August 2018 Running Challenge



  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @garygse Skip was wearing the Zoom Fly, she has since switched to Hoka’s and something else I don’t remember with a lower drop than the Hoka’s. Those are pretty cool looking, enjoy.

    @eponine1984 hope the little one is feeling better

    @LaDispute57 great gps run ha ha I almost spit out my diet coke on the 10mm drop shoes, *kitten* I couldn’t walk in those let alone run the photo shop on the foot is killing me

    @mbaker566 I do the same movie than book, seems the books gives so much more that was never conveyed in the movie. I saw adrift a couple weeks back and brought the book after and read it, gave a completely different view of her life before and after the boat accident

    Welcome @eleanorhawkins your profile picture is oh so true

    @juliet3455 and @Scott6255 I know pretty cool bike right, the bike store told her to let them know when she wants a “real” bike, they train folks for Tri’s so they were all about her in there. I actually found one similar in the trash on a run one day. It needs more work, but I’m giving it to Skip’s high school coach so he can ride with the kids while they run. Right now he drives out in the neighborhood with them and it’s harder to talk to them and to pull up and drop back. We brought a long good lock for it so she can also lock the rack to the truck and the bike to the rack so no one borrows it if she leaves it on the truck overnight. I’ve also warned her to take the seat off when not riding since it was pricey, nice gel, we brought a cover for it too when it’s parked at school. The racks are under a porch but it will still be in the elements if the wind is blowing. So my free bike has costs me about $325 so far ha ha!!! But in the town she is going to school she can pretty much bike everywhere including back and forth to the track if she wants to, plus lots of trail riding.

    @Scott6255 thanks for the luck. Skip and I run trails, but this series has really pushed me with elevation that I’m not used to so I’m really enjoying it.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Monthly Question?

    macros. Do you target them? And where's your personal "sweet" spot?
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    8/1 = 15 miles
    8/2 = 10.5 miles
    8/3 = yoga flow class

    August goal miles = 175 / 25.5 miles-to-date

    Upcoming Races:
    10/27 = Hill Country Halloween Half Marathon
    11/11 = Hill Country Trivium Half Marathon (tentative depending on work schedule)
    1/26/19 = Miami Tropical 5K
    1/27/19 = Miami Marathon
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Monthly Question?

    macros. Do you target them? And where's your personal "sweet" spot?

    I used to when I was lifting, but really don't do (either one) much anymore. When I did though, I usually stuck to 40/35/25 for Carbs/Protein/Fat
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    edited August 2018
    So I have a fasting blood draw Monday. I am debating if I run or not. I can do a 40-minute foundation run fasted but I usually eat something after. I can't run any other time of day, too hot. Do I just take a ton of food with me and shovel it in after my blood draw? I risk getting shakey, headache, and crabby with or without the run.

    @RunsOnEspresso I had a fasting blood draw for a physical 2 weeks ago. I ran a quick 5k beforehand with only black coffee to fuel me. I lived, however, my husband (who went with me because he had a physical scheduled at the same time) immediately stopped at the closest Starbucks. It made us both late however... I think he was legitimately scared of my hangry-ness. ;)
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @dreamer12151 I think ive seen running sandels... Maybe i dreamt it, but im almost positive its a thing. But definitely not for trail runners 😉

    @Scott6255 thanks for the info. Anyone else? Anyone have any particular food goals?
  • LaDispute57
    LaDispute57 Posts: 371 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @dreamer12151 I think ive seen running sandels... Maybe i dreamt it, but im almost positive its a thing. But definitely not for trail runners 😉

    @Scott6255 thanks for the info. Anyone else? Anyone have any particular food goals?

    Running sandals are definitely a thing and they are in fact used for trail running... I have a friend who runs in nothing but sandals year round and has completed dozens of 50 and 100 mile trail races.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @dreamer12151 I think ive seen running sandels... Maybe i dreamt it, but im almost positive its a thing. But definitely not for trail runners 😉

    @Scott6255 thanks for the info. Anyone else? Anyone have any particular food goals?

    Running sandals are definitely a thing and they are in fact used for trail running... I have a friend who runs in nothing but sandals year round and has completed dozens of 50 and 100 mile trail races.

    i have a trail running pair i use when i'm at a rocky lake. there are toe guards.
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @dreamer12151 I think ive seen running sandels... Maybe i dreamt it, but im almost positive its a thing. But definitely not for trail runners 😉

    @Scott6255 thanks for the info. Anyone else? Anyone have any particular food goals?

    Running sandals are definitely a thing and they are in fact used for trail running... I have a friend who runs in nothing but sandals year round and has completed dozens of 50 and 100 mile trail races.

    Wow! Mind blown. I googled “running sandals” and it is indeed a thing. I love when I learn new things. :)

    They look so blister inducing.... I am kind-of cringing just thinking about it.
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    I never knew about running sandals until now either! For the ones that go between the toes, does it not rub? I would think it would create a blister or sore there.
  • LaDispute57
    LaDispute57 Posts: 371 Member
    I still do some barefoot running to re-adjust my stride and keep my feet healthy. I prefer doing it on trails rather than pavement. And this video is one of the best on barefoot running... one of my all-time favorite vids...
  • LaDispute57
    LaDispute57 Posts: 371 Member
    Here is a video by my friend who runs in sandals only... this video was shot right after he did 6 ultras in 11 weeks, which included 3 50ks, a 50 mile and two 100 mile races...
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member

    Welcome @eleanorhawkins your profile picture is oh so true

    Thanks! It keeps happening :-/ I'm signed up for my first half marathon in December, nowhere near prepared for that but I have a training plan mapped out. Sadly though I keep seeing 5ks and I don't really know how it happens but I end up signed up for them. I'm telling myself they're part of my training lol. Even this morning, I saw one next weekend in the hilly village we're spending the next 9 days in. Killer heatwave and I've never yet managed to run all the way up a hill, and now I appear to intend to run that. Don't even know how long it is, all I know is the final 300 metres are up an ugly hill. Guess where I'm running on Sunday...... Sadly, my shins heard about this and have started being sore again. Anyone know any good stretches and/or tips to prevent blasted shin splints? I had them when I first started running, I had them again a couple of weeks ago when I went crazy and did a longer long run than I was prepared for :-(
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    edited August 2018
    Dreaded mid-day run today because I stayed up late drinking last night and slept in late this AM. I generally prefer to run in the evening if I can’t run in the AM, but the weather report said it would be 25 degrees warmer then than it was around 11, so off I went. I’d planned an easy couple of miles with lifting after, but was feeling pretty good so went for some fartleks the second mile. Of course I did not at all feel up for lifting afterwards but I’m going to give it a go this evening.

    A question I meant to ask a while ago: does anyone ever get a sensation of pressure between their shoulders after a long or hard run? It’s happened to me a couple of times now and it’s a little unsettling, though not exactly painful. The first time it happened was immediately after a longer run maybe a month ago and it actually felt like something was pushing me from behind. It only lasted a minute that time but lingered this morning.

    ETA: Mid-day or not, the weather was amazing. My sympathies to those suffering through the heat and/or humidity - we've had a really nice break the last week or so and it's been great.

    8/1 We - 0:21:46 - 1.86
    8/2 Th - rest, prehab
    8/3 Fr - 0:20:08 - 1.96 fartleks

    Total: 3.82/50 miles

    July 4: Red, White and Boom! 5K Chip time: 0:32:20
    August 25: The Glo Run Night Race 5K
    September 8th, 9th, 15th, or 16th: MN Brewery Running Series 5K-ish fun run
    October 6: Twin Cities Marathon Weekend 5K
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    1. I'm buying trail running sandals. Brands?
    2. @eleanorhawkins Shin splints are often caused by too much too soon, pronation, not the right shoe, or cambored surfaces. If its medial shin splints, you can push into the sore spot where the angry attachment is, and flex your foot up and down to work that knot.

    Then i think you should cross train until you can run with tolerated pain and add calf strengthening exercise.