June 2018 Running Challenge



  • biketheworld
    biketheworld Posts: 2,266 Member
    My goodness this is an active thread - LOVE IT!!!

    ETA: Something I've been thinking about - outside of the big bucket list races, how do people choose what to participate in? Right now I'm just doing the bucket list thing because I don't know if racing is a thing I'm going to enjoy or not, but in the event I do, there seem to be an awful lot of options out there, and I'm kind of uncomfortable with some of the messaging associated with some of the races. The two I'm registered for are both established events put on by the same organization with exists just to put on these races. But I'm a little overwhelmed by all the other options out there and am not sure about some of the "causes" either or entirely clear on what my registration fees are going towards. Any thoughts would be appreciated!

    I've run 18 1/2 marathons and this is my criteria: (1) Bling - I'm a sucker for a great medal, (2) beautiful scenery, (3) sense of humor, and (4) an excuse to go visit someplace.
    sarahthes wrote: »

    Also: I'm pretty sure I started C25K exactly a year ago and now I'm the kind of person who can just go out and run 6 miles whenever I feel like it. I think that's pretty cool.

    That is VERY cool.

    Yesterday I was wondering why my quads hurt - today I had a "duh" moment - last time I ran was March. Pretty slow going - but right now I'm just going to concentrate on building back up my miles and next month I'll worry about speed.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,401 Member
    @MegaMooseEsq - I have run a lot of races, around 25 HMs and a hand full of 5 and 10Ks in the last 6 years. I tend to find races I like and rerun them, especially the bigger races. Most of the races have 'legacy clubs' you are automatically part of once you have run them a few times with extra perks and gifts. I received a really nice legacy jacket from a holiday race I like to run in San Diego. We have made family events out of going to SF for the race there to visit friends and just enjoy the city. I also love the atmosphere of that race so much. It has 'companion' races local to me here in So Cal and I have run one of those, Surf City, almost as many times as SF. You get an extra medal if you do both consecutively. The other companion race is also local to me but in the summer and while along the coast it is just too hot here then.
    For smaller races I look to see who the RD is and if the charity is legit and then at the course and when it is run. Again if it is in late June- August here and doesn't start at 6am I probably won't run it. The cost is also a factor but I find if I enter early I can usually get a pretty steep discount and for the smaller races it just depends on what I am willing to pay at the time.

    Great race reports @polskagirl01, and @katharmonic!
    @polskagirl01 - I love that you enjoyed your race so much. Great job too on keeping that even pace.
    @katharmonic - Running a Women's race can be so fun sometimes just for the sense of community!

    @_nikkiwolf_ and @polskagirl01 - you both picked tough places to run this weekend! Wow!!
  • noblsheep
    noblsheep Posts: 584 Member
    @dreamer12151 Grew up in Florida until I was about eleven. Even today I get excited about hills and mountains and snow.
  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    June 2018 Running
    06/01: XT
    06/02: 3.02 mile easy run, 8:51 pace + XT
    06/03: 14.01 mile long run, 9:09 pace
    06/04: 3.01 mile easy run, 9:19 pace + XT + strength
    Total: 20.04 miles

    Yesterday was my first long run of marathon training, 14 miles. I seemed to have forgotten how far 14 miles really is haha because it felt way longer than I remembered! Monday's (day after LR) are usually rest days, but I have a 5K this thursday so I switched wednesday's workouts to today so that I can take the day before the race off. So I got up early this morning to get in another 3 mile easy run (with very sore calves from yesterday's LR!). This evening I'll do 30-45 minutes on the spin bike and strength training (for real this time!).

    Upcoming Races
    06/07: Strides for Peace 5K
    06/24: Chicago 10K
    07/22: Rock 'n' Roll Chicago 10K
    10/07: Chicago Marathon

  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    @AlphaHowls you are amazing! You are like the Energizer bunny :p
    @conatser9 you are one tough cookie to complete 3.5 miles after being stung (bee?, wasp?). But I guess that was the fastest way to get home ;)
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Wohoo!!! 3 miles today. 64.75 miles to go.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @MobyCarp You are still on the rebound right? I mean it was like less than 2 months ago you could not run at all right? The fact you finished a 1/2 in 1:34 after all that is awesome!
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    @MobyCarp You are still my hero! Amazing performance!
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    edited June 2018
    @MobyCarp You are still on the rebound right? I mean it was like less than 2 months ago you could not run at all right? The fact you finished a 1/2 in 1:34 after all that is awesome!

    It was a month and a half ago that I ran Boston in a nor'easter. Since then, I've wanted to recover and build a base; but just keeping things from getting worse has got in the way of base building. So it's not terribly surprising that I'm not running a half as fast as I remember. I am pleased that I managed the race pretty well after I realized a good finish time wasn't going to happen.

    And there was the occasional ego-boost, like around mile 8 or 9 when a guy passed me. I told him he was looking good, and 2 minutes faster than me so far, and he said, "Yeah, and I'm 15 years younger than you!" (Probably 17, because the number on my back is the bottom of my age group and not my actual age.)

    And amusing moment from the awards ceremony: One of the guys who got several awards was wearing a 2018 Boston celebration jacket. The organizer asked him how the weather for the half compared to Boston; after all, raining for both races, right? The guy answered, "There is no comparison. And we only had to run half as far." I agree, and appreciate his gift for understatement.
  • Azercord
    Azercord Posts: 573 Member
    Looking to pick some brains for experience and guidance if anyone has a few moments.

    I'm starting up a 24/18 rotation (24 days there, 18 at home) for work and will go from at best a treadmill and limited time to free all day and running all over the hills. I would like to be able to train up for the 50km race I'm signed up for in early November as it looks like my schedule will have me here.

    Does anyone have any recommendations on approaching this situation? I can run further/more often when at home during my 18 days off but I don't want to make too big of a swing and risk injury. I'm also not sure how much I can stand/fit in on the treadmill while at site as I will only have 3 days each week to run.

    My current thoughts are training strength (lifting) and some running (at least one steady state run and one sprint set) with stretching while on site (I'll aim for 10-20 miles a week). When I get home I will look at running 4-5 times a week with slowly increasing mileage as time progresses loosely following a program of some sort.
  • KeepRunningFatboy
    KeepRunningFatboy Posts: 3,055 Member

    June Goals:
    200 running miles.
    CrossTrain Bike & Swim.
    Weekly TSS > 600

    June Running:
    06.01.18 - 8 miles.
    06.02.18 - 11 miles.
    06.03.18 - 6.5 miles. Weekly TSS 497 / Weekly Miles 41.5
    06.04.18 - 9.5 miles. (CT - Swim 900 yds)

    Fall Running Events:
    10.14.18 - Lake Tahoe Marathon
    10.21.18 - Atlantic City Marathon
    11.03.18 - Indianapolis Monumental Marathon
    12.08.18 - Tucson Marathon
