JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    GAH. Gah, gah, gah, gah.... :#

    Just broke my laptop screen by dropping it on the floor. Laptop is now totally unuseable. This means that:
    - Have potentially lost the last 3 weeks worth of stuff I've been doing about career planning, unless can find a way to get it off the laptop
    - Now have to add 'look into getting documents off laptop' to my list
    - Now have to add 'research and buy laptop' to my list
    - Now unlikely to be able to do much career planning today because of the above
    - I'm such a clumsy b&stard!!!!!!

    Gah. Need to take a deep breath and just get on with my day in the face of this setback. I know I'm very lucky that my biggest problem is having to find the time to deal with this, rather than find the money to replace it. It feels like a bit of a 'first world problem' to moan about.

    But it's still annoying!!!! Because every week I don't make progress with my career stuff is another week at my stressful job - where the pressure is ramping up again.

    Oh well. Breathe :smiley:

    Yesterday's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat :smile:
    - Stick to food plan :neutral: Ate two Celebrations that were passed round in a meeting - my team won a quiz. Felt it would look odd not to take one (that's a rubbish excuse, isn't it?!)
    - No alcohol :smile:
    - 3 bottles water :smile:
    - 30 mins lunch break :/ Only 20 mins due to s&dding meetings
    - French podcast + article + Duolingo :smile:
    - Look at emails at intervals only :smile:
    - Don't panic! :neutral:
    - Stop work by 6pm :/ 7pm, after which I had to head very quickly to French with no break
    - French hw :/ Had been planning to do it in a break but that didn't happen...

    June challenge:

    June 10: "I'm on holiday" = chocolate :s
    June 11: Stress = gin, no food :neutral:
    June 12: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 13: 'celebratory' mood + pub + burger/ ice cream :s
    June 14: No emotional eating :smiley:
    June 15: Greed rather than emotions.. :neutral:
    June 16: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 17: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 18: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 19: No emotional eating :smile:

    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - Stick to food plan
    - 4 bottles water
    - Go to gym
    - French podcast, article, Duolingo, book
    - Look into how to get docs off laptop(!)
    - Do some career planning (on paper/ phone!)
    - Sort emails
    - Decide which French verbs to learn and make flashcards
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    P.S. just occurred to me that given this is a group of fairly 'active internet users' (as we call them at work), someone might be able to recommend a good new laptop....? :)

    I'd like a nice powerful one so I can keep it a long time without having to get a new one... Needs to run Windows and ideally be a decent brand (NOT Dell). Other than that I care not :)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,083 Member
    P.S. just occurred to me that given this is a group of fairly 'active internet users' (as we call them at work), someone might be able to recommend a good new laptop....? :)

    I'd like a nice powerful one so I can keep it a long time without having to get a new one... Needs to run Windows and ideally be a decent brand (NOT Dell). Other than that I care not :)

    Lol bad times with Dell?

    Also does this help?
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @Bex953172 Lol yes... I had Dell twice a few years ago and they were awful, just didn't last! Also, I did a bit of IT telesales a few years ago and picked up a bit of Dell snobbery I think... Used to speak to lots of IT managers who thought it was awful :)

    Thanks for the link, that's really helpful! The internet is amazing... Now I just need to figure out what hard drive I have..... (Maybe Google can tell me that too...)
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @slittlemeister You could also possibly just have the screen replaced.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @PhedraJD Thanks - I don't think it's worth it though, it's over six years old and I've already had to do a factory reset to take it back to windows 8 as it can't cope with windows 10...

    I actually had the screen replaced when it was two months old... I broke it in exactly the same way as I broke it this morning. I just don't learn!

    @Bex953172 Rang Samsung and they told me what hard drive I have. So I'm good to go :smile:
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT Tuesday Recap
    1. Be kind - replace inner critic with inner best friend/cheerleader :)
    2. Log all food :)
    3. Drink lots of water :)
    4. Meds AM and PM :)
    5. Bring vitamin B to work tomorrow morning :)
    6. Tidy kitchen completely - it's driving me nuts so even if I don't feel like cleaning tonight, know that you will be happy to SEE it clean come tomorrow morning :)
    7. Pick up cream at farm :)
    8. Make grocery list :)
    9. Make dinner and lunch ideas list :)
    10. 20 second wall sit/bathroom trip :)

    JFT Wednesday
    1. Don't wish the week away - it's Wednesday and thats okay!
    2. Eat lunch at farm
    3. Meds AM and PM (Forgot fish oil this morning - just take regularly scheduled dose with dinner. Add vitamin B to AM routine)
    4. Drink lots of water
    5. log all food
    6. Be kind - replace inner critic with inner best friend/cheerleader
    7. Cook dinner at home - include a green veggie
    8. 15 wall push ups/bathroom trip
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @slittlemeister Yes definitely time for a new laptop. Good luck with the recovery process.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,776 Member
    @Snowflake1968 There's plenty of room up on this stallion! Lol. The other thing I'm working on is saving money and paying off debt. Hence the 20% knowledge/80% behavior comment from earlier. It's like that with money as well. It takes being uncomfortable for a while to feel comfortable again.

    LOL, I need to get on that horse too! I feel like we don't waste money on unnecessary things there is just so much that needs to be done.
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY (Tuesday)
    1. Drink all my water before having a Diet Coke :)
    2. Log all the food I eat :)
    3. Stay close to "in the green" with my calories :)
    4. Stay "in the green with my sodium :/
    5. Sand and paint my front porch :)

    JFT (Wednesday)
    1. Drink all my water before having a Diet Coke
    2. Log all the food I eat
    3. Stay close to "in the green" with my calories
    4. Stay "in the green with my sodium
    5. Go to the gym
    6. Laundry
    7. Finish 2 orders from my shop
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,776 Member
    JFT - Monday June 18
    2L of Water - :)
    Stay in Green - :(
    Outside 15 Minutes - :(
    Walk tonight? - :(
    Laundry - :)

    JFT - Tuesday June 19
    2L of Water
    Stay in Green
    Outside 15 Minutes
    Walk Tonight
    Tidy house?

    Yesterday morning I had a disturbing conversation with a manager from our head office that got me a little down on myself. The branch I work in is very slow, we need business. When I first started talking to this company they used the words "build a branch" I told everyone I spoke to that I had no idea how to go about doing that, that I can manage but not sell. I have had this conversation over and over for 6 months now and have been told they would help build it. Two weeks ago they told me they were sending someone to help me learn how to sell. I'm not interested in this, but will do it if I have to to keep myself employed. Yesterday I was talking to the sales guy who is coming up to train me, he mentioned that they are talking about closing the branch. This is upsetting because I have at least biweekly suggested ways to save money in the branch until such time we get the business we need to sustain. I never get answers, but am told repeatedly to run it as if it's my own business.

    I am trying to decide now, if I should put my efforts into building this or if I should start looking for other employment. I would love to see this business grow and be the leader leading it, I think it can be done, but not the way they are going about it. I struggled immensely finding a job last Winter and don't want to go through that again, it's also a little more difficult as I sold our second car because I was given a company vehicle. I don't like the unknown it leaves me unsettled. The Sales guy was supposed to be here between 7-730, I started work an hour early so I would be here for him, it's now after 8 and he's still not here. Not a good first impression.

    So, on a personal note the morning discussion yesterday just made me down. I wanted a cheeseburger and a coke. I didn't fight it, I didn't talk myself out of it. I just went and had it along with a baked potato from Wendy's. I regretted it as soon as I ate it.

    Ok, he's here gotta run!

    That sounds like a really difficult situation. It's so silly when employers try to make people excel in lots of different things at the same time, when quite often the different things are not generally found together. I'd imagine lots of people who are great at helping customers struggle with selling... Because they care about the customer's needs, not what they can sell them!

    Can you do both? Focus really hard during work hours but then look around/ consider your options/ make some speculative applications outside of hours?

    You can always decide not to take anything that you get offered if work improves... Just makes you prepared if it doesn't!

    I'm doing something similar myself... It helps that currently doing four day weeks though, gives me lots of extra time...

    I went out yesterday and learned to "sell", we went to about 20 different locations and introduced ourselves and told them about our company. Every site we went to has had some theft so they know at least Security might help them. Next Tuesday the guy is coming again to teach me some more. I think it went Ok yesterday, and I learned that if I do sell some services I will be getting a commission/bonus on the sales. Too bad they hadn't told me that earlier I might have been a little more interested in trying this LOL.

    I am going to keep my eyes open for something else, but I think I'll also give this an honest go and see where it takes me. I was also informed yesterday that the company hopes to expand to nationwide within 10 years, that would be good to be a part of as we see the growth.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @AJB1014 Look at all those smiles!!!! Woohoo!! That is an awesome accomplishment!

    So yesterday was kind of a bust JFT wise but the DH and I did get a bunch of things done together. A friend of ours gave us an air conditioner for our living room. She said one of the window arm things was broken but the DH fixed it because he is just awesome like that! We had a date to Home Depot too. Lol. It was kind of funny. We walked around aimlessly looking for something that wasn’t even a thing! We eventually got something that worked as well. So now we have another AC unit in the house which is awesome because it stays nice and cool now. I just hope our electric bill doesn’t sky rocket.

    We also had a serious sit down talk about money. I told him what I needed from him as my husband and partner and I told him what my plans were. I had him look over the budget I had created and he really actually looked it over. Like he actually examined it which he had never done before…at least not seriously. He didn’t change anything because I’ve gotten pretty good at it though.

    @toaljasa I actually got him to agree to sit down and watch the FPU videos too! I think that that will really help too! I also ordered an envelope system wallet too. That will make life so much easier so that I’m not juggling all these envelopes and risk losing them. Lol.

    I didn’t do the dishes or go to my meeting. I think the time I spent with the DH was more than worth missing it.

    So onward!

    JFT, 6/20/18

    Post on JFT :)
    Type up Account info :)
    Make shopping list :)
    Go food shopping
    Read TMM
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,776 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I guess I should say a little something about myself. I love this thread! I'm the mom of a 4 month old looking to lose weight. Currently 151 lbs, would like to be 129 lbs. (I'm 5'2".) And I'm in California.

    Oooo I have a 4m old! When was he/she born? Xx

    Congratulations!! He was born February 20th. When was yours born?

    She was born 26th! Called her Casey

    I didn't join this group until the end of March, I didn't realize Casey was born on the 26th. I have a Godson and a niece both born on that date. 31 and 32 years ago though LOL
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,776 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    You guys are the best!!!!!!!!! <3

    I did not have the orange ... instead I am just drinking water all nite, and now I don't even crave the ice cream. @Faebert -- I was thinking about what you said, and what was bothering me. I guess its learning to deal with the emotions - and letting myself actually "feel" them instead of stuffing ice cream in my face. The sadness I felt a hour ago is now gone .... there is nothing like sewing chemo hats and helping others that makes my own problems seem small.

    My calories are low enough today since I went to the gym, so tonite I am now going to make some popcorn for hubby and I.

    Again ..... thank you!!! @nickssweetheart and @Faebert

    Great job!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,776 Member
    jeschepp wrote: »
    Daily check in. Here's how I did:

    Today I learned two important lessons. First, poor sleep throws EVERYTHING off. Second, hummus does not count as a major protein. Last night someone in my neighborhood started a yelling match at 2am and it triggered my anxiety. I wasn't able to fall back asleep for a while, and even then it wasn't very restful. Kinda threw my day off.
    Then, when I was meal planning for the day, I made a substitution to include hummus as my protein for lunch. Bad idea, apparently hummus doesn't actually have that much protein to it (at least not enough to count for 1/3 of your daily fuel). Also ate some chocolate a coworker was handing out before I even realized what I was doing. I was able to turn it around in the evening by having a heavy protein dinner and pushing myself to do exercise. Trying not to beat myself up and remember it's progress, not perfection.

    House chores-nope. Not today :(
    30 minutes exercise ✅ proud of this one today
    Figure out what to do with the chicken I marinated in the slow cooker ✅
    Track food and exercise ✅
    Finish the darn tidying-again, not today :(
    Water challenge-80 oz. ✅ day 16/30!
    Post here for accountability ✅

    Tomorrow I will:
    Be kind to myself
    Share one accomplishment with a friend
    House chores
    30 minutes exercise
    Track food and exercise
    Finish the tidying
    Water challenge-80 oz.
    Post here for accountability

    I skimmed an article somewhere in the last few days that was explaining how being tired affects your eating. I can't for the life of me remember where I read it, but it basically said that when you are tired and getting poor sleep your body is looking for energy in whatever form it can get it. So if you aren't going to sleep you look for food. Basically you'll keep eating to survive the day. I thought it was interesting because I know it's true for me.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,776 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Have you told someone she is stupid? Have you told someone she is fat? Have you told someone she is a failure? Have you told someone, "I can never forgive you."? Have you told someone she is ugly? Have you told someone she might as well quit because she will never reach her goal? Have you told someone that she is unlovable? Have you told someone, "I'll never let you forget what you did. I'll remind you every single day of the rest of your life."? Have you? Have you spoken those words to yourself?

    You are someone.


    Wow! That gives you something to think about doesn't it? You wouldn't talk to anyone else that way so why do people think it's ok to talk to ourselves that way.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,776 Member
    GAH. Gah, gah, gah, gah.... :#

    Just broke my laptop screen by dropping it on the floor. Laptop is now totally unuseable. This means that:
    - Have potentially lost the last 3 weeks worth of stuff I've been doing about career planning, unless can find a way to get it off the laptop
    - Now have to add 'look into getting documents off laptop' to my list
    - Now have to add 'research and buy laptop' to my list
    - Now unlikely to be able to do much career planning today because of the above
    - I'm such a clumsy b&stard!!!!!!

    Gah. Need to take a deep breath and just get on with my day in the face of this setback. I know I'm very lucky that my biggest problem is having to find the time to deal with this, rather than find the money to replace it. It feels like a bit of a 'first world problem' to moan about.

    But it's still annoying!!!! Because every week I don't make progress with my career stuff is another week at my stressful job - where the pressure is ramping up again.

    Oh well. Breathe :smiley:

    Yesterday's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat :smile:
    - Stick to food plan :neutral: Ate two Celebrations that were passed round in a meeting - my team won a quiz. Felt it would look odd not to take one (that's a rubbish excuse, isn't it?!)
    - No alcohol :smile:
    - 3 bottles water :smile:
    - 30 mins lunch break :/ Only 20 mins due to s&dding meetings
    - French podcast + article + Duolingo :smile:
    - Look at emails at intervals only :smile:
    - Don't panic! :neutral:
    - Stop work by 6pm :/ 7pm, after which I had to head very quickly to French with no break
    - French hw :/ Had been planning to do it in a break but that didn't happen...

    June challenge:

    June 10: "I'm on holiday" = chocolate :s
    June 11: Stress = gin, no food :neutral:
    June 12: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 13: 'celebratory' mood + pub + burger/ ice cream :s
    June 14: No emotional eating :smiley:
    June 15: Greed rather than emotions.. :neutral:
    June 16: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 17: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 18: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 19: No emotional eating :smile:

    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - Stick to food plan
    - 4 bottles water
    - Go to gym
    - French podcast, article, Duolingo, book
    - Look into how to get docs off laptop(!)
    - Do some career planning (on paper/ phone!)
    - Sort emails
    - Decide which French verbs to learn and make flashcards

    I don't think you should call yourself a name for an accident :) You wouldn't say that to someone else that you loved.

    You are very fortunate to have the money to replace it, I'm sure some techy person can get the information off of your laptop so you haven't lost it all.

    I don't think that is a rubbish excuse at all, I think I would do the same thing. For something that is earned like that I think it would be sort of rude not to accept it

    You are doing great!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,776 Member
    @AJB1014 Look at all those smiles!!!! Woohoo!! That is an awesome accomplishment!

    So yesterday was kind of a bust JFT wise but the DH and I did get a bunch of things done together. A friend of ours gave us an air conditioner for our living room. She said one of the window arm things was broken but the DH fixed it because he is just awesome like that! We had a date to Home Depot too. Lol. It was kind of funny. We walked around aimlessly looking for something that wasn’t even a thing! We eventually got something that worked as well. So now we have another AC unit in the house which is awesome because it stays nice and cool now. I just hope our electric bill doesn’t sky rocket.

    We also had a serious sit down talk about money. I told him what I needed from him as my husband and partner and I told him what my plans were. I had him look over the budget I had created and he really actually looked it over. Like he actually examined it which he had never done before…at least not seriously. He didn’t change anything because I’ve gotten pretty good at it though.

    @toaljasa I actually got him to agree to sit down and watch the FPU videos too! I think that that will really help too! I also ordered an envelope system wallet too. That will make life so much easier so that I’m not juggling all these envelopes and risk losing them. Lol.

    I didn’t do the dishes or go to my meeting. I think the time I spent with the DH was more than worth missing it.

    So onward!

    JFT, 6/20/18

    Post on JFT :)
    Type up Account info :)
    Make shopping list :)
    Go food shopping
    Read TMM

    Our husbands are the same, we have struggled for years financially and he has no interest in learning about our money at all. He has no idea how much things cost anymore because he never even goes to a store with me unless it's a hardware store. I have been wanting to start a binder for our money, my cousin did this to teach her husband. It worked well for them, I think I need to get this started soon. We are nearer to retirement age than baby age but that won't happen either without some tightening of our belts.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,083 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I guess I should say a little something about myself. I love this thread! I'm the mom of a 4 month old looking to lose weight. Currently 151 lbs, would like to be 129 lbs. (I'm 5'2".) And I'm in California.

    Oooo I have a 4m old! When was he/she born? Xx

    Congratulations!! He was born February 20th. When was yours born?

    She was born 26th! Called her Casey

    I didn't join this group until the end of March, I didn't realize Casey was born on the 26th. I have a Godson and a niece both born on that date. 31 and 32 years ago though LOL

    LOL yeah she was due 1st March but I got her induced on the 26th.

    All 3 kids have been at my parents last night, hardest was leaving Casey for the first time but she’s been good as gold and slept through for them!
    Can’t wait to get her back! She should be home in half an hour!
    And I suppose I miss the other kids too (haha course I do)
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,776 Member
    JFT - Tuesday June 19
    2L of Water - :)
    Stay in Green - :)
    Outside 15 Minutes - :)
    Walk Tonight - :)
    Tidy house? - :/

    JFT - Wednesday June 20
    2L of Water
    Stay in Green
    Outside 15 Minutes
    Walk tonight?
    Write in Journal

    Well yesterday was sure an eye-opener for me. I think I'll be able to do this "selling" I'm going to give it my best and see where I go with it. It's still out of my comfort zone but it's not like I'm expected to sell at every single place I visit. I have to remember that I am at least getting the company name out there.

    We are in a heat warning this week after having wind and rain all week last week. I feel like I've completely fallen off the rails exercise and food wise. Last week it was so windy, wet and cold I struggled getting exercise in and wanted to eat all the warm comfy foods. It didn't help that my oven wasn't working and we had no propane, so lots of fried food and pasta. I looked back at my diary and 5 out of 7 days from last Monday to this Monday I was in the red on my calories. I need to make sure that I stop that trend in it's tracks.

    I forced myself to go for a walk last night, I hadn't gone for one since June 8th, so 11 days! It was so hot, 30 Degrees, last night and I was walking about 2 minutes slower than my normal pace but I made my 5K. I sent my hubby a picture of a bench I walked by and told him I wanted to just curl up there and go to sleep. LOL

    I feel that life is moving so fast and I don't have time to do everything I want to do. Hubby and I are getting along so well for the last few weeks, we are taking time to visit every evening so I don't like leaving to go exercise or do housework or anything but actually spend time with him. In the last few days, he has shocked me twice. On Friday he wanted ice cream and wanted me to go buy it and bring it back, I convinced him to actually go out for a cone of ice cream with me. He hasn't done that in years! Then on the weekend he wanted to do stuff together both Saturday and Sunday, it totally wrecked the plans I had but it was great spending the time with him. Monday night he chose to visit with me instead of doing the Raid he usually has on Monday's on his online game. Last night he encouraged me to go for my walk instead of watching another show with him. It just feels incredible right now relationship wise and I hate taking the time away for myself. I'll find the perfect balance and make it all come together for my health and the relationship.

    Tonight is Grandkid Wednesday, it's my week to pick them up and drop them off so I'm not sure when I'll get my exercise in, but I'll get that done and I'll eat healthy to boot.