Loose 10lbs in august red team support-



  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Well, I have managed, just barely, to stay under sodium for two days so far. I'm doing more praying than promising that I can make it through the week.

    I have a chicken salad recipe that's really quick and easy (also not too bad on sodium too): shredded cooked chicken breast (boiled or pan seared with Mrs. Dash), sliced grapes (I prefer red seedless in the salad), chopped onion, and just enough mayonnaise to keep it all moist. I eat it with bread or make a lettuce roll up, or you can just put it over salad. It's one of my go to lunches for work.
  • jsiler181
    Well, I have managed, just barely, to stay under sodium for two days so far. I'm doing more praying than promising that I can make it through the week.

    I have a chicken salad recipe that's really quick and easy (also not too bad on sodium too): shredded cooked chicken breast (boiled or pan seared with Mrs. Dash), sliced grapes (I prefer red seedless in the salad), chopped onion, and just enough mayonnaise to keep it all moist. I eat it with bread or make a lettuce roll up, or you can just put it over salad. It's one of my go to lunches for work.

    That sounds yummy. Thanks for sharing!
  • Kanakake
    Kanakake Posts: 119 Member
    I am doing horrible. I am in the middle of doing my 2 weeks of annual training for the navy reserves and being stuck on base all day is hindering my plans for the month. I only have one more week left so hopefully after the 19th I will be able to get back on track.
  • LCDMomma
    LCDMomma Posts: 67
  • Pfauxmeh
    Pfauxmeh Posts: 259
    LOL Off to a bad start. Yesterday, I didn't even log food...it was my rest day, and I didn't feel like counting calories either. Believe me, I paid for it dearly. I had tummy aches all day long from the crap I ate. Doesn't matter, I'm going to keep up with it and enjoy myself!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    So far so good! Just completed 30day shred day 5 level 1 and then did a 1mile walking video with Leslie Sansone. Just trying to get in my 45mins of workout and boy was I not feeling like it today, wanted to just be LAZY! glad I got up and got my workout in. And drinking my water and also staying under sodium!!

    Hopefully Friday's weigh-in brings me better results this week!
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Epic FAIL on the sodium today...had bubby's special teriyaki BBQ! It was so good, but wow, the sodium!! At least now I know, right?
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Epic FAIL on the sodium today...had bubby's special teriyaki BBQ! It was so good, but wow, the sodium!! At least now I know, right?
  • sveltelady
    sveltelady Posts: 33 Member
    I am going to be the one who fails on the exercise portion of our challenge this week, I am having a mini surgery on Tuesday. I will not be able to exercise again until the 25th. i can however do a really long decent stretch and strength type workouts when I am up to it.

    However, I will be able to do the sodium and water portion of the challenge...
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I SUCK at staying under on sodium...lol...

    Anyway, here's the updated weights - I haven't had a chance to get in the mini-challenge stuff yet. Sorry it's so late!!

  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    Oh god I've been awful for the whole time I was away, couldn't get any exercise in and my sodium pah there's no way I've been under in a million years! Also haven't been able to drink water so my water retention had made me put on tonnes! I'll be suprised if I loose anything this week! Sorry guys.

    I'm so looking forward to today, getting back on track tho!!
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    Ugh I've been stuck on the sofa since saturday morning, woke up feeling dreadful - figured I was coming down with the flu or something. Begrudgingly accepted I'd not be running...by 3pm I was in full blown flu mode, terrible sinuses, headaches, aches and running a temperature, dosed up with day nurse and trying to get through to the evening.
    Lost all appetite by 5pm but tried to eat something small in the evening.
    Up at 3am that night to start a whole night of no sleep, passing out and throwing up.
    Spent all day sunday on the sofa, by 1pm I could keep fluids down, managed to keep some clear soup down, and then in the evening tried some plain chicken and some chips.
    Today (monday) I'm still stuck on the sofa, feel dizzy and am running a temperature even just lying down, but thankfully I'm not throwing up any more.
    It's so frustrating though! I want my body to cooperate, let me eat (and drink) without having to be sooooo careful, and I want to get out and do something already...I'm bored out of my mind!!!!

    So yeah calories havn't and won't be a problem for a few days, nor will sodium I assume...but water is a bit of an effort (even though I'm REALLY trying to drink lots to stop dehydration...it's just my stomach is so sore that I have to take small sips rather than downing it the way I normally do...
    But yeah exercise aint going to happen til MUCH later this week....
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Well, I didn't quite make it under sodium yesterday, but it looks like I may make it today...hooray for cooking my own food!!!

    I just wanted to share with the team that as of this morning, I am down 11lbs since the beginning of this month's challenge!!!!!! I'm still going strong, but I'm super excited to have made it this time.
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    K2quiere !!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Well, I didn't quite make it under sodium yesterday, but it looks like I may make it today...hooray for cooking my own food!!!

    I just wanted to share with the team that as of this morning, I am down 11lbs since the beginning of this month's challenge!!!!!! I'm still going strong, but I'm super excited to have made it this time.

    awesome, congrats!!
  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    Wow that's brilliant! Well done :)

    I on the other hand cannot get back into the swing of things it's driving me mad, sorry this week will almost certainly be a gain :(
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Having an awful week. :-( Have like zero motivation, and also have no healthy food in and no money to buy any with until Friday so having to just eat what we have like pasta, frozen chips, etc. :-/ Little one is being really fussy this week which makes me feel all BLAH and stressful too.
    Had a swim yesterday and have Zumba tonight so it's not totally awful I suppose!
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Having an awful week. :-( Have like zero motivation, and also have no healthy food in and no money to buy any with until Friday so having to just eat what we have like pasta, frozen chips, etc. :-/ Little one is being really fussy this week which makes me feel all BLAH and stressful too.
    Had a swim yesterday and have Zumba tonight so it's not totally awful I suppose!
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Hope you enjoy Zumba - I'm hoping to try it for the first time on Thursday night, I'm excited!
  • Sunflower729
    I know it's late in the game, but I just joined MFP yesterday and saw the August challenge posted on the newcomer's page. I'm in! I've lost 4 pounds since yesterday (water weight, but I'll take it!) I really feel that if I push myself and have a team goal to work towards as well as my own, that I can lose another 6 by the end of the month. :)
    So glad I found this site and this challenge!