Christmas Countdown Challenge (Closed Group) - Week 3



  • abjedi
    abjedi Posts: 114 Member
    So we took my daughter to an aquatic center yealsterday... Lots of fun!! But my back got fried!! Crap the one place I did not even think about sunscreen... So today I was planning on getting my jump rope in... Nope too much pain and no energy... Dang it!!!
  • athederan
    athederan Posts: 61 Member
    CW: 221

    Stayed the same but I haven't weighed myself since Thursday. Hopefully it will go down because I had a good weekend of running after my nephews/ playing with them and I went swimming today. My arms are sore from holding the kids and my legs are getting sore from the pool. Kids are such a workout but man I love those boys.
  • Felesina1
    Felesina1 Posts: 142
    W2 - 141.6
    CW = 139.0

    Well, I have to say that even though I'm really sucking at the challenges for the team, I am managing to work on my weight. I'm having a lot of swelling in my lower legs - more so than usual recently. So I'm trying to monitor my salt intake and water intake. Even though I've had this swelling mostly when I work nights, I notice I'm starting to have it during the days that I'm awake to. It's a little worrisome for me, but we shall see! Glad to see everyone still being involved in the team! Have a great rest of your weekend!
  • lpeacock06
    lpeacock06 Posts: 212 Member
    3rd week in & I'm down 3in & a total of 2lbs......I had gained 1 lb back when I weighed on Sat & I ate like crap on Sat & splurged a little on Sun & I weigh less than I did on Sat what gives?? Oh & I didn't exercise! Decided to measure myself just to see what was going on & have lost a total of about 3 in......
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    30 minutes air jump roping - complete

    Good morning all - Have a great day. Whether you consider this past week to have been a success, failure, or somewhere in between, it's a new day with new goals and challenges to meet.
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    30 minutes air jump roping - complete

    Good morning all - Have a great day. Whether you consider this past week to have been a success, failure, or somewhere in between, it's a new day with new goals and challenges to meet.

    I'm loving this, had a very naughty weekend so need to kickstart myself again. I am raring to go.
  • CW 147 - not changed.

    Sorry I wasn't around much last week - had throat infection which knocked me for 6 and off work most of the week. Totally struggled with food n water and exercise was definitely out of the question,

    Hopefully back on track this week although food not been good but am planning on going to gym later.

  • KimertRuns13_1
    KimertRuns13_1 Posts: 702 Member
    CW- 166... lost a lb!

    This jumping rope thing is tough with all the running I do. My knees, my knees! haha
  • APO_Katie
    APO_Katie Posts: 79 Member
    Starting Weight: 180.4
    Current Weight: 179.2
    Goal Weight by 12/25: 150

    Bust: 42
    Waist: 33.4
    Hips: 42
    Arms: 12
    Thighs: 24.5

    So my measurements are better! Woot!
  • No change in weight this week. I caught myself stress eating a lot lately. Life has got to me lately. I have to get focused again. Thank Jenn for all the work you have put into it. Thank you for caring enough for us not to give up on us and keeping us motivated. I won't let myself down and make all the work you do be for nothing.

    That's right you just keep trying! I can relate totally... I did alittle stress eating myself last week. I know you know this already, but try to keep good snacks on hand that won't hurt you too bad to stress eat. I like Pop chips there are 20 in a serving :)
    Hang in there!!!

    Thank you! Yeah I know but it is earsier to grab the confort food but I am going to stop keeping junk in the house. I feel so much better when I am eating healthy and working out. I need to start working out when I get stressed. I would lose lots of weight then. I seem to stay stressed a lot lately. I have to make some changes in my life but it is hard.
  • deepakris
    deepakris Posts: 31 Member
    CW: 130 lbs

    So close to the 120's! :D
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    CW: 206

    I am soooooooooooo disappointed with myself this week. I gained again... Up 2 pounds! I know, I haven't been eating that well or working so hard on exercising... but I've been so busy... I wish things would just balance out! I have been eating vegetables like they are going out of style mind you... My body is sure reacting to that one... but, the scale doesn't seem to care. I was wearing a pair of pants today, that if I ran would fall off. I was playing soccer with my niece and nephew tonight. I know they were always a little loose, but I don't think I ever had a problem of them falling off before... I don't know... I'm just so confused... My life has been a real roller coaster! I'm really emotional most of the time... and now this... the scale going in the wrong direction again. Maybe I'm supposed to get pissed off and promise to do so much more... but I haven't been following through on all my promises, so I can't do that anymore... Honesty is the best policy... my honesty now, is that I will have a great week with my niece and nephew. Which means I'll be active with them. My other truth, I will try to eat at home or mom's house all week... just need to stay away from mom's deserts! The only problem is, it insults her if I don't have any. I hate hurting people's feelings... Last truth, I will take things one day at a time... that's all I can do. I might try to enter all the food I eat. I usually start doing so well in the morning and then I run out of time by the evening... life happens.

    I hope you feel alittle better getting that off your chest. So many times have I been in your same spot.....THINKING I am not eating that bad....but if you really logged everything in you are probably way over you calories. It hard when you are emotional that's when I pull out more food. But just do you best try to keep healthy things around or low calorie and really make a promise to log in EVERYTHING this week and see what happens!!! Also when you go get healthy choices like my fav Pop chips. Take the time to portion them out. Then you will know when you grab a bag it's 120 cals. You can do it!!!! Hang in there ;)
  • This last week, I feel off the bandwagon, really didn't note what I was eating.. so I really didn't lose anything... this week will be better
  • Tough week - daughter visiting from college - wanted all of mommy cooking. Of course all the bad things.

    CW 175.1
  • CW: 294.4

    fannit!! What am I doing wrong??? I don't get it!!

    Okay... so back to my oatmeal and egg white breakfast and need to up the water drinking (kind of been slacking on that end)
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    The past two weeks have been harder for me food-wise and exercise-wise. I had family in town for a few days the previous week and that made it very difficult to get to the gym, plus we ate out most meals - double whammy. Still tried to keep everything in reason and had a modest loss of about .8 (I'll take it! It's just I have a long way to go!). Then this past week I was at a conference all day each week day, with limited time for exercise during the day - did some walking during the lunch break but it was VERY hot, 90s+, so couldn't get too vigorous. Also, ate out lunch those days at a delicious Greek restaurant - the food was wonderful and fresh but probably well over what I usually eat for lunch at home. At night it was very hard to get to the gym. Still had a modest loss again of about .8, so clearly was able to keep things moderate. I'm excited to be back working at home this week where it's much easier to control the calories and get to the gym - but next week = vacation, AAHH! It will be wonderful but a test of all I'm working so hard to do on MFP. Wish me luck!
  • roseagee
    roseagee Posts: 26
    SO if I am watching my soduim, what should I be staying under??????????
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    Still 183.4
  • CW 190 :(

    no loss this week...not happy about that and I drank enough water, no junk, exercised...
    DONT give up !!!! i know just how u feel ,i was motivated,never cheated,on a roll,ate healthy and drank 12 cups a water a day !!! i gained 3 pounds ughhh !!! this weigh in i lost the 3 pounds but was like wtf i thought i woulda loss more !!!!
    ur not alone !!!! just keep moving forward AND DONT LOOK BACK !!....good luck :)
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Grrrrr....... Came into work this morning to find out that I was signed up for an 8 hours training for TODAY!!! I'll get everything up as soon as I can.

    I think I may just change the posting to automatically be Monday nights so this way you're all not waiting araond all day on Mondays. Do you guys have any objections to this change?