
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,219 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    yo peeps B)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    I had a jolt yesterday. I called an old friend from high school to see whether we could meet for lunch this coming week. Her husband answered and said she is in a nursing home! This is due to health complications that accompany extreme overweight. :cry: He did agree to meet for lunch, and said he'd go and pick her up from her care facility for the occasion. I hope that she is able to come for the lunch.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    I worry about this with one of my best friends. She missed my sister's memorial service because she had a health scare and had to go the emergency room. :-( I'm sorry, Katla.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    FELICIA love your greenhouse :):)

    Just watching our local news and found out that in Barcelona they have run out of the local stone for use on Gaudi's Sagrada Familia ( think I've spelt it right) so they being supplied with stone from a quarry in Warrington which is just down the road from Liverpool, I think that's really cool.

    Worked out calories for my lunch today needless to say scary :'(:'(:'( but will go really HFLC for 3 or 4 days and 3 days in gym

    Kate UK <3
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    Nankayk - the 10,000 steps thing is just a number. Dreamt up by a Japanese tracker manufacturer. You can get the same benefit from 10mins vigorous walking 3 times a day. You have to walk fast enough to be slightly out of breath. It is very doable and can even be done in the house by marching on the spot. Good luck. Of course, any exercise is great - climbing stairs, doing housework, gardening, keeping on the go.
    Heather UK XXXXXX
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    May Day Greetings!

    Barbie, "thank you" just seems so inadequate, but thank you from my heart.

    Apologies for the multiple quotes and typos yesterday. Now you know why I prefer to post from my laptop, I'm soooo touchscreen challenged! Just give me a keyboard and a DOS prompt, please!
    "...while my car’s oil...I’m tearing up ...to me so sending my hugs...

    Pat in PA My last mammo was 3D and I don't remember it being any longer or more (or less!) agonizing than the 2D. So much depends on the tech's experience and expertise. Back in Boise I read that applying a topical anesthetic containing lidocaine, then wrapping with plastic for an hour before washing off for the exam (1) but the FDA (2) warns against. Since my breasts are heavy and my tissue thick, I'm going to try the wrap next time. If you can tolerate NSAIDs an aspirin or ibuprofen about an hour before can help.
    Betsy "so I got out and walked with Ella" Well done. Safe travels! TMI alert: Joe's attitude about my rescue Wheaten was the straw. He told me to get rid of it. (Hello, I'm Barbara, you've been married to me for 20+ years and you think I'll "get rid" of a dog? Who are you? Who do you think I am?) So I said we needed counseling, he replied he didn't need counseling to know she was a GD bad dog. So I packed up the dogs and my most important belongings and ran away for the weekend. Came back and asked him again to go to counseling. When he said no, I said "well then, I want a divorce." "Over a dog???" "It's not the dog, it's us." I bunked (dogs and all) with a buddy, consulted a divorce lawyer and a counselor through my work's Employee Assistance Program. Had the pups in doggy daycare while I worked, and leashed to me while at my buddy's. After a week he decided that he'd go to counseling with me. It was just what we needed and exactly when we needed it because the next year was a hard one for me and he was really supportive. Our marriage had been rocky for close to 10 years and I must say that the past 10 years since this event have been the best ever.
    Okie is there room for one more at your patio events? ;)
    Terry SNOw? Oh NO!!!
    Felicia jealous of your greenhouse, would you share a pic?
    Mary 3 week keto challenge? What an accomplishment!
    Lanette "... make our own 'families' And how lucky we are to have this group of sisters" Amen sister! Eating canned salmon with bones and skin :noway: sounds yucky to me but I do love the canned albacore. TJ's had beautiful big globe artichokes for 99 cents each. In our small coastal town, Freddy gets $3.95 apiece!
    Beth glad to hear from you, safe travels!
    Rori so glad you had DH at gym with you to counter the helpless feeling about your brother. You are not useless, you got his GF to alanon. Well done!
    Kim your boundaries advice to Betsy was right on point and so succintly said!
    Rebecca broth and toast, how comforting!
    Michele, sometimes with husbands "what they don't know won't hurt..." ;)
    Katla jolt indeed! Caution to us all...
    NYKaren I'll climb back onto that wagon with you, okay?
    Cheri good luck with the move. Share pics of new living room furniture when it comes?

    Welcome Kay in TX. (((hugs)))
    Welcome golfergal "lifetime quota of rain in the NW" made me laugh out loud. My DH got his lifetime quota of sagebrush in SW Idaho so we find the rain a real treat!

    April intentions fell short:
    Meditate 50%
    take rx + supplements 90%
    log 100%
    walk one more step than past month's running average 33%
    4 times-walk Tumble at least 10 mins 25%
    2 times
    AF days 200%
    SWSY 10%
    T'ai Chi 80%
    line dance 80:
    This month: Hang up or purge the art before guests come in May = uh oh 0%

    May strategy, get those percentages up!

    Starting now with meditation, knee exercises, fruit and veg prep ;)

    Enjoy the day, lovelies!
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.

    To be specific it was roasted beef broth ( Better Than Bullion), with a drizzle of olive oil. I like the sheen the olive oil gives it! The toast was actually a French roll cut, buttered and broiled. I dipped, then slurped!
    Not a mere broth sipper
    In Whidbey island