JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    @AJB1014 ...👋 Love, Hugs, and High Five

    Thank you mary! Love, hugs and high fives right back at ya!!! <3
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    @maryrobinson40 and @PackerFanInGB I hope you have better days then you did this weekend! Keep your chins up and those twinkles in your eyes!

    @HEGoddard0928 .. Thank you immensely!!! I'm not going to complain. As always, no matter what state my life is in I'M FILLED WITH GRATITUDE, THANKSGIVING, AND PRAISES...I'M not yelling... Many times I use capital letters as emphasis on the words I use, to express the passion and sincerity of what I'm saying to people.
    You along with the other ladies on this site have been so warm and inviting, funny and insightful, strong and supportive.😍😅
    I look forward to getting on here. It feels"HOMEY".
    I'm touched... Lol…..and not in the Looney way... Lol….

    Your attitude inspires me. I can get bogged down sometimes, but not today after you set me such a great example. <3

    Awww dear heart... You're a great woman. The things we have in common on this site is the armor we wear daily. We're equipped for the lives we're living. That bogged down feeling is another layer of strength being added on to what we already have.
    God has blessed us to come together here to be reinforced by ministering to one another. We have the language that's universal.... We speak and understand, "WOMAN". We know what it takes to be a woman, we've earned the title through life's battles. WE ARE FEARLESSLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE.
    LMBO...rrrrRRROAR🐯 or purrr🐈
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,254 Member


    Thank you so much Mary!! We are all so blessed having you on this thread ... such positive energy! <3 Hope you are having a good day also.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,921 Member
    Well, my day was less than stellar, foodwise, but I FEEL so much better. The margarita may have had something to do with it...

    I hope those of you going through difficult times know that sending you positive thoughts isn't limited to this thread. You are all courageous, whether it's a loss, or the fires, or just the day to day-ness of trying to improve your life. I think about this thread when I'm not in it and wish blessings for each of you.

    This thread really reinforces for me the power of a day. Will it be a day spent focused on my loved ones and many blessings? Or a day where I get tunnel vision and focus on the things I wish were different (not in a positive, changing them kind of way?) Will it be a day that moves me closer to my goals or further away? And will it be a day when I manage to give as well as receive?

    For a writer, I'm not managing to be very articulate here, but this thread just got me thinking this evening. I also finished reading a novel today that dealt with the complexities of the decisions that people face in their lives and the difficulties of conflicting duties and the problems in hasty judgments. It was a novel with no villain, just complicated, loving, well-meaning people with different goals and senses of right and wrong. It touched my heart.

    Anyway, Just For Tomorrow:

    1. Be kind. (I'm stealing this one.)
    2. Pre-log my day and stick with my plan.
    3. Drink 8 glasses of water before leaving for work at 3 pm.
    4. Buy a soda on my way to work as a treat to myself.
    5. Eat at least 5 kinds of fruits and vegetables (I've been slacking on this one lately.)
    6. Menu plan through Thursday and pre-log.

    Wow, I think you are being very articulate. As I read the paragraph on the thread I was thinking, "she writes so well, I wish I could get my thoughts out so well". Then I read the next paragraph, funny what different perspectives we all have.

    What was the novel? It sounds like one I would enjoy. I am all caught up to my favourite authors again :(

    Thank you. Truthfully, the best judge of whether I'm communicating my thoughts isn't me, it's the person reading it. Maybe it''s a reaction to the book I read...powerful books always humble me...a kind of, "oh, yeah, you think you can write? THIS is what a person who can write looks like..."

    It was "Little Fires Everywhere" by Celeste Ng. It has a shelf full of accolades, but I hadn't read it until now. Now I have to finish Crime and Punishment for my book club next Tuesday. I've been really procrastinating on it.

    Thanks for the recommendation, this time I wrote down who recommended it so I can thank them properly! I have never read any of the classics. I love biographies if I like the person, character studies and just plain old fiction that takes my mind off things.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,921 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    First weekend as homeowners! It finally stopped raining so we got outside and did yard work yesterday. I worked my little butt off and got my bird watching shed back from the rhododendrons that were trying to eat it. The realtor left the windows open for probably the whole month after the sellers left so now we get to do some mold remediation in there, and in the garage that she also left the windows open in, AND in the wood shop...DH is freaking. I'm trying to remain calm. It is what it is - at least we caught it early on. Picked up all our supplies, HEPA filters for the shop vac, tyvek suits, dessicants, antimicrobial/antifungal cleaners - gonna get scrubbing tonight and hopefully be prepped to paint it this weekend with the anti fungal/mold paint. The house itself is humid as heck because it's just been so wet and humid for almost a whole month so the dehumidifier is running overtime and I'm thinking about getting a second one because I do not want to deal with these issues inside the house. All my problems are blessings though. I have a bird watching house! A garage! A wood shop! Just have to put in a little elbow grease to make sure we get to enjoy them all for years to come.

    My eating is still pretty all over the place. Although I seem to be maintaining my weight and keeping my calories between my deficit and maintenance. Went grocery shopping for some simple meals for the week so I'm not relying on takeout - my final tally was only 3 takeout meals so far! Pizza, fried chicken and breakfast one morning. Need to get back in the swing of taking my fish oil - and drinking my protein shake for breakfast. Routines and schedules will take shape over the next few weeks I just need to remain patient and kind to myself in the meantime.

    Goals for today are simple still - I'm prone to becoming overwhelmed and shutting down lately.
    1. Be kind
    2. Lots of water
    3. Log all food
    4. Cook dinner at home

    Happy to see you check in! So sorry about the troubles the realtor caused. Is he/she coming good for any of it? That's awesome on the take outs - I didn't move this weekend and had more than you LOL
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Well I had a good day for a change - stayed on track and ticked everything off!

    BUT - Anxious tonight as my sister has to go to hospital for biopsy results after a mammogram showed some potential problems. Our mum has had breast cancer twice and our younger sister has had a preventative mastectomy so we are very conscious of the risks. Both my sister and I were also considering the surgery but now she has this scare. I’m just praying it’s only a scare and then we can focus on options to minimise our risk. I’m going with her tomorrow while my parents look after our children.

    It’s also my boyfriend’s birthday tomorrow. Before this all came up I was hoping to see him but everything is on hold until we know what’s what. Feel a bit all over the place but whatever it is we will deal with it as a family - I’m so lucky to have them.

    Recap Monday goals
    - morning workout ✅
    - April to August challenges (want to get this back on track this week) ✅
    - Park with the kids ✅
    - Online banking app!!!!! ✅
    - Early night ✅

    Tuesday goals
    - morning workout
    - Leave early to take kids to my parents
    - Hospital at 12
    - If all is ok, the girls may sleep over at my parents so I can see the bf. But that will depend entirely on how my sis is doing.

    Leaving it at that - too many unknowns to plan any further - wish us luck x
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,921 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Well I had a good day for a change - stayed on track and ticked everything off!

    BUT - Anxious tonight as my sister has to go to hospital for biopsy results after a mammogram showed some potential problems. Our mum has had breast cancer twice and our younger sister has had a preventative mastectomy so we are very conscious of the risks. Both my sister and I were also considering the surgery but now she has this scare. I’m just praying it’s only a scare and then we can focus on options to minimise our risk. I’m going with her tomorrow while my parents look after our children.

    It’s also my boyfriend’s birthday tomorrow. Before this all came up I was hoping to see him but everything is on hold until we know what’s what. Feel a bit all over the place but whatever it is we will deal with it as a family - I’m so lucky to have them.

    Recap Monday goals
    - morning workout ✅
    - April to August challenges (want to get this back on track this week) ✅
    - Park with the kids ✅
    - Online banking app!!!!! ✅
    - Early night ✅

    Tuesday goals
    - morning workout
    - Leave early to take kids to my parents
    - Hospital at 12
    - If all is ok, the girls may sleep over at my parents so I can see the bf. But that will depend entirely on how my sis is doing.

    Leaving it at that - too many unknowns to plan any further - wish us luck x

    That is scary, hopefully it is nothing serious. Cancer is such a terrible disease.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Well I had a good day for a change - stayed on track and ticked everything off!

    BUT - Anxious tonight as my sister has to go to hospital for biopsy results after a mammogram showed some potential problems. Our mum has had breast cancer twice and our younger sister has had a preventative mastectomy so we are very conscious of the risks. Both my sister and I were also considering the surgery but now she has this scare. I’m just praying it’s only a scare and then we can focus on options to minimise our risk. I’m going with her tomorrow while my parents look after our children.

    It’s also my boyfriend’s birthday tomorrow. Before this all came up I was hoping to see him but everything is on hold until we know what’s what. Feel a bit all over the place but whatever it is we will deal with it as a family - I’m so lucky to have them.

    Recap Monday goals
    - morning workout ✅
    - April to August challenges (want to get this back on track this week) ✅
    - Park with the kids ✅
    - Online banking app!!!!! ✅
    - Early night ✅

    Tuesday goals
    - morning workout
    - Leave early to take kids to my parents
    - Hospital at 12
    - If all is ok, the girls may sleep over at my parents so I can see the bf. But that will depend entirely on how my sis is doing.

    Leaving it at that - too many unknowns to plan any further - wish us luck x

    Hoping it all goes ok. Will be crossing my fingers for you x
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Well I had a good day for a change - stayed on track and ticked everything off!

    BUT - Anxious tonight as my sister has to go to hospital for biopsy results after a mammogram showed some potential problems. Our mum has had breast cancer twice and our younger sister has had a preventative mastectomy so we are very conscious of the risks. Both my sister and I were also considering the surgery but now she has this scare. I’m just praying it’s only a scare and then we can focus on options to minimise our risk. I’m going with her tomorrow while my parents look after our children.

    It’s also my boyfriend’s birthday tomorrow. Before this all came up I was hoping to see him but everything is on hold until we know what’s what. Feel a bit all over the place but whatever it is we will deal with it as a family - I’m so lucky to have them.

    Recap Monday goals
    - morning workout ✅
    - April to August challenges (want to get this back on track this week) ✅
    - Park with the kids ✅
    - Online banking app!!!!! ✅
    - Early night ✅

    Tuesday goals
    - morning workout
    - Leave early to take kids to my parents
    - Hospital at 12
    - If all is ok, the girls may sleep over at my parents so I can see the bf. But that will depend entirely on how my sis is doing.

    Leaving it at that - too many unknowns to plan any further - wish us luck x

    Praying for your sister...who is our sister now too.
    Hugs🙏🌹🌹 and a rose for you, and our sister... My sister that's 6 years older than myself has had cancer/single mastectomy... Cancer free for years. Only speaking on it to let you know I too understand...
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,254 Member
    Faebert wrote: »

    BUT - Anxious tonight as my sister has to go to hospital for biopsy results after a mammogram showed some potential problems. Our mum has had breast cancer twice and our younger sister has had a preventative mastectomy so we are very conscious of the risks. Both my sister and I were also considering the surgery but now she has this scare. I’m just praying it’s only a scare and then we can focus on options to minimise our risk. I’m going with her tomorrow while my parents look after our children.


    Saying a prayer that your sister's biopsy goes well. I also have a lot of cancer in my family ... lost 2 brothers to cancer, and mother, aunts, and grandmother to breast cancer. I remember when one of my mammograms was abnormal, and they had to do a biopsy ... it was the hardest time waiting for the biopsy. Mine turned out to be nothing ... prayer that for your sister it is also that way. My doctor also has suggested that I get surgery since I have so much cancer in my family. Hugs to you and prayers.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,254 Member
    JFT, Mon
    1. concentrate on april challenge -- water water water :)
    2. mindful eating :)
    3. skipped the gym this morning, so if not raining, go for a walk tonite :/ Pouring down rain all day!
    4. log all food ... stay under 1400 cal :)

    JFT, Tues
    1. no gym since we have people working on our driveway, but try and go in evening ... or a long walk
    2. log all food
    3. concentrate on water. 2 glasses with each meal, water each time I use the restroom
    4. keep calories under 1400
    5. august challenge . close kitchen

    August Challenge: Plan just ONE evening snack, then close the kitchen
    1: Evening snack was a hard boiled egg, kitchen closed at 9pm :)
    2: Planned on a HB egg, but had 1/4c. raisin bran and some milk. It is now 9:15 pm - so a little later, but only because I wanted to color my hair first! :)
    3: Was out late, and had a glass of wine at 10:00 -- hubby wanted popcorn, so I had a very small amount, but still ,that was at 10:30!!! >:):/ But ....... I still did not eat too much, just that the klondike bar was way more calories than I thought. Lesson ... look up calories FIRST!
    4 .. no evening snack, and did great all day :)
    5... Worrying about my daughter; emotional eating:) >:):/
    6 ... emotional eating >:):/:/
    7. ... emotional eating >:):/:/
    8. Just got home tonite ... so kitchen is closed :)
    9. got into chocolate covered almonds >:)
    10. Fiber one bar, and kitchen closed at 9 pm :)
    11. Had a fiber one bar, and REALLY want another one ... or popcorn ... or something! but, drinking my water, and no going into the kitchen :)
    12. I ate FOUR brownies ! . >:)
    13.. One fiber one brownie... kitchen closed :)
    14. One fiber one brownie .... kitchen closed :)
    15. ?? I was sure I posted this ... and can't find it. Senior moment .... I cant remember!
    16. ??I was sure I posted this ... and can't find it. Senior moment .... I cant remember!
    17. ? I was sure I posted this ... and can't find it. Senior moment .... I cant remember!
    18. ?? >:)
    19. popcorn, 9:30 :)
    20. NO snack :)
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,254 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    First weekend as homeowners!

    Congrats on the new home!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,254 Member

    I think stories like those are what makes me want to stop weekday drinking. I think my drinking is in control at the moment. But I know lots of people think that and then it gets out of control, and I don't want that to happen to me!

    My biggest hobby is reading, but that's actually quite difficult to do on my commute home when I'm already a bit wound up, as it's hard to focus attention on something when your mind is going all over the place.

    I'm starting to think that hobbies or activities which occupy your hands/ body are probably best, in that they give you something to do/focus on while your mind is active, without requiring you to concentrate THAT hard.

    I'm really not a crafty person, but I do like drawing. And also like:

    - Listening to music
    - Playing music
    - Writing
    - Cooking, when I have enough energy...

    Wondering if I can incorporate some of these into my commute/early evening in some way... Will give this some thought!

    Wine is my hubbys biggest downfall. We both eat so healthy all day... and then he probably has 3-4 glasses of wine every nite. He listens to music every nite, and somehow, a glass of wine goes perfect with sitting and listening to music. He knows he should not have this much, but he is having a hard time with finding a substuite. I tend to eat ... that is my drink of choice!
    Do you like to knit or do something that you can do even when you are tired? I sew on my machine, but I really want to learn to knit.. you know .. something to do when I am too tired to set at a machine.
    I would love to know how to write .... something like this would keep your mind and your hands busy!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,254 Member
    I think it was someone in this group that recommended the book Choosing Gratitude, your journey to Joy. I ordered it and it arrived last week. I didn't open it until the weekend.

    I was so pleasantly surprised to see Joni Earekson Tada wrote the forward in the book.

    When I was 13 they showed the movie of her life story at our church. There was an afternoon viewing and then an evening viewing. I begged my parents to take me back to the evening viewing after watching it in the afternoon. I was so enthralled with her ability to overcome. I also had her book and I read it over and over. I had never forgotten about her but did not think of her often as the years went by. I looked on FB and she is on there, so I started following her yesterday, what an inspiration she is!

    Thanks for recommending the book, I'm so sorry I can't remember exactly who did though :(

    I was thinking you were the one that recommended that book LOL!! But thanks for the reminder ... I keep meaning to order it, but just forgot the title.
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Thanks for the good wishes all. I’m up super early as I’m jittery but not feeling like working out yet - even though I know it will help me! She had the biopsy on 6th so today is just the results and next steps. Need to make sure I keep a clear head and take everything in and ask the right questions for her in case she’s overwhelmed.

    So I will finish this coffee and get on with it! I’ll check back in later today. You are all so lovely for caring x
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Thanks for the good wishes all. I’m up super early as I’m jittery but not feeling like working out yet - even though I know it will help me! She had the biopsy on 6th so today is just the results and next steps. Need to make sure I keep a clear head and take everything in and ask the right questions for her in case she’s overwhelmed.

    So I will finish this coffee and get on with it! I’ll check back in later today. You are all so lovely for caring x

    You're getting up as I'm going to bed! Oh, the intricacies of timezones. ;)

    Keeping warm thoughts for your sister and you.
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    1. Be kind. (I'm stealing this one.) I think I did okay on this today at work.
    2. Pre-log my day and stick with my plan. Fail. Pre-logged and packed my lunch, but left it out on the counter instead of taking it to work with me, so now I have to correct my journal.
    3. Drink 8 glasses of water before leaving for work at 3 pm. :)
    4. Buy a soda on my way to work as a treat to myself. :)
    5. Eat at least 5 kinds of fruits and vegetables (I've been slacking on this one lately.) :) lettuce, apple, tomato sauce, cauliflower, carrots
    6. Menu plan through Thursday and pre-log. Haven't done this yet and I need sleep. I'll do this tomorrow.