JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    @joan6630 OMG I love the quilt you made! Amazing talent you have!!!

    JFY (Saturday)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water :/
    2. Log all the food I eat :)
    3. Stay "in the green" with my calories :)
    4. Go to the gym :)

    JFY (Saturday)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Log all the food I eat
    3. Stay "in the green" with my calories
    4. Groceries
    5. Laundry
    6. Finish 1 order from my shop
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,420 Member
    Also brought dinner leftovers for single co-worker who struggles at times. Made her happy & made my day! :smiley:

    I LOVE that you did this, Carmela! These are the kind things I wish more people in our world would do. What a beautful world we would live in.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,420 Member
    Beautiful quilt @joan6630! Absolutely love it! You do such beautiful work! Did you do all the quilting by hand? Do you have a long arm? Very pretty!

    @Bex953172 I love the idea of monthly challenges! I'm in!

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,420 Member
    My BIL and his wife have been staying with us since last Tuesday so I have not been in my normal routine. It's been so much fun, and I have laughed harder than I have in such a long time! My ribs actually hurt! BUT, I really need to hop on here and get back into a routine. We took them to Kroll's last night and I hate deep fried perch and fries, and my hands are swollen today from salt and grease. It was delicious but enough is enough!

    Just know I've read all the posts up to here and I'm excited about victories and thinking of you all.

    Just for Sunday:
    1. Journal every bite
    2. Stay in the green
    3. Eight 8 oz glasses of water
    4. Prep for next week
    5. Meal plan for next week
    6. Tiny Habits
    7. Submit taxes and get bills paid
    8. Run my errands
    9. Evening ritual - Simple Abundance, New Day New You, 5 things in my Gratitude journal
    10. Bed early because it has been a very long week and I'm exhausted!

    Happy Sunday everyone! :)
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,928 Member
    JFT - Saturday April 7
    2L of water :)
    Stay in green :)
    Write in journal :)
    Clean :)
    Laundry :)
    Spend some quality time with hubby :)

    JFT - Sunday April 8
    2L of water
    Stay in Green
    Write in Journal
    Find something to get me moving throughout day

    Had a good night with the grandkids Friday night, Little Miss has learned how to climb out of playpen so I got lots of steps in putting her back to bed. I did my weigh in this morning down to 155.2 only 5 pounds to go and I’ll be at my starting weight the first time I was on here.

    I have to figure out a plan for today to move, I find I sit a lot when the family is here On Sunday’s.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,154 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Goals for Sunday:

    - 8 glasses - yep :)
    - Log all food! - nooo
    - Just keep house tidy today - *sigh* it’s a never ending task.
    - Maybe walk dog as a family?- nope, we all just chilled out today

    Wow so I don’t know what’s happened today, I must of cut down on a lot of sugar over the last couple of days because today I went absolutely crazy and I can not stop eating chocolate, literally CAN NOT stop!
    I’ve ate enough now I feel sick (not in one go, just over the day)

    Really must learn from this, somehow?

    Will post new goals in the morning!

    Water Challenge
    Apr 1: 6 glasses
    Apr 2: 6 glasses
    Apr 3: 6 glasses
    Apr 4: 8 glasses!
    Apr 5: 3 glasses
    Apr 6: 8 glasses!
    Apr 7: 9 glasses!!
    Apr 8: 8 glasses!
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    This weekend has been a bit rough. Managed to keep up the workouts and had a lovely time celebrating Greek easter with the family today. But food wise it’s been a bit of a bust! I really feel like I need to be more relaxed about going “off plan” rather than deciding it’s a disaster and then writing off the rest of the day.

    I’ve said it before so clearly this is an ongoing issue for me. But if I’m going to truly make this work as a lifestyle, then i need to try and find some balance.

    Anyway, Monday goals
    - morning exercise
    - 3ltr+ water
    - Stay within calorie goal
    - Yoga
    - School uniform shopping with the kids
    - Check in with lawyer
    - Early night

    Have a lovely evening all. X

    PS Not done so well on the water so far this month but I am still trying and very up for joining in a monthly challenge!
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    JFT Sunday
    1. Attempt to log, even if it means guessing. Brush teeth before heading out.
    2. Get up stupid early and go for a stupid run. Use the "45b" playlist.
    3. Tea. Chop some celery. Get some caffeine and take that frustration out on a helpless vegetable. Pack lunch.
    4. Give a very specific, detailed grocery list to D. Print 9R email, mark April 16-21 and tape to door.
    5. Check with J&L about poetry scaffold; print a copy for B. Input more grades.
    6. Run copies of prepositions/infinitives worksheet and Likert scale and savannah stats worksheets.
    7. Leave for garden by 4:30. MAKE SURE TO TAKE GLOVES AND LAYERS AND MEDS! Chop more celery. Pack lunch for Tuesday. Update JFT after return from garden. Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 30 minutes after return from garden.

    Scale progress & goals

    November: 183.6
    December: 176.6
    January: 174.6
    February: 173.6
    March: 179.6

    April 8: 179.9
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    JFT, 4/8/18

    1. Prelog as much as I can/log all my food :)Actually have to take some food off
    2. 4 bottles of water :|3 down, 1 to go
    3. Up @ 630/weigh! :|More like 8:15...Lol. Did weigh myself though!
    4. Gym by 7 :DOpted for a walk and some yoga instead
    5. DH up by 830 :)
    6. Church :)Was a good sermon and the DH came with me
    7. DH time :)
    8. Needles :'(Plans changed. Will have to do it sometime next week
    9. Kohls for work pants(?) :'(Postposed until tomorrow. DH had the car today
    10. Some meal prep :|Walked and looked at budget
    11. Dinner/Dishes :)Had another make again meal
    12. DH time :|DH is in rare form tonight. His attempts at being silly are getting rather aggravating
    14. Shut down by 10 :'(Currently 10:24...
    15. Lights out by 11 :|Possible but inprobable

    April 8-3 bottles of water

    Had a nice relaxing day! Did a new circuit for a walk today. I think now that it is going to warm up soon that I will spend more time outside either cleaning up the yard/deck or walking around the neighborhood. I think I need some serious vitamin D. The walk felt amazing though. Listened to a sermon by one of my favorite preachers and played a walking game on my phone. Lol. Gonna post my goals for tomorrow and hit the hay.

    JFT, 4/9/18

    1. Log/Prelog food
    2. 4 bottles of water
    3. Call J at 8:30
    4. Call M
    5. Up @ 6
    6. Bible/Pray
    7. Yoga
    8. BREAKFAST!!
    9. Prep some lunches
    10. Work 1015-515
    11. Take DH for haircut
    12. Pants shopping while DH is getting haircut
    13. Dinner/Dishes
    14. DH time
    15. Tech off by 10:15
    16. Bed by 11.
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    @HGSmith0920 walking game?
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    edited April 2018
    JFY (Sunday)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water :)
    2. Log all the food I eat :)
    3. Stay "in the green" with my calories :/ (got the munchies in the evening)
    4. Groceries :)
    5. Laundry :)
    6. Finish 1 order from my shop :)

    JFT (Monday)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Log all the food I eat
    3. Stay "in the green" with my calories
    4. Laundry
    5. Finish 3 orders from my shop
    6. Go to the gym
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Rushing this morning so I'll have to skim through posts tonight. We had a busy weekend so I didn't even post. I need to make an effort to post daily.

    Walk w/dog in park. Sunny but cold.
    Grocery shopping.
    Plan out week ahead for commitments to reduce stress (that would lead to stress eating).
    Pork tenderloin tonight.
    Tracked Breakfast & snacks so far.
    Stronglifts today-week 2, workout B which are new exercises. Prepared to look like a newbie today knowing that by Friday, I'll be more confident.
    Meditate. 2x 15 mins each.
    Continue with decluttering. Set timer for 20 minutes.
    Start planning for trip to Canada.
    Read something inspirational.
    Aim for 9:45 for bedtime.

    Setting some a new goal-no snacking 3 hours before bedtime. This is going to be a challenge (but remind myself over the past year I've increased water, protein, eliminated sugary coffee drinks and drive thrus).

    My father has expressed an interest in losing 70lbs and getting healthier. I will do my best to support him & be helpful.

    Hope you all have a wonderful Monday!

    When there's no wind.....ROW!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,615 Member
    Recap Sunday 4/8
    1) Bible class :smiley: / church :smiley:
    2) Meal plan in head / log all food / net calories green = Net calories, sodium & sugar red (not too bad), protein good, fiber low (again) :/
    3) Drink extra water to flush system = 14c water :smiley:
    4) Walk dog = Walked dog 3.61 mi 1:02:54 / happy dog & happy me B) Fitbit 14,819 steps, 250+ steps 9/14 (church + nap time) & 31 floors :smiley:
    5) Bake Kodiak Cakes power muffins / need to use up bananas = :# Napped instead / maybe M evening
    6) Unplug 9:00 :smiley: / floss :smiley: / retainers :smiley: / bed & TV off 10:15 = :neutral: 10:30

    JFT M 4/9 ~ Rest day / no walk before work
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    2) Lunch at desk (noon meeting at OFF) / not sure about supper / net calories w/i 100 green / monitor usual
    3) Evening: bake muffins / put away laundry / water plants / Sunday ads / delete DVR
    4) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15 (treadmill T a.m.)
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,928 Member
    @bcTRAI Lol A less embarrassing way of saying that I play Pokemon Go while walking. Lol.

    We need a LOL button, that's awesome.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,928 Member
    JFT - Sunday April 8
    2L of water :( No, only 3/4 of the way there
    Stay in Green - :( No, but I looked when I was hungry before getting something and chose to go over so it wasn't mindless eating.
    Write in Journal - :( No
    Find something to get me moving throughout day - :/ I chased after my granddaughter a bit and did some tidying but nothing set in stone to do.

    JFT - Monday April 9
    2L of Water
    Stay in Green
    Write in Journal
    Do 10 Something's every hour
    Clean office in preparation of VP coming on Wednesday

  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Hugs @joan6630 - I’m not surprised you are stressed and anxious. I hope you get the decision you need on disability for your daughter. Take good care of yourself as well as her - she needs you healthy x
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    I have had a good day today - seems to be my Monday pattern after a “bad” weekend. I guess it’s good that I get straight back on it, just wish I didn’t go “off it” in the first place!

    Anyway, despite a horrible rainy day, it’s all looking v green:

    - morning exercise ✅
    - 3ltr+ water ✅ yes!!!!!!!!!
    - Stay within calorie goal ✅
    - Yoga ✅
    - School uniform shopping with the kids ✅
    - Check in with lawyer ✅
    - Early night ✅

    Also took the kids to a pottery painting cafe and we had such a lovely time. It was v expensive, but made me think maybe I should buy some proper art equipment to use with them and after they go to bed as I so enjoyed helping them.

    Goals for tomorrow:
    - morning exercise
    - 3ltr + water
    - stay within calorie goal
    - Find an activity for the girls which isn’t weather dependent!
    - Cook dinner for a friend who is coming to see us
    - Online grocery shop
    - Sleep by 10
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,420 Member
    Just for Sunday:
    1. Journal every bite :)
    2. Stay in the green :)
    3. Eight 8 oz glasses of water :)
    4. Prep for next week :/
    5. Meal plan for next week :/
    6. Tiny Habits ;)A couple of them. 50%.
    7. Submit taxes and get bills paid :/Stayed up and visited with BIL & SIL again. Niece came over at around 9:00 p.m. and stayed until midnight, so that was hard for me since I am the only one who has to get up and work in the morning.
    8. Run my errands :)
    9. Evening ritual - Simple Abundance, New Day New You, 5 things in my Gratitude journal :)
    10. Bed early because it has been a very long week and I'm exhausted! :s I tried so hard, but it was loud with everyone visiting in the living room and hard to get to sleep.

    My BIL & SIL left this afternoon to go back to Colorado. They've been with us for a week and it has been so much fun, but I am so exhausted! I'm looking forward to a quiet night at home with just me, my DH and my GD.

    Just for Monday:
    1. Journal every bite
    2. Stay green
    3. NO ice cream
    4. Eight 8oz glasses of water
    5. Prepare for this week's lunches by cutting up veggies, boiling eggs, etc.
    6. Pack tomorrow's lunch and set coffee maker for tomorrow
    7. Tiny Habits
    *After I pour my coffee, I will read one verse of scripture
    *After I read one verse of scripture, I will say my morning prayers
    *After I eat dinner, I will pick out tomorrow's outfit
    *After I brush my teeth at night, I will wash and moisturize my face
    8. Evening ritual - Read Simple Abundance, New Day New You & write 5 things in Gratitude journal for today
    9. Unplug 9:00 and read some of my new book
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,420 Member
    karenleona wrote: »
    My goal for today is just to survive

    I certainly hope you achieve your goal for today @karenleona !!!! <3
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,420 Member
    @joan6630 : If I get a chance tonight, I will sent you a private message. But in case I fall asleep, know you are not alone and that you and your daughter are in my prayers. Sending you much love. <3
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,154 Member
    Water Challenge
    Apr 1: 6 glasses
    Apr 2: 6 glasses
    Apr 3: 6 glasses
    Apr 4: 8 glasses!
    Apr 5: 3 glasses
    Apr 6: 8 glasses!
    Apr 7: 9 glasses!!
    Apr 8: 8 glasses!
    Apr 9: 8 glasses!

    I achieved ALL my goals today... because I didn’t post any :lol:

    Anyway, had “one of them days”
    I don’t know if it was a bad day or if I was in a bad mood! Either way. I’m just glad I kept the water up.

    Although I’m still waiting for my skin to clear up...

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,264 Member
    edited April 2018
    JFT, Monday
    1. log all food :)
    2. concentrate on water :)
    3. do tiny habits:
    After I take my morning shower, I will take my vitamin :)
    After I eat breakfast, I will fill up my water bottle :)
    After I have my planned evening snack, I will brush and floss my teeth :)
    4. NO EATING AFTER 7 PM. Somehow, I have to figure out a way to break this stress-relieving habit :/ I did eat a protein bar at 9pm ...... but .... I took my daughter to a frozen yogurt place, and I just drank my water!!
    5. write positive thoughts and concentrate on those today :/ So busy sewing, but will do this if I have time yet before bed.

    Water Challenge

    Apr 1: 0 glasses
    Apr 2: 8 glasses
    Apr 3: 4 glasses
    Apr 4: 6 glasses!
    April 5: 7 glasses
    April 6: 6 glasses
    April 7: 9+ glasses --- I lost track!! YAH
    April 8 - forgot to post, but I know I got in a lot. Maybe not quite 8 glasses though?
    April 9 - 8+

    I started out my day so down and grumpy, but tried hard to think positive. And ... it doesnt take long to see or hear of others that have it SO much worse. I talked to daughters apartment manager ... and once a week I am going to go and help my daughter clean her apartment. That way, I can see if any sinks are plugged, things needing fixing, etc. So hopefully this will work out, and we have no more issues. Hoping the rent stays the same .... and hoping and praying disability comes through. It will be a long 3 months waiting though.
    But foodwise - I did so much better, and got in over 8 glasses of water. I filled my large water bottle 4 times --- and took it with me when I took my daughter for ice cream, so that helped also! So .... a good day for me

    JFT, Tues
    1. go to the gym
    2. log all food
    3. do tiny habits: vitamin, water bottle, brush teeth after 7. Trying to turn these into habits!
    4. work on new quilt I am starting --- need to cut up over 400 1.5" pieces!! Am I crazy or what!! It will be a totally scrappy quilt!
    5. help hubby - have to ship tomorrow.
    6. Get hair cut/colored
    7. write positive thoughts and concentrate on the good
    8. get back on here - be accountable.

    BTW --- where is everyone? I only had to go back 1 page to find my posts! Oh -- thats right, I posted this morning, not last nite.Still .... seems very quiet on here today. Hope you are all doing OK?
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,264 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Water Challenge
    Apr 1: 6 glasses
    Apr 2: 6 glasses
    Apr 3: 6 glasses
    Apr 4: 8 glasses!
    Apr 5: 3 glasses
    Apr 6: 8 glasses!
    Apr 7: 9 glasses!!
    Apr 8: 8 glasses!
    Apr 9: 8 glasses!

    I achieved ALL my goals today... because I didn’t post any :lol:

    Anyway, had “one of them days”
    I don’t know if it was a bad day or if I was in a bad mood! Either way. I’m just glad I kept the water up.

    Although I’m still waiting for my skin to clear up...

    Hey --- great job anyhow Bex!!!!! Great job on the water!! And I hope your skin clears up, and tomorrow will be one of those good days!