Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-August 2011



  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    i love Ahi tuna too, but I can wait, all for the well being of this lil one.

    I am excited the OB appt is Friday, so anxious.

    I walked a30 mins last night, I haven't worked out much, went form 4 -5 X 2 / week to Nada!

    I have read that balsamic vinegar is not good, because it contains red wine & therefore lead. What are your thoughts. Congrats Atomdraco, and everyone else.
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    So I was doing really well and not having morning sickness. And for once it is a really nice and gorgeous day. I HAD planned on taking the dog for a walk, but then I ate an apple. I'm 9 weeks today and it's like a switch was flipped. Needless to say, that apple didn't stay down and I now officially feel worse than I have the past 4 weeks.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    So I was doing really well and not having morning sickness. And for once it is a really nice and gorgeous day. I HAD planned on taking the dog for a walk, but then I ate an apple. I'm 9 weeks today and it's like a switch was flipped. Needless to say, that apple didn't stay down and I now officially feel worse than I have the past 4 weeks.

    sorry to hear that, try some crystallized ginger candy and make sure you rehydrate. If you can't keep down fluid have your ob call in some zofran before you end up in the ER
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    It's supposed to be in the mid-80's the next few days so I'm pretty excited about that! The 90's-100's isn't cool when I feel too gross to hang out at the pool in my bikini. haha! So far I haven't met my goal of working out 4-5 times this week. Eric and I walked the dogs for 30 minutes last night and I've been eating pretty well the past few days so I feel good about that. I plan on going to the gym after work today though. As long as I feel better that is. I'm feeling pretty crappy right now. I slept horrible, tossed and turned all night and my tummy feels queasy this morning. I ate a small blueberry muffin and some scrambled eggs this morning. I didn't really want the eggs, but knew I needed the protein. I would've rather had another muffin or a whole grain waffle. haha!
    Anyhow, hopefully I'll make it to the gym today as planned. If not, at least I've been eating pretty clean this week. We're going to try to make it down to Point Lookout in Southern Maryland this weekend. It's about a 30 minute drive I think and is supposed to be really pretty. (Even has a "haunted" lighthouse! haha!) I also want to go to the farmer's market on Saturday morning and get some fresh produce.

    Oh and I have a silly question. I know it's safe, but was anyone else scared to have sex early in pregnancy? lol

    Hope everyone has a great day! :)
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Morning All-

    Glad to see everyone is doing well and I so miss Ahi Tuna, but the time shall come when we can all have it again!!

    This site seems to be rocking here lately so many ladies and so much good info!! Glad we can all share our moments.

    Thank you all for your comments and feed back I will look into Old Navy, Pea in a Pod and Maternity Gap. I'm hoping to get by somewhat inexpensively since summer is sum what on it's way out.

    Doctors apt in 2 weeks and all is well. Have tons to do before now and then.

    Question: When do you begin to look for daycares?? At what point?? I've called a few around my work and they alreayd have waiting lists (needless to say the tuition was more than I expected) any suggestions?

    ((hugs to everyone))
  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    hey ladies, i've been slacking on the board but i'm here none the less :)

    i just hit 18 weeks and in a couple get to find out the sex of the baby!!!!! we are so excited and am looking forward to narrowing down the list of names accordingly.

    i've gained about 18 pounds, which seems high to me but i'm trying not to worry about it so much, knowing that i can lose it when the time comes. i'm trying to stay motivated to workout but it's hard when i'm still giving 15-20 massages a week. that's kind fo a workout right?? :-)

    anyway hope all is well and i'm sending good thoughts to everyone!!!!

    love, Ang
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Just sharing some reading "Properly measure your exercise intensity", from

    "The Talk Test

    Monitoring your exercise intensity is important for your health and safety. The RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion)--that all-too-familiar scale of one to 10--gets a lot of attention during pregnancy, but another method, known as the Talk Test can also help you find a comfortable, safe workout level.

    Using this method, the goal is to work at a level where you can answer a question, but not comfortably carry on a conversation. In simple terms, you would be working out too hard if you have to take a breath between every word you say. Conversely, you would be exercising too easily if you could sing several phrases of a song without breathing hard.

    Work at an intensity that allows you to breathe comfortably and rhythmically throughout all phases of your workout. This will ensure a safe and comfortable level of exercise. If you are breathless, or can't talk, you're working too hard! Lower the resistance level and slow down. If you experience dizziness or lightheadedness, you may be overexerting yourself and should stop.

    The Talk Test has been confirmed as a simple and accurate method of gauging intensity that doesn't require any equipment or learning. Try your own Talk Test during your next workout (and compare it to your normal RPE assessment. "

  • b4bena
    b4bena Posts: 23
    Hi Ladies,
    Good to hear everybody is doing good.
    Yesterday was a busy day and didnt login at all. So I had my first ultra sound 6 weeks so it was too tiny and I couldn't see the heard beat, but hubby said he could see the flicker clearly. I have pain in lower left side but US Tech didnt say much they just said baby looks fine, Dr will talk more about reports. waiting for Dr's call. but its a big relief to hear that baby is fine and it is where it should be(in the uterus).
    not much active this week...super sleepy as soon as i am home. so trying to eat heathy stuff.

    atomdraco, Thanks for sharing info about exercise intensity :)...very helpful
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Any bodyrocker ( here? I am wondering if I can do their workout or not. I never started, but always want to do it (always got other workout take place instead). Not sure it's a good time to start it now or not.

  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey everyone. It is a gorgeous day here in KY today. Luckily I got to go to a job site for a bit today but then had to come back to the office and my computer. :( I plan on walking with my husband Eric and my dogs tonight too Kristy! I may go for a short run first; it's been forever since I've run outside.

    Badbeed, I have just started looking at day cares and I anticipate I won't need one until mid April when I go back to work. I hear some have 6-9 month waiting lists so I sort of want to get that covered; one less thing to worry about. I have contemplated finding someone who watches kids in their home b/c they are cheaper, but the kid would still get the social benefit of a day care. I have also thought about getting a nanny to come to the house, but my feeling is if I'm paying someone to watch my baby, I think I'd like to have them around other kids for socialization. Any thoughts in those who do nanny in home, child care at others' homes or standard day care? Oh, and it's really expensive.

    Atondraco, thanks for the bit about the talking test. My doctor has told me the same and I couldn't remember if I was supposed to be able to carry on a converstaion or just be able to talk without gasping. I have the tendency to want to push myself so it's been hard for me to back off. Also, the bodyrock I have not tried but I have watched the videos and I don't think it would be a recomended workout for pregos. It seems very intense, fast movement and potential for over exertion. Also, I've heard pregnancy is not the time to begin new programs. I was just embarking on a new strength program lifting heavier and alternating body parts (rather than upper body one day and lower the next) before I found out I was prego and even continued for a bit after and then finally came to my senses and realized I could pick this back up post baby. Just my 2 cents....not a doctor here though. :)

    The weekend is almost here! Woo hoo!!
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Only makes sense to have such an active board with all these active Mamas! Way to go everyone.

    Saw my Doc today for my 34+4 appointment. Put on two pounds in two weeks, just as I should (but never is easy to see that weighted scale climb). I compared my weight now to my weight at 34 weeks in pregnancy #1 and I'm about 5 pounds less (which is ultimately my goal - don't gain like I gained before).

    Husband and I made the decision to book the elective repeat c-section at 39 weeks (with the same surgeon who did my last c-section). If I go into labour on my own before 39 weeks and labour progresses normally we'll then try for VBAC. Whichever the outcome I'm happy and confidant in our decision to deliver the safest way possible for baby and Mama.

    Long-awaited hair appointment (hello highlighs and cut) on Saturday then bump photos with my photographer Sis. Can't wait! Going to do a few with Hubby and Colby, too. Excited about that.

    I'm down to my last four days of 12 hour shifts next week. Done work August 18th! Paperwork is all ready to roll for my Maternity Leave so that's one less stress, too.

    Hope everyone is having a great week.

    I too miss ahi tuna and red wine. Soooooooooooooooon!!!!

    Thanks Holly for the healthy teeth and gums reminder. I've been a daily flosser and twice a day two minute brusher. Oh and I'm still in the 'no cavity club' at my Dental office at 36 years old. Haha!!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Better_Balance, you are right, I shouldn't and won't start the bodyrock workout. I'm just so jealous at people can do it. :-) I'll stick with safer workouts for the time being.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Badbeed & Better_Balance - I've always found that Daycare Centers are more expensive, but cleaner and a lot more of an organized situation than an in home daycare. Daycare has got to be the worst thing I've experienced after becoming a mother so far. Not trying to scare you if you are fist time mothers, I just haven't had great experiences. Luckily my mom watches my 7 yr old during the summer and will watch the baby for me after I go back to work. So thank ful for that. Never did the nanny thing, but I do know inter action with kids at a young age is great and very beneficial for children. Good Luck with finding a great daycare!

    Maternity Leave - My job is very flexible and I can basically take what time I need to. I believe I will even be getting paid for my time off since I'm salary paid. I don't want to take advantage of that situation, and also said I would be willing to work from home too. I was thinking of taking 12 wks off....I am definately planning on going back to work, I love my job, but kind of unsure on an exact answer to give my boss.

    What time frame is everyone else looking at for maternity leave?
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Husband and I made the decision to book the elective repeat c-section at 39 weeks (with the same surgeon who did my last c-section). If I go into labour on my own before 39 weeks and labour progresses normally we'll then try for VBAC. Whichever the outcome I'm happy and confidant in our decision to deliver the safest way possible for baby and Mama.

    911 Girl, this doesn't make any sense to me? Can you break it down for me (or anyone) please? I understand the C-section but what is a VBAC?
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    Hi Ladies! It's so good to catch up on how everyone is doing! Although they have a very tiny "department," I've found lots of great maternity clothes at Kohl's- stocked up when I got my last 30% off coupon. Of course, I was a little over-zealous and haven't needed any maternity clothes yet, so will be returning some to get more winter items. If you get the 30% off, plus hit the store during a sale (big ones most Wednesdays and Fridays), you can get shirts for $10-15 and pants for $20 or so. Also, a town about 40 minutes from here has a once a year resale that about 200 different women contribute to- it's all maternity clothes and baby stuff- maybe your town has one!

    My goal for this week (even with my 12 hour work days) is to actually MEET the weekly exercise goal I set on MFP- 150 minutes for the week. I used to blow that away every week, sometimes even doubling it, but hasn't been happening lately.....
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    What time frame is everyone else looking at for maternity leave?

    mistibergman - We're lucky in Canada. One year off (paid 55% of our earnings every two weeks by the gov't). My work tops up to 100% of our earnings for four months. I was lucky enough to get my 600 hours to qualify for this between babies so close together.

    When I return to work next September I plan on job sharing my full-time spot with a part-timer and doing two 12 hour shifts a week.
    Husband and I made the decision to book the elective repeat c-section at 39 weeks (with the same surgeon who did my last c-section). If I go into labour on my own before 39 weeks and labour progresses normally we'll then try for VBAC. Whichever the outcome I'm happy and confidant in our decision to deliver the safest way possible for baby and Mama.

    911 Girl, this doesn't make any sense to me? Can you break it down for me (or anyone) please? I understand the C-section but what is a VBAC?

    babeed854 - Sorry! VBAC = Vaginal Birth After C-Section
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning my fit and fabulous friends! I wrote this nice long post yesterday and somehow lost it so here I am starting over.... :)

    Yesterday was a beautiful wonderful day. The weather had cooled down (high of 89* as opposed to the normal 110* as of late), the sun was shining, and the air wasn't as sticky and humid as it has been. It makes being comfortable in my own skin so much easier. I've loved being pregnant and have felt pretty awesome except for when I'm feeling pretty miserable due to the intense heat we had had every single day for over a month straight.... But hopefully that is all turning around and I can enjoy being outside again. I hiked yesterday for an hour and a half and it was awesome to get some sunshine on my body! I'm a little sore today, but nothing a little exercise and a trip to the chiro can't cure. :)

    Luna it gets easier after the first trimester. Just do the best you can now and soon your energy will return to get back to working out more often! I had never heard the balsalmic vinegar thing until you said something and I did some research. Pretty interesting. Evidently there is amounts of lead in a lot of our food we eat....It also said that not all balsalmic vinegars have lead, but I have no idea of knowing how you would know which ones do and which ones don't.

    Midnite I've heard that ginger does help like cutmd said. Also make sure you eat immediately after waking and have several small meals throughout the day BEFORE you get hungry. I've heard that if you allow yourself to get to that point it is already too late. Hope you feel better.

    Kristy I'm right there with ya girl! So happy the weather has cooled down! I also am not a big egg fan these days. I used to LOVE my morning eggs...but now I choke them down cause I know how good they are for me and the baby. But I agree a muffin sounds SO much more appealing! lol Good job on making a healthy choice though. Your weekend sounds awesome....I wanna come! :) So...not a silly question at all. When I first got pregnant it took me at least a couple weeks before I'd have sex and then when I did I was nervous as well. I knew that having sex wasn't going to hurt the baby or do anything to end the pregnancy, it just seemed strange to me....and then I got REALLY pregnant! lol! You wanna talk about strange....Charlee likes to kick and let us know she is there after we have relations! So weird! So just enjoy it now when it is still normal and your body is still normal for the most part cause when your belly starts getting in the way, it isn't very romantic that's for sure!

    babeed I plan on staying home when the baby is born so sorry no help there. I'm sure the sooner the better though on finding a good place for your bambino!

    Ang if you are eating right and exercising, that is what is important as opposed to the amount of weight you've gained. Weight gained from healthy habits tends to shed quickly and easily after the baby is born!

    b4bena glad everything went well with the u/s!

    atomdraco I agree that starting a new workout routine and shocking your body like that probably isn't the best idea. Stick with what you've been doing intensity wise.

    Ashley at least you got to get out of the office for a little bit and enjoy the day! :)

    Amy glad you were able to make a decision that you are comfortable with. I can't believe just a few more weeks and you are gonna meet your little one! How awesome! And don't you just feel like a new woman after getting your hair done?! You will have to post some of the pics! :)

    Well I hope everyone else is doing well. It is Friday so I hope everyone has a great day and an awesome weekend! No big plans for me. I've got my 28wk doc appt on Tuesday for my glucose tolerance I will be making sure no sugar binges this weekend. :) I'm going to get a pedicure and have dinner with a friend tonight...that should be fun. Gotta go get my workout on so you ladies take care and have a healthy and happy weekend!
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    ofccat - Have you tried adding crystal light or propel to your water? It gives it some flavor and makes it easier to drink when I get sick of just regular water... Good luck.

    yep didn't like the taste of the flavors I tried. So far the honey seems to be doing the trick. Thanks for the idea though.
  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member
    Wow, seems like so many other countries have much better materinity leave than the US. I'll only be taking 6 weeks off, but trying to work out a 4 day schedule opposed to 5 when I return. My husband will stay home with the baby this time around.

    Daycare is expensive! I stayed home for the first 18 months with my boys. Then we took the nanny route for a short period of time. It was very convenient, but I think my kids benefit from being with other children. My boys are currently in a in-home daycare that we LOVE. We spent a lot of time visiting daycares before we chose this provider. Not all centers are created equally, that's for sure. Our daycare is very structured and she runs it more like a preschool with many learning activities. We've seen other providers that just let the kids play or sit in front of the tv all day. The only real benefit I would see from a center over our in-home daycare would be not having to to worry about her vacation/sick time.

    This time around, it doesn't make a lot of sense for us to pay for 3 kids in daycare full time. So we figured while we're going to be tighter on our finances either way, that this is a good time for my husband to go back to school. He will stay home during the day and go to school in the evenings. I found a public pre-school close to our home that our boys will go to in the morning.

    Happy Friday, Have a great weekend ladies!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Gorgeous day here! It was chilly when I left home at 8am.

    Maternity leave - I am salary too but do not get paid for time off. I get temporary disability (80% of pay) after 30 days out for as long as my dr. says I need to be away from work which is typically 6 weeks. So I'll get paid 1 week. I can take up to 12 weeks off for FMLA and not lose my job (not that they'd fire me but it's how policy works at my job) but it is unpaid. I plan on taking the full 12 weeks, but after 6 or 8 weeks I wouldn't mind to get back to the office a day or so a week for a few hours to get back into the swing of things and reimerse myself into the work world. Plus, I'll get paid for that. 911Girl, that makes me want to move to Canada.

    I've done pretty good with my goals this week. I had a great workout Monday, swam some Tuesday, and walked the dog yesterday. I also have had fruit every day this week. If I want to make my goal, I'll have to do something Saturday or Sunday. I'll be walking to lunch today and will most likely count it as "exercise".

    Anyone doing anything fun this weekend? We have a family birthday part tonight and have dinner plans with friends tomorrow. Hopefully I won't have to work this weekend but may. Speaking of, better get back to it. Happy Friday!