Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 40



  • puddlegoober
    puddlegoober Posts: 291 Member

    You're welcome! I needed to remind myself, too. My brain tells me that I looked better the last time I got this close. It's trying not to let me enjoy what's been a pretty amazing run.

    Screw you, brain!
  • puddlegoober
    puddlegoober Posts: 291 Member

    Try my scale trick. Weigh yourself tonight, fully clothed, preferably after dinner and before you go to the bathroom. Be the heaviest you're going to be that day.

    Then weigh yourself as normal in the morning.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,526 Member
    Age 60, 5'4" and eating in a livable way = It's. Not. A. Diet. I eat back exercise calories, or I would be starving and cranky. Hubby does not like cranky me. Changed MFP setting 5/5/18 to 1/2# per week loss ~ within 10# of UGW, weight loss was stalled 3 months + was feeling hungry more often.
    MFP SW 195 ~ Goals: #1 = 150 / #2 = 145 [normal BMI] / #3 = maintain 140 - 145 / no goal dates ~ I get there when I get there
    Thrilled with my 2/15/18 annual physical: BP 110/68, pulse 64 and BMI 26.14 :star:

    My digital scale only has 1/2# increments, and I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale. Weigh first thing in morning / comments reflect prior day.
    Previous round EW 154.0 LW 152.0
    R20 SW 166.0 10/20/17 (my round 1)
    R20 EW 166.5 LW 164.5
    R21 EW 164.0 LW 163.0
    R22 EW 162.0 LW 162.0
    R23 EW 162.0 LW 162.0 = included parade day & Thanksgiving (no food/drink logged)
    R24 EW 159.5 LW 159.5 = walked Jingle Bell 5K in 44:37 & pace 14:22 / first time in 10 years my weight is 1-5-anything!
    R25 EW 160.0 LW 158.0
    R26 EW 161.0 LW 157.5 = included Christmas (no food/drink logged) & several gatherings
    R27 EW 159.0 LW 159.0 = included New Year's Eve (no food/drink logged)
    R28 EW 157.0 LW 157.0 = walked Frenzy on the Fox 5K in 47:26 & pace 15:19 / temp 10F & NNW 12 mph wind ~ fun!
    R29 EW 156.5 LW 156.5
    R30 EW 153.5 LW 153.5 = sick 4 days
    R31 EW 154.0 LW 152.0 = recuperation during entire round / annual physical 2/15/18 BP 110/68, pulse 64 and BMI 26.14
    R32 EW 155.0 LW 153.0 = oops / still lower than before sick
    R33 EW 153.5 LW 153.0
    R34 EW 154.5 LW 152.5 = Mexican restaurant day before end of round / high sodium
    R35 EW 152.5 LW 152.5
    R36 EW 154.5 LW 152.5 = included Easter (no food/drink logged) / snacked on Easter candy during week / walked Badger State Brewing 10K in 1:30:28.82 & pace 14:35 / snow+rain+wind ~ yahoo!
    R37 EW 155.5 LW 153.5 = Easter candy + eating during 2-day record-setting blizzard in APRIL :p
    R38 EW 152.5 LW 152.5
    R39 EW 154.0 LW 152.0 = last 3 days, changed MFP setting to 1/2# loss per week ~ more net calories :D
    Round 39 (previous round)
    04/28: 152.0 Walked dog before work / 3.19 mi 56:48 pace 17:48. Fitbit 14,080 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) & 32 floors. Net calories -101, sugar -11 (banana & power muffin), sodium -170, fiber & protein good.
    04/29: 155.5 Expected... ate out for lunch w/ hubby Sat. & no idea how to log accurately so didn't & no regrets (one of my favorite local restaurants). Walked dog 3.27 mi 58:33 pace 17:55. Fitbit 14,522 steps, 250+ steps 10/14 & 18 floors.
    04/30: 153.0 Late lunch w/ hubby's family after cemetery visit Sun. Logged best guesses. Walked dog 3.27 mi 1:01 (stopped for dog treats at Al's). Fitbit 11,059 steps, 250+ steps 6/14 (church & in car 3 hrs) & 21 floors.
    05/01: 154.0 Drank beer (& logged) to celebrate completion of never-ending work project (met my guesstimated deadline). Net calories red, sugar & sodium green, fiber & protein ok, 14c water. Walked dog after work / 3.08 mi 55:21 pace 17:59 (foot feeling better / keep up stretches). Fitbit 14,230 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 & 38 floors.
    05/02: 154.5 Stuck with meal plans but Snacked. Too. Much. on almonds (before supper) & veggies straws (late evening). At least those snacks are out of the house. Forced myself to log (guesstimates) ~ ack! Net calories, sodium & sugar RED, fiber & protein good & 15c water. Rest day / Fitbit 9,129 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 & 40 floors.
    05/03: 154.0 Fitbit 7,411 steps, 250+ 12/14 (spa night) & 25 floors. Stuck with meal/snack plan except finished snappea crisps for evening snack (unplanned) ~ net calories -208, sodium -358, fiber ok, sugar green, protein good & 15c water. Close enough for unplanned rest day (overslept alarm).
    05/04: 154.5 Evening social event & self-control not so much... Oh well, oops. At least I got up from table to remove myself from further damage. No idea how to log some, used quick add... needless to say net calories, sodium & sugar all RED. 15c water anyway. Walked dog before work / 3.4 mi 59:49 pace 17:34 / happy dog & happy me. Fitbit 15,969 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) & 35 floors ~ hoping I can move up the leaderboard of workplace step challenge.
    05/05: 153.5 Weight machine & circuit training before work and increased my minutes slightly. Fitbit 8,226 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 (volunteer host = sitting) & 30 floors. Net calories -273, sodium & sugar red, fiber & protein good, 14c water.
    05/06: 155.5 Lunch w/ hubby at Olive Garden (Sat.) + took home 1/2 entre ~ sodium very high + 13c water. Walked dog 3.57 mi 1:05:01 pace 18:11. Fitbit 12,715 steps, 250+ steps 9/14 & 22 floors. Changed MFP setting to lose 1/2# per week & see how that goes.
    05/07: 154.0 Liking change in daily calories with new setting ~ don't feel as hungry. Net calories green, sugar -5, sodium -547, fiber & protein good & 14c water. Walked dog 3.81 mi 1:08:03 pace 17:55. Yard work (lots of bending & hauling).

    05/08: 154.0 Did ok all day, stuck w/ prelogged meals & snacks, and net calories w/i limit... then late evening snacking on walnut halves ~ ack!!! Really liking my new calorie limit, but need to figure out what to do about snack attacks ~ I never used to. Rest day ~ Fitbit 10,194 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 & 30 floors. Raked part of front yard after work ~ so many whirlybirds ~ that was a good arm workout!
    05/09: 154.0 Yes! Stuck pretty much w/ prelogged meals, snacks + one curveball. Net calories green, sodium red (leftover Chinese food), sugar -13 (some fruit, power muffin, but also unplanned small portion of ice cream cake in office for manager's granddaughter's 5th bday ~ don't get me started!), fiber & protein good & 17c water ~ actually felt thirsty! Walked dog before work / 3.4 mi 1:02:23. Fitbit 16,402 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) & 54 floors ~ evening, packed 3 boxes of Easter decorations & stored in basement ~ yes, I still had Easter decorations out.
    05/15 = annual workplace Health Risk Assessment
    05/17 = 8 hr seminar + 1 hr drive time

    Today ~ Smile ~ Laugh ~ Be Kind ~ <3 ~ Eat Well ~ Be Active
  • puddlegoober
    puddlegoober Posts: 291 Member
