Fit For Future Families - August 2011



  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    I like the "bouncing" quote - I'm going to work on bouncing myself (mentally) - bounce, bounce!
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    Ah Karen, I'm so sorry. Glad you found a little release in the smashing. :)
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Sorry Karen, I think the hammer was a great idea.

    Welcome new ladies!

    I know Fall is around the corner. I found out I was pergnant with my daughter Oct 2008. Its funny how my mind keeps taking me to those days when I was pregnat then and how I felt and keeps playing tricks with me, as I await to take a test to see if we did it, that is create the miracle of life this month. I keep felling wierd, not concrete symptoms, just different. So we will see. Ive been having some gall bladder issues and will be getting some tests back tomorrow to see whats going on. Hopefully everythings fine. My period is supposed to arrive Aug 25th. Seems like a ways away to me.
  • marissa0717
    marissa0717 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello! I am a newbie to the group. My husband and I have been thinking about expanding our family for awhile and decided that August is the month to start! That is so crazy to say outloud (or type rather...)! Just finished mylast BC on Saturday so we will see what happens from here :)
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Welcome ladies!
    Karen- I love that you busted out the hammer and the bounce qoute is awesome. As far as the cousin, talking to her might help if you're up for it. I have started to drive separately to my inlaws so I can leave if my sister in law gets stupid (you may remember this is the one that announced on mothers day she was planning to adopt to have a football player). Not sure if that is an option but it has helped me feel like I'm not trapped and can leave if I need to.
    AFM- feeling like crap all day-cramps all morning and now a headache. I'm glad it's summer so I don't have work. I will need to go to the grocery store in a little while to buy things to make chilli tonight and pick up the exchange student from school.
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Hey All,

    Alisa- That's so awesome, my hubby and I had a talk about being best friends last night and then I came in and read your post today. Made me smile. I'm excited for you that the wait is almost over.

    Karen- Sorry about your BFN :( *hugs* Although I do love the hammer vs extra progesterone..maybe I should do that with my extra prednisone and it would release stress and make me feel much better.

    Taldie- Keeping my fingers crossed for my fellow Albertan :)

    Welcome newbies and returners:) Baby dust to you all and good luck to the 2 ww'ers.

    AFM- I was finally feeling better the last few days until today when the nausea returned. Today was supposed to be the last day for any withdrawl symptoms and I'm hoping it was the last on today.
    On the TTC front, this was the first month I've ever tried to track ovulation. I have been left sad and more stressed then I ever felt about TTC before. I haven't got a BFP on any ovulation strip yet :( To top it off my DH expressed his stress to me about his fear of being unable to TTC which sent me into a whirlwind of more stress and worry about it as well. I know this is very early in our TTC process but wow I'm already feeling obsessively stressed, not good... sigh not sure how to calm and relax a bit about this. I'm trying to tell my mental self that maybe my body hasn't deemed me to be healthy enough to ovulate yet. I have also been having weird lower abdominal pains which I haven't experienced before *sigh* oh the rollercoaster ride continued ;)..I guess time will tell.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Amanda - hang in there! It can feel very taxing! Undone know how to tell you to relax but I tell my RL friends who ate TTC to chart so you can keep track but "have fun with it"! I even suggested a "change of scenery" for BDing to keep things interesting :-)

    Marissa. - welcome! There is a survey intro thing a few pages back! Fill it out introduce yourself! We'd love to get to know you!

    Karen - in LOVE w the smashing of the Extra suppository! GREAT way to send a big "screw you" to those yucky meds!

    AFM: Wow! WHAT a day!! Today was my first day of classes! Everything went really well! I had my 2 morning classes that I am a supplemental instructor for. They were fun! It's going to be fun to get to teach these classes! I saw a lot of familiar faces from classes last semester so thats nice. Who knows! Maybe I'll get my masters and become a college professor! Eh, maybe I should get my bachelors first haha Then I had my two afternoon classes. I talked to both of those professors and told them the dates that I'd be out of town (i was afraid it would be an issue) both teachers were very understanding and very excited for me! One class (public speaking for business) said I wouldn't miss anything I didn't already know a TON about. BC it's a basic communication class with an emphasis on power point (which we won't get into until later in the semester) I will just miss the "basics of giving a speech" which clearly I already know. Then in my physical anthropology class (which is the class I need to transfer) has a test the week I'm gone but she said i could take the test a week before I leave so I don't have to worry about studying while I'm gone!
     After class I went to work for a few hours. Ugh...even two hours at that place dragged on!! I'll be so happy when I can find something else!
      Then after work my neighbor and I took the kids for sushi. GOOD NEWS! there is a new sushi place in town! It was GOOD and decently priced...I'm going to miss sushi when I'm preggo...
      Tomorrow I have work and then my son Peyton (I have a boy Peyton too Simone!) has his first soccer practice! They're practicing at a park 1/4-1/2 mile from my house so we can walk! I was so happy when I found out I wasn't going to have to drive across town to get him to practice!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey all! So I feel like a horrible board member. I’m sorry I haven’t been as active as I should be. Time to catch up (at 1:43 am).

    GBOH – how are you? We haven’t heard from you in a few days and I hope everything is okay!

    Mom2pne – welcome! Your goals are very impressive! So is having 5 boys! How do you keep up?

    Imr9 – congrats on the 1.5 loss! How is the 2ww going?

    Katy – so glad to have you back! I’m glad your surgery went well – did you know it was coming or was it urgent? Did they end up finding any endo? Fingers crossed that this does the trick for you!

    KHaverstick – how are you finding Fertility Friend so far? Sorry about the gain this week, but your goals rock!

    Cupcake – glad to hear you like FF – so….. what happened with being late?? Also – I agree with you about 25… but now that I’m 30 – meh – it’s not SO bad…

    Alisa – hubby in port is exciting!! I know how incredible it is to have a friend in your husband. We’re lucky ladies! I always see clear temp shifts when I take Clomid. How are you feeling with it so far?

    Emily – lucky you for hubby be interested! Mine pretty much leaves things to me but is aware of all the basics. Now that we are moving on to ART though I ordered him a book called What He Can Expect When She’s Not Expecting.

    Dcg8r – I’m a big believer in not living like you’re pregnant or planning your life around a potential pregnancy until it happens. I say go for the job! And celebrate that you found a job that you want!

    SDavis – congrats on the loss this week! And a bigger congrats on the cholesterol!! That’s awesome!

    Pantera – I don’t think finances are ever going to be 100% perfect for anyone to start a family, but at the same time you have to do what is right for you. We want a family as soon as possible and will arrange our lives accordingly, but that is what is right for our values and goals. But be sure that you can bounce things off us any time.

    MadBabysMama – this is the BBT I use:

    Megga – I don’t worry about time variations when I’m taking my temp – as long as it’s within 2 hours. But I’ve gotten so used to it that I even set an alarm for the weekends, take my temp and go back to sleep and barely even notice anymore!

    Taldie – how are you feeling in your 2ww? Fingers crossed for you!

    Luki – I had to go look up the nose flute! Too funny!

    Klmh614 – welcome! Hopefully you can find what you’re looking for here. Question – with the meds you are on I am wondering if you have PCOS? Or are you diabetic?

    E_amanda – welcome! Another Canadian for the board!!

    Karen – I just want to saw again how sorry I am about the BFN. Are you feeling any better? My heart is with you right now. ((hugs))

    Datxdiva – Welcome!

    Beth – Hi!!!!

    Welcome Marissa!

    Batgirlbox – I’m sorry if I missed it – what are you withdrawing from? When do you test with your OPKs and what brand do you use? I find I need to use the ones with lines instead of smiley faces and test 3 ish times per day for a few days. Also, I wish I could say TTC stress gets better, but I don’t think it really does. Ideally it would shift to pregnancy stress and then parenting stress… hopefully it will soon!

    For all the new peeps who haven’t introduced yourself, if you look back a page or two you’ll see a intro list. I hope you’re all here to stay!
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    Jalara- you are not a bad board member, I have no idea how you manage to keep up with everyone and respond to everything they say. I wish I could be that on top of things!

    Pantera: you'll be just fine, I know that if I waited for my finanaces to be strait I wouldn't be having kids for a long time b/c as soon as I get out of debt we are relocating and will be starting over completely. Children are resiliant love is WAY more important than money

    DCg8r: congrats on the job! They will deal with it when you are pregnant!

    Marissa welcome! good luck on this journy! It's so great to have other people who are supportive!

    AFM: I wrecked my no fast food goal about 2 hours after making it (my boss got us all pizza) however I did get my prenatals so that is a win. :) I work from 7am-3pm and hubby works 3pm to 11pm which is making things difficult. I am pretty sure i'm in my 2ww, but since I'm not certain I feel like we should at least try again today and maybe friday (although I'm 99% sure that friday is past any chance of fertility) The thing that's tough about it, is if I wait up for him then I only get like 5 hours of sleep assuming that I can go straight to sleep after all is said and done. As for the workouts, I did have signs of ovulation this month so I'm thinking last month was just a fluke. I hope so because working out really helps me with stress and I don't want to work out less than I already do. Today I am back on the no fast food wagon, hopefully I wont let it sneek in like the pizza! I think that's about it, good luck and HAVE FUN to you all!
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member

    Pantera – I don’t think finances are ever going to be 100% perfect for anyone to start a family, but at the same time you have to do what is right for you. We want a family as soon as possible and will arrange our lives accordingly, but that is what is right for our values and goals. But be sure that you can bounce things off us any time.

    Its so true that finances will never be 100%. We decided to keep trying....I'm just worried now about the other factors of both of us being laid off....and if we do get laid off we would have to most likely sell our house and he would be working with his uncle in remote places of the world for months at a time.....or we move to Australia. Either way if we get laid off...the likely hood of me having a baby on my own is pretty high! Which scares the crap out of me.....BUT....I'll do what I have to do....hopefully things get better.

    The problem with me is that I always have to think ahead 5 steps, Good and bad quality to have!!
  • klmh614
    klmh614 Posts: 13 Member
    Jalara - I do not have PCOS and I am not a Diabetic. My doctor thought I could have been insulin resistant but my sugar levels came back normal. She added the metformin (for insulin resistance) only because the femera alone was not working. She said that studies had shown that this medecine can increase fertility even in women without insulin resistance.

    I thought for a long time that I had PCOS because I seemed to have all the symptoms but when I finally went to the doctor all tests came back normal. So for the most part I have been given no explanation for the non ovulation.

    The meds seem to be working. I have had normal cycles for the last 6 months and I have ovulated for the last 2 months. I guess that is a good sign!!!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Imr9 – congrats on the 1.5 loss! How is the 2ww going?

    Jalara - thanks! What is 2ww?
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Imr9 – congrats on the 1.5 loss! How is the 2ww going?

    Jalara - thanks! What is 2ww?
    2 week wait - the time between ovulation/possible conception and the start of your period, or when you can reasonably test for pregnancy. In other words, a very slow, seemingly endless time that tries your patience!
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Sorry I have been absent for a while. My brother and his family are visiting from out of state for the next couple weeks so that is where any and all of my time is going. So of course my diet is a little off track and I'm not exercising as regularly as I'd like. BUT my little twin nephews are here who are 6 weeks younger than my daughter so they're having a lot of fun. I think I'm in my 2ww now, but I honestly don't think it happened this month. I have such a mix of emotions about it, I feel sad and discouraged, but at the same time i think that gives me another month to continue on my diet and exercise and possibly lose a couple more pounds before it happens. The whole reason I want to lose weight is so I can have a healthy and happy pregnancy and baby. My main goal for this week is to drink more water! Hope everyone is having a great week! I promise I'll be more supportive soon~!!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Jalara - I am just on the provera right now to kick start the next cycle - AF should be here anytime between now ( I suppose) and next Wednesday. More than likely next Tuesday/Wednesday BC I'm done w provera on Monday and it takes a day or two for AF to show up but I'm trying to to "bank" on that BC today is CD28 so could be anyday. Then DR has me starting chlomid on CD2. I can see my temp "creeping" up but no real jump so no O again this month but obviously the provera is messing w my temps

    So I was looking at my "stats" and I noticed w the prenatals help me meet a lot of my vitamin goals except calcium. I normally gave yogurt w breakfast but have almost cut out any other dairy BC of the fat/calories so I was thinking about getting some if those calcium chocolates to supplement that....and I'd get my chocolate fix too...anyone else do this?
  • KatyRing
    KatyRing Posts: 84 Member
    jalara- It was a little urgent. My old OB wasn't doing anything for me even tho i had been bleeding for 2 months and my cramps were so severe that I ended up in the ER. So I switched to a highly reccomend ob who took one look at my ultrasounds, saw ym very cystic ovaries and said "lets so a D&C, laprascopy and ovarain drilling in 3 days." So yeah, but i tell ya what my spotting finally stopped my cramps are gone and i feel soo good.
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    Katy- I am so glad you're ok and that they got that taken care of! that is no fun! It must be great to be back to normal.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    So I was looking at my "stats" and I noticed w the prenatals help me meet a lot of my vitamin goals except calcium. I normally gave yogurt w breakfast but have almost cut out any other dairy BC of the fat/calories so I was thinking about getting some if those calcium chocolates to supplement that....and I'd get my chocolate fix too...anyone else do this?

    I did that for a while. Don't set yourself up though--it's not chocolate. Or a great substitute. Also, just remember, they are like, 30 calories or something each, so you gotta log it. So I tried them, and then decided that I'd rather have the 30 calories to eat some other way and went back to a pill. I still have some and I eat one every once in a while, but it did nothing for my chocolate cravings. Sorry to be a downer about that---it sounds like a perfect solution doesn't it? (Maybe you'll be different and it'll work for you!)

    AFM: I'm starting to get "over" the result hump. Few less episodes of teary eyes catching me, and hopefully I"ll just have myself together enough to have a polite rather than rude answer if anyone asks about another kid at the family reunion. "Why do you ask?" is my current favorite. And depending on their answer I will decide whether to share my circumstances with them in a very loving manor, or say something that will make them feel horrible for asking in the first place. Haha.

    I just wish my eating/exercising motivation would come back. It hasn't. I had a chicken and broccoli stromboli for lunch. Not the best choice...but I gave myself points for the broccoli--all three bites of it in there, haha. I've decided that I"m just going to cruise through the family reunion--try not to do too much damage, and then set some concrete exercise, etc goals when I get back. My heart just isn't into it yet, and I don't feel like setting myself up for a massive failure. (Already had enough of that this week.)

    Thanks for all the cyber hugs ladies--it helps--it really does.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Thanks Karen! I was wondering how "chocolatey" they actually were - i don't mine the 30 calories too much if I can get more calcium from it than from 90-130 calories of skim/1% milk! I think I'm going to try it and son had tried them before (he mistook them for real chocolate a few months ago at a friends house) so worst case he will eat them and get his calcium for the day :-) glad you're feeling better and ready for anything the reunion might bring!

    I have made a new RL friend who has been dealing w unexplained infertility and she starts her first round of clomid this week. Do you believe her dr prescribed clomid before having her temp at all! Her doc said as long as she's getting positive OPK's than she's fine! I couldn't beleive it! So I gave her some good info (stuff she had never heard of and has been TTC for a year!!!) so hopefully she and I will be BFP buddies this month! (along side a few of you....I think were due for some)
  • sandyfeet10
    sandyfeet10 Posts: 280 Member
    Has anyone had an antibiotic affect their cycle when NOT on bc pills?? I took "z-pack" and my period was 10 days late! I got excited thinking this could be it, but then I got my period.

    I tried doing a little research on antibiotics and cycles, but there's not much unless you're on BC pills.