Artificial Sweetners-Gum and Diet Pop



  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    As to the OP question, I've found too much aspertame gives me headaches so I try to limit it for that reason.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I have a black cherry citrus Fresca pretty much everyday with my lunch and I'm still alive and stuff...

    It's also my go to vodka cocktail mixer.
  • kazane1
    kazane1 Posts: 264 Member
    kazane1 wrote: »
    As I said water is the liquid our body NEEDS, everything else is just preference :D

    Does adding sweetner somehow make the water less hydrating?

    Noo I wouldn’t think so.. Unessercery maybe, but then as I said anything from there is just preference I guess.
  • kazane1
    kazane1 Posts: 264 Member
    kazane1 wrote: »
    Yeah but water is 100% water.. in most cases. So that sounds better to me

    Clearly you've never had our water in Flint, MI!

    I haven’t no :( why.. is it bad?
  • kazane1
    kazane1 Posts: 264 Member
    kazane1 wrote: »
    kazane1 wrote: »
    kazane1 wrote: »
    kazane1 wrote: »
    kazane1 wrote: »
    Water is the only drink our body NEEDS, everything else is just preference the sooner you tune into that the better. Sweeteners.. sugars.. it’s all refined rubbish in my opinion.. water FTW!

    Out of curiosity, do you follow the Soylent diet or something similar?

    Nooo I don’t lol, I try and stick to a whole foods diet mainly. Is the Doyle t diet an actual thing lol?

    Soylent is a liquid diet meant to include 100% of everything our bodies need. I'm surprised you're a proponent of things your body doesn't need when it comes to food but not when it comes to drinks.

    Sounds nice but our stomachs are built to break things down into liquid so it would suck to be drinking just liquid all the time and take that function away from our body’s :( still a good idea though.

    Someone built your stomach?

    Yep :)

    Well, the rest of us were not constructed in that manner so your advice wouldn't be relevant for us.

    We don't have to worry about what we were "built" to do, we don't have to limit our behaviors in an attempt to conform with what we imagine the intentions our builder had for each particular part of our body (or maybe the person who built your stomach also left you a set of detailed instructions, I'm not sure what the situation is exactly).

    Your confusing, my main point I’m making is that water is good to drink and probably the most optimal thing for our body’s. Why you gotta go confuse everything and make such a big deal out of it.

    I'm sorry that I'm confusing you. Yes, water is good to drink. It doesn't follow that other things are therefore bad to drink, especially when those things are also mostly water.

    No need to apologise I’m not offended by your statements I’m just saying there a bit confusing as all. Yeah your right they might not be “bad” to drink but there surely not better I wouldn’t think..
    So once again it then comes down to preference I would say..