JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,788 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    What a day! Early meeting at work and then about two hours in I had a call to say my elder daughter was sick. Couldn’t get childcare to cover so had to leave work and rush to get her. Tried to use the morning to get life admin done and booked a visit to the house from an engineer, then got a call to say my other daughter was ill so lots of scrabbling around to collect her and sort everything out!

    Food plans out of the window, along with some other stuff but I did achieve some things not on the list so maybe not a total washout! Tired and stressed this evening though.

    Monday goals
    - morning workout ✅
    - 12k+ steps ✅
    - 3ltr+ water ✅
    - Stay within calorie goal :s
    - Phone GP lunchtime :s started to dial then got the call about younger daughter!
    - Check re P’s school parents eve :/
    - Message to C ✅
    - Sort Tuesday with B ✅
    - Muscle soak bath :| (too hot and bothered) and early night ✅ this I shall do now.

    Tuesday goals:
    - morning workout
    - 3ltr+ water
    - Stay within calorie goal
    - Check re P’s school parents eve
    - Book half term cookery club for the girls
    - Yoga?
    - Early night

    Heading to bed and hoping to wake up to better tomorrow x

    Hope everyone feels better tomorrow and you don't get it!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    @MLHC1 Yes! It's amazing how simple movement, even a walk to the stop sign can really halt emotional downward spiraling. And sometimes it seems so difficult to just make the first step. Good for you.

    I recall way back in 1991 when I was getting depressed---I was very pregnant and still getting sick and I just didn't want to face the world. After a couple of days or so I had a very good friend who came in, opened the blinds, got me out of bed, dressed, and into the car with her children and my one. I just went with her while doing errands. Nothing earth shattering. But that one day helped give me a jump start and after that I was okay. I was able to cope with what all was going around me. Anyway, we are all thinking of you :)

    Peace and joy as you purpose to get some exercise/movement into your day.

    I had my second in 91 too.

    LOL I was born in 92!
    I feel like the baby of the group haha
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    edited April 2018
    Weights 2018:
    January 1: 194.5
    Feb 1 : 190.2
    March 1 : 193.6
    April 1: 197.6
    April 7: 196.4
    April 30: 192.6 :)

    April Goals:
    1. Lose 4 pounds - 1 pound a week = 194 (hoping to lose more, but this will be my goal) :):) YAH! Met my scale goal.
    2. April Challenge --- 8+ cups of water EVERY DAY :) The April challenge helped me SO much - but I still slip on this. Have to keep this challenge going
    3. log food minimum of 5 days a week - aim for 7 days :/
    4. Exercise minimum of 5 days a week - 60 minutes each time :)
    5. start walking outside again at least 3x a week. Walking not only helps me physically, but mentally more than anything. Clears my mind, and just enjoying the fresh air is a good thing. :/ Only did this a few times --- I tend to get busy, and don't want to stop what I am doing to walk.

    May Goals:
    1. consistently drink 8+ cups of water -- turn this into a habit. Bring my water bottle with me all the time
    2. consistently walk in the evenings -- even if it is only a 15 minute walk. The mental therapy alone is worth it!
    3. Goal is to be UNDER 190 pounds (even if it is only 189 --- success is not measured by the numbers on the scale
    4. write in my gratitude journal.

    Long-term Goals:

    April 27 - Goal is to be at 194 pounds :) 192.6

    May 20 - Goal for this is to be UNDER 190 pounds.

    June 10 - Goal for this is to be 185 pounds

    July 20 --- Goal is to be at 180 pounds.

    September - Meet my first goal of 175 pounds

    Christmas - Be at my goal weight of 170 pounds, and learn to maintain this weight.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    May Challenge:

    Are you guys up to another challenge? I did so much better with water using the April challenge, so I would love to start another challenge for the month of May.

    For the entire month of may ....... try to walk outside for a minimum of 15 minutes. Not only is the exercise good for us, but more than that .... the sunshine..... helping with the mental state of mind. Even when it is dark, I go outside and just walk around the block, and I feel better.
    The days are getting lighter. The weather is getting better. So no excuses!!!!

    Go on thennnn :wink:
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    toaljasa wrote: »
    @MLHC1 Yes! It's amazing how simple movement, even a walk to the stop sign can really halt emotional downward spiraling. And sometimes it seems so difficult to just make the first step. Good for you.

    I recall way back in 1991 when I was getting depressed---I was very pregnant and still getting sick and I just didn't want to face the world. After a couple of days or so I had a very good friend who came in, opened the blinds, got me out of bed, dressed, and into the car with her children and my one. I just went with her while doing errands. Nothing earth shattering. But that one day helped give me a jump start and after that I was okay. I was able to cope with what all was going around me. Anyway, we are all thinking of you :)

    Peace and joy as you purpose to get some exercise/movement into your day.

    I had my second in 91 too.

    LOL I was born in 92!
    I feel like the baby of the group haha

    92!!! Wow, I was like 41 years old then!! DO I feel Old or what!!!!! You are the baby here .... thats why you have so many "moms" looking out for you ;)
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Weights 2018:
    January 1: 194.5
    Feb 1 : 190.2
    March 1 : 193.6
    April 1: 197.6
    April 7: 196.4
    April 30: 192.6 :)

    April Goals:
    1. Lose 4 pounds - 1 pound a week = 194 (hoping to lose more, but this will be my goal) :):) YAH! Met my scale goal.
    2. April Challenge --- 8+ cups of water EVERY DAY :) The April challenge helped me SO much - but I still slip on this. Have to keep this challenge going
    3. log food minimum of 5 days a week - aim for 7 days :/
    4. Exercise minimum of 5 days a week - 60 minutes each time :)
    5. start walking outside again at least 3x a week. Walking not only helps me physically, but mentally more than anything. Clears my mind, and just enjoying the fresh air is a good thing. :/ Only did this a few times --- I tend to get busy, and don't want to stop what I am doing to walk.

    May Goals:
    1. consistently drink 8+ cups of water -- turn this into a habit. Bring my water bottle with me all the time
    2. consistently walk in the evenings -- even if it is only a 15 minute walk. The mental therapy alone is worth it!
    3. Goal is to be UNDER 190 pounds (even if it is only 189 --- success is not measured by the numbers on the scale
    4. write in my gratitude journal.

    Long-term Goals:

    April 27 - Goal is to be at 194 pounds :) 192.6

    May 20 - Goal for this is to be UNDER 190 pounds.

    June 10 - Goal for this is to be 185 pounds

    July 20 --- Goal is to be at 180 pounds.

    September - Meet my first goal of 175 pounds

    Christmas - Be at my goal weight of 170 pounds, and learn to maintain this weight.

    Double woo-hoos! You not only met your scale goal but you blew right passed it!!! Yea Yea Yea for you! You had an all around successful month and that's so awesome!

    And yes yes yes, another challenge, please. The water one helped immensely. Count me in on the walk arounds! Thanks so much for doing this---huge encouragement and reminder for me to get out and breathe!!!

    Looking forward to seeing you below 190. I'll join you in doing the happy dance!!!

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,788 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    toaljasa wrote: »
    @MLHC1 Yes! It's amazing how simple movement, even a walk to the stop sign can really halt emotional downward spiraling. And sometimes it seems so difficult to just make the first step. Good for you.

    I recall way back in 1991 when I was getting depressed---I was very pregnant and still getting sick and I just didn't want to face the world. After a couple of days or so I had a very good friend who came in, opened the blinds, got me out of bed, dressed, and into the car with her children and my one. I just went with her while doing errands. Nothing earth shattering. But that one day helped give me a jump start and after that I was okay. I was able to cope with what all was going around me. Anyway, we are all thinking of you :)

    Peace and joy as you purpose to get some exercise/movement into your day.

    I had my second in 91 too.

    LOL I was born in 92!
    I feel like the baby of the group haha

    LOL Well in my book anyone my children's age is a baby! My youngest is getting married next year, she was born in 91, my oldest was born in 89. I have two grandchildren born on my birthday in 2011 and January 2016. I'll wait patiently for more once my "baby" gets married.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,788 Member
    edited April 2018
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    May Challenge:

    Are you guys up to another challenge? I did so much better with water using the April challenge, so I would love to start another challenge for the month of May.

    For the entire month of may ....... try to walk outside for a minimum of 15 minutes. Not only is the exercise good for us, but more than that .... the sunshine..... helping with the mental state of mind. Even when it is dark, I go outside and just walk around the block, and I feel better.
    The days are getting lighter. The weather is getting better. So no excuses!!!!

    Go on thennnn :wink:

    I'm up for your challenge. I am also doing a 28 Day Plank Challenge. I'll keep up with my water and keep up with this group. Should be a successful month!
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    edited April 2018
    Checking in from Monday
    1. Feed cats. Meds, teeth, tea. AM run.
    2. WRITE SUB PLANS. UPDATE CLASS WEBSITES. Print grammar practice & upload. Email principal about additional photocopies. Daily Duolingo. Meditation. Read Iron Cast. Call J and ask about orientation time.
    3. 1 set body exercises (10 lifted push-ups ALL THE WAY DOWN, 10 lunges each leg, 70 sec plank, 40 sec forward fold, 20 sec triangle each side, 40 sec down dog, 30 sec crane/tree/warrior 3 each leg, 15 side leg lifts) aim for 2. Steps at school to 7k; aim for *10*.
    4. Hand out WM project; choose books. Freshmen practice - computers available?? Talk to students about music during work time. Write postcards. Review audition song. Write response 1 for Week 4. Meeting after school. Review main assignment.
    5. Kickboxing at 6:00. Chop more celery. Dinner - Plated rerun?
    6. Meds by 7:00. Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 9:30. Alarm set for 5:00.
    Editing to add - take quiz tonight, THEN write the response.

    Doing pretty good! Need to pack lunch for tomorrow and write my response. Aced the multiple-choice part of the quiz! Just have to see if my short-answer responses get full credit or if I get dinged somewhere.

    JFT Tuesday
    1. Feed cats. Meds, teeth, tea. AM run 30 minutes; aim for 15 laps.
    2. Check with K about when to pick up laptops for Friday. WRITE SUB PLANS. Freshmen - NoRedInk and literacy practice. Sophomore - reading & project work. UPDATE CLASS WEBSITES. Print grammar practice & upload. (Freshmen - verb phases; sophomores - subject/verb agreement with indefinite pronouns and prepositional phrases.) Email principal about additional photocopies.
    3. 1 set body exercises (10 lifted push-ups ALL THE WAY DOWN, 10 lunges each leg, 70 sec plank, 40 sec forward fold, 20 sec triangle each side, 40 sec down dog, 30 sec crane/tree/warrior 3 each leg, 15 side leg lifts) aim for 2. Steps at school to 7k; aim for *10*. Daily Duolingo. Meditation. Read Iron Cast.
    4. Sophomore Socratic. Freshmen - ?? Write final postcard. Review audition song. Enter classwork grades.
    5. Gym immediately after school for 4:00 strength class. Orientation at 6:00. Chop more celery. Pack Wednesday lunch. Dinner - Plated 2?
    6. Meds by 7:00. Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 9:30. Alarm set for 5:00.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    JFT, 4/30/18

    1. Log food :)I probably could eat something else tonight but I think I'm more thirsty than hungry atm
    2. Weigh in(even if it's after I've been up for a while!!) :)Back under 150!!!
    3. Make lunch :)Just a serving of salad that I premade the other day. Was yummy with a variety of veggies in it
    4. GYM!!! :)I think it started off my day on the right foot
    5. Dinner in the crock before work :)Forgot to take the paper off the bottom of the roast :D
    6. DH up @ 7 :|715 but it was close enough
    7. Work 8:15-5:15 :)Got to leave early. It was nice
    8. Walk at lunch :)Only about 15 minutes but it was cold and blustery out so I think it was long enough
    9. Only 4 cups of coffee(TOTAL) :|5. It was a tired kind of Monday so I couldn't not. One of them I didnt have to pay for so it was kind of like 4...maybe...
    10. 3 bottles at work/1 bottle at home :)I know there was at least 2...so probably 3. I'm drinking the last 1 right now
    11. Walk before & after dinner :sIt was a cold and windy day. I got home and didnt want to go back out.
    12. Form roll if needed :)Didnt need it until I sat down on the floor to fold 3 loads of laundry. The DH helped me to prop it so that it was supporting my lumbar...Hold Crow did it feel good!
    13. Dinner/Dishes :)Italian beef and pepper sandwiches w/ cheese. Also did 2 loads of dishes and am about to finish the crock. Then I'll be done for the night!
    14. Fold laundry :)3 loads folded/hung and put away
    15. M time :)We're sitting on the couch together but not really doing much. I think after this I am going to put the laptop away and cuddle.
    16. Tech off by 10 :)Well it's not even 9 yet so I'm going to say that it is a great possibility.
    17. Bed by 11 :)If not before. I'm already yawning and my legs are kind of gelatinous at the moment.

    Today went well. Did a few chores around the house as you can see from my above list. Lol. I go in late(r) tomorrow and I'm not going to go to the gym. At least I dont think I am going to. So I think I'll sleep until I have to get the DH up which is 1.5 hours later than when I get up for the gym. Probably going to do a few things around the house tomorrow morning as well.

    Onto my list for tomorrow!

    JFT, 5/1/18

    1. Log all food
    2. Post my goals for May
    3. Weigh myself(no matter how long I have been awake!)
    4. Put dishes away
    5. Make lunch for DH(and myself)
    6. Work 10:15-5:15
    6. Only 2 cups of coffee at work!
    8. 3 bottles @ work/1 @ home
    9. Meal plan
    10. Prep shopping list
    11. Read-20 minutes
    12. Meditate-5 minutes
    13. Get plates from dealer(1hr ride)
    14. Dinner/Dishes
    15. Pens game/Mtime
    16. Tech off by 10:00
    17. Bed by 11.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,503 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Weights 2018:
    April 30: 192.6 :)

    April Goals:
    1. Lose 4 pounds - 1 pound a week = 194 (hoping to lose more, but this will be my goal) :):) YAH! Met my scale goal.

    Long-term Goals:
    April 27 - Goal is to be at 194 pounds :) 192.6

    This is AWESOME!!! Go Joan!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Ok so not sure what's happened but I'm obsessed with toast, I just eat toast all day and can't stop eating it lol!!

    Goals for Tues
    - 8 glasses of water
    - NO TOAST

    OK --- cravings for toast. You are not pregnant, are you ;)