JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,741 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    Real quick for today and tomorrow recap
    1. Be present, be patient, be kind - just be you :)
    2. Eat at maintenance :)
    3. Lots of water >:) a good effort but not enough while traveling.

    These simple little reminders helped me so much of my trip. I actually can't wait to get back to my schedule tomorrow. It was so nice to get away from it all. It was also fun to enjoy things this weekend and not feel bad about it. I'm not on a diet this time around - it's a lifestyle change. So I'm not stressing about "cheating" or having a few not so perfect days. Life is for living and I did a lot of that this weekend! The food I ate fueled me to wake up and watch the sunrise on the beach. It fueled me to swim and play in the ocean for hours. It was food I shared with loved one's. It was food that made me smile. I might go home with a few extra pounds of weight, but I also go home with a few hundred memories, a heart full of love, and gratitude for the things my body allows me to do.

    JFT Sunday
    1. Finish water bottle
    2. Don't freak out about the scale tomorrow morning

    I love this, my daughter said that to me a couple of weeks ago when I went out to dinner and a movie. While trying to decide what to eat on the menu that would fit into my goals she said "Mom, you have to live your life too. You have been doing really well and I know you want to lose weight and get healthy, but if you aren't willing to live your life what are you doing it for?" A very smart young lady we raised.

    I look at all of the complaints and put downs of Millennial's and then look at my girls and their friends and sometimes I think they are so much better at living their lives and following their dreams than me and my friends were at their ages. I find they support each other more, they care about community and helping others more. I also know some that just need a good kick in the pants to get moving, but I don't think it is the majority like the media would lead us to believe.

  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY (Sunday)
    1. Drink all my water before having a Diet Coke :/
    2. Stay "in the green" with my calories :/
    3. Stay "in the green with my sodium :/
    4. Mow the lawn :)
    5. Groceries :)

    JFT (Monday)
    1. Drink all my water before having a Diet Coke
    2. Stay "in the green" with my calories
    3. Stay "in the green with my sodium
    4. Go to the gym
    5. Finish 4 orders from my shop
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,741 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Not really committed to this the last few days..
    Had one off day which turned into a few off days.

    Today I’m in a pretty bad mood, but that’s no excuse is it!

    So JFT Sunday:
    Be in the green :(
    Exercise :(
    8 glasses of water :(
    Try relax and stay calm. Meh ish

    Okay total fail of a day!
    I was really nailing it early last week!
    Need to try harder today
    I actually did well til after tea and just pigged out after
    Don’t know why, I ate lots of sugary stuff so that’s depression right? (Based on that chart)

    You had a bad day, but not a bad week! I don't know how much I would depend on that chart for accuracy, you mentioned that you struggled with Postpartum Depression before, do you feel like you are suffering from it now? It's a tough one to deal with. I suffered with it after my youngest. Unfortunately, I didn't realize it until much later, she was 5 when I looked back and saw it. I was coming out of it at that point, I wish someone would have noticed it and helped me.

    Looking back I realized I didn't (and still don't) remember a lot of her first years of life. Her birth, coming home from the hospital, the first time she rolled, her first smile. I remember some things that I have pictures for, but not nearly enough. It was a rough go, I couldn't find happiness in anything. I would think I wanted to go visit a friend but when I got there that didn't make me happy either. I would think that I needed more time with my husband, he was a truck driver, but I would go on the road with him and that wouldn't make me happy. Nothing made me happy. I in one month spent over 700 on a babysitter so she would feed the kids and put them to bed for me. I went and visited her mother. I wasn't working, this wasn't a necessity.

    If you think you are struggling from it, please get some help for yourself, talk to a doctor, talk to a friend if that's what it takes. PM me if you want, I am not a therapist but I'm not so old I don't remember what it was like being a young mom with little ones.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,741 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Yesterday was a busy day for me. It was my daughters 40th b-day, and she was going to run in a half marathan. The race started at 7am. So I picked her up, and had planned to just walk myself until she was finished, but I ended up signing myself up for the 5k. SO I got my first medal -- first race I ever entered. I usually don't like those races because of the crowds of people, but this was fun - and it does motivate you to go faster! (I came in 161 out of 185, so at least I was not last!). Then I walked for another 90 minutes while I waited for her. The rest of the day, I was SO tired. My legs hurt, my stomach hurt. I think it was partially because of the heat, and I was literally on my feet from 7am until 10 when she was finished.

    But we went out to eat for her b-day, and I had a small piece of cake, and sent the rest home with her.

    THis is a new week. I had a binge nite on saturday.... kinda woke me up that I have to be more proactive to change this. Meaning .... do not have stuff in the house that can even trigger me as far as food.

    I am also going to keep a written journal -- writing down where I eat, and my emotions as I am eating. I think in addition to that, and keeping up with MFP, I can try and break this habit. This will also make me become more aware of my eating patterns, and how to change them. I do great all day long .... it is the evenings that I need to make major changes.

    And the June challenge! I am also going to record everyday what I did positive (or negative, but hoping for more positives!)

    SO here goes for today,Monday, June 11
    1. log all food
    2. april challenge = 8+ cups of water
    3. may challenge = get outside for short 15 min walk. I skipped the gym this morning, so depending on how hot it is, I may walk more.
    4. june challenge = concentrate on mindful eating, and record it on here
    5. write in my journal what I eat, WHERE I eat it, and what my emotions were like while eating
    6. work on pc boards - help hubby
    7. finish up last border on quilt, then pin and get ready to quilt it.
    8. start more chemo hats!!
    9. get back on here - be accountable

    What a great accomplishment!!!! I am doing my first 5K in August with my daughter. Evening snacking is my downfall too. I have learned to account for my one snack and I do it pretty well. Sometimes that's not enough though and I want more. That's where I have an actual argument with myself. Sometimes I lose. I too, don't keep any of my big temptation food in the house. My biggest is potato chips and coke. I just can't keep them in the house. Sometimes we have chips with a sandwich or something for supper, cost wise I always bought a big bag. This of course, leads to leftovers, on Saturday I bought two small bags instead so that there weren't the leftovers, this was a win for me. I refuse to give them up forever and always, I have just had to figure out I can't have a big bag in the house. Being accountable is a big help for me and it's this group that holds me accountable more than anything.
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT Sunday Recap
    1. Finish water bottle :)
    2. Don't freak out about the scale tomorrow morning :) I maintained onederland while on vacation - I'm so happy!

    JFT Monday
    1. Make a plan for the week
    2. Make a grocery list
    3. Log all food
    4. Meds AM and PM
    5. Eat at or below maintenance today while getting back into the swing of things
    6. Dog walk around the block
    7. Small grocery store trip
    8. Get thank you card/Fathers day card
    9. Pick out Father/Daughter picture from stash to mail with card
    10. Be kind
    Just for Saturday:
    1. Make healthy food choices :)
    2. Drink 64 oz water :/
    3. Declutter as much as I can while sitting :)Decluttered the cedar chest in our BR which opened up room to declutter half of our closet. Found I have 4 different Laptop bags which were given to us from attending different events at Epic in Verona, WI. I only need one, so cleaned them out and will give them to the kids if they need one or put in donate box. These were all things I could do seated on edge of bed.
    4. Rest, ice and heat. Don't overdo it. :)Was not how I wanted to spend day, but did it anyway.
    5. Early bedtime. :/Started watching a Netflex show and didn't realize how late it got!
    7. Read something fictional just for pleasure. :)

    One thing I have completely done differently this time around is getting involved in the social aspect of MFP. I have this group and 2 others I have been following closely. I have been doing two challenges and have written a few blogs. I have found the friendship and the knowledge that we all struggle with the same issues has been a tremendous awakening to me. On the days that I don't exercise or that I overeat, I know it is only one day and not an excuse to stop altogether, which is what I have done in the past. It's because of this group and the JFT that I have been able to accept that it is ok to have a bad day, the next one can be good again.

    I totally agree that being invovled with this group has changed my mindset a whole lot - we are not alone!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,741 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    JFT Sunday Recap
    1. Finish water bottle :)
    2. Don't freak out about the scale tomorrow morning :)I maintained onederland while on vacation - I'm so happy!

    JFT Monday
    1. Make a plan for the week
    2. Make a grocery list
    3. Log all food
    4. Meds AM and PM
    5. Eat at or below maintenance today while getting back into the swing of things
    6. Dog walk around the block
    7. Small grocery store trip
    8. Get thank you card/Fathers day card
    9. Pick out Father/Daughter picture from stash to mail with card
    10. Be kind
    Just for Saturday:
    1. Make healthy food choices :)
    2. Drink 64 oz water :/
    3. Declutter as much as I can while sitting :)Decluttered the cedar chest in our BR which opened up room to declutter half of our closet. Found I have 4 different Laptop bags which were given to us from attending different events at Epic in Verona, WI. I only need one, so cleaned them out and will give them to the kids if they need one or put in donate box. These were all things I could do seated on edge of bed.
    4. Rest, ice and heat. Don't overdo it. :)Was not how I wanted to spend day, but did it anyway.
    5. Early bedtime. :/Started watching a Netflex show and didn't realize how late it got!
    7. Read something fictional just for pleasure. :)

    One thing I have completely done differently this time around is getting involved in the social aspect of MFP. I have this group and 2 others I have been following closely. I have been doing two challenges and have written a few blogs. I have found the friendship and the knowledge that we all struggle with the same issues has been a tremendous awakening to me. On the days that I don't exercise or that I overeat, I know it is only one day and not an excuse to stop altogether, which is what I have done in the past. It's because of this group and the JFT that I have been able to accept that it is ok to have a bad day, the next one can be good again.

    I totally agree that being invovled with this group has changed my mindset a whole lot - we are not alone!

    That is totally awesome! You should be so proud of yourself.
    I made my FIL's Father's day card this weekend, I have to just finish it and get it in the mail tomorrow. I struggle doing one for him when I don't have my own Father to do one for.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,073 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Not really committed to this the last few days..
    Had one off day which turned into a few off days.

    Today I’m in a pretty bad mood, but that’s no excuse is it!

    So JFT Sunday:
    Be in the green :(
    Exercise :(
    8 glasses of water :(
    Try relax and stay calm. Meh ish

    Okay total fail of a day!
    I was really nailing it early last week!
    Need to try harder today
    I actually did well til after tea and just pigged out after
    Don’t know why, I ate lots of sugary stuff so that’s depression right? (Based on that chart)

    You had a bad day, but not a bad week! I don't know how much I would depend on that chart for accuracy, you mentioned that you struggled with Postpartum Depression before, do you feel like you are suffering from it now? It's a tough one to deal with. I suffered with it after my youngest. Unfortunately, I didn't realize it until much later, she was 5 when I looked back and saw it. I was coming out of it at that point, I wish someone would have noticed it and helped me.

    Looking back I realized I didn't (and still don't) remember a lot of her first years of life. Her birth, coming home from the hospital, the first time she rolled, her first smile. I remember some things that I have pictures for, but not nearly enough. It was a rough go, I couldn't find happiness in anything. I would think I wanted to go visit a friend but when I got there that didn't make me happy either. I would think that I needed more time with my husband, he was a truck driver, but I would go on the road with him and that wouldn't make me happy. Nothing made me happy. I in one month spent over 700 on a babysitter so she would feed the kids and put them to bed for me. I went and visited her mother. I wasn't working, this wasn't a necessity.

    If you think you are struggling from it, please get some help for yourself, talk to a doctor, talk to a friend if that's what it takes. PM me if you want, I am not a therapist but I'm not so old I don't remember what it was like being a young mom with little ones.

    Definitely not struggling with it now, had it with my first and it’s exactly how you described, don’t remember much.
    I was very self destructive though!

    I’m definitely alright this time round, I think 4 years of consecutive pregnancies has put my hormones out of whack and I just need a conistebt period of time where I’m not effected by hormonal stuff lol!!

    I take anti depressants still daily and I don’t feel quite ready to come off them but I’m sure
    Maybe the the end of this year or start of next I’ll be able to come off them!

    Thank you though, nice to know someone’s looking out for me!!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    Real quick for today and tomorrow recap
    1. Be present, be patient, be kind - just be you :)
    2. Eat at maintenance :)
    3. Lots of water >:) a good effort but not enough while traveling.

    These simple little reminders helped me so much of my trip. I actually can't wait to get back to my schedule tomorrow. It was so nice to get away from it all. It was also fun to enjoy things this weekend and not feel bad about it. I'm not on a diet this time around - it's a lifestyle change. So I'm not stressing about "cheating" or having a few not so perfect days. Life is for living and I did a lot of that this weekend! The food I ate fueled me to wake up and watch the sunrise on the beach. It fueled me to swim and play in the ocean for hours. It was food I shared with loved one's. It was food that made me smile. I might go home with a few extra pounds of weight, but I also go home with a few hundred memories, a heart full of love, and gratitude for the things my body allows me to do.

    JFT Sunday
    1. Finish water bottle
    2. Don't freak out about the scale tomorrow morning

    I love this, my daughter said that to me a couple of weeks ago when I went out to dinner and a movie. While trying to decide what to eat on the menu that would fit into my goals she said "Mom, you have to live your life too. You have been doing really well and I know you want to lose weight and get healthy, but if you aren't willing to live your life what are you doing it for?" A very smart young lady we raised.

    I look at all of the complaints and put downs of Millennial's and then look at my girls and their friends and sometimes I think they are so much better at living their lives and following their dreams than me and my friends were at their ages. I find they support each other more, they care about community and helping others more. I also know some that just need a good kick in the pants to get moving, but I don't think it is the majority like the media would lead us to believe.

    My mom and I have such different perspectives on things. But that is what helps us learn from each other! Your daughter does indeed sound like a wise young lady. And here is to living our best lives!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,741 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Not really committed to this the last few days..
    Had one off day which turned into a few off days.

    Today I’m in a pretty bad mood, but that’s no excuse is it!

    So JFT Sunday:
    Be in the green :(
    Exercise :(
    8 glasses of water :(
    Try relax and stay calm. Meh ish

    Okay total fail of a day!
    I was really nailing it early last week!
    Need to try harder today
    I actually did well til after tea and just pigged out after
    Don’t know why, I ate lots of sugary stuff so that’s depression right? (Based on that chart)

    You had a bad day, but not a bad week! I don't know how much I would depend on that chart for accuracy, you mentioned that you struggled with Postpartum Depression before, do you feel like you are suffering from it now? It's a tough one to deal with. I suffered with it after my youngest. Unfortunately, I didn't realize it until much later, she was 5 when I looked back and saw it. I was coming out of it at that point, I wish someone would have noticed it and helped me.

    Looking back I realized I didn't (and still don't) remember a lot of her first years of life. Her birth, coming home from the hospital, the first time she rolled, her first smile. I remember some things that I have pictures for, but not nearly enough. It was a rough go, I couldn't find happiness in anything. I would think I wanted to go visit a friend but when I got there that didn't make me happy either. I would think that I needed more time with my husband, he was a truck driver, but I would go on the road with him and that wouldn't make me happy. Nothing made me happy. I in one month spent over 700 on a babysitter so she would feed the kids and put them to bed for me. I went and visited her mother. I wasn't working, this wasn't a necessity.

    If you think you are struggling from it, please get some help for yourself, talk to a doctor, talk to a friend if that's what it takes. PM me if you want, I am not a therapist but I'm not so old I don't remember what it was like being a young mom with little ones.

    Definitely not struggling with it now, had it with my first and it’s exactly how you described, don’t remember much.
    I was very self destructive though!

    I’m definitely alright this time round, I think 4 years of consecutive pregnancies has put my hormones out of whack and I just need a conistebt period of time where I’m not effected by hormonal stuff lol!!

    I take anti depressants still daily and I don’t feel quite ready to come off them but I’m sure
    Maybe the the end of this year or start of next I’ll be able to come off them!

    Thank you though, nice to know someone’s looking out for me!!

    I'm so happy to hear you aren't struggling with it now :) Friends look out for one another, that's the rule :)
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,741 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    Real quick for today and tomorrow recap
    1. Be present, be patient, be kind - just be you :)
    2. Eat at maintenance :)
    3. Lots of water >:) a good effort but not enough while traveling.

    These simple little reminders helped me so much of my trip. I actually can't wait to get back to my schedule tomorrow. It was so nice to get away from it all. It was also fun to enjoy things this weekend and not feel bad about it. I'm not on a diet this time around - it's a lifestyle change. So I'm not stressing about "cheating" or having a few not so perfect days. Life is for living and I did a lot of that this weekend! The food I ate fueled me to wake up and watch the sunrise on the beach. It fueled me to swim and play in the ocean for hours. It was food I shared with loved one's. It was food that made me smile. I might go home with a few extra pounds of weight, but I also go home with a few hundred memories, a heart full of love, and gratitude for the things my body allows me to do.

    JFT Sunday
    1. Finish water bottle
    2. Don't freak out about the scale tomorrow morning

    I love this, my daughter said that to me a couple of weeks ago when I went out to dinner and a movie. While trying to decide what to eat on the menu that would fit into my goals she said "Mom, you have to live your life too. You have been doing really well and I know you want to lose weight and get healthy, but if you aren't willing to live your life what are you doing it for?" A very smart young lady we raised.

    I look at all of the complaints and put downs of Millennial's and then look at my girls and their friends and sometimes I think they are so much better at living their lives and following their dreams than me and my friends were at their ages. I find they support each other more, they care about community and helping others more. I also know some that just need a good kick in the pants to get moving, but I don't think it is the majority like the media would lead us to believe.

    My mom and I have such different perspectives on things. But that is what helps us learn from each other! Your daughter does indeed sound like a wise young lady. And here is to living our best lives!

    My Mom has Alzheimer's now and is in a nursing home. We never had the type of Mother/Daughter relationship I always wanted. My Mom was an only child and went from my grandparents to my Dad, she was very "childlike" her whole life because she was so overprotected. I couldn't talk to my Mother about anything ever. I only wanted girls so I could have the relationship with them that I craved my whole life. I thank God everyday that my girls and I are close. I'm sure there are things in their lives that they share with their friends and not me, but they know 100% they can come to me for anything without judgement and I'll be there. I'll support and help them whenever I can.
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member

    Good day everyone.

    I've been off too long. Over 1000 posts. Looked over the last couple pages. So much supportive talk. It's lovely.

    I have no particular news. Still in the position where I've gained about 10 pounds from my low point. Got.To.Get.Back.On.Track!

    What is this month's challenge?
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    You have been missed!!! I hope instead of saying "you've got to get back on track" that you actually ARE on track and moving forward! Get back on here and stay!!!

    Here's the challenge, directly from Joan: If you’re feeling the slightest bit emotional and want to eat—or it’s not even time to eat—force yourself to either do something else or to eat something healthy and wholesome. And report it on here. Not only will it help us, but it also will give others ideas to stop that urge.

    This challenge has made me very mindful of what exactly I'm eating, why, and when (I've also purposed to close the kitchen at 830pm each night). It's been great for me. Several of us are also continuing with our April (water) and May (be outside) challenges as well.

    Peace and joy! and Welcome Back.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,206 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »
    Good day everyone.

    I've been off too long. Over 1000 posts. Looked over the last couple pages. So much supportive talk. It's lovely.

    I have no particular news. Still in the position where I've gained about 10 pounds from my low point. Got.To.Get.Back.On.Track!

    What is this month's challenge?

    Welcome back!! We missed you!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,206 Member
    6 glasses of water down for me already .... and its only 1:45!!! :)
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,741 Member
    Being alone in the office is very boring and I am struggling so hard not to eat anymore here today. I'm drinking water, I'm reading blogs, I'm chatting with my friend on FB, I have no work to do. I will check in later, but I'm hoping I can resist for 2 more hours.
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Ugh sounds boring and frustrating @Snowflake1968 ! Do you have any way of downloading a good novel to your computer or phone?

    An all good Monday for me (I’m nearly always on track at the start of a fresh week, usually doing penance for my weekend lol!)

    I am going to track the progress in June’s challenge from today onwards as I haven’t kept the record from earlier this month. Carrying on with April and May too as they are so helpful.

    Monday goals
    - morning workout ✅
    - April challenge ✅
    - May challenge ✅
    - June challenge :) a frustration trigger this evening successfully overcome!
    - Network meeting at 4 ✅
    - Leave on time ✅
    - Amazon order ✅
    - Steps to 12k ✅
    - Early night ✅

    Goals for Tuesday
    - morning workout
    - Buy coffee on way to work
    - April challenge
    - May challenge
    - June challenge
    - Pick up car at lunchtime
    - Hot yoga after work
    - Epsom salt bath and early night

    Have a great evening all!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,741 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Being alone in the office is very boring and I am struggling so hard not to eat anymore here today. I'm drinking water, I'm reading blogs, I'm chatting with my friend on FB, I have no work to do. I will check in later, but I'm hoping I can resist for 2 more hours.

    You don’t need to *hope* you can resist! You’re in control, it’s not like anything is going to physically make you eat more and you’re hoping that does t happen!
    You’ve got this! 2 measly hours to go, so don’t give in!

    How true that is! It is all up to me. So far so good. Only one hour to go now.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,741 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Ugh sounds boring and frustrating @Snowflake1968 ! Do you have any way of downloading a good novel to your computer or phone?

    An all good Monday for me (I’m nearly always on track at the start of a fresh week, usually doing penance for my weekend lol!)

    I am going to track the progress in June’s challenge from today onwards as I haven’t kept the record from earlier this month. Carrying on with April and May too as they are so helpful.

    Monday goals
    - morning workout ✅
    - April challenge ✅
    - May challenge ✅
    - June challenge :) a frustration trigger this evening successfully overcome!
    - Network meeting at 4 ✅
    - Leave on time ✅
    - Amazon order ✅
    - Steps to 12k ✅
    - Early night ✅

    Goals for Tuesday
    - morning workout
    - Buy coffee on way to work
    - April challenge
    - May challenge
    - June challenge
    - Pick up car at lunchtime
    - Hot yoga after work
    - Epsom salt bath and early night

    Have a great evening all!

    Well I danced and did some exercises so far. Then I got a call from head office and that took some time. I think I need to bring some crafty stuff to the office with me.