

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Michele - great job on the protein today! Your pool looks fantastic! I agree that we would like to see your ceramics.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    only through page 11 and skimming to try for a short-short instead of War and Peace... ;)

    Heather "was destined for a crippled and immobile old age. I could barely walk 200 yards without getting out of breath. I was in pain all the time, especially in bed. 7 years later I am 20 years younger. :o"
    " and running. Truly inspiring. Your " calm but frank discussion as to how you appreciate his returning vigour, but not his criticism" advice to Katla was so VERY well said!
    Rye ditto and thanks for the "one never regrets a workout afterward..." and "May the 4th be with you" made me snort my tea ;)
    Cheri thanks for the beautiful pics of your niece and her family. It helps to have faces to focus on when sending healing thoughts.
    Rita my DH is happy living with no near neighbors, not bored at all, so I go into town for my social interaction at T'ai Chi, Line Dancing and church ;)
    Machka Hope your insomnia goes away NOW. Thanks for telling us about what your good friend does that helps, especially the "no pressure to spend the whole day with her..." (((hugs)))

    Loved the "read your T-shirt . . ." thanks to whoever posted ;)

    Welcome 88_days, Lisas, Pam,

    Time to meditate and zzzzzz

    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.

    Daily: Meditate, protein, walk, rx, supplements,log/100% YAY!
    Tumble walk 4 times: 2
    AF days 3
    SWSY 2 times: 0
    T'ai Chi 2 times: 2
    line dance 2 times: 2
    Monthly: Hang up or purge the art 0

  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Pool Party at Michele's
    I wish! If I had that pool, I might never leave my yard unless weather drove me inside. I’m green with envy, Michelle! How wonderful it is!
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,584 Member
    What a beautiful pool, Michelle. Where does your son Bryan live? We spell my oldest son's name the same way.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Just got back from my anniversary walk with DH. The lanes were beautiful with bluebells and celandine. It was gloriously sunny, if a bit hot for me, but I kept going. Four stiles to get over and DH took me through a bluebell wood and across pastures. Probably about four miles. Good bonus calories!
    We had blinis, creme fraiche and faux caviar for lunch - our favourite thing. :D
    Now to relax. I did send off one more pitch to a radio programme this morning. Not bad for a Sunday.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited May 2018
    Lanette I follow the 5:2 fast diet (put together by Dr Michael Moseley, the Brit doctor who does some wonderfully sensible programs about health, exercise, fasting and aging. (I also 16:8 fast).

    More info in 5/2 is available at the site thefastdiet.co.uk and there is an awesome video Dr Mosely did for the BBC on fasting in general. Eat, Fast and live longer. it should be available on YouTube.

    But, in a nutshell it is calorie reduction to 500 calories two times a week to try to get some of the benefits of full day fasting. And for maintenance he recommends a 6:1 routine.

    Also I do a Fast Mimicking diet 4-5 times a year. My third time this year is upcoming in May. That is 5 days of approximately 700 calories. BUT those 700 calories are with VERY strictly controlled macronutrients ratios. This is based upon research of a Victor Longo. He wrote a book called the Longevity Diet - all about eating and aging/sickness. His bottom line is eat a ‘Mediterranean “ Diet and fast (or Fast Mimic) a couple of times a year for a long, and healthy life.

    I did not put links in because I’m not sure they wouldn’t get ‘flagged’ by MFP, and I’m very short on time.

    Please feel free to ask any questions you might have. The 5:2 diet is the basic way I lost and manage my weight loss. And, given my pitifully low calorie allotment, 5:2 is the only thing that keeps me from constant hangry unpleasantness!


    Regarding drinking: I freely drink coffee and herbal teas (my personal favourite is a licorice tea) and sparkling water, and regular water when I’m fasting. No cream or sugar in the coffee or tea, tho.