JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,213 Member
    edited June 2018
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I’ve not kept up with this at all.
    If anything I feel a little I dunno burnt out.

    It was my partners health assessment today for disability benefit ( @mytime6630 I know you feel my pain) and we basically argued right up until the appointment, I accidentally triggered him and then became enemy number 1. Not we needed on top of an already stressful day.
    Last night we carted the kids off to my mums so we could wake up and not have to stress about the kids. 9am! I slept til 9am! All natural sleep, nothing woke me, just naturally woke up, sounds lovely right? Nope pulled my back in my sleep haha it’s been aching for a few days but I must have slept funny last night.

    I haven’t been able to stop binging anyway
    I just can’t stop. Like it’s a problem or something
    I’m also always “on the hunt” for chocolate. I knew something was bad when i considered eating the chocolate chips for baking...

    I need help guys, I know you can’t do it for me but can you start keeping me accountable, my diary is open and you can see if I’ve logged or been naughty and also I need to start sticking to my goals, wel posting some in the first place!

    I am asking for help now because I can’t get a hold of this by myself!

    Oh BEX!!!!!!!! I know only too well the stress of disability assessments -- things like that are what usually get me wanting something good. And ... I can so relate to eating chocolate chips for baking (I've done that many times!).

    So you have so many reasons for wanting to binge - not sleeping, having a aching back, a stressful day with your partner, missing your kids, etc etc. -- enough emotions for anyone to want to turn to food.

    But we are here for you!!! You got on here (like I did last nite), so you really don't want to binge. You know that will not help your back feel better, it will not help anything.

    SO put down that crap!!! And go get yourself a hug glass of water, or go out for a walk, or get back on here and write to us!!!!!

    Hugs and Hugs to you!!! I know you can get through this ---- remember --- your diet coach is watching you <3

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,213 Member
    edited June 2018
    JFt, Wed
    1. log all food :)
    2. april challenge - 8+ cups water :)
    3. may challenge - get outside for a 15 min walk -- nope! thundering and lightening again outside
    4. june challenge - mindful eating :)

    June Challenge:
    If you’re feeling the slightest bit emotional and want to eat—or it’s even time to eat—force yourself to either do something else or to eat something healthy and wholesome. And report it on here. Not only will it help us, but it also will give others ideas to stop that urge.

    June 1st: :/
    June 2 - :)
    June 3 - :)
    June 4 - :/
    June 5-9 - :/:/ did terrible. On June 9, ended up eating almost a entire bag of chocolate covered cashews. I think this was my wake-up call.
    June 10 - started keeping a written journal of what I eat, what time I eat, and my mood. I am putting a ** next to any foods that were unplanned, and I am suppose to put a ** next to a binge. Somehow.... this has been helping me tremendously! :)
    June 11- :)
    June 12 - :)
    June 13 - :)
    June 14 :)
    June 15 - :)
    June 16 :)
    June 17 :/ - Dairy queen buster bar
    June 18 - Orange :)
    June 19 - really wanted ice cream, but waited, and got on here (thanks for the encouragement!). Had popcorn instead. :)
    june 20 - :) Drinking my water tonite, because boy, icecream sounds so good. But I had a orange, and working on more chemo hats - with my water by my side.

    JFt, thurs
    1. log all food
    2. april challenge - 8+ cups water
    3. may challenge - get outside for a 15 min walk
    4. june challenge - mindful eating
    5. eating out tomorrow with my SIL -- at a mexican place!--- so try and eat only a few chips, and wise decision!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,213 Member
    edited June 2018
    I think I've come to realize that anger at my coworkers is the emotion that causes me to eat my feelings. I'm p!ssed at one of them and there's a whole tray of chocolate chip cookies that are totally calling my name. But I will fight the urge and make myself a cup of coffee and drink my water.

    "Michaela_LaGata;c-42189880" -Good for you exercising the resistance and hope muscles. I'm using Beck diet solutions..not about food restrictions but the head stuff... talking back to thoughts.
    re Framing the issue like wanting to eat and it's not time. Its CBT.
    Hope it helps.

    So proud of you guys!!! I am realizing more and more how my habits developed to binge whenever something would bother me. Darn ... sometimes its not easy dealing with our emotions. We actually have to learn to "feel" them - not drown them with food.
    Great job both of you -- so proud of you!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,213 Member
    Well I managed to say no to the cookies for the rest of the day AND said no to the Wawa(convenience store) run that my mind tried very hard to convince me to do. It was telling me 'stop for coffee' but I resisted by saying I have coffee at home. I knew that if I stopped I would have gotten an arm full of crap. I got home and grabbed the last beer I'm going to have for about 2 weeks. I made virtually the same thing for dinner that I made both of us for lunch. Luckily the DH didn't care. He'll eat whatever I make. Lol. But I was so hungry that I scarfed down my food. I have about 250c left and Im trying to decide if I'm really still hungry or if I ate so fast that my stomach didn't have time to catch up. Lol.

    It's been about 10 minutes and I think I'm not hungry. I have to go food shopping in about an hour though. So I might eat something then but for the moment I'm okay.

    Anyway, sorry for my ramble! Lol

    Great job!!!
  • jeschepp
    jeschepp Posts: 307 Member
    Daily recap:

    Be kind to myself ✅-took a moment to recognize all the goals I've met this week :)
    Share one accomplishment with a friend ✅-caught lunch with a coworker, was v nice
    House chores ✅
    30 minutes exercise ✅ 45! Was absolutely gorgeous weather out tonight
    Track food and exercise ✅
    Finish the tidying-grrr :(
    Water challenge-80 oz. ✅ 17/30
    Post here for accountability ✅

    For tomorrow:

    Finish priority report at work
    House chores
    30 minutes exercise
    Track food and exercise
    5 minutes tidying
    Water challenge-80 oz.
    Post here for accountability
    Decide on weekly reward

    So helpful to see everyone posting with progress not perfection. Helps me put things in perspective and not be so hard on myself. Go get it!
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    @toaljasa thank you - as ever - for your positive words. I think you’re right, and I am starting to see that what has made the difference for me over the past year or so of maintenance is not that I always get it right (far from it!) but that I have developed strategies to reset quite quickly.

    It’s been really important for me to learn to draw a line under the negative and move on quickly. Especially avoiding the whole despairing at “why” I would sabotage myself or make the wrong choice. Because actually the answer is the same every time, and for all of us - because we are human!! Whatever the emotional or physical trigger we can’t always be perfect, but we can work on how we respond to our imperfection.

    So @Bex953172 and anyone else struggling like me, forget what has been happening recently. It’s happened, can’t be undone, but today can be different.

    JFT - have a good one, and get excited about coming on here to post your smileys/ticks at the end of it.

  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat :)
    - Stick to food plan :)
    - 4 bottles water :| Managed 3
    - Go to gym :smile:
    - French podcast, article, Duolingo, book :smile:
    - Look into how to get docs off laptop(!) :neutral: Bought a clever piece of tech thanks to @Bex953172. Will give it a go at the weekend, though boyfriend thinks I MIGHT have broken the hard drive too in which case I will have lost everything... Hope that's not the case
    - Do some career planning (on paper/ phone!) :/ Decided that until my French assessment, this is going to be my #2 priority
    - Sort emails :smiley:
    - Decide which French verbs to learn and make flashcards :smile: Quite proud of myself on this one, I also got my boyfriend to test me later and I know most of it already

    June challenge:

    June 10: "I'm on holiday" = chocolate :s
    June 11: Stress = gin, no food :neutral:
    June 12: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 13: 'celebratory' mood + pub + burger/ ice cream :s
    June 14: No emotional eating :smiley:
    June 15: Greed rather than emotions.. :neutral:
    June 16: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 17: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 18: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 19: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 20: No emotional eating :smile:

    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - Stick to food plan
    - 4 bottles water

    - 30+ minutes lunch break
    - French podast, article, Duolingo, book
    - Stop work by 6
    - Do workout DVD
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @Bex953172 I'm happy to give you a poke if I don't see you setting goals! If you leave your diary open I can also check that you are logging?

    I agree with @mytime6630 though, you have lots of reasons to want to binge at the moment so you should be kind to yourself and not beat yourself up about it. Maybe try to find some kind of displacement activity to do when you feel like binging? I've been using furious tidying/ decluttering :smile:
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY (Wednesday)
    1. Drink all my water before having a Diet Coke :)
    2. Log all the food I eat :)
    3. Stay close to "in the green" with my calories :)
    4. Stay "in the green with my sodium :)
    5. Go to the gym :)
    6. Laundry :)
    7. Finish 2 orders from my shop :)

    JFT (Thursday)
    1. Drink all my water before having a Diet Coke
    2. Log all the food I eat
    3. Stay close to "in the green" with my calories
    4. Stay "in the green with my sodium
    5. Clean the house
    6. Pack for vacation!!
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    edited June 2018
    Just for Wednesday report:

    1. Adhere to my food plan (having a light breakfast and lunch so I can feast on Ethiopian food at dinner.) :neutral:
    2. Drink 8 glasses of water :neutral:
    3. Physical therapy morning and evening :smile:
    4. 15 minute yoga routine :neutral:
    5. Computer off, kitchen closed, and brush teeth by 10:30 pm...snack attack got me last night :smile:

    Yesterday was...not so successful. I deviated from my food plan, didn't drink enough water, and skipped the exercise, which I am now feeling this morning. Le sigh. Why do I do that when I know the consequences? You'd think after 43 years I would be less of a puzzle to myself!

    Now the good: I still stayed under my calories even though I deviated, and the scale this morning rewarded me with a lovely number... 2 lbs lower than yesterday. It's not an "official" weigh in and I know it's within the range of fluctuations, but it was a nice number to see!

    Just For Thursday:

    1. Log all food and stay under calories.
    2. Physical therapy morning and evening
    3. Yoga! Doing this right after physical therapy this a.m. No procrastinating!
    4. Kitchen closed and brush teeth by 10:30 pm
    5. Drink 8 glasses of water: 2 down and counting!

  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    sarah74_vt wrote: »
    JFY (Wednesday)
    1. Drink all my water before having a Diet Coke :)
    2. Log all the food I eat :)
    3. Stay close to "in the green" with my calories :)
    4. Stay "in the green with my sodium :)
    5. Go to the gym :)
    6. Laundry :)
    7. Finish 2 orders from my shop :)

    What a great Wednesday!

  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    edited June 2018
    JFT Thursday
    1. Feed cats. Meds, teeth, tea. Plan & log food for day
    2. Final exam. Check EBSCO for articles.
    3. Daily Duolingo. Read Pratchett. Put dishes away. Load & run dishwasher.
    4. Patch clothes. 1:00 strength class at PF. Add steps. Close out membership.
    5. Chop more celery. Dinner - Plated 2 Pick up books from library & pay overdue fee.. 5:30 Zumba, 6:30 yoga. Check on drum circle in park.
    6. Prep lunch and pack for tomorrow. Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 10:30. Alarm set for 7:00 for AM strength work.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    We get a twofer for Thursday!! We have 9 days left for our June Challenge! Many of us have made great strides this month. Stay focused. Stay alert.
    Mindful eating folks (pointing all ten fingers at meeee!)
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    @Bex953172 - I'm routing for you! I had crazy chocolate cravings for a few months - and I DID eat the baking chocolate. I guess chocolate has a lot of magnesium in it, and lo and behold, I'm magnesium deficient. I started using a lotion that had magnesium in it - it's great for period cramps, muscle pain and stiffness, and other aches and pains. AND my chocolate cravings are half of what they once were. This is the lotion I use; https://www.amazon.com/Life-Flo-Magnesium-Supplement-Zechstein-Relaxation/dp/B00K5QUAIG?th=1
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    @HGSmith0920 Great job on accomplishing all your goals! Sticking to a grocery list is way easier said than done - a great accomplishment!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member

    JFT, 6/20/18

    Post on JFT :)
    Type up Account info :)
    Make shopping list :)
    Go food shopping o:)
    Read TMM <3
    Shower/Teeth/Face <3

    Holy Crow!! I got everything done on my list yesterday! That hasn't happened in a while. Granted I got a lot done at work but it feels amazing to see all those happy marks! Lol.

    I went food shopping last night and got everything I wanted but one and I think I stayed to my list. I don't remember getting anything that wasn't on it. That makes me insanely happy. And I stuck to my budget and ended up ahead! I think yesterday was just an awesome day! I did go over my calories by like 100 because of a 1/4 cup of trail mix but considering how badly I've been eating the last few days and how I passed up on the cookies I think I did remarkably well! Lol

    I think today will be just as productive as well!

    So onto my list,

    JFT, 6/21/18

    1. Post on JFT
    2. Read TMM
    3. Explore 2 work websites
    4. Organize 3 work files
    5. Research local radio stations for B
    6. Do dishes right after dinner
    7. Shower/teeth/face

    Have a great day everyone!

    It is so eye-popping to me how many calories trail mix has. It just really ticks me off because I like it a lot. And I can't eat just a small amount so I don't get it at all unless I'm at Winco, where it's in a dispenser and I can get like a tiny 1/4.

    Yea for you and your very great day! Here's to one more!

    Peace and joy
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Just for Wednesday report:

    1. Adhere to my food plan (having a light breakfast and lunch so I can feast on Ethiopian food at dinner.) :neutral:
    2. Drink 8 glasses of water :neutral:
    3. Physical therapy morning and evening :smile:
    4. 15 minute yoga routine :neutral:
    5. Computer off, kitchen closed, and brush teeth by 10:30 pm...snack attack got me last night :smile:

    Yesterday was...not so successful. I deviated from my food plan, didn't drink enough water, and skipped the exercise, which I am now feeling this morning. Le sigh. Why do I do that when I know the consequences? You'd think after 43 years I would be less of a puzzle to myself!

    Now the good: I still stayed under my calories even though I deviated, and the scale this morning rewarded me with a lovely number... 2 lbs lower than yesterday. It's not an "official" weigh in and I know it's within the range of fluctuations, but it was a nice number to see!

    Just For Thursday:

    1. Log all food and stay under calories.
    2. Physical therapy morning and evening
    3. Yoga! Doing this right after physical therapy this a.m. No procrastinating!
    4. Kitchen closed and brush teeth by 10:30 pm
    5. Drink 8 glasses of water: 2 down and counting!

    Two is such a lovely number, isn't it! Way to go! Now, dig in and stay the course for today. You are already off to a good start on your water. Stay focused and intentional today. Way to go!!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Weigh in Wednesday...a day late, and a pound down!

    I started my health journey Jan 1 at 177, am at 154 today. And that one pound was hard work :smiley: