Lean By Labor Day Challenge (*CLOSED GROUP*)



  • rpearce519
    Friday points:
    Food - 1
    Sleep - 1
    Water - 1
    Exercise - 2

    Saturday points:
    Food - 1
    Sleep- 1
    Water - 1
    Exercise - 5.5

    This weeks total: 33
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    Had a great trip! It's a long drive through the state of Ohio to get there, and I got very little sleep (I will be collapsing soon). Only scrapbooked 4 pages in all of the time we were there, but I haven't created anything since May so I was happy with that! lol

    Friday points:
    Sleep: 1
    Log: 1
    Water: 1
    Exercise: 1

    Saturday points:
    Sleep: 0
    Log: 1
    Water: 1
    Exercise: 3

    Total: 9 points

    Total points week 1: 34
    Total points week 2: 47
    Total points week 3: 43
    Total points week 4: 28
    Total points overall: 152
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Total points: 132.5

    Monday: 60 minute jog, 35 minutes weights, 50 squat kicks, 7.5 points
    Tuesday: 67 minute walk, 40 minutes weights, 20 calisthenics, 50 crunches, 9 points
    Wednesday: 60 minute jog (6 miles), 10 minutes calisthenics, 50 crunches, 6.5
    Thursday: 75 minute walk (6 miles), 20 minutes calisthenics, 45 minutes weights, 10 points
    Friday: 60 minute walk (6 miles), 10 minutes calisthenics, 30 weights, 8 points
    Saturday: 60 minute walk (6 miles), 13 minutes calisthenics, 19 minutes weights, 7.5 points
    Sunday: 63 minute walk (5 miles), 36 minutes calisthenics, 31 minutes weights, 9.5 points

    Weekly point total: 58
    Weight: 132.4
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hi All! Well, I attained about 75% of my goals for this week (Thurs-Sun 60 min. of exercise each day & at/under calorie goal each day).

    I'm feeling a bit sluggish at the moment b/c I had 4 hours of driving yesterday (visiting my sister who lives ~2 hours away).

    Then today, we had another 4 hours of driving to pick up our boys from my in-laws.

    I can't believe tomorrow is the start of week 5!!! Only 3 weeks until Labor Day!!!

    So, in honor of 3 more weeks THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE:

    1. List 3 Reasons Why you want to lose weight/get more active
    2. List 3 habits you are developing to achieve your weight loss/activity goals
    3. What are 3 things you would like to do once you hit your goal weight / fitness level?
    4. What mini-goal would you like to see for yourself at the end of 3 weeks??

  • future_marathoner
    future_marathoner Posts: 170 Member
    1. List 3 Reasons Why you want to lose weight/get more active
    1. I want children!!!!
    2. I want to feel good about myself!!!
    3. I want to shop somewhere other than Lane Bryant

    2. List 3 habits you are developing to achieve your weight loss/activity goals
    1. I have started exercising
    2. I have started logging everything that goes into my mouth, making me more mindful about my decisions
    3. I have set goals for myself

    3. What are 3 things you would like to do once you hit your goal weight / fitness level?
    1. I want to go skydiving!
    2. I want to go buy a whole new wardrobe
    3. I want to I want to wear a swimsuit and not feel self conscious

    4. What mini-goal would you like to see for yourself at the end of 3 weeks??
    1. I want to be able to walk 2.0 miles in 30 minutes
    2. I want to have hit my 40 pounds lost
    3. I want to be done drinking my diet sodas :o(((

    Points this week: 41 (highest so far!!!!)
  • RubyRed1999
    RubyRed1999 Posts: 233 Member
    Sundays points - 6
    My total for this week is 36. Not as much as last, but my goal this week is to get in more than 42 points. That was my highest points for a week during this challenge.
  • Kell888
    Kell888 Posts: 51
    Hey All, I am on my way out to work so I just wanted to post my weight and points. I'll answer the questions later! So my points this week were 27 it was low b/c I didn't exercise as much as I should have. But my weight us 225.7 so I am down again!!!!! Looking forward to these next weeks I'm only about five pounds from my September goal so if all goes well I can still reach it despite having a bad couple of weeks.
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    Weigh in this morning has me down to 166.4! Almost halfway through the 160s now! Woot!

    Not only did I succeed this weekend with my goals, but I even exceeded my exercise goal. I completed the 30 Day Shred while on vacation. I just wish I had tried harder to get more sleep, but 14 women who only see each other once per year aren't worried about sleep.

    Sunday points:
    Sleep: 0
    Exercise: 1
    Log: 1
    Water: 1
    Total: 3

    Total points week 1: 34
    Total points week 2: 47
    Total points week 3: 43
    Total points week 4: 31
    Total points week 5:
    Total points overall: 155

    1. List 3 Reasons Why you want to lose weight/get more active
    - I want to feel comfortable in my own skin
    - I am tired of feeling tired all of the time
    - I am tired of being the token fat friend

    2. List 3 habits you are developing to achieve your weight loss/activity goals
    - Eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday
    - Exercising 5 times per week for at least 30 minutes per session
    - Recording everything!!!

    3. What are 3 things you would like to do once you hit your goal weight / fitness level?
    - Wear a bikini at a public beach
    - Run a 5K in 30 minutes or less
    - Run a 1/2 marathon

    4. What mini-goal would you like to see for yourself at the end of 3 weeks??
    - Run my first 5K in years, and maybe be closer to my 160 pound mark, though I'm less concerned about what the scale says than how I look.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    sundays points:

    exercise 6
    sleep 1
    water 1
    log 1

    totalt 9

    weigh in: 179.5( lost .5 YAY!!!, but boy it sure is a LOT of work)...will post week totals in a bit...good luck all:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    1. List 3 Reasons Why you want to lose weight/get more active
    2. List 3 habits you are developing to achieve your weight loss/activity goals
    3. What are 3 things you would like to do once you hit your goal weight / fitness level?
    4. What mini-goal would you like to see for yourself at the end of 3 weeks??
  • rpearce519
    Sunday's points:

    Food - 1
    Sleep - 1
    Water - 1
    Exercise - 2

    Total this week - 38!

    Week 1 - 29
    Week 2 - 31
    Week 3 - 43
    Week 4 - 38

    Weighed in this morning at 126.5!!! :)

    as for the 2 goals, I more than passed the goal for food, tried about 6 new low fat recipes off Skinnytaste.com....as for shaving 5 minutes off my 3 mile run, didn't happen, still the same! oh well, it will come eventually!!! Have a great week!
  • rpearce519
    1. List 3 Reasons Why you want to lose weight/get more active
    1. to feel good about my appearance
    2. to be able to keep up with my kids
    3. to show them the right way to be living!

    2. List 3 habits you are developing to achieve your weight loss/activity goals
    1. eating breakfast everyday
    2. watching calorie and sodium intake, as well other things (fats, sugar, etc)
    3. exercise at least 20 minutes daily, makes a huge difference, both in weight loss/maintenance and mentally!

    3. What are 3 things you would like to do once you hit your goal weight / fitness level?
    1. buy a bikini
    2. wear the bikini in public
    3. keep going with my fitness/eating routine

    4. What mini-goal would you like to see for yourself at the end of 3 weeks??
    just that I did exercise at least 6 days a week for this entire time! I usually quit after 1, maybe 2 weeks everytime before!!
  • future_marathoner
    future_marathoner Posts: 170 Member
    My weight fluctuated this week ... I has lost a pound by wednesday, then i gained 2 pounds, now I've lost the 2.4 pounds... so my weight loss this week was 1.4 pounds. This week will me MUCH better ! no eating out and no drinking :o(
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    So I finished all 30 days of the 30 Day Shred yesterday and took my results this morning. I posted the before/after photos on my blog here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/melissa_w/view/results-are-in-137121

    Note: I am in my underpants so if you don't want to see skin, don't click! lol
  • jenrod1118
    jenrod1118 Posts: 150 Member
    Hi everyone! Well I started off strong in this challenge and then pretty much stopped last week. I'm hoping to get back on the ball this week. I still have managed to lose 10 pounds since the start of this challenge but i know i can do better since i haven't been exercising much.

    Wk 1 - 44pts
    wk 2 - 25 points
    wk 3 - ???

    1. List 3 Reasons Why you want to lose weight/get more active
    To have more energy!
    To feel comfortable with the way i look in the mirror
    To be able to have fun shopping for clothes again!
    2. List 3 habits you are developing to achieve your weight loss/activity goals
    Logging my food!
    I need to get better with logging/planning exercise
    I need to get better with planning meals
    3. What are 3 things you would like to do once you hit your goal weight / fitness level?
    Participate in a 5k
    Take professional pictures with my husband
    Go on a beach vacation :)
    4. What mini-goal would you like to see for yourself at the end of 3 weeks??
    To have an exercise routine. I really want to be able to get up and work out before work, especially since I'm going back to school. I still want to get some exercise in despite my busy schedule.
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Weighed in at 196.9 today which is a 2# loss. Love seeing that scale drop!!


    1. List 3 Reasons Why you want to lose weight/get more active
    1. More Confidence
    2. More wardrobe choices
    3. Be a good example for my kids (hence my screen name)

    2. List 3 habits you are developing to achieve your weight loss/activity goals
    1. Conscious & accountable eating - logging all food in online
    2. Working 30-60 minutes of exercise in at least 5 days/week
    3. Putting a priority on what I need to do (or say no to) to meet my food & exercise goals.

    3. What are 3 things you would like to do once you hit your goal weight / fitness level?
    1. Be able to jog a 5K without walking
    2. Buy some cute "vintage-style" clothing
    3. Have a family photo taken

    4. What mini-goal would you like to see for yourself at the end of 3 weeks??
    I have 2 mini-goals - I would like to start jogging intervals & I would like to be in the 180's and gearing up to bust into the
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    1. List 3 Reasons Why you want to lose weight/get more active
    2. List 3 habits you are developing to achieve your weight loss/activity goals
    3. What are 3 things you would like to do once you hit your goal weight / fitness level?
    4. What mini-goal would you like to see for yourself at the end of 3 weeks??

    week 1..46
    week 2..47
    week 3..43
    week 4..52.5

    totals so far:188.5:flowerforyou:
  • Kell888
    Kell888 Posts: 51
    1. List 3 Reasons Why you want to lose weight/get more active
    -To be able to do simple things like take the stairs
    -I want to start thinking about getting married and having kids
    -I just want to feel good about myself

    2. List 3 habits you are developing to achieve your weight loss/activity goals
    -Food tracking
    -Avoiding stress eating

    3. What are 3 things you would like to do once you hit your goal weight / fitness level?
    -Go into a normal store and buy clothes
    -Run a 5 k
    -Feel comfortable in my own skin

    4. What mini-goal would you like to see for yourself at the end of 3 weeks??
    -I would like to meet my goal of losing twenty pounds. I lost two before I started on here so I have only 4 more to go. I hope I can make it!
  • RubyRed1999
    RubyRed1999 Posts: 233 Member
    My weight didn't change this week. I'm still at 149.

    Challenge Questions:
    1. 3 reasons why I want to lose weight/get more active
    - I didn't like what I saw in the mirror.
    - I hated spending money on clothes that were getting bigger and bigger each season.
    - My family. I want to be there for what ever they may need, be for help or just to have fun.
    2. 3 habits I am developing to achieve this goal.
    - logging my food. I need to see the numbers to make sure I'm on track.
    - being active everyday
    - trying to limit the bad foods- I still eat not so good stuff just not as much as I use to.
    3. 3 things I would like to do once I hit my goal
    - I want to go have some more work done on my back tattoo.
    - I would like to be able to jog a 5k, even if it's just at my local park.
    - I would also like to keep this up. I don't want to get comfortable and gain the weight back.
    4. What is my mini-goal for the end of this challenge?
    - I would like to lose 5 more pounds. I have started back working on the C25K program. I am working on each week till I am comfortable with it not just 3 days like the program is laid out. So I would like to be moving in to week 4 by the end of this.
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    So I was researching some different training for running and came across an overtraining article. After reading the article, that seems to be what I have been suffering from, so I am definitely taking this week off through Friday. I hate not getting the points, but I have to do what's best for my body so I can run my 5K in September!

    Monday points:
    Exercise: 0
    Sleep: 0
    Log: 1
    Water: 1
    Total: 2

    Total points week 1: 34
    Total points week 2: 47
    Total points week 3: 43
    Total points week 4: 31
    Total points week 5: 2
    Total points overall: 157
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Monday: 90 minute jog (9 miles) and 16 minutes weights, 8 points
    I'll answer my questions when I can log in from a computer, not my phone