JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,599 Member
    edited April 2018
    Recap R 4/26
    1) Weight machine + my "circuit" training before work ~ remembered more of my old routine & noticing (sore) muscles I haven't used in a long time! :D
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work / pace during noon webinar = Fitbit 12,077 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) & 36 floors :smiley: includes 3,589 steps during webinar :smiley:
    3) Meals & snacks prelogged / stick with plan / net calories green / monitor usual = A little snacking (not candy) when I got home from grocery store, logged it & I'm ok with this. Net calories -69, sugar -23 (grapes, Kodiak Cakes power muffin), sodium green (yay), protein & fiber excellent, 12c water. :smiley:
    4) Evening: choir :smiley: / grocery shop :smiley: / at least 1 - 2 to-do's :/ maybe 1/2 to-do? oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    5) Unplug 9:00 :( / floss :smiley: / retainers :smiley: / bed & TV off 10:15 :smiley: ~ depending on weather walk dog before work F a.m.

    JFT F 4/27
    1) Feet feeling much better (right foot still meh) so walked dog before work & enjoyed birds singing, saw one duck, also noticed perennial plants coming alive ~ 3.19 mi 56:48 pace 17:48 (trying not to push too hard) ~ happy dog & happy me B) and remembered to stretch after :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Snacks & meals prelogged / stick with plan / net calories green / monitor usual
    4) Evening at least 1 - 2 to-do's
    5) Unplug 9:30 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 11:00

    Have a great Friday, all!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    @cschmitz110515 Thank you!!! :) This thread has helped so much in getting there!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    @slittlemeister Please do send pics of your experience! It will be fun to tag along!!!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    edited April 2018
    @junodog1 So glad to see you checking in! Your post made me laugh---and yes, in my head I was reading it just as Roz spoke it, lol!!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    JFT, 4/25/18

    1. Log all food :#Had a sub for dinner last night since I didnt eat at home and have no idea how to log it
    2. Make wise food choices :|Other than the sub and the two handfuls of chips...sure
    3. Drink 3 bottles @ work :)4-5 by the end of the night
    3. Gym @ 6 :'(Woke up really really sore so I slept in pretty late.
    4. Coffee w/ DH :)It was nice
    5. Work 1015-515 :)Was a decent day I guess. My soon to be former manager is convinced that I am too nice of a person and that the new one who can be kind of rude is going to be mean to me and it's going to hurt my feelings...She doesnt have enough faith in my tough as nails skin.
    6. Mail letter on break :DThere are 3 blue mailboxes on my way to work. One of them is in the parking lot I use for work, the post office is across the street from the parking lot and there's one about 200 feet from the door to my gym! I dont know why this has been so hard for me!
    7. Make list of bills :):):)I actually worked out a whole budget that allows us room to not only pay our normal bills but also pay the new car payment, the raised insurance, and my new gym membership fee!
    8. Only 4 cups of coffee :)I think I may have only had 3 actually
    9. D's house for dinner/organizing "date" :)It was more of a chatty visit then a work date. I think we only organized for about a half an hour. But I'm going to go over next weekend and spend two days completely dismantling her whole office area and reorganize it. Lol
    10. Home by 10 :|10:15 but close enough. Lol
    11. Bed by 1130 :#More like 1. The Dh had a terrible day at work so I spent about 2.5 hours trying to make him feel better

    It's already 6:30 here!

    Work sucked today, to be honest. Our new manager, L, spent today and tomorrow shadowing J who is the one who is leaving. L(who shares a name with my head teller) is the former head teller at the main branch and is the woman who trained me. She spent the afternoon behind the teller line and kind of watched over my shoulder. I have been at my branch for a month. She freaked me out because I kept thinking I was doing things wrong and it made me screw a few things up. Granted she is a GREAT woman and will do really well at her job when she gets settled in, but she can be a tad bit overwhelming. She teaches me the right way though. The "other L" tries to train me her own way and I dont respond to it that well. But it was just an off day. I know that once J is officially gone it will be easier because we can adapt to the way that LM wants us to do things. So next week will be much easier I think. I'm going to call my new manager LM and my head teller LK because those are their initials and you know me, I like to tell you all about my day. Lol.

    The DH got in trouble at work for something incredibly stupid yesterday had was in a terrible mood last night. He got loud with me at one point but calmed down from that quickly. So I spent a long time just hugging him before I finally got so tired I couldn't stay up a minute longer. OH! It didnt help today that I didnt wake up until J called me at 8:23 to ask me where I was. I was the opening teller. So I threw on clothes and ran out the door. Part of the sleeping so late was because I was up so late! Lol.

    Okay, enough about that!

    Today I:

    -Did not stay in my calorie goal(pizza/wings/muffins/ice cream all as a goodbye to J)
    -Only drank 2 bottles of water at work
    -Had my 4 cups of coffee for the day
    -Made it through work(at least my drawer balanced)
    -Was a half an hour late to work

    To do before the night ends:
    -Enjoy dinner with R(have a salad)
    -Take a shower before dinner
    -Tech off my 10:30
    -Bed by 11:30
    -Make sure alarm is set in the AM!

    I'll come back on after dinner to update goals for tomorrow! I promise!!!

    I so enjoy your posts and seeing how your day went.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    2 sleeps until holiday! :D Doesn't feel quite real yet, probably because I'm still in work mode. Should get real and exciting after I finish today!

    @OConnell5483 @toaljasa Thanks for your holiday best wishes! I like the quote and will use it to encourage me to be more adventurous while I'm away :smile: @OConnell5483 Happy to post the odd travel pic to inspire you to book something yourself if you like?

    I would LOVE that! I was talking to my husband last night telling him how you go to Paris for weekend trips and now are going to Vietnam and how I missed my calling....to travel! I've always loved to travel and have done very little of it. I'm living vicariously through you! I did start browsing online last night for some places I might be able to visit in the US or Canada. I've never been to Canada and would love to. Both my husband and I have always wanted to go to Alaska also... :smile: I'm so excited for you!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    JFT - Thursday April 26
    2L of Water - :)
    Stay in Green - :)
    Write in Journal - :)
    Work on Manual - :| No still working on new hire paperwork to hire some staff
    Do 10 Something's every hour - :( I only managed to do it once but I did take a walk last night that wasn't on my goals, so that made up for it.

    JFT - Friday April 27
    2L of Water
    Stay in Green
    Write in Journal
    Conduct Interviews - Get on-boarding paperwork in order
    Do 10 Somethings at least 4 times - I'm already behind, so why set myself up for failure already.

    The scale moved in the right direction this morning!!!! 0.6 pounds down! It's not much, but it's down! I am not doing the check in, I'll wait until Sunday hopefully it is more still and I'm not going to be discouraged. I walked last night, my legs hurt and I was tired, but I made myself do it and felt better for doing so. I started tracking the weight I would be in 5 weeks if everyday were like today. I would like to see if it's anywhere close because all of my days are lower than my current weight.

    A friend of mine posted a 28 day Plank Challenge on fb last night. I'm thinking I'll start this on Sunday and see how I do. I figure with my walks, swimming on Saturday and planks that would all be a boost. I also need to get to the gym next week, although I think I will concentrate on strength training there and continue to use my walks for cardio. My daughter is using my membership much more than I am.

    I'll post the Plank Challenge if anyone wants to join me.
    Have a happy Friday everyone.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    This is the 28 Day Plank Challenge I mentioned I am going to start on Sunday.

    This is copied from the webpage:

    The challenge itself lasts 28 days. Even though it might seem quite a long time you will have a break every 5 days. During your workout days you need to increase the amount of time spent in the plank.

    Day 1-3: 20 seconds
    Day 4: 30 seconds
    Day 5: 40 seconds
    Day 7-8: 45 seconds
    Day 9-11: 60 seconds
    Day 12: 90 seconds
    Day 14-16: 90 seconds
    Day 16-18: 150 seconds
    Day 20-23: 150 seconds
    Day 23-24: 180 seconds
    Day 26-27: 240 seconds
    Day 28: Until you fall down

    The webpage has different variations of planks pictures as well.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    2 sleeps until holiday! :D Doesn't feel quite real yet, probably because I'm still in work mode. Should get real and exciting after I finish today!

    @OConnell5483 @toaljasa Thanks for your holiday best wishes! I like the quote and will use it to encourage me to be more adventurous while I'm away :smile: @OConnell5483 Happy to post the odd travel pic to inspire you to book something yourself if you like?

    I would LOVE that! I was talking to my husband last night telling him how you go to Paris for weekend trips and now are going to Vietnam and how I missed my calling....to travel! I've always loved to travel and have done very little of it. I'm living vicariously through you! I did start browsing online last night for some places I might be able to visit in the US or Canada. I've never been to Canada and would love to. Both my husband and I have always wanted to go to Alaska also... :smile: I'm so excited for you!

    You should totally go to Canada! My boyfriend loves it, it's beautiful there apparently.

    Just consulted him on your behalf and he said that anywhere in Canada is nice "except all the middle of it that takes 3 hours to fly through"

    Apologies to any central Canadians on this board :smiley:
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    2 sleeps until holiday! :D Doesn't feel quite real yet, probably because I'm still in work mode. Should get real and exciting after I finish today!

    @OConnell5483 @toaljasa Thanks for your holiday best wishes! I like the quote and will use it to encourage me to be more adventurous while I'm away :smile: @OConnell5483 Happy to post the odd travel pic to inspire you to book something yourself if you like?

    I would LOVE that! I was talking to my husband last night telling him how you go to Paris for weekend trips and now are going to Vietnam and how I missed my calling....to travel! I've always loved to travel and have done very little of it. I'm living vicariously through you! I did start browsing online last night for some places I might be able to visit in the US or Canada. I've never been to Canada and would love to. Both my husband and I have always wanted to go to Alaska also... :smile: I'm so excited for you!

    You should totally go to Canada! My boyfriend loves it, it's beautiful there apparently.

    Just consulted him on your behalf and he said that anywhere in Canada is nice "except all the middle of it that takes 3 hours to fly through"

    Apologies to any central Canadians on this board :smiley:

    LOL, I was born and raised in Atlantic Canada, New Brunswick. Lived in Central, Ontario for a bit, and have now lived in the West, Alberta for 20 years. I agree with your boyfriend, however driving through Central Canada has some beautiful areas but it's a long drive too.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @slittlemeister Thank you for consulting him! LOL! I'll try to stay away from the middle...although that is probably the part my husband would like most! :smile:

    @Snowflake1968 I might have to pick your brain one of these days since you've lived in a few areas!
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    edited April 2018
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Thursday
    1. Water :)
    2. Meditation :)
    3. Laundry :) first spring closeline laundry!
    4. Studio time :) blocks for the new quilt are half done!
    5. Southwest Chicken Corn Chowder :)
    6. Jewelry store :) wedding rings are back on my hand! I also picked up a family ring that I had ordered
    7. Fabric store :) a new foot for my machine
    8. Walk :) 5 km
    9. Brush and floss :)
    10. Bed by 10:30 :)
    JFT Friday
    1. Water
    2. Meditation
    3. Laundry
    4. Studio time
    5. Pool
    6. Subway for dinner
    7. Brush and floss
    8. Bed by 10:30

    @OConnell5483 Thanks for asking about my class. It was actually a demo for ruler feet. Yesterday I went to a different shop and purchased a new foot and 1 small ruler so I could try.

    @mytime6630 I'm so happy you're trying out the tiny habits program. What do you think?
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    @clicketykeys - You have SO MUCH packed into your day! I'm new around this thread but what you strive to achieve each day inspires me. I hope you are able to refuel over the weekend and keep kicking butt!

    *laugh* "Strive" is definitely the important word there! And like... yeah it's a long list but a lot of it is little stuff that doesn't take much, but if I don't have a list to look at, I forget! Like downloading that song... which I am going to do now! And then another nice thing is that if I have the list, the stuff that didn't get done can be rolled over to tomorrow.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    my phone finally conked out, the charging port has broken and there was nothing more depressing than seeing it on 1% knowing it won't charge again..
    anyway getting it fixed in a couple of weeks, borrowing my Partners phone to post this but won't be able to do it all the time.
    missing you all!

    Oh no, we'll miss you!