KETO DIET: Reviews and Tips



  • 23rochelle23
    23rochelle23 Posts: 269 Member
    edited June 2018
    Pretty sure woo’s are supposed to be ‘this post is full of woo/BS’ not high fives lizard queen :-1:<3

    I’ve been following low carb thats moved into keto for about 5 weeks (with a couple of high carb but still low cal days early on when I was away)
    I’ve lost 5.4kg (12lbs) and lots of cms - I’m down a belt size and my clothes are fitting much more loosely - I’ve even ordered smaller work uniform - I’ve switched to keto cause it’s delicious food in my opinion.

    I’ve got lots of energy and am going to the gym most days and I don’t feel like I’m starving at any point during the day. I’ll very occasionally get hungry if I haven’t had breakfast (usually because I slept in) and lunch break comes late. The main thing is that I’m enjoying food and feeling better eating this way.

    I get between 10-40gm carbohydrate a day - I’m not overly careful about it tbh - I stuck my finger at work to test my ketones for interest sake and I’m in ketosis but wouldn’t be bothered if I wasn’t - I’m happy if I’m losing

    Day to day

    I eat lots of proteins with salad/veg (broccoli, cauli, zucchini etc) and add in avocado or cheese or mayo
    I often have chicken breast stuffed with mozzarella cooked in tomatoes or satay beef or various other protein based meals
    I have peanut butter on celery, macadamias, salami, dark chocolate for snacks,
    I have the occasional piece of fruit - I’ve never been a huge fruit eater but yesterday I had half a pack of raspberries and 2 apricots because that’s what I felt like. I do a main shop once a month and prior to this would buy maybe some berries and some stone fruit or mango and then not buy fruit for the rest of the month and not feel like I was missing out- it’s just not something I’ve ever been hugely into and often would throw out fruit past it’s best.

    However, there are a few reasons that this suits me:

    I’m gluten free (I’ve got celiacs) so I don’t feel like I’m missing bread type products cause I’ve not really eaten them for year and years
    I’m not a huge fan of potatoes other than mashed and I am single so can never be bothered going to the trouble of making them and prob had them once every six months at someone’s house
    I usually couldn’t be bothered to make rice for myself either unless it’s out of a microwave packet lol
    And I’m much more a ‘cheese and wine’ kinda person than a chocolate one so it’s not been a huge shift to cut out sweets (don’t get me wrong I still like sweets but it’s not something I eat often)

    The only real “changes” I’ve made aside from being diligent about counting calories is switching to mainly black coffee (bye bye lattes :( ) and completely cutting alcohol (which isn’t necessary for keto I'm just doing that because historically I’ve drunk a lot of my calories and wanted to challenge myself to give up booze for a bit). I’ve also stopped buying ready meals - which is prob half the reason I’m feeling so good.

  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I tried keto and fat did not nor does it satiate me. it did not supress my appetite, it did not give me energy in fact the 2 months I did it my health declined. I could barely get out of bed(no it wasnt keto flu),I couldnt do household chores,defiinetly could not do exercise. I had brain fog,couldnt think straight,my RA was awful,I was in pain,bad headaches, and so on.

    I was ready to go to the ER because I was convinced I was dying(no joke). hubby told me to go back to eating the way I was ,I did and started to improve days later, needless to say for me I found out that my type of cholesterol issue is familial hypercholesterolemia and my body cannot process fats and cholesterol like most other people can. it was too much for my body to handle.

    at the time I didnt know that because people were saying it would improve my cholesterol,I would have more energy and I would feel better. they were health condition if I dont control it with a low fat,low cholesterol,high fiber diet I am prone to type 2 diabetes(because of the defect), I can have a heart attack,stroke,TIA,etc. I didnt see an improvement in cholesterol either of course it was worse than before. I also didnt lose a lot of weight even though I was in a deficit. so keto is not magical way to lose weight( even in a deficit). for me it made no difference besides the 5lb of water weight I lost the first 2 weeks in.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    And exactly how would you handle this differently, just curious. Only people who have tried keto? Shrug

    By continuing in the same way I have been handling it thus far, by not shooting down the experiences others have and respecting the fact the everybody responds differently to changes in their diet.

    Who's shooting down the experience of others?

    The OP asked for opinions and tips.
  • GeorgeGCT
    GeorgeGCT Posts: 20 Member
    I find the state of ketosis has definitely kept me feeling full. The biggest supplement was MCT oil. That changed the game for me. I typically take 2-4 tablespoons daily. 2 per sitting. When I need more fat I take it. It has no taste and is great for maintaining Ketosis
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    GeorgeGCT wrote: »
    I find the state of ketosis has definitely kept me feeling full. The biggest supplement was MCT oil. That changed the game for me. I typically take 2-4 tablespoons daily. 2 per sitting. When I need more fat I take it. It has no taste and is great for maintaining Ketosis

    pretty sure that keeping carbs low is what maintains ketosis.
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I follow the Ketogenic Lifestyle because I have high A1C and am insulin resistant. I will add that I absolutely love it. I am fortunate in that I am pretty easy to please when it comes to foods and I love the seven or eight foods that I do eat. Cutting out carbs is not a problem for me. Do I miss some of the meals? Hell yes! But, if I want to be healthy then I need to keep on missing them! LOL!

    Keto can be very difficult for some | most to follow consistently. I mean, let's be honest - cutting out carbs (effectively) can be tough. Deal breaker for a lot of people. Which is really too bad!

    I totally bypassed the Keto Flu because I educated myself before jumping on this and increased sodium intake, essentially, nd kept well hydrated. I have been drinking about eight glasses of water a day for awhile, so that was no challenge, or change!

    It comes down to Calories In vs. Calories Out. No matter what the "diet" is called. If you consume more calories than you burn then you are going to gain weight. Plain and simple (generally speaking....speaking about the masses here....not including those with medical conditions and autoimmune diseases and the like).

    And, I also follow Intermittent Fasting (16:8, but I worked up to that) and I do BulletProof Coffee (Coffee with Kerry Gold Butter and Brain Octane Fuel). I LOVE IT! But, that is me. Everyone is different. And, keep in mind that I went down this path BECAUSE of high A1C and Insulin Resistance.

    Keto is not some magic pill. It will work for some while it will likely be far too restrictive for most. Ketosis is a great thing (for me). It really sucks, though, if you are doing something like Powerlifting. I struggled while I was doing that. Big time. Training sucked *kitten*! Injury resolved that struggle! :-)

    And, there do seem to be - on both sides of the aisle - folks with an agenda who promote | bash Keto. To each their own. I try not to judge.

    So, is Ketogenic Lifestyle worth it? To me, decidedly and unabashedly (is that a word?) yes! But, probably not for most.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    yep CICO works. I have a metabolic disorder that is genetic and I lost weight counting my calories. I also weigh everything I eat to make sure its a serving and adjut accordingly. my calories in are less that what MFP gives me. MFP and other calculators say my BMR is 1400-1600. its not its 1272.what I should be maintaining on according to those calculators are also 200-300 calories off. so I have to adjust my intake. for me I have to burn more calories as well which is the only thing that works for me. I also have RA which is considered an autoimmune disease.

    @ amandacowan1978 The keto flu is caused from your body/liver depleting glycogen and water and therefore it disrupts your electrolyte balance,that happens when you lower CARBS. Keto is a high fat low carb diet so why would you cut out fats from your diet if doing keto?

    and just so you know I did keto for 2 months and for me I lost 5 lbs of water weight and that was all I lost. my weight loss was the same doing keto as it was eating the way I do now. also when you decrease your activity you need less calories as well so that could be why you werent losing back then. Thyroid issues can make losing weight harder too because it regulates if your levels arent on point weight loss can be hard. my daughter is having that issue at this very moment.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    yep CICO works. I have a metabolic disorder that is genetic and I lost weight counting my calories. I also weigh everything I eat to make sure its a serving and adjut accordingly. my calories in are less that what MFP gives me. MFP and other calculators say my BMR is 1400-1600. its not its 1272.what I should be maintaining on according to those calculators are also 200-300 calories off. so I have to adjust my intake. for me I have to burn more calories as well which is the only thing that works for me. I also have RA which is considered an autoimmune disease.

    @ amandacowan1978 The keto flu is caused from your body/liver depleting glycogen and water and therefore it disrupts your electrolyte balance,that happens when you lower CARBS. Keto is a high fat low carb diet so why would you cut out fats from your diet if doing keto?

    and just so you know I did keto for 2 months and for me I lost 5 lbs of water weight and that was all I lost. my weight loss was the same doing keto as it was eating the way I do now. also when you decrease your activity you need less calories as well so that could be why you werent losing back then. Thyroid issues can make losing weight harder too because it regulates if your levels arent on point weight loss can be hard. my daughter is having that issue at this very moment.

    Ketogenic is defined as a very low carbohydrate dieting. It can be everywhere from high to low fat. The current diet craze is a modified ketogenic diet, which tends of focus on fat, but that certainly not a representation of the diet in general.
  • amandacowan1978
    amandacowan1978 Posts: 50 Member
    yep CICO works. I have a metabolic disorder that is genetic and I lost weight counting my calories. I also weigh everything I eat to make sure its a serving and adjut accordingly. my calories in are less that what MFP gives me. MFP and other calculators say my BMR is 1400-1600. its not its 1272.what I should be maintaining on according to those calculators are also 200-300 calories off. so I have to adjust my intake. for me I have to burn more calories as well which is the only thing that works for me. I also have RA which is considered an autoimmune disease.

    @ amandacowan1978 The keto flu is caused from your body/liver depleting glycogen and water and therefore it disrupts your electrolyte balance,that happens when you lower CARBS. Keto is a high fat low carb diet so why would you cut out fats from your diet if doing keto?

    and just so you know I did keto for 2 months and for me I lost 5 lbs of water weight and that was all I lost. my weight loss was the same doing keto as it was eating the way I do now. also when you decrease your activity you need less calories as well so that could be why you werent losing back then. Thyroid issues can make losing weight harder too because it regulates if your levels arent on point weight loss can be hard. my daughter is having that issue at this very moment.
    yep CICO works. I have a metabolic disorder that is genetic and I lost weight counting my calories. I also weigh everything I eat to make sure its a serving and adjut accordingly. my calories in are less that what MFP gives me. MFP and other calculators say my BMR is 1400-1600. its not its 1272.what I should be maintaining on according to those calculators are also 200-300 calories off. so I have to adjust my intake. for me I have to burn more calories as well which is the only thing that works for me. I also have RA which is considered an autoimmune disease.

    @ amandacowan1978 The keto flu is caused from your body/liver depleting glycogen and water and therefore it disrupts your electrolyte balance,that happens when you lower CARBS. Keto is a high fat low carb diet so why would you cut out fats from your diet if doing keto?

    and just so you know I did keto for 2 months and for me I lost 5 lbs of water weight and that was all I lost. my weight loss was the same doing keto as it was eating the way I do now. also when you decrease your activity you need less calories as well so that could be why you werent losing back then. Thyroid issues can make losing weight harder too because it regulates if your levels arent on point weight loss can be hard. my daughter is having that issue at this very moment.
    yep CICO works. I have a metabolic disorder that is genetic and I lost weight counting my calories. I also weigh everything I eat to make sure its a serving and adjut accordingly. my calories in are less that what MFP gives me. MFP and other calculators say my BMR is 1400-1600. its not its 1272.what I should be maintaining on according to those calculators are also 200-300 calories off. so I have to adjust my intake. for me I have to burn more calories as well which is the only thing that works for me. I also have RA which is considered an autoimmune disease.

    @ amandacowan1978 The keto flu is caused from your body/liver depleting glycogen and water and therefore it disrupts your electrolyte balance,that happens when you lower CARBS. Keto is a high fat low carb diet so why would you cut out fats from your diet if doing keto?

    and just so you know I did keto for 2 months and for me I lost 5 lbs of water weight and that was all I lost. my weight loss was the same doing keto as it was eating the way I do now. also when you decrease your activity you need less calories as well so that could be why you werent losing back then. Thyroid issues can make losing weight harder too because it regulates if your levels arent on point weight loss can be hard. my daughter is having that issue at this very moment.

  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    Calories in vs calories out is a great way to look at it, except that’s not the case for every body. Metabolism, age, and stress (plus other health conditions) play a role. So putting every person in the same box isn’t helpful or fair. Over the last year after a big hormonal shift following a knee surgery, I tried all my old weight loss tricks. Everything in moderation, but reduced calories. Whole 30. Auto-immune protocol (I have thyroid disease), and paleo. None of that worked though I was supposedly consuming less than I was burning. And yes, I tracked every calories. Nothing helped.

    I’ve been doing keto now for two months and am down about 18 pounds. That’s more than a pant size, not just water weight.

    To the original poster: the other comments about avoiding that flu (which by the way, can happen whenever you remove processed sugar, fats and salt from your diet) by using real salt and potassium and tons of water are helpful. I managed to avoid it that way, was lucky to get the same advice.

    Also, went on vacation and found I didn’t need to go off keto and crap my pants like another poster said. Knowing I’d feel awful by adding back the processed grains and sugar was great motivation to stay away.

    I have to say though, I’m new to it. I love it. Super satisfied, satiated. But the idea of just going on and off like that makes me wary personally since you’re causing your body to switch fuel sources altogether.

    And, adding that I used to bash the heck out of keto. I’m eating my words now and hope I never ever sounded as condescending as some of these people do.

    Also adding that every body is different and what is sustainable for one person may not be for someone else. Why make other people feel bad or whatever just because of something you personally don’t think you can do? Armchair nutritionist.. that’s a great phrase!!

    Did you know that your metabolism IS YOUR CALORIES OUT?
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