May 2018 Running Challenge



  • greyparks206
    greyparks206 Posts: 165 Member
    Since we’ve gone from serous drought to monsoon season in the last week, I gave in and joined my local Planet Fitness to have access to a treadmill. I figure this will also give me a chance to work on regulating my pace; I’m terrible at that when I run outdoors. I was a little tentative today, not used to running on a treadmill and still a little sore from the weekend, so I just did a slow 3.25 miles, including my warm up and cool down, in about 48 minutes.

    Side note. Does anyone else get REALLY dizzy when coming off of treadmills? I get terrible motion sickness; maybe it’s a similar phenomenon. I have to bring my pace down little by little over the last half mile or so and then gingerly step into the ground, taking tiny steps for a few minutes until I get my equilibrium back. Not enough to make me sick, but I don’t care for that feeling at all!

    May goal: 40.0 miles
    Today: 3.25 miles
    Total so far: 21.75 miles
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    @greyparks206 It's not just you. Been a while since I ran on the dreadmill but I wobble about like I've been drinking once I'm done.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    May Running Totals (miles)
    5/1 – 5.69 warm up + speed work
    5/2 – 6.21 group run
    5/3 – 7.08 warm up + speed work
    5/4 – rest day
    5/5 – 15.02 group run + solo miles
    5/6 – 5.01 trails & grass
    5/7 – rest day
    5/8 – 6.11 MP with hills
    5/9 – 7.07 group run without group
    5/10 – 6.38 warmup + speed work
    5/11 – rest day
    5/12 – 11.76 group run + solo miles
    5/13 – 8.00 easy
    5/14 – rest day
    5/15 – 7.47 warmup + speed work
    5/16 – 6.22 group run
    5/17 – 2.09 warmup only
    5/18 – rest day
    5/19 – 8.02 group run
    5/20 – 7.35 warmup + 10K race
    5/21 – rest day
    5/22 – 8.05 easy

    May running total to date – 117.53

    Nominal May mileage goal: 180 miles

    Real goals: Stay healthy. Build base. Maybe run some trails. Have fun.

    Today's notes – It was raining this morning, but I went out to run anyway because I'm committed to a volunteer gig at the JP Morgan Corporate Challenge this evening. Turned out to be 58º F (14º C) with minimal wind, so it was quite pleasant. Kind of ran the route ad hoc, looking to get 8 miles in; and it came in at an average pace of 7:58 per mile. I guess it's a little harder to run in the rain than in clear weather, because I never had to make myself slow down today.

    re: Comments about my not being happy with my time in the race on Sunday; I'm okay with the time, I'm not terribly happy with my mindset and attitude. But it is what it is, and I may have simply committed to too many races. I'll get through them. Saturday's 5K is not as high profile; I'd like to win my age group, but if no one good shows up I don't really need to run a sub-20 minute 5K.

    2018 races:
    February 17, 2018 Freezeroo #5 (Valentines Run "In Memory of Tom Brannon" 8 Mile) (Greece, NY) finished in 54:48
    February 24, 2018 Freezeroo #6 (White House Challenge 4.4 mile) (Webster, NY) finished in 28:46
    March 17, 2018 USATF Masters 8K (Shamrock 8K, Virginia Beach, VA) finished in 31:55
    March 24, 2018 Spring Forward 15K (Mendon, NY) ran at MP, finished in 1:10:47
    April 16, 2018 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA) finished in 3:28:43
    April 29, 2018 USATF Masters 10K (James Joyce Ramble, Dedham, MA) finished in 41:33
    May 20, 2018 Lilac 10K (Rochester, NY) finished in 42:21
    May 26, 2018 Sunset House 5K (Rochester, NY)
    June 3, 2018 USATF Masters Half Marathon (Ann Arbor, MI)
    June 9, 2018 Ontario Summit Trail Half Marathon (Naples, NY)
    June 17, 2018 Medved 5K to Cure ALS (Rochester, NY)
    June 30, 2018 Charlie's Old Goat Trail Run 5 mile (Victor, NY)
    July 28, 2018 Battle at Bristol 10K (Naples, NY)
    September 30, 2018 Wineglass Marathon (Bath, NY)
    November 11, 2018 Syracuse Half Marathon (Syracuse, NY)
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Since we’ve gone from serous drought to monsoon season in the last week, I gave in and joined my local Planet Fitness to have access to a treadmill. I figure this will also give me a chance to work on regulating my pace; I’m terrible at that when I run outdoors. I was a little tentative today, not used to running on a treadmill and still a little sore from the weekend, so I just did a slow 3.25 miles, including my warm up and cool down, in about 48 minutes.

    Side note. Does anyone else get REALLY dizzy when coming off of treadmills? I get terrible motion sickness; maybe it’s a similar phenomenon. I have to bring my pace down little by little over the last half mile or so and then gingerly step into the ground, taking tiny steps for a few minutes until I get my equilibrium back. Not enough to make me sick, but I don’t care for that feeling at all!

    May goal: 40.0 miles
    Today: 3.25 miles
    Total so far: 21.75 miles

    That is normal - it varies in degree for different people, but if you go straight form hard exercise to dead stop, it can cause those symptoms, some people even faint. IME different people have different levels of issues with this but it is not unheard of. Cooling down before you get off is the best counter.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    @Scott6255 Tushars (UT) is incredible. It’s difficult to race there because you constantly have to take pics haha.
    So Next month if I can nail the +5/wk, would have me going 310mi. (70, 75, 80, 85). We’ll see. Haven’t gone over 75 since 2011. But things sure are clicking last several months. Many double runs in my future haha.

    @Elise4270 Thanks!! I definitely need to post here more regularly. I do see a lot of you guys posts on Strava though too :smile:

    Happy Trail Tuesday everyone! I’ll be running later today!
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I am so far behind...22 pages now. I think I'm going to cut my losses and start on page 55. I feel bad missing all those posts though.

    @kristinegift way to kill it!
    @kgirlhart congrats on a fantastic race! Very cool!
    @polskagirl01 sorry you got bit. I imagine that was quite a bit of panic at the time!
    @greyparks206 that does sound like a sultry time to run. The fact that you're using the race as motivation in your training is a great sign. nice job!
    @shanaber nice pics! vacation running is awesome.
    @girlinahat I'm trying to talk my wife in to taking a narrowboat trip down those canals!
    @sarahthes fantastic race! It sounds like you really caught a nice flow on those trails!
    @BruinsGal_91 nicely done!
    @MobyCarp your pace never ceases to amaze me. It gives me hope as I get older.
    @ROBOTFOOD great to see you back!

    Road trip running - I love a good road trip! I try to plan ahead where to stop by using the Strava heat map. It's pretty easy to see what looks like a trail route, which is what I try to find. I'll also look for nearby state parks.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    @7lenny7 Awesome! Sounds like a hell of a good race.

    (I personally learned what technical really means this weekend and damn it was fun but I was so unprepared. But I don't want to hijack your race report haha...)
  • weat0043
    weat0043 Posts: 172 Member
    @7lenny7 awesome race, congrats on hitting your race goal.

    6.2km run today. Met my monthly goal already so everything after this is gravy. MTD 43.6km
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @7lenny7 You shaved your winter beard! I wouldn't have recognized you! Sounds like a great race. Looking forward to the details.
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    @7lenny7 WE NEED THE 'AWESOME' BUTTON. 'Like' just doesn't cut it. Amazing and I can't wait to read the full report.
  • Teerai
    Teerai Posts: 243 Member
    I'm not sure if anyone in here listens to My Favorite Murder but there is a virtual 5K formed by fellow fans. A portion of the fee goes to End the Backlog, which is a really great cause founded by SVU's Mariska Hargitay. The theme is This is terrible... keep going which was said on the show but really does apply to running as well. :D

    If you get the FOMO package you also get the SSDGM shirt from last 5k.

    Is there a place to get all the podcasts from episode#1?
    All I can find are a handfull of them with 121 being the latest.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @7lenny7 W00T! Well done!
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,526 Member
    That's just plain awesome @7lenny7! Looking forward to your full report.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    05/01/18 - 1/2 mile walk
    05/02/18 - 1 mile walk + 6.6 mile easy run
    05/03/18 - 1.3 mile walk
    05/04/18 - Rest
    05/05/18 - Steel Challange 5k
    05/06/18 - MARATHON PR! 3:51:53
    05/07/18 - Rest
    05/08/18 - 6 miles @ 9:28
    05/09/18 - 8 miles @ 9:09
    05/10/18 - Rest
    05/11/18 - 6 miles @ 9:28
    05/12/18 - 31 miles - FIRST ULTRA MARATHON TRAIL RACE! W00T!
    05/13/18 - Rest
    05/14/18 - 6.25 miles @ 9:40 - with 97% humidity
    05/15/18 - 6.43 miles @ 9:17
    05/16/18 - 7 miles @ 9:53
    05/17/18 - 8 miles @ 9:19
    05/18/18 - Rest
    05/19/18 - Stuck in car all day
    05/20/18 - 9.1 miles @ 9:31
    05/21/18 - Too many appointments
    05/22/18 - 8 miles @ 9:18

    06/02/18 - South Fayette Glow Run - Nighttime 1 mile and 5k race
    07/20/18 - Liberty Get Well Mile
    08/11/18 - Howl At The Moon 5k

    --More as I find them

    2020 - Disney World Dopey! (if can raise funds)

    Wanted to do more, but ran out of time. So 8 hot and humid miles. Ready for fall!
  • Teerai
    Teerai Posts: 243 Member
    Wanted to do more, but ran out of time. So 8 hot and humid miles. Ready for fall!

    Bite your tongue! Lololo...
    We so just left a very chilly winter and spring. Sun is so welcome right now! :smiley::smiley:
    (Think northwest and Canadian border region)

  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    @7lenny7 congratulations on your race - very cool that you enjoyed it so much and can't wait to hear the full report.

    Date :::: Miles :::: Cumulative
    05/01/18 :::: 3.5 :::: 3.5
    05/02/18 :::: 2.6 :::: 6.1
    05/03/18 :::: 2.5 :::: 8.7
    05/04/18 :::: 0.0 :::: 8.7
    05/05/18 :::: 7.5 :::: 16.2
    05/06/18 :::: 2.6 :::: 18.8
    05/07/18 :::: 3.8 :::: 22.5
    05/08/18 :::: 3.3 :::: 25.9
    05/09/18 :::: 3.2 :::: 29.1
    05/10/18 :::: 2.0 :::: 31.1
    05/11/18 :::: 0.0 :::: 31.1
    05/12/18 :::: 12.0 :::: 43.0
    05/13/18 :::: 0.0 :::: 43.0
    05/14/18 :::: 3.9 :::: 46.9
    05/15/18 :::: 3.9 :::: 50.8
    05/16/18 :::: 3.1 :::: 53.9
    05/17/18 :::: 0.0 :::: 53.9
    05/18/18 :::: 2.8 :::: 56.7
    05/19/18 :::: 7.4 :::: 64.0
    05/20/18 :::: 2.6 :::: 66.6
    05/21/18 :::: 3.6 :::: 70.2
    05/22/18 :::: 3.1 :::: 73.3

    Reluctantly ran in the rain this morning because the after-work forecast looked worse. It was a good decision because rain ended up being really light during my run and it just poured after I got home from work. I was glad I sucked it up and didn't take a rest day.

    In other good news, my group got officially into the Falmouth Road Race (7 miles) on Cape Cod on August 19th. So excited for this trip - I've never been to the cape and it sounds like a really fun race with elite runners as well as casual run for fun folks. We rented a house and have plans to order t-shirts for our team theme - we are the Pink Cheetahs :)

    So I add that officially to my upcoming races:
    4/22/18 Owens Corning Half Marathon, Toledo OH
    5/12/18 Right to Run 19K, Seneca Falls, NY

    6/3/18 Niagara Falls Women's Half Marathon
    6/5/18 JP Morgan Corporate Challenge (3.5 mile), Syracuse NY
    7/8/18 Boilermaker 15K, Utica NY
    8/19/18 Falmouth Road Race (7 miles), Falmouth, MA
    8/26/18 18.12 Challenge, Sackets Harbor, NY??? (not yet signed up)
    10/28/18 Marine Corps Marathon, Arlington VA

    I really need to figure out if I can do a HM in September, maybe instead of the 18.12 Challenge or in addition to it. The 18.12 is, as implied, a little over 18 miles so it would be a good practice for me to have a longer distance. But not sure if I should have a "prep" race a little closer to marathon time?
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Teerai wrote: »
    Wanted to do more, but ran out of time. So 8 hot and humid miles. Ready for fall!

    Bite your tongue! Lololo...
    We so just left a very chilly winter and spring. Sun is so welcome right now! :smiley::smiley:
    (Think northwest and Canadian border region)

    I am near the Canadian border :smiley: We never got Spring!