What nobody tells you about losing weight



  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    VUA21 wrote: »
    phillipsaw wrote: »
    I had a pair of sunglasses fit better, I must have lost some face/head fat lmao

    Wait till gloves and shoes have to be replaced. Didn't realize that both hands and feet lose fat too...and shoe sizes shrink as your feet aren't speeding out due to the weight.

    I wish my feet would shrink is both directions. But I went from a 14D to a 14 Narrow and no one makes 14 Narrow.

    It took a lot of weight loss, but eventually lost almost a full shoe size. I had to lose about 150lbs for that. They narrow first.
  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    VUA21 wrote: »
    phillipsaw wrote: »
    I had a pair of sunglasses fit better, I must have lost some face/head fat lmao

    Wait till gloves and shoes have to be replaced. Didn't realize that both hands and feet lose fat too...and shoe sizes shrink as your feet aren't speeding out due to the weight.

    I have a couple of pairs of slip on shoes for summer. They sort of fit but sound like flip flops because they aren't tight enough to keep my heel down. My laced shoes have been okay but they are pulled together a bit close.
  • GOT_Obsessed
    GOT_Obsessed Posts: 817 Member
    VUA21 wrote: »
    Ralphone wrote: »
    VUA21 wrote: »
    Mentioned a lot by others but I did not expect the attitude of some people who need to lose weight. Instead of being inspired, they are almost offended. It's like you are throwing their failure in their face just by being around them even if you say nothing about weight loss.

    Same thing happened to me. One of my (now formerly) best friends lives about 800 miles away. We would talk on the phone at least 3-4 times a week with constant texts back and forth. I used to be the fat one and she the slim one. Fast forward, I went to visit her last summer after I dropped my initial massive weight (about 150lbs) and she had just had a baby (4 months prior). She gain a lot during pregnancy, but I don't care, a friend is a friend. Before that visit we would take a million pictures together and hang out doing whatever. Last visit, we took a grand total of 2, she "hated her smile" in every one and insisted on deleting them. Since then, she has called me on the phone 3 times in almost a year, I somehow always call when she's busy and doesn't pick up.

    I didn't realize exactly what was going on until I saw a comment on FB. I posted a picture of myself finishes my first ever 5k, and she said it's "not polite to brag".

    It sucks. But I don't know if it's jealousy or if she was just never a real friend to begin with and only hung around me to make her look better.

    Sad that when someone loses or gains a lot of weight that thier "friends" seem to no longer be friends.

    So sorry that happened to you. But you are still you no matter your weight.good work on the weight loss and running too.

    Thank you, and yes I am still me. Life goes on. And I'm still working on the running, trying to get half decent times. I think I was keeping pace with an elderly snail the last kilometer of my 5k, but I did it, didn't stop once, no walking either.

    Great job on the weight loss and of course your 5K!

    Sorry your"friend" has behaved this way. Something similar has happened to me and it was upsetting too. I think when one does well with their goals and takes care of themselves, it forces others around to take a look at how they have been treating themselves and it's not always good. I think their own guilt and frustration often comes out as jealousy. Hang your head high and just be happy and healthy.
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