/19 143.3 ~ (Steps 10,779)

    3/20 142.9 ~ (Steps 19,907)

    3/21 142.6 ~ (Steps 20,319)

    3/22 141.9 ~ (Steps 19,590)

    3/23 141.6 ~ (Steps 20,880)

    3/24 142.6 ~ (Steps 11,53) :(:( Okay, I’m officially throwing my scale out the window, lol Yesterday, I thought went well with my goal..On to another day, hopefully tomorrow the scale will be nicer..

    3/25 141.9 ~ (Steps 18,380)

    3/26 vacation
    3/27 vacation
    3/28 vacation