JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    sarah74_vt wrote: »
    JFY (Saturday, 6/30/18)
    1) Log all my food :)
    2) Stay "in the green" with my calories :/
    3) Stay "in the green" with my sodium intake :)
    4) Drink all my water before having a Diet Coke :/

    JFT (Sunday, 7/1/18)
    1) Log all my food
    2) Stay "in the green" with my calories
    3) Stay "in the green" with my sodium intake
    4) Drink all my water before having a Diet Coke
    5) Laundry
    6) Complete 3 orders from my shop

    I’ve realised that I’ve never really spoken directly to you properly! Yet you post every day!
    So how are you doing :)

    Also what kind of shop do you have? X

    LOL Hi Bex! Yea, I pretty much stay on the outskirts of conversations in person...I guess I do the same on here. :-) I have an Etsy shop...I do embroidery and sewing...mainly items for weddings, but I do other things too. Thanks for reaching out! :-)
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Checking in quickly as want my early night tonight!

    Goals for Sunday:
    - new month! Reset and renew ✅
    - Morning workout ✅
    - April challenge ✅
    - May challenge ✅
    - June challenge ✅
    - Walk/jog with kids for homework at cafe ✅
    - Finish laundry ✅
    - Pack L for School trip tomorrow ✅
    - Buy cress seeds for school :/ shop out of stock
    - pet shop ✅
    - Health food shop ✅
    - Message V with dates :s really must do this tomorrow
    - Early night ✅

    April challenge gave me success in June challenge today! Was very hot so I made sure I drank loads of fluids and that kept me fuller than normal. Had a couple of stressful moments but found myself making the right choices. Great end to the week.

    Goals for Monday
    - morning workout
    - April challenge
    - May challenge
    - June challenge
    - July challenge
    - Message V
    - Email to J and F’s Mum
    - New joined at 9am - don’t forget!!
    - Groceries
    - Check in with P’s street dance teacher
    - Birthday presents x4

    About to pre-log tomorrow’s meals for the July challenge. I’m planning on popping in the basics but leaving some flexibility for snacks etc as I tend to eat little and often rather than three square meals - hope this works.

    Night all x

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,089 Member
    sarah74_vt wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    sarah74_vt wrote: »
    JFY (Saturday, 6/30/18)
    1) Log all my food :)
    2) Stay "in the green" with my calories :/
    3) Stay "in the green" with my sodium intake :)
    4) Drink all my water before having a Diet Coke :/

    JFT (Sunday, 7/1/18)
    1) Log all my food
    2) Stay "in the green" with my calories
    3) Stay "in the green" with my sodium intake
    4) Drink all my water before having a Diet Coke
    5) Laundry
    6) Complete 3 orders from my shop

    I’ve realised that I’ve never really spoken directly to you properly! Yet you post every day!
    So how are you doing :)

    Also what kind of shop do you have? X

    LOL Hi Bex! Yea, I pretty much stay on the outskirts of conversations in person...I guess I do the same on here. :-) I have an Etsy shop...I do embroidery and sewing...mainly items for weddings, but I do other things too. Thanks for reaching out! :-)

    Ooo that sounds lovely!
    I have a book to learn how to embroider... that’s in the attic... unread hahaha i do want to learn some time :)

    Well even if you are on the outskirts I have noticed your commitment to the thread and your goals!
    Did you post a 6m goal?

    Also can I see your etsy shop? You can private message me if you want or post it here :) id love to have a look! Never know when I EVENTUALLY get married I might just require your services!!
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    edited July 2018
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    This is the FIRST day of the next 6 months!

    Remember where we can all be at Christmas time -- you know -- all the parties, places to go where we want to look nice!


    So true! Thank you for posting this.

    Re: the July challenge, I already do it, it's second nature to me now, in fact, I log the whole week's worth of meals when I do my grocery shopping. That way I don't waste produce because I can be sure of using it up. On the menu this week: pancakes with real maple syrup, bean burritos, teriyaki noodle stir fry, split pea soup, curried chickpeas over rice, tofu breakfast scramble, Beyond Beef burgers, lentil and kale soup with lemon, and lemon artichoke risotto topped with pistachios.

    I did not adhere to my plan today, though. I skipped lunch in favor of a popcorn and coke zero at the movie theater. I meant to order a small, but the guy taking my order keyed in a large without asking and I was so flustered I said, "no I want a medium" instead of a small. My brain is cobwebby, apparently. But with a can of chili for dinner I can still make it work and end up in the green!

    Count me as one that would love to see the Etsy shop and Bex's quilt, too. I have so little talent for things like that and I admire anyone that is skilled with a needle and thread.
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    jeschepp wrote: »
    Really did some soul searching today around my "cheat day." Huge thanks to @nickssweetheart and @snowflake1968 for the amazing words of wisdom. Realized I really need some perspective. Ended up looking at what parts of the meal I really enjoyed, and was able to cut out the side of fries. I was then able to stay within my calorie range by adding only 15 minutes light biking. I really took your words to heart, and realized I still have a lot left to learn.

    Here's my check-in:
    House chores ✅
    Set up bullet journal for next 2 weeks ✅-got most of it set up, will finish tomorrow
    Weigh-in-nope, was at my sister's so I'll do this tomorrow
    30 minutes exercise ✅
    Meet 1200 net calories, counting exercise ✅-proud of this one today!
    Track food and exercise ✅
    Water challenge-80 oz. ✅
    Post here for accountability ✅


    Your plan sounds perfect and look at all those green checks! You really are committed to making your life better. Great job!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,784 Member
    Falcon wrote: »
    I'm starting over again and it's depressing. I need support badly

    I lost my career job almost a year ago, had to adjust to a completely new schedule which makes it difficult for me to socialize because its a straight midnight shift. All I've done was continue to gain all 50 pounds back

    I'm tired all the time and just need to find some way to get back on track.

    I'm so badly out of shape, my right foot and calf is swelling like crazy. I think getting 10 pounds off by the end of this month will help with the swelling

    This group is a great support system. I worked nights years and years ago I remember all the junk I ate just trying to keep the boredom and exhaustion at bay. Post goals and come back to let us know how you did. You were successful once you’ll be success again!

  • eahouston
    eahouston Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to this discussion group, but I see it show up on the Message Boards often, so it must be a cool place to be :) I think I have the basic idea of "just for today," and I like that- taking it one day at a time. Sometimes I don't even get through a single day as planned, so if I can do that, the long-term seems more doable.

    There seems to be a July challenge of planning our meals the night before. I don't always do this, but I usually do and it's easier when I do. Beyond that, do we make personal daily goals as well that either change based on how we feel each day, or do we try to be more consistent about goals just taking them one day at a time? Thanks for helping me get started!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    edited July 2018
    Falcon wrote: »
    I'm starting over again and it's depressing. I need support badly

    I lost my career job almost a year ago, had to adjust to a completely new schedule which makes it difficult for me to socialize because its a straight midnight shift. All I've done was continue to gain all 50 pounds back

    I'm tired all the time and just need to find some way to get back on track.

    I'm so badly out of shape, my right foot and calf is swelling like crazy. I think getting 10 pounds off by the end of this month will help with the swelling

    Welcome!!! You are certainly not alone starting over. If you look back through this thread ... you will see how often I "start over". I originally started this thread almost 3 years ago -- many of the posters have been with me for that long. Some of the habits that I have (like emotional eating) take a long time to conquer, and need daily encouragement and reminding. This is why, at least for me, this thread is so important. I lost 24 lbs last year, and this year, have been struggling to get those last 10-15 off. But I know without this thread, I most likely would have gained.

    We are here to support you.

    I know you can do this. You've done it once, you can do it again. For me, the concept of one day at a time is perfect, because everyday you can start over. The past is in the past.

    You made the first step coming on here.

    So please come back and let us know how you are doing! It takes a commitment ... and I hope you are ready to join us!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    eahouston wrote: »
    Hi everyone! I'm new to this discussion group, but I see it show up on the Message Boards often, so it must be a cool place to be :) I think I have the basic idea of "just for today," and I like that- taking it one day at a time. Sometimes I don't even get through a single day as planned, so if I can do that, the long-term seems more doable.

    There seems to be a July challenge of planning our meals the night before. I don't always do this, but I usually do and it's easier when I do. Beyond that, do we make personal daily goals as well that either change based on how we feel each day, or do we try to be more consistent about goals just taking them one day at a time? Thanks for helping me get started!

    This is a very cool place to be :) I hope you will join us --we would love to have you! And you will love the support on here - and the best group of friends every!
  • monstersweetsbyallison
    June 30th JFT
    Stay in the green :)
    Go to dance class :)
    Do calisthenics :)
    Work on my emotional eating :)
    Visit my oldest brother & his family :)

    @mytime6630 I'm totally all in for the July challenge & past challenges too! Xoxo

    @eahouston I do both for my JFT goals, personal daily goals and goals that add up to my big goals with daily consistency. I'm pretty new here too & its an amazingly wonderful place full of support, advice, accountability, & friendship.

    @Falcon You came to the right place, I find support here myself. Thinking of you & sending you hugs!

    @Bex953172 I feel you!! Of course I barely have one little baby at home, you're such a good mom to do all you do with 3 kids! I'm using the advice the other moms on here gave you. Thank you for speaking up, its hard being a mama but I can tell you're a great mama :)

    Ok I'm running out of time to keep replying, but to everyone else on here I read your posts. I appreciate you & wish you a good week! <3

    July 1 JFT
    Stay in the green
    Water challenge
    Walk challenge
    Emotional eating challenge
    Planning meals challenge
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    sarah74_vt wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    sarah74_vt wrote: »
    JFY (Saturday, 6/30/18)
    1) Log all my food :)
    2) Stay "in the green" with my calories :/
    3) Stay "in the green" with my sodium intake :)
    4) Drink all my water before having a Diet Coke :/

    JFT (Sunday, 7/1/18)
    1) Log all my food
    2) Stay "in the green" with my calories
    3) Stay "in the green" with my sodium intake
    4) Drink all my water before having a Diet Coke
    5) Laundry
    6) Complete 3 orders from my shop

    I’ve realised that I’ve never really spoken directly to you properly! Yet you post every day!
    So how are you doing :)

    Also what kind of shop do you have? X

    LOL Hi Bex! Yea, I pretty much stay on the outskirts of conversations in person...I guess I do the same on here. :-) I have an Etsy shop...I do embroidery and sewing...mainly items for weddings, but I do other things too. Thanks for reaching out! :-)

    Ooo that sounds lovely!
    I have a book to learn how to embroider... that’s in the attic... unread hahaha i do want to learn some time :)

    Well even if you are on the outskirts I have noticed your commitment to the thread and your goals!
    Did you post a 6m goal?

    Also can I see your etsy shop? You can private message me if you want or post it here :) id love to have a look! Never know when I EVENTUALLY get married I might just require your services!!

    I haven't posted a 6m goal, but my monthly goal is to lose 5 lbs each month. I've found if I go very slow with my weight loss, I'm able to stick to my plan much better.

    My Etsy shop name is "occasionsbysarah" and absolutely take a look! :-) I've been at it since 2011 and was able to take it on full time (quit my previous full time job) in 2017. I love it!

    BTW, your kids are adorable (from pics you've posted previously). :-) Mine (two boys) are 14 and 19.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    edited July 2018
    SO JFT, SUnday, July 1st
    1. LOG all food :)
    2. do daughters laundry :)
    3. pack for our trip to see our son over July 4th :)
    4. Concentrate on water :) Did better -- but I still have 4 glasses of water to drink yet!
    5. April challenge - water :) - plan to gulp down 4 glasses yet
    6. July challenge - plan dinner :) -- see below. But, this morning I wrote down everything I "planned" to eat today, and pretty much stuck to my plan. It was hard, as I made hubby and peanut butter bagel, and almost was going to eat one instead of my planned cottage cheese and cantalope. But having already wrote it down did help me.

    July 1: Water :) ; Walk :/ (storming outside!); mindful eating :) ; planning :) ---- my planning for the next 3 days will be to just eat as healthy as I can! We are traveling tomorrow to see our son in Michigan - a 8 hr car ride. We tend to stop at McDonalds a lot, so I know I can find things low calorie. My problem will be the rest of the 3 days we are there. But .... even though I can't plan ahead as far as "what" I will eat, I can plan ahead to make wise choices.

    I most likely will not be back on here until friday --- I usually stay off the computer when we travel. But for all the US friends - I hope you all have a wonderful July 4th holiday! And for everyone else ... have a wonderful week.
    I am anxious to see our son and grandsons!