Fit For Future Families - August 2011



  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    Oh, I'm terrible at that! But cupcakes of any kind sound lovely! :) Best of luck with your business!
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    Weird fact about myself: Ummm....I have a serious fear of calling people on the phone. I really HATE it.
    Me too. Ugh. I can do it just fine at work, but I always try to get my husband to make all other calls for me, if he will--even with family. I feel like it is an irrational fear, but I can't help it. Wedding planning was the worst, because I did most of it myself, and had to make tons of calls. But I did it!
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,319 Member
    Miranda, i want to go to your cupcakery! It sounds wonderful!
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    Weird fact about myself: Ummm....I have a serious fear of calling people on the phone. I really HATE it.
    Me too. Ugh. I can do it just fine at work, but I always try to get my husband to make all other calls for me, if he will--even with family. I feel like it is an irrational fear, but I can't help it. Wedding planning was the worst, because I did most of it myself, and had to make tons of calls. But I did it!

    I know! I make my husband call everyone for me too. At work it's 50/50 for me, mostly I'm fine, but every once in a while I can't hanlde it. They made me help with this calling campaign to call all the parents of students who live on campus to see how their experience was and I literally almost died! You should have seen me the first time I called someone off a housing board in college...pathetic! I'm glad you were able to plan your wedding! :)
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    Well, cupcakes are cupcakes because they're baked in cup...jarcakes? Not clever, but definitely logical. :happy:
  • OnMyWay2STay
    OnMyWay2STay Posts: 144 Member
    Name: Sarah
    Age: 29 (until the 21st)
    Where you live: Missouri
    Job: Mom and recently certified high school math teacher without a job
    Length of time on the board: brand new
    Marital Status: married
    Length of time you've been with SO: 5 1/2 years
    Do you have kids: 1 boy, 17 months
    Length of time TTC: We haven't ever prevented it.
    Diagnosis: I have a fibroid tumor removed about 4 years ago after I had a miscarriage. But that just means I will always have C-sections.
    Do you chart your BBT: Used to.
    Do you use OPKs: no.
    Are you on any meds for TTC: No
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 246
    Goal Weight: 155

    And a strange fact...........Some people find it strange that I like math. Others find it strange that I like math and also like arts and crafts.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Weird fact about myself: Ummm....I have a serious fear of calling people on the phone. I really HATE it.
    Me too. Ugh. I can do it just fine at work, but I always try to get my husband to make all other calls for me, if he will--even with family. I feel like it is an irrational fear, but I can't help it. Wedding planning was the worst, because I did most of it myself, and had to make tons of calls. But I did it!

    I know! I make my husband call everyone for me too. At work it's 50/50 for me, mostly I'm fine, but every once in a while I can't hanlde it. They made me help with this calling campaign to call all the parents of students who live on campus to see how their experience was and I literally almost died! You should have seen me the first time I called someone off a housing board in college...pathetic! I'm glad you were able to plan your wedding! :)

    OMG me too!!!!! He complains about calling my parents the most. I have no issue about answering the phone, but dialling out makes me anxious!!! LOL
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Question about the cupcakes in a jar....will they be cooked or dry ingredients? I love making my cupcakes in mugs...LOL

    If they're dry incredients what about cup-board cakes.......Wait...I just realized how that sounded (I meant it like, just whip it out of the cupboard and make it....not these are cupcakes that taste like cardboard) I'm the worsT!!!
  • ucaminax
    ucaminax Posts: 157 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I haven't been on this thread in a few months...I got a BFP in May, had another MC at the end of June (2nd this year), and totally fell off the eating well and exercise wagon. It's been a rough couple of months. All of the weight I lost is back on. But I am happy to be back on here and making a fresh start, and ttc again. I am in my 2ww now. I went to the gym today and heave been recording everyhing today, so I'm off to a good start. I'm glad all of you and this thread are still here!

  • Hi everyone! I'm excited to find this group because I am trying to conceive while also in the middle of my journey toward a healthier lifestyle. My name is Stephanie. I'm a 35 year old mother of a 4 year old daughter. I am 5'6" and currently weigh 153 pounds. My husband and I are both in the military so that has helped keep me somewhat fit, but I have struggled with meeting the Army's standards during most of my first ten years in the service. Over the last couple years I have done a better job, but getting the last 15-20 pounds off was my goal for 2011. My husband and I also decided that we wanted to have another child this year.

    I joined MFP a couple months ago and have been using the Team Beachbody Ten-Minute Trainer workouts along with regular running to get in better shape. MFP has been a great tool in helping with my calorie tracking. I have lost six pounds since late June and have 11 more to get my initial goal of 142 pounds. I've been really happy with my progress and feel like I am finally getting over some poor food choice habits that have plagued me in the past. I swear I lose and gain the same five pounds over and over. If I get pregnant, then my goal weight will have to wait, but that would be OK because I know I am healthier and will do a better job of not over-gaining during this pregnancy. I gained almost 50 pounds with the first one.

    We started actively trying to conceive in April. It's been a bit frustrating to say the least. My daughter was conceived 6 days after our wedding in 2006. Funny, we believe that was around August 10th of that's date five years ago! Anyway, our schedules have been a bit crazy and having a pre-schooler running around doesn't always make for the most romantic times. After my period in July, I decided to get an ovulation kit. I noticed my cycle was shorter than I remembered from my last non-birth control pill time of life. Trying to figure out when I was ovulating seemed a bit difficult after three months of what we thought was good timing. I'm about 11 days into looking for that LH surge and still haven't seen it. Maybe tomorrow??? Seems like my cycle is being wacky again...or maybe I am not ovulating.

    Anyway, I hope to find some new fitness friends in this group and look forward to supporting all of you as you stay fit for your future family additions. Feel free to send me friend requests or let me know, if you are open to requests from me.
  • MirandaSwafford
    MirandaSwafford Posts: 26 Member
    thanks for all the help ....i think we finally decided on a name for our cupcake in jars.....Jammin' cakes :)
  • ucaminax
    ucaminax Posts: 157 Member
    Hi DrSteph and welcome to the group. I highly recommend to help you track, understand and figure out your cycles. There is a whole free online "charting course" they offer (definitely do it as you begin charting) You can get a free introductory membership for 40 days, then its only about $45 to get a whole year. It will really help you figure out all of your fertility signs, and can help you time your OPKs better. Good luck!
  • MirandaSwafford
    MirandaSwafford Posts: 26 Member
    Miranda, i want to go to your cupcakery! It sounds wonderful!

    if you are ever in kentucky you should come check it out!!! We can always ship you some cupcakes in a jar...aka Jammin' Cakes :)
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    GBOH – so any AF news for the day? Also, I’m very sorry about your Dad.

    Pantera – I’m sorry about your friend!

    Emily – In order to know if you are ovulating (or when you ovulate) you need to track your BBT (Basal Body Temperature). This is done by taking your temp every morning (before you move, speak or get out of bed) and recording it on a chart. As the month goes on you’ll notice your temp jump a bit – this means you ovulated (the jump in temperature is caused by the release of progesterone from the ‘egg’). You’ll start to see a pattern – for example, the days between the first day of AF (Cycle Day #1) and O day may vary BUT the # of days between O day and CD#1 should ALWAYS be the same (this is known as the Luteal Phase).
    Charting will only tell you AFTER you’ve ovulated, but this is where OPK (Ovulation Predictor Kits) come in handy. They work the same way a home pregnancy does – you just pee on them! You’ll get a + OPK right before you ovulate so you know when to have sex. Once your temperature spike it means you ovulated.

    Aside from that, the only way to know when/if you ovulate is to be monitored by a doctor with ultrasounds.
    Like Pantera had said – is a really greats site for tracking temps, and I use is a super affordable place to get OPKs and HPTs. But be careful – it sounds funny but you can get addicted to peeing on these things – lol!!
    I’m sorry if I sound like a Know-It-All**

    Julia – congrats on the run!!! It sounds like you’re going to do great at the 5k!! I’m doing a 3k at the end of the month and that’s as far as I’ll be able to run I think! Way to go you!

    Cupcake – I like the name! Awesome! Also – HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! How does it feel to be ¼ of a century old??

    Sarah – I think it’s great that you like math! I married a statistician so I totally get it!

    Ucamix – I’m sorry for your loss. I know how hard it can be (I’m at the tail end of one right now). If you ever want to talk about it I’m always happy to listen.

    Drsteph – welcome! Would you like to fill out the get-to-know you info? It’s sprawled all over the last couple of pages! What OPKs are you using?
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    AFM (As For Me) – well I think my m/c is starting to come to an end – finally. A couple of days ago I had a complete panic breakdown when we went for some chocolate and DH wanted to go to the same drugstore that I had bought all my (positive) HPTs at – we got in the car and I just started bawling my eyes out! And then today I went to the movies and there was a scene in the movie where the woman has a m/c and there is blood EVERYWHERE and she’s falling apart… the friend I went with had no idea and as soon as I dropped her off I started shaking… what a freaking day!

    But, as bad as that sounds, I’m feeling better overall. I’ve worked out every day this week except today. I wasn’t sure if I should but I don’t want to be a lazy lump in pregnancy so why should I be one during a m/c? I’m not sure if I’m down any weight but I’m feeling better overall. I also joined a Shred Challenge starting this coming Monday and we leave in 8 days for Vegas so I’m excited about that.

    I also finished buying all my school supplies – I haven’t been a full time student since high school so it was a stupid amount fun!
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Happy Hump Day Ladies!

    I love all the re-intros. It helps A LOT with remembering everything about everyone, especially since the board has been growing so much.

    Karen, I'm envious of your splurge meal. Love, love, love grilled cheese! Oh, & post some pics of your new haircut when you get a minute.

    Tara, glad you're trying to relax a little. I do less intense workouts on days I'm not feeling 100%, but hadn't thought about easing off during my fertile days. The BD'ing should make up for it, right!? Ha!

    Fiona, I don't think being an undertaker is so weird, but then again, I'm the daughter of a funeral director...

    Amanda, sorry you're still feeling so yucky. Thinking good thoughts & here's hoping you get better soon!

    Meggan, I have the same phone fear, it took a lot for me to get over it at work, but hubby and I still argue about who's going to call the take out guy. I hate doing it!

    Destiny, don't worry if you can't post that often, just check in with us when you can. We all understand life!

    Happy Birthday Miranda! And I love the name Jammin' cakes!

    Congrats on the run Julia!

    Kate, welcome back, but my heart goes out to you about the MC.

    Drsteph - from one Stephanie to another, Welcome!!

    Jalara, sorry you've had such a rough go of it the past few days. I can't even imagine how you made it through the movie. Glad you're staying active though. I've got to think that the endorphins help a little.

    AFM, got some bummer news at the gym...the pool is completely torn up for the whole month. That was my favorite workout - I don't know how I'm going to go the whole month without swimming! We heard something about the gym having reciprocal privileges with the YMCA nearby while this is going on, so there is a small ray of hope. We're going to ask when we go tomorrow.

    Hope everyone is having a good week so far.
    - Stephanie
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Steph - why would they tear up the pool in August? What are they thinking?!?!?
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Yeah - ours is closing August 21 until Sept 29 too for re-grouting.....bahhhhh :*( We're going to have to find another Thursday night activity
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    <~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Board hog!

    So I just checked the hotel we are staying in in Vegas..... the fitness center is part of the spa and costs $40 per day for use! WTF??? Guess I'm working out in our room! I know we'll be doing a lot of walking too... but seriously!

    I thought I would ask... I'm part of a MFP group starting Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred on Monday (Aug 15). Would anyone like to join?
  • Thanks for the link Jalara. I kind of feel like a moron though. I had no idea that folate and folic acid are the same thing (why do people insist on making up two names for that kind of stuff?! ugh).