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Cutting out coffee or diet coke



  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    edited June 2018
    I love Diet Coke. Love. It. (I'm drinking one right now.) That being said, I'm really trying to eliminate them totally. I can't seem to drink them in moderation, they're bad for my teeth, I don't need the extra caffeine. But most importantly, I think it makes my sweet tooth worse. It's just a hard vice to give up and it's really the only vice I have. Coffee I could never give up and never will. I only have 2 cups a day and it's been 2 years since I gave up putting sugar in my coffee and I don't miss it. I use just a little splash of skim or fat-free half and half. I don't think there is anything wrong w/ coffee healthwise. My grandmother is 91 and drinks ONLY coffee and has her entire life. I've never seen her drink anything else. Even ordering dinner at a restaurant at night, it's always coffee. (and then she complains that she can't sleep....but she's a little crazy)
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    <----body by beer over there. Don't drink that (in excess) if you want to be fit. That is another topic, though.

    Water is better than either as it has nothing that is "bad" for you. Both have caffeine which "bad" for you. Diet Soda has a whole bunch of other chemicals that are "bad" for you.

    How are caffeine and diet soda "bad" for you. Be specific, and preferably cite sources.
    Talking about minute amounts, though. To any normal person that isn't downing several POTS of coffee or CASES of diet soda a day, go ahead and drink whatever you prefer. There isn't enough "bad" in either coffee or diet soda to make a difference.

    Still should shoot for a couple glasses of plain ol' water a day, though. I can't imagine only drinking caffeinated drinks all day. How would you go to sleep?

    Oh, and, Like a baby. Until I hit 30.

    still like a baby

    Don't get me wrong, I can still chug a mt dew and go right to sleep, but the sleep won't be quite as good.

    i sleep with three dogs so my quality of sleep depends on how interesting the sounds of the night are
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Cate4035 wrote: »
    Cate4035 wrote: »
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    Cate4035 wrote: »
    My advice is to give up diet coke as it is unhealthy even if it is 0 calories. And keep coffee but with a change: learn to like black coffee (nothing added). If you slowly over time cut it down and make good quality coffee (not folgers) you can learn to love the taste of black coffee! I limit my diet pops a lot, on occasion I may have one but that is where it stops at one. I dont keep any in the house and if I do go get one its just one serving not a case or 2 liter.

    If your goal is weight loss limit your liquid calories which also includes juice! Most Juice is just pop without the fizz. If you want orange juice, eat an orange is what I always say.

    Hope this helps, and dont forget its not off limits forever, just limit yourself. Maybe if you a great week Mon-Friday and on saturday you want a mochachochalala coffee drink, get one but have limits and make it a rare treat.

    And why is Diet Coke unhealthy?

    They are still researching the effects of aspartame on our bodies, but one concern is it can lead to insulin resistance and weight gain.

    Honestly, I feel better drinking water or black tea over any soda. Even if diet soda isn’t harmful it certainly wouldn’t qualify as healthy. At least coffee has antioxidants.


    That is not a concern.

    Aspartame has been well studied over the past forty years and we know exactly how it is broken down in the body. There is zero risk of it causing insulin resistance or weight gain.


    No offense, but I take medical advice from my physician, not some stranger on the internet. And perhaps you’re correct and I should find a new MD, but that doesn’t make Diet Coke or any soda healthy. I stand by my opinion that black coffee is the better option.

    I can almost guarantee you that that stranger (who has a PhD in a relevant field) has more knowledge about how aspartame works than your doctor.

    Alright, then enlighten me. How is diet soda a healthier choice than black coffee?

    What's with this weird dichotomy people have created where foods are either healthy or unhealthy? When did we lose the idea of neutral foods? Why can't we accept that a food can fit into a balanced diet without having to be the omg healthiest choice on earth?

    An inevitable output of echo chambers and unchallenged communication. We've significantly lost the ability to understand viewpoints extending beyond our own experience.
  • philcycle12
    philcycle12 Posts: 17 Member
    I found giving up all products with caffeine in it helps me sleep better and now feel a lot more active and alert as a result
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    costap123 wrote: »
    Two years ago I cut out soda and now it feels unnatural to drink it.

    Glad you feel better
  • tbright1965
    tbright1965 Posts: 852 Member
    0.5L of coffee is my pre-workout, with a splash of 1/2 and 1/2. If my BG is below 100 mg/dL I'll have a banana as well.
  • BigMamaLynsey
    BigMamaLynsey Posts: 390 Member
    If i want to have diet coke yes i will drink it. I have cut it down but somedays i like to have a diet coke as a treat instead of cake/choc for example. It really does help and with 0 cals its fantastic. Diet coke may not be exactly healthy but that aint stopping me