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200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Pam: You and I posted at the same time! OMG, DC traffic is seriously the worst traffic I have ever experienced (and I've been in LA, SF, London, Rome and Munich traffic). I love halter-style dresses and that one is so pretty. It's good to have a motivation outfit. You'll fit in it in no time!

    ETA: I actually HAVE that Gigi professional kit but when I tried to "groom" myself, it hurt so bad that I nearly passed out (and I've had my chest cut into by an open-heart surgeon, so I'm not exactly a wuss).
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Pam- I love that dress! It's so pretty!

    and Amy- no, you don't want bigger boobs. I'm stuck with bigger boobs and it sucks cause no tops ever fit. Shopping for a dress to wear to the wedding was difficult cause my waist down is a 16 but my boobs make me wear an 18 (or 20 in some styles) up top. I had a reduction when I was 15 and went from a DD to a C. It was fabulous. It just looked like I lost weight- no one really noticed (of course I had it over summer so my friends didn't really notice when school started back up). They've since grown back to DD and while sometimes it's nice to have tons of cleavage and I want them to be proportional to my size, I wish they'd shrink a little and make it look like I've lost more weight.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    Amy, you just made me LOL! I had the same problem when I first tried the kit too, but I think I'm getting the hang of it now. I just have to make sure the hair is on the short side (way too much TMI) and be as quick as possible about it. A glass of wine beforehand helps too. :) That's awesome about your He-Man muscles!!

    Amy/Kendal, I can't wait to get into that dress!

    Kendal, I feel your pain. So many times a dress will look good everywhere else, but the boobs will just not fit in there right. And the coverage on SO MANY tops and dresses is just not enough! I'm hoping I lose some weight there too. Not too much, but some.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I had quite the delima thus morning - run or answer you ladies.... RunnIng won - 9 miles done and 1345 cals burned... My running buddy had plans so she wimped out at 6... Next week I bump to 10. 5 weeks until the race. I'm almost getting burned out. Race day can't come soon enough. My friend is willing to keep running outside all winter. It should be interesting.

    Sorry I dont have time to reply to everyone.

    Hosanna - I was friends with my husband in highschool. We didn't start dating until college. We were married at 21 and 22. This year we celebrated 20 years of ups and downs. Staying married is hard work but worth it. Cheating or abuse would be reasons to not work at it. I've been blessed to avoid those. We have our ups and downs and do argue. Making up is fun. You will grow together and apart and together again. It can be done and is worth it.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Alright you ideeli buyers... I've resisted so far (since Lacey sent me the invite), but man... all the cute stuff y'all are getting! I also have a membership with Rue La La which is very similar if anyone's interested, I can figure out how to invite.

    Kerry, OMG your wedding sounds awesome. One of my top places I'd want to get married (if I don't run off to Mexico) is the Houston Museum of Natural Science. It's totally badass, and you can have your reception among the dinosaur bones and stuff. I'm a huge nerd. But yeah, I'd be annoyed too. But then again, like I said, I have a bad habit of overspending for gifts, and I irrationally get annoyed when other people don't put in the effort.

    Megan, Karaoke is so much fun! I hope you guys go out again soon.

    Lacey, I don't work from home much... generally because I'm not as productive work-wise. I'm hugely productive housework-wise though. I haven't watched Roseanne's show yet, but I saw a commercial for it yesterday and was interested. Didn't she have some sort of psychological meltdown or something?

    Kristina, are you and the guy on friendly enough terms that you could ask him to go to lunch or something?

    Hosanna, your hen party sounds amazing! I'm a huge ancient history nerd too, so I totally think that's awesome. Have fun at the cottage this weekend!

    Amy, when you said "bull in china shop" it took me mentally to an episode of Mythbusters where they tested that. They set up a bunch of shelves in rows in the middle of the bullpen, and sure enough, the ran around them and in between, but never knocked over anything! haha As for the "area" discussion, I've noticed a difference, but the BF hasn't said anything about it. When I still had Showtime though, there was a show called the "real L word." Reality program about lesbians in LA... and they always talked about "FUPA" which is fat-upper-p*s*y-area. The p can be changed to penis, obviously, and my BF and I are always making FUPA comments because it cracks us up. Also, I too am in the B/C club. When I was down at 193, I was definitely a B, but putting on weight again has put me back in that weird limbo state. But I totally am happy with the tiny boobs. Makes shirt shopping easier.

    Katie, I am DYING about "Panii." Totally made me giggle. Don't be afraid to do a long distance job though if it's what you want. My dad recently took his Dream Job in a small town in Louisiana designing a rice mill from the ground up (he's a mechanical engineer). Now, he's a 7 hour drive from mom. He only gets to come home once every three weeks or so, and I know it's super hard on my parents, but he's happy.

    Pam, you are a BRAVE soul for self-grooming. I went and had that done professionally, twice, and hoo lordy. Now I just have a lady trimmer that I use and get close as possible without shaving/waxing. I have super sensitive skin and getting those waxing/shaving bumpies down there is NOT CUTE. NOT EVEN A LITTLE.

    So last night, I had a mini meltdown to the BF because I'm SO not happy with my job. I'm just idle a lot, and I hate that. There will be a huge spurt of activity, then I'm sitting on my duff again for 4 days. It's just not my style. I love the travel aspect, because I get to see cool, new places, but otherwise, my job just isn't fulfilling. I want something that I LOVE. Not that I'm just okay with. I think I'm just having minor bout of everything sucks I'm down mode. It's showing in my eating and personality. I'm usually the one who loves to go out and last night I just let Joe go out without me.

    I'll snap out of it and get everything back on track, but for now I'm just so MEH! Guh.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Victoria, good on you for the run!

    PS... the way I respond to everyone is to take notes on a post-it. haha
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Okay, Thank God nothing on ideeli has caught my eye enough to buy it. What gets me into trouble with that site is the fact that some items don't ship for nearly a month so you don't have to pay for it right away, so ist not like I'm dropping money all over the place all at once. Yeesh. My first round of dresses and those beige kitten heel shoes should arrive to work tomorrow but I won't be here..

    Amy and everyone else - I have absolutely noticed that my Fupa area is smaller and so to the nether regions aren't...droopy anymore. When I weighed 220 s e x was so uncomfortable, nothing fit right, was no pleasure at all. Now its better and I weigh around 207. Goes to show that even though I've not lost much weight I've gained more muscle and burned that fat off..down there. lol. If my hubs has noticed he hasn't said anything but I've noticed.

    On another lower body note...Right above my butt cheeks more towards the hips is an area my hubs and I refer to as the A s s Shelf. It hangs out farther than my cheeks..kindof like a tire all the way around but where most people get that in the front having a baby, I got more on the backside. Anyways, I noticed last night that my A S S shelf is almost freaking GONE!

    As for boobs. I had a reduction when I was 21. I went from seriously I kidd you not saggy droopy nearly 80 year old grandma EE boobs (like they nearly hung to my belly button) to nicely scarred up D's. Then I had G and they went to DD+ and now are slowly going back down to a nice small D. One of these days when I get the weight off and keep it off for a year, I am going to go back in for another reduction and have the Dr clean up the scars. I think my scars are pretty bad. they don't bother me because I feel SO much better physically, but I feel like I got chopped up sometimes. There are some pretty nasty scar parts that didn't heal nicely.

    I decided I am not allowing myself to whine anymore about P90X. I am taking the rest of this week to do what I need to do and then come Monday I am back to the full program again. I've got fiveish weeks to go and there is no reason I can't keep up with it and get what I want out of it.

    Okay we are headed out to the Scandinavian Fest soon to eat meat pies and drink vino. and then I have to come back and get some work done on a cloudy head. Ugh.

    And tomorrow is SPA DAY!!! YEAY!!!
  • A lot of the convos this morning were running along the same lines so I’m just going to write it out block style for the most part.

    I am so glad I had such a liberal upbringing, and felt that I could (and sometimes still do) talk to my mother about sex. My husband, on the other hand, was raised in an ultra-conservative Southern Baptist household. When we moved in together his dad actually pulled him aside and begged for us to elope. He had great fears that my husband would go to Hell if we co-habituated. (apparently he wasn’t as concerned about me—being Anglican I must already be on Hell’s list anyway, right --he about had an heart attack when he learned that there would be real wine during the wedding service, and that when the Bishop comes we have a mimosa brunch after mass ). Needless to say, the two families, while they get along (mostly because they only talk once every 3-4 years), they don’t exactly see eye-to-eye.

    I was 21 when I met my husband, 23 when we got married, and I am happy to say that I am as happy now as the wedding day. My parents are divorced, and his mom has been married seven times (she’s with number eight right now—I couldn’t even tell you his name; we just call him Ocho). I always found that ironic considering the upbringing I mentioned above, but whatever. Hubbs and I met on-line when I was in graduate school in Kentucky. He lived in Arizona (luckily he worked for an airline so was able to get free airline tickets to fly out to see me every other week or so.) Early in our relationship we instituted a “seven day rule.” That if we, for any reason, were upset with the spouse, we had seven days to complain about. If you didn’t say anything in those seven days you were silently acknowledging that whatever it was wasn’t really a problem. It was hard at first, but now it’s second nature; and I truly believe that it is the best thing we could ever have done for our relationship.

    As for the bra size, I’m a DD/DDD and will be absolutely devastated if they get any bigger. And I feel your pain Kendal. When all of my friends were buying prom dresses, my mother had to make mine. I was a size 12/14 hip, size 8 waist, and size 16/18 top. She literally had to buy three dress patterns and cut and paste them together to get something that would fit me. And buying bras was all but impossible. Until I started putting on all the extra weight I wore a 32 DDD. I looked like frigging Dolly Parton. And for those of you here who were blessed enough to be A, B, or C cups and have never had to look at the larger cup sizes, let me tell you that you CAN NOT buy 32DDDs in stores. Most of the time the rib cage starts at 38/40, or the cup stops at B.

    Katie...throughout my childhood my mother and Aunt had an ongoing feud about kid’s gifts. My aunt always bought make-up for the girls (i.e. me and my sister). So in retaliation my mother always bought messy educational gifts (play-dough, paints, markers, sticker books with hundreds of stickers). Personally I may just be nerdy, but I always wanted the gifts my mother bought. So maybe that would be the way to go.

    Amy…don’t feel bad about Call of Duty. Look at it this way: it’s a video game so it teaches eye-hand coordination. The on-line sections are each based on actual military operations so they can be an excellent opportunity to teach about Cuba, Vietnam, Siberia, etc. It requires strategy, organization, planning, and teamwork. The weapons used in the game are real examples of weaponry. The educational aspects of the game abound. Sure it has a lot of gratuitous violence, but so does history/current events.

    Okay, I think that was everything I wanted to comment on.

    Check in—I’m doing crappy on the diet aspect this week, though the scale is only up one pound. Hoping I’m able to get back by Sat, as I would rather maintain at 280 then go up any. It really helps that I have to walk a mile and a half to and from work each day. The way my week has been going that’s the only exercise I’ve been getting.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Katheryne: I'm not overly concerned about the violent video games I let The Kid play. He only plays Call of Duty with his dad and he doesn't do the zombie bit because it freaks him out. And you aren't kidding about the hand-eye coordination. He's ridiculous. I, on the other hand, could do with playing more video games. My hand eye coordination must be that of an 80 year old blind person (or it feels that way when I play video games with The Kid or The Hubbs).

    Lacey: I obviously don't need a breast reduction but I would TOTALLY get a lift (or even implants if I move into the B cup - I like being a C cup) once I'm done with the weight loss. The only thing that gives me pause is that I don't know if they can do a lift since I have nipple rings. Maybe they can, I don't know. I've got another 28 to 30 pounds before I'd even be in a position to think about it. I also cancelled that boot order on ideeli. I did some research and saw that the boot runs a bit small and ideeli didn't have the next size up available. So I guess I'm still gonna be on the lookout for boots in Paris. I am also staying the hell away from ideeli until further notice (which will probably be until tomorrow - my will power sucketh majorly).

    Nava: dangit, do NOT give me yet another place to spend my money!!! And if you aren't hapy with your job, you really should put out feelers for something else. At my last job I spent 4 years being miserable. It's not worth it. (I didn't even get paid all that well) You need to do something that you like so that you can be happy. Just look around and see what else is out there, what could it hurt??

    Victoria: I think it's awesome that running won out over sitting on the computer talking about boobs and feminine landscaping. You chose wisely.

    Pam: I KNOW I need to do more trimming for the waxing to work better but I never got over the misery of the first time. I will. I hate shaving because (as Nava said) razor burn in that area is soooo not attractive. I just miss my sweet Brazilian lady in Monterey who could rip it all off in under 2 minutes and send me on my way (I say Brazilian not because that was the hairstyle I was going with - I'm more of a landing strip kind of gal - but because the lady was from Brazil).

    I went through my closet and chest of drawers again to cull the old clothes that no longer fit (and to make room for my new clothes that are coming!!!). I got a HUGE bag full of stuff that no longer fits (and I did this not too terribly long ago and got rid of a bunch of stuff). I am keeping a pair of shorts that I bought at my highest weight so I can put them on and remind myself of how far I've come. I put them on today and The Hubbs did NOT believe that I was ever big enough to fit into them. Yay for MFP!!!!
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Lacey: How come there was so much scarring after your reduction?

    I can't believe how many of you ladies have had a reduction. I dream of one. Right now my weight is 241. I've been told like a bajillion times in my life that I carry my weight well, whatever that means. 241 is 241. But I blame it on my chest a lot. I can wear size 18 bottoms now, but still need a 22/24 top. Bra shopping in a store hasn't been possible in a looooong time. I was like a C cup in 8th grade. I hate them soooo much.

    Nava: I despise my job, and coming here everyday is challenging. Thus, grad school haha. I just keep telling myself "you are heading in the right direction, it won't be much longer" So I can sympathize. I know what it is like to be unhappy at work.

    As for all of the "grooming" talks, I've never been brave enough to get it done professionally but have always wanted to. I bet it hurts like heck though. I tried one of the at home kits. Never. Again. haha
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I seriously can't keep up with you gals, but sounds like there's great conversation going on! Lots of interesting info, and Amy, your comment about losing weight in your nether regions gave me a good chuckle. I was noticing a subtle change there before I gained some of the weight back.

    Today's been going all right. I think food will be okay. Someone brought in cake, but I only had one biteful of it, and that was all I needed. As for the crush, which peeps asked, I just don't think this is going to be good for me... haha. We haven't talked all that much... just pleasantries, but I'll see where it goes. Found out a bit more about him yesterday, which is nice. I'll keep y'all updated. Nothing new on the online front.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Amy (blushing blushing blushing) - Chris and I have both noticed "boniness" in our nether-regions. I'm sure this is a TOTAL overshare, but it actually feels different now. Like in a good way. Like there's less in the way, which leads to awesomeness. Also we have friends with a son who is 8 and we play Gears of War online with him. His dad is a police officer, so I feel ya on the guns just being a part of life. I like that he's aware of them and understands their power and danger. I think as long as you teach them to be respectful of it, then its not gonna do any damage.

    To all you gals, I REFUSE to get on ideeli. I'm makin' a stand. Cuz it will be like pandora's box, and then I'll be even more broke than I am right now. lol

    Ok, I literally have no time to be on here today. Love to all of you, we'll talk soon.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I freaking love that everyone is talking about grooming and their fupa. :laugh:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kerry - yes! Less (fat) in the way of the important bits down in the fupa region.

    Rain - they've come a very long way in the reduction arena since I had my surgery over ten years ago. Essentially they cut you up the botton of the boob, around your areola and cut out sections of boob material and sew it back together...so you have a scar under your boob all the way and around the areola and up from the bottom to the areola. I also don't heal well when I get cut. Everything scars. I'm not sure if the (only one in that town) plastic surgeon who did mine was that good. I was 22 and very not into asking a man questions about what I would look like, so I seriously went into it blind. Now a days they do it completely different and some women walk out with barely any scarring at all.

    Amy - when I lose the weight, I might get a lift/reduction/fake boobs all in one. And never wear a bra again. Ever. Ever.

    Well meat pies sucked this year. I really truly think my tastebuds are changing to more vegetarian varieties. Now that doesn't mean I will turn down a fantastical steak when I travel for work, etc. but on a daily basis? Meh. It just doesn't taste good to me any more.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    OMG! Seriously? 2 whole new pages? Wow!

    Katie-the bread is Healthy Life. They have several different kinds of bread, & even burger & hot dog buns. Low in sugar & sodium too, so it's nice to have options other than going without! And I totally feel you on the gift giving thing! I wasn't a poor child, but I wasn't aware of that, b/c my stepdad was such a scrooge that I thought we were poor. Now I make less than half of what he did, but I have twice as much! So silly, but I still pay cash for it & buy it on sale, so I guess I learned a few lessons about being smart with my money. *sigh* Will keep my fingers crossed for you on the theater/job front! *hugs* And just BREATHE...it'll work out as it's meant to. Maybe applying to this one you're unsure of will get you a lead on another?

    Katheryne-I know where that is! :o) I actually worked with someone while I was at Disney who was from there! LOL! How cool!

    Pam-my two BFF's moved away from here! LOL! One is just a few hours away, but the other is in flippin WY!! *sigh* So far!

    As for Mellie's hiney...we have ANOTHER cream to try on her hiney & we're to give her more yogurt & bananas to help slow down how much she goes, and try a probiotic supplement (they have gummy form) if we need to. If that doesn't work, then he's referring us to a specialist, which the nearest decent one will be in Nashville @ Vanderbuilt, so 2 hour drive. Yay! :-P

    Megan-if I can tell it's gonna be a lot, I answer them in the 2nd browser as I read...time consuming, but it works...sometimes I have to jump back & add a sentence, so my answers are rather disjointed, but I get to it all! :o) Yay for more dates soon!!

    Lacey-what Pam said, even DOING P90X makes you cool!! And I will take all the advice I can get for Melodie!! I usually give her yogurt but the hubby wasn't giving it to her (even though I asked him to) so now he's going to listen to me!! I will check the local health food stores for the elm bark!! I would so much rather NOT have her see a specialist & get tons of tests run if I can find something easy that will help her out!! I'm really not one of those moms that runs to the Dr if I can help it. I prefer to fix it myself first if I can. I feel if they get overloaded with drugs, eventually, the drugs won't work. Amoxicillan already isn't strong enough to get rid of anything me or my kids get. And I have the same problem with Casey for using even the slightest different detergent or shampoo or soap & he gets all itchy. Most of the Suave tear free kids shampoo's do OK on him for no breaking out & they aren't too expensive. And they also have a detangling spray that works great on curls!! At least on Melodie's, though her hair is fine still, so isn't the same monster, and we keep Casey's cut too short to be an issue with the tangles.

    Qofsheba-jump right in & post away!! Anytime between Mon & Fri...and answer whatever/whenever you like! As you can see, we talk about any/every-thing!!

    Hosanna-I'm a statistical nightmare for a marriage working out! I was 23, got pregnant, married at 8mo along & yet now we have 3 kiddos & our 10th anniversary is this Dec. And though he drives me absolutely bonkers at times...I wouldn't trade him for the world! Important thing to remember...communicate. Talk, work it out, whatever you need to do. But without being disrespectful of each other. Even if you don't agree. And don't be afraid to bring something up just because it may annoy or upset him. I read an article the other day that says couples who have their arguments in the beginning of their marriage last longer b/c they work it all out while they're still "in love" so they're still going strong when it gets to the "comfortable" phase, there aren't any issues to resolve that make it easy to walk away. :o)

    Amy-ROFLMAO!!! No, can't say that the hubby has made that particular comment...but then again, I can't get the man in the mood all that often, so :-P (we're backwards, I want it all the time, he doesn't). Yay for awesome muscles to get down the stairs!!

    Rain-I feel ya on the cup size...they need to get smaller! I'm just a G, but still, big enough!!

    And I am SO getting a reduction when I can!! Tired of wearing what my hubby refers to as lunch-lady bras due to the amount of hooks in the back! Makes running rather miserable at times & probably is why I have issues breathing after a long time! LOL!

    I'm not one for the all the way grooming down there, I'm a wimp when it comes to pain...I have a nice little trimmer & keep em short & neat. Granted, I stole it from the hubby & he complains that he WAS using that to keep his ears & neck trimmed between hair cuts, but it's mine now! LOL!

    AND, I really should get back to work. Have been minimizing the window as the boss comes out of her office. It's a day where we're caught up on paperwork, so not much useful to do, but I have to sit here for another hour at least. SO not fair! TTYL!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Karen: I hope you can get Melodie's hiney sorted out. The poor kid must be super-miserable!

    Lacey: Oooh, I want a full body lift to get rid of saggy skin and maybe cut down on my super-hot stretch marks in my abdominal region. I don't foresee me ever actually being able to afford that procedure though. The Hubbs said he'd totally pay for a boob job though (men!). Whatevs, I'll take what I can get. And walking around without a bra would be awesome!

    Kendal: I love that you love our weird conversations.

    Kerry: I'm right there with you, girl! Things in the bedroom have definitely improved with the weight loss. I'd blush about it but I think it's pretty awesome so I'm not blushin'.

    Kristina: Yay for one bite of cake being enough. I had an incident earlier with a vegan almond joy cookie bar and let's just say...I envy your control.

    rain: I have had the grooming done professionally and done it on my own and I SWEAR to you that it's faster and hurts a helluva lot less to have a professional do it. It's not embarrassing, either. (I mean, other than the fact that it IS, in fact, your bare @ss hanging out there...I like puns) The first time I did it, it was weird but she had the attitude of a gyno - no big deal and not weird.

    Pam: Ok, I tried my Gigi waxing kit again and it didn't end in tears this time. I made sure the hair was short and I did small patches and made sure to apply pressure to the area right after pulling off the wax (my waxing lady used to do that and it really helped...no idea why). I did A-OK. I didn't wax off as much as I do when I shave but it's a definite start and I can see that I will get better at it as I go on. So, thanks for giving me the courage to give it another go. Weird side note: The Hubbs got all interested in the waxing process and even tried a bit on his chest hair after watching me do it (I was NOT waxing my chest, just so u know). He said it's way too painful to to do more than that patch - guys are wussy.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    I'm so glad I was able to bestow "FUPA" to the group!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I used to hwas my eyebrows at home and tried to get Jeff just to let me pluck this one eyebrow hair that gets super long and he sais HELL NO!
  • Day #1 of C25K in progress! Yeah, I am cool enough to post while walking! Minute left of warm-up than the real fun starts!
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    RainSarah - Fingers crossed that both your stomach AND boobs get smaller :tongue: maybe your stomach is just shrinking faster. Also, yes, the grooming hurts like you would not believe... the first time. Then the next time it hurts a little less. I've been doing it for two years now and hardly flinch. It's still uncomfortable, but it certainly gets easier each time you do it!

    Katie - I wish it wasn't as well... I'm not particularly shy about discussing such things, but i was talking about our particular problem with a couple of my friends at work, and their main response was "Are you sure you want to marry him?" Not helpful in the least. Also, i hope the wife is looking after herself... As you know from seeing it yourself, the families involved in the homecare often suffer more than the person in hospital.
    Also, sorry you're having stress about job-related things. Mental health is a difficult thing to have to deal with. I've witnessed it with my family as i've grown up, and now Oher Half and I are both dealing with our own MH battles. Probably the result of our tumultuous upbringings. But i do feel for you. TGITD :smile:

    Pam and Nava - I'm so excited about my Hen's party. Back when i lived in Adelaide i used to be a real party animal with the "friends" i had there. I'd always imagined my hen's night being a big boozy night out clubbing. I can't think of anything worse now, since i have no intention of ever seeing or speaking to any of my former party buddies again... So a museum trip in Melbourne with my mum and some family friends sounds wonderful.

    Pam - I can't imagine doing said 'grooming' DIY... i get anxious enough getting someone else to do it!!

    Amy - Kendal is SO spot on about the boob thing. I wear a 16E bra, and it's dreadful! Can't find nice lingerie to fit, i have to wear a size bigger top than pants... not to mention back aches!! I'm just waiting for them to shrink!!!

    Victoria - thanks :) I'm sure we'll never have to worry about cheating or abuse... no one else would put up with either of us! haha!

    katheryne - Your hubby's family sounds like my mum's family. Baptist upbringing, mum and dad's wedding had no alcohol and no dancing. I like the seven day rule. Although we pretty much mention things as they crop up now. we used to bottle stuff up for long periods of time before eventually exploding rage everywhere. We also met online :smile: so it's nice to hear another successful online-dating story!

    Kerry - I too have managed to stay away from Ideeli

    Karen - I agree with getting all the issues sorted out early. We pride ourselves on the fact that we only ever argue abotu something once, and then it gets sorted out. So we argue less and less, and now the ONLY issue that ever comes up is the sex thing... which may or may not one day not be an issue anymore. But the fact that it's the only thing we have left to argue about suggests to me that we're doing pretty well!
    and OMG... Other Half and i are backwards too!!!! Thus being the entire issue hahaha!

    I have to say that i agree with Kendal on how awesome it is that everyone is discussing grooming and FUPA situations :tongue: I'm feeling pretty proud to have introduced the grooming convo!

    I'm currently waiting for Other Half to get out of the shower so i can have the bathroom. It is weigh day today, and i've been putting it off for the last hour. Then i was just getting the courage up and he's like "i'm gonna have a shower". Pleh.
    Hopefully the seat covers for our new car should arrive today, and then we'll take the dogs for a walk, then we're OFF for the weekend! Woooooo!! So excited. We need a weekend away so desperately!
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    1.1lb loss this week :happy:
  • I am one pound away from my goal for sep 1. I am so happy with my self.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    OMG...I didn't get to respond to anything Tuesday and didn't even get online yesterday, and I now I can't find where I had left off. So, I'm just going to make a general comment about some of the things I've read over the past two pages:

    I always get the question of why I'm a teacher and my answer is always that I'm never bored and I get up every morning with a purpose. I can't think of any high-paying jobs, of which I am actually qualified for many, that would make it worthwhile for me to leave education.

    I have thought about having the grooming done, but I'm embarrassed to get it done now because of the size of my FUPA (and thank you for providing a way of referring to that area). I hope to have it be one of the areas that shrinks fairly quickly.

    I think jobs and grooming were the primary topics of conversation...oh, and shopping! Yep, not even gonna go there because I am broke. The one MAJOR downfall of being a teacher is the once-a-month pay.

    As for me, this has been a horrible week food-wise but a fantastic week emotionally...does that even make sense??? The good thing is that I'm actually aware of how I feel when I don't exercise at all for a day, so I'm gonna try not to do that again...lol
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Karen and Hosanna - I feel you on the s e x thing..except I'm in the other boat. My husband would be able to ID with you. Its like my hormones got all effed up when I had Gracie and I have no drive at all. And no ladies, I still have not gone to the doctor. My goal this autumn is to get all that stuff done when I get back from Europe...OB, dentist, etc.

    Hailie - YEAY on the C25k!! You rocketh!

    k2quiere - I've been okay about responding, but then I read everyone elses responses and think wow I totally missed that.

    Victoria - keep up the running girl, we will be here when you get back! The race is almost here.

    Amy - I'm watching Househunters Int'l right now and they are in Amsterdam. All those canals? I honestly think I am going to love Bruges more than Paris!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Hosanna-maybe TMI, but I've learned to deal with it...myself...some days. Other days, I just tackle the hubby. LOL! Of course, having 3 kids & him working a night time weekend shift doesn't help us have much time for it anyway, so I take what I can get. I know he loves me by the things he does for me at least. A good book that we've read together is Fireproof. And another was Trading Places, by Les & Leslie Parrot. Yes, they're usually found in LifeWay or Family Christian store, but they're awesome! I haven't gotten the hubby to read The 5 Love Languages with me yet, but I read the one about discovering your kids' love language, and it was so neat. We did take the tests they have to see what ours was...now his running gag is "don't touch me, don't talk to me" because those were the things he scored the lowest on...too funny! And I'm rambling. Must be getting tired!

    Hailie-WTG girlie!!

    Mellie seems to be a bit better today. Still cries when she goes, but it's less red in that area. Yeah, she's a miserable little thing, but she quits crying as soon as she sees that I'm putting the diaper back on. It's the wiping part she doesn't like. By the time she's re-dressed, we're all smiles again. Very happy child. And if she has the option, she only wants Mommy to change her...then Daddy to hold her after we're done.

    Stupid effin bank that owns the stupid effin house! They've been jerking us around for...however many weeks now. Asking price $40,800...offered $31, said no outright. Offered $33, came down to $40. Offered $35...asking what's the max we'll go to b/c they have another offer now. I want the house but I don't know if I want it that badly. I told realtor go to $37 & if no answer by Monday, go back to the other house from before, b/c I'd rather have to tear out the flippin walls than deal with these people!! Argh. OK, sorry, that's my vent. I'm going to finish my smoothie & go to bed now.....wait, nope, Mellie is making noise, gonna check her diaper, THEN go to bed! Nite ladies!! I'm so glad you're all here! I'd lose my mind without you!!
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Pam - The wife is all for it. She doesn't like the idea of me being several hours away any more than I do, but she feels like she is holding me back by wanting to take care of her grandparents. She had been telling me to do this for the last year, we just weren't in a position for it to actually work.

    Amy - I know 32 isn't old. I just think sometimes I'm tired of always doing what I SHOULD do instead of what I WANT to do. I spoke with my therapist today and I was quite surprised to find out that she thought applying for this job was a great idea and really supported me with that decision. I've never really done something because I wanted it and I REALLY want this job, she feels this job could be very therapeutic for me and that when I'm ready to start therapy again it will happen. So, we'll see how things go. Way to go on the one-armed stair dips and the loss of more clothes!

    Kendal - I've never really envied overly-endowed women. The wife is a DD and I strongly believe it is the cause of much of her bad pain, that and she's a nurse. We've discussed her getting a reduction at some point. I, on the other hand, am somewhere between an A and B and never really gained weight in that area. It has been particularly difficult as I'm broad shouldered and getting to shirt or dress a fit my upper arms and shoulder usually means gaping material and/or oddly located darts in the chesticle area. However, I'm content with the smallness if it means no chronic back pain.

    Nava - I'm glad to hear your parents are able to maintain their relationship even with the distance. I don't think I would go that far and we both know that it wouldn't be permanent, so that would help. As for the job, I totally understand the frustration of lack of things to do. I'm not sure that just quitting is THE answer, but it is one possible solution.

    Lacey and everyone else - After I had lost about 20 pounds and had been doing yoga for a little while, I definitely started noticing I could contort my body into positions I never thought possible (sorry if TMI) and bedroom cardio did get better, not that it was bad before... I'll just stop before I get myself in trouble. As for the @$$ shelf, we use that term at our house as well as "third @$$ cheek" and mine is going away, the wife has pointed that out a number of times.

    KatheryneLynne - I'm a nerd so when I was growing up and I would ask for the educational stuff and lots of books. As for my niece, my brother was an annoying brat and I don't like my niece's mom as she treated my brother like crap so I've focused on buying my niece toys that make really loud, annoying noises. Paybacks can be hell. However, she is getting older now and starting kindergarten in a few weeks so it might be time to be more practical.

    Karen - I'll have to look for the bread, but I think I've seen it before. I've been using Arnold Sandwich Thins for the past several months, which is 100 calories for a whole bun. Better calorie-wise than regular bread, but sometimes I'd like a real slice of bread not a thin bun thing. That sucks about the scrooge of a stepdad, that's probably not any better than my dad that made good money but spent it all on crap before he even got the paycheck, so we lived very poorly to account for my dad's over spending. I just laughed out loud reading the lunch-lady bra comment and had to read it to the wife. Hilarious! I'm sorry about Mellie and the house, I hope both get resolved quickly.

    Hailie - Way to go on the C25K!

    Hosanna - Ok, I'm now totally curious as to the problem. The wife is beginning to realize she needs to take care of herself, I just hope she follows through. If not, I'm always ready to kick her in the @$$ and make her take it easy. As for the mental health, I'm feeling much better after my session today. Also, the women in this group have been extremely supportive and have listened to me vent about my mental health issues. If you ever need to let loose, feel free. Yay for the loss!

    Nebraska - Awesome weight loss!

    Bobbie - I think that recognizing how much your body wants to exercise is a NSV! I've learned it, but have a tendency to forget quickly. Let's call it a senior moment.

    Karen, Hosanna, and Lacey - I'm with Lacey on the bedroom cardio thing. Except my lack of drive has been compounded by some of the really confusing emotional stuff I'm dealing with in therapy, like sometimes I feel like a 10 yr in an adult body so trying to do anything intimate feels really weird and REALLY wrong. I feel I should clarify that when I feel like that it is never brought on by sexual advances, it's just I'm having an emotionally unstable moment without the wife's knowledge and she decides she wants to do something. The wife has the drive of a 16 yo male, so it's led to a number of heated discussions over the past few months.

    Too tired to find the cord to plug in the BodyMedia so I can do an official check-in, so.. I'll catch up on that later. But, I wanted to let everyone know that I'm feeling much more stable now and thank you for all the support. My therapist thinks getting a theatre job that I'm this excited about would be really good for me. So, my current full-time job is finding a theatre job. The wife and I have decided I'll apply for the out of town job and begin looking at other positions that are within a few hours drive of here. Chicago fits that qualification, but I don't think I want to move to there without her. I don't know I might change my mind. Anyhow, it's now time to focus on my resume and cover letter. I've also decided I'm going to relieve some of my anxiety by finding help with my cover letter. Have any of you ever used on-line resume/cover letter writing services? I'm just curious as to whether that would be a good route, or does anyone know someone that does this type of professional writing? I'm willing to pay money just to avoid the anxiety at this point. Ok, must sleep. Have a Happy Friday!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Check in for Thursday: 2290 calories burned (I'm up and at 'em a lot more these days!)/ 1642 calories eaten/ 648 calorie deficit.

    Katie: If your therapist thinks you should apply for the job, then you should apply for the job (I mean, who knows you better than your therapist, right?) Being separated from the wife will be hard but will not kill your relationship. Me & The Hubbs spent our first year of marriage stationed in two different states (I was in Maryland and he was in Texas). It sucked to not be able to share the daily grind with him (although we talked on the phone every night) but it DID make the time we spent together more special. We didn't take each other for granted and we sure as hell didn't fight over stupid BS because we really cherished the times we did get together. The Hubbs has spent a lot of time over the past year and a half in other places (London- twice-, Berlin, Washington DC- twice-, Arizona, and Italy) and it has been tough but it served as a reminder of that first year we spent together but not in the same place. It sucks hardcore to have to deal with daily life without him but not having him around reminds me of a bunch of reasons why I DO love having him around (aside from the obvious ones like: I love him). For example: I love living with my husband because he: does the dishes, takes the dogs out to pee at 10pm, takes the trash out (this sounds like not much but is a major even in Germany), checks the mail (again, this involves driving to the post office on base to do so is a PIA for me as I don't live anywhere near the base), puts gas in the car (I hate doing that), plays video games with The Kid...and I could go on and on but you get the idea. Bottom line, apply for the job!

    Karen: I'm sorry about all the BS with the house. Aren't they aware it's a BUYER'S market these days??? They suck.

    Lacey: They say that Bruges is like Amsterdam. Trav's uncle went there last year and the pics he came back with were ah-mazing! He also gave us the address of what he claims to be the best chocolate shop in Bruges (which is saying something since there's TONS of chocolate shops in Bruges). I'm still going back and forth on whether I want to drop the cash on the hot air balloon ride over Bruges. Every review on Trip Advisor for it says it is amazing but it would be a lot of cash for me, The Hubbs and The Kid. What do u think, u wanna do it? As for the low-drive issue, I had that after Gabe. My hormones were ALL out of whack. My doc tested me and everything was in the "normal" range so he said he couldn't do anything to help me but my cousin is an acupuncturist and practitioner of Chinese medicine and she gave me some herbs (no idea what, the label was in Chinese but I totally trust my cousin to not kill me) that I took for a month and it fixed everything. My hair stopped falling out, I stopped being a moody *kitten*, and I started wanting to have "relations" again. So, even if you see a doc, they might not be able to help you but just know that there IS help out there.

    Bobbie: Having a good emotional week is probably as important as having a good food week.

    Nebraska: Great job for hitting your goal early! I see that one of your rewards will be a new tattoo. The ladies here (many of 'em) like tattoos. What kind of tattoo are you planning on getting?? (I have 3 tattoos and am planning my 4th for whenever I find an artist I like to put a hibiscus flower on the top of my foot)

    Hosanna: Great loss this week! I'm curious too about your "issue" - if u ever wanna talk about it we're here (or you can PM me). Enjoy your weekend away!!!!!

    Hailie: I think that's the first post I've seen that was made DURING the workout! Good job starting the C25K!!!

    Nava: I'm so glad you bestowed FUPA to the group too!!!

    I must be significantly healed because The Hubbs took The Kid with him this morning and left me on my own with no babysitter. The Hubbs is getting his and The Kid's hair cut and is registering the used car he purchased yesterday on base (1996 BMW 325i, if u care). I'm happy that we'll have a second car as that means I can go places during the day! I am also seeing if I can get Gabe on the swim team here (I'm 2 weeks late though, the season started already) as the practices are three mornings a week and I couldn't have gotten him there when we were a 1 car family. Hopefully I'll hear back on that today. I loved swimming. I swam through my senior year of high school and it drives me insane that Gabe has my love of the water but no real opportunity to swim very often. So, that's it for me, have a great Friday!!! Tschuss!
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Soooooo many posts.

    Soooooo many new people.

    How is a gal to catch up?????

    Hello all. Hope you having a good summer. Other than avoiding the scale all well here (oh and further antibiotics as chest thing still all wrong).

    My goal - to weigh on 1st September and not have put on wieght (will be fairly easy as I can't remember what I was!!!!!)

    Have tried to catch up with posts - you've all gotten into a typing frenzy - love it but will need hours to be able to read it all.

    Keep well and will touch down asap

    Love you

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Got my bike ride in today. I'll never catch up with all these posts. Check-in 3388 burned yesterday (thanks to the run). Weigh-in remains at 192. One of my kittens is sick with runny nose and fever. He saw the vet yesterday and got a shot. He seems perkier today. I have company coming tonight - yeah... Lots of cards, chili and drinks. I will run. I will run. I will run. I need to burn some calories to nullyify my intake... TGIF!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    no time to catch up with anyone but I weighed 212.4 this morning
This discussion has been closed.