
  • Viccliff
    Viccliff Posts: 6 Member
    I’m definitely no royalist but it looked like a fun wedding! Today we decided to go to Morocco with daughter and grandchildren next year so will need to be fit healthy and a lot lighter to keep up!

    Jackie from sunny London
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Machka I think of you and your husband many times each day, as I am sure others here do. I know you just want your old husband back. I would want that, too.

    Heather. Darling photos of all, grandchildren & lovely daughter-in-law. No apologies for posting more pics; keep 'em coming! I love to see your gorgeous family!

    THC/CBD In Virginia THC is not legal in any form. However, we do have a law which supports an "affirmative defense" for possession of medical cannabis oil if a person has a certificate of medical need signed by a physician. Hemp CBD oil is legal, though. I have my 16 year-old Yorkie on a tiny dose (about 0.5mg per day) and it has significantly improved his quality of life. I also give about 0.25mg per day to my anxious Coton, and he is much calmer now. Tiny doses of hemp-based CBD oil have made such a difference in both of them. I can only imagine how they would do on a cannabis-based product.

    Karen in Virginia
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member

    Finished this bowl of heaven, cabbage and onions done just right! Happy belly! The rest of my day is water, coffee, a cookie, and some cottage cheese. Pacing it all so I don't go to bed hungry.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Good evening ladies!

    Really pushed myself at the gym today. Felt good!

    Purchased my first swimsuit in, well since we left Florida, which was in 2004. What an experience it was just trying to get a utilitarian suit. Our new neighborhood has a small pool which we intend to use as we are paying for it. I used to do water aerobics in our pool in Florida. Miss it.

    So very hot here already. I truly am worried about the heat when it is deep summer here. Karen Ros says it has been raining, raining, and more raining by you guys. She is learning by virtual help from her dad how to take care of her yard. Are these weeds? LOL She has a very tree covered lot and I have suggested she call her yard "rustic forest" and call it a day. She is trying her best to be a conscientious homeowner. Bless her.

    Quiet evening. Some crochet and reading. Perhaps, yep, another hockey game on tv.

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,581 Member
    THC/CBD In Virginia THC is not legal in any form. However, we do have a law which supports an "affirmative defense" for possession of medical cannabis oil if a person has a certificate of medical need signed by a physician. Hemp CBD oil is legal, though. I have my 16 year-old Yorkie on a tiny dose (about 0.5mg per day) and it has significantly improved his quality of life. I also give about 0.25mg per day to my anxious Coton, and he is much calmer now. Tiny doses of hemp-based CBD oil have made such a difference in both of them. I can only imagine how they would do on a cannabis-based product.

    Karen in Virginia[/quote]

    Karen - thank you for that info about CBD oil and your pups. I never would have thought of that! Was that suggested by your Vet or as a result of your own research? Our older gal gets more anxious as the years go on, perhaps because of failing eyesight and hearing. Maybe she needs something to mellow her out, lol.

    The "affirmative defense" is interesting - are there dispensaries within the state of Virginia that sell oil with THC or is this for folks who bring it in from out of state and get caught?

    SW WA State
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    Happy Sunday from OZ

    I have been busy doing very long hours at work, DH (who lets me get away with alot of things) quietly said - you need to cut your hours down. He never says alot but when he does - he means it.

    Hence I will cut down to 8.5 hoiurs at the most and NO weekend or Evening work fom home.

    I thining I am getting a sty in my eye and have been looking up rememdies on the internet, seems warm compress 10 min 3 times a day. Hope it does not get too annoying as my work is computer based.

    Hope everyone is well

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited May 2018
    Lanette Long post ahead on CBD:

    There are no in-state means of acquiring cannabis-based products in Virginia. People put themselves at risk because they are transporting it across state lines. It's ridiculous.

    I purchased the hemp-based CBD oil for my pups from Bluebird Botanicals in Colorado. It was delivered legally by mail. I chose Bluebird because it is one of the companies that publishes its independent 3rd party laboratory batch-testing data.

    I paid about $25 for a 30mL bottle of the least concentrated human-grade hemp CBD oil. Bluebird sells pet CBD oil, but I chose the human grade because several people on Facebook CBD Oil for Pets do that. I don't know that there is actually any difference in the two products, probably just the labels are different.

    30mL is 900 drops. One little bottle will last about 9 months. So for about a dime a day, my dogs get a dramatically improved quality of life. A true gift. We have not seen our veterinarian recently, so he does not know we are doing this. At our last visit with Farley several weeks ago, we hadn't started the CBD yet. Farley was frail and we were struggling to entice him to eat. His sleep was fitful. He has chronic renal failure. As we walked out the door, he said, "if he doesn't eat for 2 or 3 days in a row, bring him in. It will be time to let him go." Last October he said he doubted that Farley would make it another year. And it's possible that he may not.

    Farley is now doing the following: sleeping less but very peacefully, eating enthusiastically, lifting his leg when he pees, asking to go outside instead of always peeing in his sleep (he wears a doggy diaper), hopping over the threshhold from the deck into the house instead of stumbling/splaying over it, barking with his full voice instead of a weak/hoarse voice, playing with his ball(!), warning off the other dogs when they come too close while he is eating, and getting up & down the doggy stairs to various perches in the family room without falling. He seeks out attention, stays on his feet instead of falling/splaying, and actually trots around on the deck barking at imaginary enemies. This is a vast improvement.

    One of our other dogs (Bailey, our Coton) is a neurotic, anxious, very sweet little fellow who is now significantly calmer on one drop of CBD oil a day. I think he would do even better on a THC-containing product.

    Recently our friend Josy visited from Pennsylvania. She asked if we were giving Bailey something to make him calm, and also remarked on Farley's improved energy and overall appearance. We had not told her we were giving CBD oil. Her question was unsolicited. We took that as confirmation that we were not imagining things.

    We have 2 other dogs, female Yorkies. Mabel has tummy problems and Molly has no problems. We have given Mabel CBD oil some days but I can't tell if it's making much difference because her tummy problems come & go without rhyme or reason anyway.

    Karen in Virginia
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,915 Member
    This is the only Magnum I will ever know! I guess they're doing a new one, with Magnum PI as a Latino guy, and Higgins is a lady.

    They can’t seem to come up with many successful new shows. I must say that I’m quite excited about Murphy Brown though.
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    The Royal Wedding was beautiful!
    All the traditions, the beautiful church, the carriages and horses, the little flower girls and boys, the two Princes at each other’s side and the beautiful Bride, now the Duchess of Sussex!!

    My DH went to a flea market today and walked around. I found 3 little plates made in Denmark. You may have seen them. They are about 3” across and they are white and blue similar to Delftware.
    I have 3 already so I thought I would attach them to a ribbon and hang up. My Grandma Hansen was Danish and I still have relatives there.

    Lanette and KetoneKaren
    Regarding CBD oil, I buy it from a company in Calif. I use it in a vape pen for pain. It takes away the anxiety of pain and relaxes the body. It helps my neuropathy at night. Sometimes my feet hurt so much I lay there fidgeting my feet. CBD oil helps that too. It’s not cheap. It runs about $65/1000 mg/300 mg. Which is the strongest I’ve found. Some vape shops may sell it but it’s only 20 mg. Plus you don’t know the purity. If you try it. Do your research.

    Keep your goals in mind, no one else will!
    Dana in Arkansas
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did Debbie Sieber’s Mix It Up DVD. Her DVD’s are really good. The plan for tomorrow is to do a More Than Mat Pilates DVD.

    Katie – I was told that only if I can read a newspaper thru a food item, then I can have it. If I can’t, then I can’t have it. I guess dairy-free would make something see-thru. Interesting…… I was thinking a full banana.

    Rebecca – I love grapefuit, too. Honestly, I have to limit myself to one/day otherwise I’d eat and eat and eat.

    Machka – you are doing fantastic

    Put a load of laundry in, made chicken to have later in the week, now have meatloaf to have later in the week. Still need to make Vince a sort-of pizza then I’ll make him these blondies.

    Boy, am I really, really out of touch with this royal wedding stuff. Do you know that I didn’t even know that William’s wife had a baby boy until today? Can someone tell me why Megan’s father didn’t walk her down the aisle? I believe she does have a father (he isn’t dead)

    I took my watch to the jewelers to replace the battery but it was fine. He said that sometimes a piece of dust gets into the watch causing it to stop. While I was there I had one of the Milky Way minis. Why???? The good news is that I only had one

    Well, we had the illusionist tonight. I think everyone enjoyed themselves, I know that I did. One gal did say to me “we really didn’t need two bartenders”. Really, it’s not like we’re talking a lot of extra money. Besides, better to have two than not enough. Vince said that at the next board meeting he was going to review the fact that we were under budget and the affair she recently had came in just about at budget. But to be honest, I really don’t think he’ll do that.

    I know that I overate. Had mostly veges but also had one of the rolls and I had to try some of the cake (plus, this got people started having it). Only water to drink, tho.

    Michele in NC
  • Ariamyers2012
    Ariamyers2012 Posts: 1 Member
    Not sure where to join. So hi all ;)
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Hi Ariamyers. Bookmark the page so you can find us again, and join right in!
  • lilnoramitchellandre
    lilnoramitchellandre Posts: 144 Member
    Megan's father 'supposedly' had 'heart surgery'; but, I think part of the issue is that he had 'posed pictures' of him on a treadmill, reading books on Britain, and, just being somewhat of a loose cannon on board ship. Her parents divorced when she was only 6; had had a good relationship with him, but, apparently she was attempting to reconnect after a fairly lengthy estrangement. He must have remarried, because their were some 1/2 sisters who were 'miffed' because they had not been invited. Maybe he is a drinker, and rather than cause a scene it was decided he would not be included. I also read somewhere that he won 3/4 million dollars in the California lottery and he had paid for Megan to attend a prestige Catholic all girls school and for her college as well. I guess all we will hear is the gossip and not the truth. I thought she made a beautiful bride; it was obvious that the 2 of them were truly 'in love'. You don't look at someone with that 'sparkle in your eyes' and not be 'in love with them'. Enjoyed seeing the attire and hats. Did not watch the wedding; but, did watch 20/20 which had the highlights. She is a beautiful woman, in her own right and very involved and Harry is just the cutest little 'ginger' in the world (well, right on up there with Ed Sheeran).

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    edited May 2018
    Tuesday, 1 May 2018 ... 3 km walking + 6 flights of stairs
    Wednesday, 2 May 2018 ... 5 km walking + 6 flights of stairs
    Thursday, 3 May 2018 ... 1.8 km walking + 6 flights of stairs
    Friday, 4 May 2018 ... 1.8 km walking + 12 flights of stairs
    Saturday, 5 May 2018 ... 5.92 walking and running
    Sunday, 6 May 2018 ... 3.26 walking and running
    Monday, 7 May 2018 ... 6.6 walking + 6 flights of stairs

    Tuesday, 8 May 2018 ... 1.80 km walking + 6 flights of stairs
    Wednesday, 9 May 2018 ... 5 km walking + 6 flights of stairs
    Thursday, 10 May 2018 ... 1.80 km walking + 6 flights of stairs
    Friday, 11 May 2018 ... 1.20 km walking + 2 flights of stairs
    Saturday, 12 May 2018 ... 1.80 km walking + 2 flights of stairs
    Sunday, 13 May 2018 ... 4.38 km walking and running + 2 flights of stairs

    Monday, 14 May 2018 ... 6.6 km walking + 14 flights of stairs
    Tuesday, 15 May 2018 ... 1.8 km walking + 6 flights of stairs
    Wednesday, 16 May 2018 ... 5 km walking + 6 flights of stairs
    Thursday, 17 May 2018 ... 1.8 km walking + 6 flights of stairs
    Friday, 18 May 2018 ... 2.4 km walking + 10 flights of stairs
    Saturday, 19 May 2018 ... 2.8 km walking + 30 min ride on my trainer + 2 flights of stairs

    2017 Monthly May
    Walking Distance (km): 63.8
    Walking Time (min): 797.0
    Cycling Distance (km): 8.5
    Cycling Time (min): 26.8
    Stairs Climbed Number: 104.0
    Stairs Climbed Time (min): 83.2

    Total Distance (km): 72.3
    Total Distance (miles): 44.9
    Total Time (min): 907.0
    Total Time (hr): 15:07:03

    ** Almost all of that walking was utility walking, mainly back and forth to the hospital, with the exception of a small handful of training runs **

    Machka in Oz
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited May 2018
    Lanette & Rita: DH is a diabetic and was diagnosed at age18. He's taken a lot of shots over the years and is glad to be alive. I'd call him a good sport about the shots. He has to take them several times a day and get blood samples in between to check his sugar levels by poking a finger, also several times a day. Like you two with your allergies, he is happy that he can treat the diabetes even though it involves a little pain. :ohwell:

    Heather: I hear you about the chaotic lives of your son's family. My DD is in a situation that I would also call chaotic. She and her family moved in with her MIL so that she could be a stay at home mom. DD works full time. Grandma or Dad babysit the kids. :ohwell:

    Sue in WA: I had a wonderful time with Arrow and a friend on a trail ride. We got lost but eventually found our way home to the stable with muddy horses to show for it. I did my best to clean up Arrow. He can be a pill but he was a perfect gentleman today. :star: My friend's horse was the pill of the day. We were late getting home, but DH seems to have forgiven me for being gone so long. :embarassed:

    Heather: You never need to apologize for sharing photos of your beautiful grandchildren. :noway:

    Karen in VA: I'm thrilled to hear how well your beloved dogs are doing on CBD oil. Yay! :bigsmile: I have a sore knee that is quite uncomfortable right now. I wonder whether I should get some CBD oil. What o you think? :huh:

    Machka: You are doing a great job maintaining your physical health through all of the worry & stress caused by your DH's health situation. You are genuinely amazing and I admire and respect you for your courage and supportive attention to your DH while you are still working at your job. (((HUGS)))

    DH picked up his VW Passat. It wasn't cheap, but it is now working brilliantly well. Buying a new car would be stressful and vastly more expensive than repairing this one. We're planning to enjoy our good decision to take it to the VW dealer for the repair. The idea of a Terrain is one we are keeping in mind for the future.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    Machka - I feel for you, having a beloved husband who is not "there". It must be so lonely and frustrating. I very much hope he recovers some of his old self when he gets to rehab. I echo Katla's comments about her admiration for you. And, like Karen, I think of you often.

    I didn't watch the wedding, but I went on line to look at the dress. Lovely! I always thought Princess Margaret's dress was the best one, but this one was just as nice.
    DH and I were very put out about the Sussex titles. :# That's where we hope to move to! The cheek of it. :laugh:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited May 2018
    Heather ...plus, try saying "The Duchess of Sussex" 3 times fast. Very clumsy title. I loved her dress, too, and the tiara she chose, which has an interesting history. Some of the Brits were uncomfortable with the charismatic style of Bishop Michael Curry, who gave the sermon. Camilla was a bit of an *kitten*, but Charles came through for Meghan, her mother, and for Harry. I don't care for Charles at all, but he rose to the occasion quite admirably. The children were charming, especially the twin page boys. The 19 year-old cellist was celestial. The Queen was either dour or not feeling well. Prince Philip was surprisingly spry for a 97 year old man. And Harry was tender and obviously so in love with Meghan. That's it in a nutshell.

    Katla There are so many people who have gotten pain relief from CBD or CBD/THC oil, that I would say give it a go and see if it works for you! I used to be a skeptic, but I am a believer now that I have more first hand knowledge of people & pets who have benefited. I don't use it myself, but the women on this thread who do can share the details of their experiences if they choose & it would give you more information. I do personally know of some people that have gotten off opioids because of CBD/THC oil! Not everyone has success, and a few people have intolerable side effects, but that, in my experience, is the exception rather than the rule. I am not that familiar with human doses, but my dogs take about 0.07mg/kg/day, a very small dose. It's amazing how effective it is.

    Karen in Virginia
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member

    Saw these on one of our walks, I love goats, when my grands were younger they bought me a cuddly toy goat and a book of various breeds, with pics and details about them.

    Kate UK <3