Today I Learned...



  • PaperDoll_
    PaperDoll_ Posts: 32,848 Member
    That to break a window, you should hit it in the top corners and not in the center of the glass.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    TIL "The Office" production crew was ready to film "The Dinner Party" when the 2008 Writer's Guild of America strike occurred. Any complete script was allowed to be filmed, however Steve Carell was also a member of the WGA and refused to cross the picket line out of support for the writers.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Snapple Real Fact #383

    Mt. Katahdin in Maine is the 1st place in the U.S. to get sunlight each morning.

  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    TIL that for years after CD players hit the market they remained unpopular and were mostly limited to fans of classical music. Dire Straights then released "Brothers in Arms", the first totally digital album. It sold 30 million copies and is credited with launching CD players into the mainstream.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    TIL Leonidas of Rhodes' Olympic Record of 12 individual victories (164 - 152 BC) stood for over 2100 years before being eclipsed by Michael Phelps in 2016.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    TIL Psychopaths don’t procrastinate, tend to focus on the positive, don’t take things personally, don’t beat themselves up if things go wrong, even if they’re to blame, and they’re assertive and cool under pressure. These can be good characteristics in both the business arena, and in everyday life.
  • pudgy1977
    pudgy1977 Posts: 13,499 Member
  • ChaelAZ
    ChaelAZ Posts: 2,240 Member
    TIL (well, last night) about rear AC actuators.

  • SpartanRunner1978
    SpartanRunner1978 Posts: 1,049 Member
    A good friend taught me that Hornets are not bees! They are part of the wasp Family and keep there stingers when they sting and are not fuzzy!
  • LittleLionHeart1
    LittleLionHeart1 Posts: 3,655 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    TIL that for years after CD players hit the market they remained unpopular and were mostly limited to fans of classical music. Dire Straights then released "Brothers in Arms", the first totally digital album. It sold 30 million copies and is credited with launching CD players into the mainstream.

    I want my MT-Veeee.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    TIL James Smithson sent the US $500,000 (1.5% the federal budget) in the 19th century to found an institution "for the creation and diffusion of knowledge." The Smithsonian is today the world's largest museum complex; all are free of charge and open to the public, and James Smithson never visited the US.
  • Beaster_Bunny
    Beaster_Bunny Posts: 501 Member
    I don't believe in learning things. I try to unlearn something every day.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    denny_mac wrote: »
    TIL my sneezes must be supremely efficient

    Mine are tiny most of time, but sometimes I get those about blow your ribs out ones. Ouch!
  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    TIL that if the ISS dips below 28000 kph, it’ll fall back to earth. Because of it’s low earth orbit, there is just enough atmosphere to create drag, so it has to be constantly monitored and given a boost when necessary
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    TIL that if the ISS dips below 28000 kph, it’ll fall back to earth. Because of it’s low earth orbit, there is just enough atmosphere to create drag, so it has to be constantly monitored and given a boost when necessary

    Someone told me something else about this too.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    TIL that dogs were originally listed as non-self-aware, due to failing the "mirror test". However, since dogs are not visually oriented, a new test, "sniff test of self recognition" was developed, and shows significant evidence of self-awareness in dogs.
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    edited June 2018
    TIL... EVOO is beneficial to your heart. Confirmed, again. It's hard to find because so much of it is cut with inferior oils. So simply eat your olives.

    TIL everyone enjoys their pet protocol for food. Our mileage will always vary. The entirety of life is just too huge to contemplate to let food debate exhaust you. Mistakes = experience. Pain is the precursor to change. You can tell a child not to touch the stove but there are life lessons not covered in the classroom. When you've ridden that merry-go-around and all the horses' saddles are worn smooth from our ...., mistakes, then we may honestly be willing to listen.
  • Caporegiem
    Caporegiem Posts: 4,297 Member
    Mari22na wrote: »
    TIL... EVOO is beneficial to your heart. Confirmed, again. It's hard to find because so much of it is cut with inferior oils. So simply eat your olives.

    TIL everyone enjoys their pet protocol for food. Our mileage will always vary. The entirety of life is just too huge to contemplate to let food debate exhaust you. Mistakes = experience. Pain is the precursor to change. You can tell a child not to touch the stove but there are life lessons not covered in the classroom. When you've ridden that merry-go-around and all the horses' saddles are worn smooth from our ...., mistakes, then we may honestly be willing to listen.

    Sheesh first my cocaine, now my EVOO is cut too?
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Mari22na wrote: »
    TIL... EVOO is beneficial to your heart. Confirmed, again. It's hard to find because so much of it is cut with inferior oils. So simply eat your olives.

    TIL everyone enjoys their pet protocol for food. Our mileage will always vary. The entirety of life is just too huge to contemplate to let food debate exhaust you. Mistakes = experience. Pain is the precursor to change. You can tell a child not to touch the stove but there are life lessons not covered in the classroom. When you've ridden that merry-go-around and all the horses' saddles are worn smooth from our ...., mistakes, then we may honestly be willing to listen.

    Wow, you learned a lot today and it's not even noon yet.
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    'Wow, you learned a lot today and it's not even noon yet.'

    That was just a quick review. Summer has spung and we should never wear white after Groundhog Day. White jeans may subject you to ridicule.