Less Alcohol- June 2018- One Day at a Time



  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    @lorrainequiche59 I love your post. Alcohol is a toxic poison. Great narrative of your thoughts. I'm happy for you:) xo
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    ErynVee wrote: »
    Hello all and Happy Monday!

    I've been lurking in this thread but haven't had time to post! Doing extremely well for the month of June. Had some big weight loss last week and really starting to get the hang of this healthier lifestyle and moderation!

    Here's to everyone having a happy, healthy week.

    Awesome! Sounds like you're doing well!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    @snoo61 Warm thoughts coming your way. That is a stressful situation but hopefully it will amount to nothing serious.
  • snoo61
    snoo61 Posts: 549 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    It is disturbing how ugly alcohol can be. It is disturbing how delusional it can make a person. Those lies can be woven and reinforced into this bubble from which a person can go for years not realizing his life is being dismantled. I honestly do not know how that works. How do you drink 14 hours a day? How do you do it for almost 10 years? How do you get away with driving so much for so long? I am honestly not judging I really can't fathom it at that level and I am absolutely paranoid about drinking and driving.

    The call last night was not unexpected. Luckily he is still alive and he only needs a cast for his injury. Even better he didn't hit anyone else. Still unsure of any pending legal action since there seems to be a loophole and he might get off on a technicality.

    Thank you for the warm thoughts. I'm sending some back and I'm glad things turned out relatively ok.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    erikNJ wrote: »
    Day 2 this week.
    No booze, only water and coffee. Ate very clean. 45 minutes of cardio at the gym.

    Sounds like day 2 was awesome! Keep up the good work!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    bdbchick wrote: »
    Welp I drank last night. My bestie and I have a thing going on where if we say we are gonna do something, not drink more than 3 drinks for example, then if we go over that then we "pay" a patronage. Yesterday she assigned me (I asked her if I could drink) 1 min jogging on the treadmill (or elliptical) for every drink i had. I'll be doing 9 mins tomorrow after I get out of work. I slept like dog poo last night and don't think I can put in full effort if I were to go today.

    That's just how it goes sometimes. Life is a journey. We stumble sometimes and we learn along the way. I bet it was good time:) so that's a positive!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    @LC0924 I am smiling because I would do that too. I would say that Emoji sounds like a good drink and secretly hope he'd say "Why don't you just go ahead and have one." But he did the right thing.
    This month, you can focus on self care while he's away. There is a wonderful thread called "June Self Care Challenge" that some of us are on and it's a wonderful inspiring thread. Xo
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    @NovusDies I have been through a very similar situation with my wife’s best friend. She had been drinking all day so we set her up with blankets/pillows to sleep on our couch. I get up to use the bathroom at 3am and see she isn't there anymore. Then I notice my wife’s phone has several missed calls from her friend’s boyfriend. She got pulled over and arrested for a DUI, thankfully not an accident. Still took her many months to hit rock bottom. But glad I can report she hasn’t had a drink in years now.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    edited June 2018
    It's unreal, isn't it. Someone I know who was going through some serious alcohol problems last year went on a bender, drove drunk and went missing for 12 hours. She woke up in a church parking lot and had no idea how she got there. Lord knows the damage she could have done to herself or to others.

    Eventually she lost her license. That and a few other things that happened finally were enough for her to get help. It continues to be a struggle as I'm sure it always will, but I'm happy to report that she has been doing really well these last few months. We all thought she would be dead if she kept things up. So hang in there. Don't lose hope.

    I don't want to bog the thread down in this but I would be happy right now to move past the "alcohol doesn't affect me like it does most people" stage that he lives in. I never give up all hope but if he doesn't get out of his bubble I will still keep expecting another phone call with worse news.

    I am glad your friend got help and is showing improvement.

    @eriknj Thanks. It does help to see stories with positive outcomes.
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    And while we are on the topic of drinking and driving - I have another horror story from the beer industry. Outside of a liquor store, I just saw a guy take a huge sip out of a 25oz Bud Ice, then pour the rest in a Sprite bottle and get in his car and drive away... :(